Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1) Page 35

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Behind them, as the cabs started to leave, Artoo saw Captain Ric Olié and his crew coming down the ramp and handed over their prisoner Aurra Sing to the Supreme Chancellor’s Republic Sentinels.

  * * *

  The Lady Sarc Crimos and Darth Maul stood inside the Scimitar facing the holographic projection of their master Darth Sidious.

  “I’m beginning to lose faith with the both of you.” their master growled menacingly.

  “I will not fail again my Master.” Darth Maul bowed.

  “Let me just kill the bitc…” Crimos exclaimed.

  “Silence!” Sidious snapped angrily at her. “You have repeatedly disappointed me Crimos. I am now seriously considering your termination.”

  “I follow you only to the extent of my own whim. I am not your apprentice Lord Sidious, nor your hitman.” Crimos snarled, Darth Maul gave her a warning look but the former Nightsister ignored him.

  “You delude yourself to think you act in your own volition.” Sidious chuckled, “I will give the two of you one last chance. Return to Naboo and help the Viceroy destroy the resistance and decimate Otoh Gunga, they finally located the hidden city. No more lose ends.” Sidious ordered.

  Crimos nodded and left without a word, Darth Maul bowed and did not move. The door closed behind him and the Zabrak finally look up and met the Dark Lord’s gaze.

  “Your lady friend is a loose-cannon. She is no longer of any use to me. I leave her to you.” Darth Sidious said.

  Maul answered a millisecond slower than the other Sith expected, “Yes, my Master.”

  “Is there hesitation somewhere in that yes of yours?” Sidious seemed to loom even closer at his apprentice.

  “There is none, my lord.” Maul said at once.

  “I sense a deep battle raging within your mind Lord Maul, I wonder if your feelings for this matter are clear.” Darth Sidious asked.

  “I am open to you my Master.” Maul said.

  “Or so you said. Now be gone.” Sidious snorted.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo rolled to the wide transparisteel window and looked out at the sprawling megalopolis before him. His photoreceptor took the sights in and stored it in his memory cells.

  He felt a certain kinship with Coruscant. Artoo Detoo regarded the planet as a haven for his kind, a technological marvel that comprises of two worlds in perfect co-existence, biological and mechanical.

  Hoff Siege came out of the shower and was drying his hair when he saw the droid looking out at the cityscape.

  “Marvelous isn’t it?” Hoff commented and Artoo beeped in agreement.

  “The Queen is getting ready to address the Senate. I am assigned to escort duty. Sabé will be here with Yané and Fé to rest, don’t wander off, this is a big city, a planet city, I’ll be damned if I have to search for you in this rock.” Hoff smiled as he went to his room to get dressed.

  Artoo was half attentive but his auditory receptor have heard it and stored it in his command database.

  Artoo thought of Anakin and tried to contact the boy in his designated room but there was no answer. The droid moaned and surmised that perhaps Annie was still at the Jedi Temple with Master Qui-Gon Jinn and padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  Hoff came out of his room dressed in his neatly pressed Naboo pilot’s uniform, “See you later Artoo.”

  Artoo acknowledged and return his gaze on the window. Across the obsidian tower straight ahead he saw a flash of explosion and spotted a familiar ship hovering by the outside firing at that building’s wall.

  Artoo zoomed in on his scopes and took a visual match search in his ship models and IDs database.

  A match came out at once. It was the Jaster’s Legacy. Artoo squealed in surprise and hurried to the terminal socket in Hoff’s room and logged in there and drew a record of that building.

  It was called The GRID, the Galactic Republic Intelligence Division.

  Artoo groaned in realization, it was where the Sentinels have taken Aurra Sing and the traitor Jace Muga, he remembered overhearing Hoff and Panaka talking about it when they were ushered here in this room earlier.

  Artoo rushed to the blastdoor but as he was about to tap the control locks, it slid open and three Royal Handmaidens stepped in.

  “Hello Artoo, where are you going?” Sabé greeted him.

  Artoo beeped a quick reply and hurriedly rolled out on the corridor towards the turbolift.

  Artoo came out on the vast Senate Plaza and saw the Jaster’s Legacy already climbing up in the sky and escaping.

