Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1) Page 37

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “…But, dessa army of maccaneks attacked and destroyed our thousand year old city, killed hundreds of oussa people, young and old. Dessa Gungans are ussa crying for blood… or oil. Wessa gonna fight the army of maccaneks, wessa still number to a million!” Boss Nass finished.

  “That is why we are here Your Highness. We have come for you as equals…” Queen Amidala said but one of the Royal Handmaiden stepped forward which startled most of them except the Queen, the other Handmaidens, Panaka and Hoff.

  “Whossa are youssa?” Boss Nass growled, unsure whether to be angered or not for her interruption.

  “Your Majesty, I am Queen Amidala. This is my protection, my decoy, my loyal bodyguard.” Padmé Naberrie admitted. Qui-Gon, Obi-wan and Anakin looked at each other in disbelief.

  “I am sorry for the deception but given the circumstances I am sure you can all understand.” Padmé explained, “Although our people do not always agree, Your Honor, we have always lived in peace, until now. The Trade Federation and their droid army have destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. If we do not act quickly, all that we held of value will be lost completely.”

  “I ask you to help us. No, I beg you to help us. We are your humble servants. Our fate is in your hands.” Padmé kneeled before Boss Nass. Her company did the same, even the Jedi and the boy. Jar-jar nodded in admiration and faced his leader and kneeled down as well.

  Boss Rugor Nass was astounded and at first unable to speak. When he got the voice, he asked the real Queen, “Youssa no thinking that youssa greater than the Gungans?”

  Padmé shook her head.

  “Hah!” Boss Nass heaved a booming hysterical laugh.

  The Gungan leader shook his massive mouth, his thick cheeks shaking, his drool flying, “Messa like this! Maybe, wessa can be… friends.”

  The real Queen Amidala stood and they all came to each other giving warm greetings and introductions to those who only first met the other.

  Padmé, Boss Nass, the two Jedi, her captains, Nym and his friends, Jar-jar Binks and the other Gungan military and council leaders all went inside the central ziggurat’s rebuilt main hall to discuss tactics and logistics.

  * * *

  “Viceroy, the Queen’s starship got past our blockade, a small fleet of starfighters covered their planet fall. We lost them on the radar.” One of the Saak’ak crew reported.

  “A hundred battleships in your disposal and you can’t even catch one small starship… twice!” Lady Sarc Crimos snorted.

  “From what I’ve heard you failed more than once on Tatooine to get the Queen yourself.” Gunray retorted.

  “Well, will you look at that? This one Neimoidian is evolving ahead of his kind! Viceroy, you’re getting braver by the day.” Crimos narrowed her blue and red eyes. The Neimoidian visibly cringed but composed himself at once.

  “Sir, Lord Sidious!” the tech officer informed them.

  Darth Maul knelt at once, Viceroy Nute Gunray bowed as the image of Darth Sidious appeared but Lady Crimos remained standing.

  The Dark Lord of the Sith saw Crimos’ defiance but ignored her for the meantime and addressed the Trade Federation Viceroy instead.

  “Report.” The image rasped.

  “The Queen’s starship has landed in