  The droid moaned, and realized what he just did, his logic circuits were at a loss to provide him a plausible explanation as to why he rushed out of their quarters and intended to head off towards the GRID.

  Artoo was confused, why would he do that? Even if he did get there, what could he possibly do against a pair of Mandalorian and former Jedi bounty hunters?

  The standard protocol for such illogical dilemmas is a summary memory wipe and a thorough reprogramming. To Artoo’s own surprise, a large part of him decided against such options.

  Artoo swiveled his dome and his gaze rested on the gargantuan mushroom shaped Galactic Senate Building. The exterior of the building was highly distinctive and aside from being massive, it was also surrounded by an expanse of leveled parks making it even more prominent in every angle.

  Artoo rolled across the Senate Plaza, on the other side of the ground traffic lane at the eastern side of the Senate building were the infamous Garden of Equality and across it, the Garden of Justice.

  There Artoo could discern a heavy presence of Republic Guards and Commandos milling about. He could also identify uniformed private guards of various Senators and Republic Officials here and there.

  Artoo turned around and oriented himself facing the larger and more expansive Avenue of the Core Founders which extends from the Senate Building’s Great Door and outward farther than edge of the Gardens of Equality and Justice.

  Artoo’s musings was interrupted when the comlink Hoff provided him beeped an incoming call.

  It was from Hoff himself. “Artoo, I told you not to wander off too far! Where are you now?” Captain Siege asked.

  Artoo told him he was just outside by the Senate Plaza but decided to tell about seeing the Jaster’s Legacy rescuing Aurra Sing later.

  “Alright then, hurry up and come back here, the Queen has just returned from the Grand Convocation Chamber. Captain Panaka has called for a briefing, Queen Amidala is planning something.” Hoff told Artoo.

  Artoo chirped an affirmative and started his way back into the Senate District.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo scurried back and forth from one side of the table to another as he handed out datapads to the seated humans on one of the many secured conference rooms in the Senate Building.

  A pair of the Queen’s ship crew stood guard by the doorway while Aluva D’asima and Sabé stood on each side of Queen Amidala who seated at the head of the table. Directly opposite her on the other end was Senator Palpatine, seated on his right was his aide Sate Pestage and on his left, another aide Kinman Doriana.

  Beside Pestage sat Captain Hoff Siege and Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other side of the table with Doriana were Captain Panaka and Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. The rest of the Queen’s Royal Handmaidens stood even spaced around the conference room.

  Artoo move to stay beside the wall where Anakin Skywalker sat in silence. The boy’s mood was somehow sullen since he and the Jedi got back from the Jedi Temple. Artoo tried to ask him earlier but Annie won’t say a word. Artoo guessed that the boy wasn’t accepted by the Jedi Council.

  “Where’s Padmé?” Anakin leaned to whisper at Artoo. The droid silently beeped a reply telling him that she must have gone to their ship. Anakin once again looked around at the faces of the Handmaidens and his gaze rested for a second to the Queen herself, then he shrugs and stayed quiet. Artoo faced the group and began recording.

  “Senator Palpatine, I am thankful for your help but with t
he way the Senate is acting on my request…” Queen Amidala started to say but Palpatine raised a hand to speak.

  “I understand Your Highness. I assure you that things will be moving faster now that I have been nominated to replace Supreme Chancellor Valorum…” Palpatine beamed but Queen Amidala returned the favor and interjected.

  “And who are the other nominees?” the Queen asked.

  “Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan, although, the vote was intended for his predecessor Bail Antilles, most of the senators did not yet know that Bail Antilles has retired and was replaced by the Prince of Alderaan.” Kinman Doriana answered.

  “The other one is Senator Asks Moe of Malastare.” Sate Pestage added.

  “Her Majesty, the voting will start tomorrow and I assure you that we have the sympathy vote. I will be Supreme Chancellor.” Palpatine smiled at her.

  “Congratulations.” Queen Amidala said flatly, “I’m afraid it would be too late for our people by the time the Senate declares you their new leader. Even as we speak a battle rages on across Naboo. Our allies from the private sector and our very own loyalist are starting to lose, they do not have enough weapons and supplies and manpower to last against the numerous army of the Trade Federation. I just learned the Viceroy Gunray has announced to execute one Advisory Council every day starting tomorrow if I don’t sign his treaty. It is a direct affront to our sovereignty and a violation to our rights under the Republic. Your Senate’s lack of response to this is bringing Naboo down to its end. I must find a new avenue of solutions, outside the help of the Republic.”

  “But Your Highness…” Palpatine’s brows creased but a tone interrupted them and the voice of Captain Ric Olié spoke through the speakers.

  “Forgive me for the interruption Your Highness, but we are receiving an urgent holo transmission straight from Naboo.” Ric said.

  “Impossible, the communications are down and only the Trade Federation has access…” Sate frowned but stopped at Senator Palpatine shot him a reprimanding look.

  “It’s coming from our Underground contacts.” Ric specified.

  “We’ll take the call here.” Queen Amidala ordered.

  The one foot holographic projection of Jar-jar Binks and Captain Kiel appeared before them at the center of the table facing the Queen.

  “Your Highness, the underground resistance was forced to retreat out of the cities, the Viceroy has landed thousands more of his droid army, we can no longer withstand such forces.” Captain Kiel said.

  “Dessa other news too Youssa Highness, the Moviana Patriots has also fallen back, dessa lost three fourths of dessa fleet. It will take time for their reinforcements to reach Naboo, time wessa no have.” Jar-jar added.

  “Your Majesty, I suggest you order our… allies to stand down and open for a negotiation. This conflict is getting out of hand.” Palpatine proposed.

  “Otoh Gunga was been decimated as well, thousands of Gungans have been killed in the attack but Jar-jar here has made contact with Boss Rugor Nass, millions of them still got away and are now hiding.” Kiel nodded at Jar-jar to continue.

  “Messa struck a deal with ussa Captain Tarpals. Dessa bosses have agreed to consider an alliance with the Naboo. Only if Boss Nass issa gonna speak with Your Highness in person.” Jar-jar said.

  Queen Amidala stared at the Gungan and Captain Kiel then nodded. “Senator Palpatine, this is your arena. I must return now to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My place is with my people.”

  Palpatine stood up in alarm, “Go back? But Your Majesty, please be realistic. Your life will be in grave danger. They will force you to sign their treaty. You can’t possibly trust this Gungan. He was one of the Chommell Patriots. He is in league with the late Gantu Onu Raltos!” Palpatine protested.

  “I trust the Gungan with my life. I will sign no treaty. My fate will be no different from that of my people.” Amidala stood up and nodded at Panaka, “Captain, ready my ship.”

  The guard crew opened the door as the Queen and her entourage started to leave. Palpatine followed her, “Please, Your Majesty, stay here where it’s safe.”

  Queen Amidala suddenly whirled to face him, Palpatine was startled he took a step back. “No place is safe, if the Senate doesn’t condemn this invasion. It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions. If you win the election Senator, I know you will do everything possible to stop the Trade Federation. I pray you will find a way to restore sanity and compassion to the Republic.”

  Behind the Senator, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan grinned and followed after them. Palpatine turn to face his aides in resignation. Artoo Detoo was the last to leave but as he was making the exit he thought he saw the Senator smiling.

  Artoo shrugs off what he thought he saw, he’s been having glitches all day since they arrived here at the capital.

  Chapter 41: Vergence in the Force

  The airtaxi landed at the public landing pad of the Temple Precinct by the start of the Processional Way leading across the Temple court to the Main Entrance of the Jedi Temple itself.

  “There it is Annie, the Jedi Temple.” Qui-Gon Jinn said as Obi-Wan helped Anakin out of the airtaxi.

  “Wow! It’s so huge!” Anakin gasped. Obi-Wan placed a hand on the kid’s shoulder and smiled.

  “I could let the cab drop us by the entrance itself but I’d rather have you take the long walk from here on the Processional Way, you’d feel more in touch with the Temple that way.” Qui-Gon said as he led Anakin on the long walk. Obi-Wan nodded in agreement.

  “The Jedi Order is as old as the Galactic Republic, for thousands of years the Jedi served as the pillars of stability and order. Much of these you will eventually learn in the course of your training.” Qui-Gon said and nodded at Obi-Wan.

  “This wide avenue we are walking on is called the Processional Way. It marks the long path of discipline and preparation to attain readiness for the Teachings of the Force.” Obi-Wan said to the boy, remembering himself when he first learned about it from Master Yoda.

  “There used to be six magnificent statues lined across this very road. They were the six esteemed Jedi Masters, three of which were Masters Ooroo, Arca Jeth and Odan-Urr…” Qui-Gon indicated the side of the avenue.

  “What happened to them?” Anakin asked.

  “Their statues has been destroyed during the war against the Sith over three thousand six hundred years ago and it has never been rebuilt since then. All that was left are the effigies of the Four Masters, the great founders of the Jedi Order, up there in the end of the Processional Way right before the Main Entrance.” Qui-Gon pointed ahead of them at the four massive statues up in the broad stairs.

  Anakin gawked. “Wizard!”

  “Those are the statues of Masters Garon Jard and Cala Brin, the two Sage Masters, Jedi who focuses on mediation and studies. The other ones were Masters Rajivari and Ters Sendon, the two Warrior Masters, the upholders of the balance of the Force. Much of these and the intricate duties and types of Jedi will be…” Qui-Gon explained as Anakin spoke up.

  “…taught to me in the course of my training,” Anakin gave him a lopsided grin.

  Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan and chuckled lightly, “Precisely.”

  The trio reached the stairs and Anakin saw for the first time how massive the statues were, behind the statues, twelve massive slabs of obsidian mixed with other stones in three rows of four pillars towered before them. Carved at the outer pillars were the same Four Masters.

  A lone dark brown furred Togorian Jedi stood at the center of the Main entrance facing them, his feline features seemed relaxed but Qui-Gon knew it was poised for action at any given time. The Jedi held a two-meter long metal staff, the upper tip of which was in fact a lightsaber.

  “That is Master J’garru. He is our esteemed Gate Master. He oversees the Jedi Peace Keepers tasked to guard and protect the Temple. He is also the head of the Temple Security Force.” Qui-Gon said and bowed to the taller Jedi as they come closer to him.

bsp; “Master J’garru, I’d like you to meet Anakin Skywalker.” Qui-Gon introduced the boy. The Togorian’s eyes moved to regard him but said nothing. Then the large Jedi stepped aside and allowed them to pass.

  “I’ve seen one or two Togorians before back home but not as scary as he is.” Anakin whispered to Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon laughed heartily as they entered the Great Hall.

  Anakin was once again dumbfounded and his jaws dropped in awe at the almost magical interior of the Jedi Temple. The two Jedi patiently waited for Anakin’s initial admiration to pass before proceeding on leading him to the turbolift to the northwestern tower.

  Anakin saw hundreds of Jedi from children younger than him to old ones, from humans to species he had never seen before in his entire life.

  Most of those they pass by bowed and greeted Qui-Gon and some even on Obi-Wan. There were occasions that some Jedi smiled or actually greets Anakin, much to his surprise. By the time they reached the northwestern turbolifts, Anakin’s face was already red from blushing especially from the female ones.

  “What if the Jedi Council doesn’t like me?” Anakin suddenly asked as they waited for the turbolift. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan looked at each other and the younger Jedi answered his question.

  “Anakin, you are the most likable person I’ve ever met.” Obi-Wan said honestly.

  The turbolift opened and Master Dooku came out and was surprised to see his former apprentice.

  “Ah Master Jinn, you have returned.” Dooku beamed, his deep voice partly startled Anakin.

  Dooku smiled at Obi-Wan and ruffled Anakin’s sandy hair and strode off without another word.

  “He seems to be in a hurry.” Obi-Wan said, his voice hinted a touch of regret and Qui-Gon patted him on the back as they got inside.

  “Master Dooku is an eccentric Jedi. He must be off on an urgent mission. Don’t worry Obi-Wan, I will one day get to finally introduce you properly and formally to him.” Qui-Gon smiled and Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly.

  “Master Dooku was Master Qui-Gon’s master.” Obi-Wan said to Anakin when he saw the boy’s confused look.

  “Oh.” Anakin nodded.

  Anakin almost lost his balance as the turbolift rocketed upward, he covered his ears as the pressure mounted but Qui-Gon touched him and somehow the disorientation ceased. Moments later the tube opened into an empty hallway.


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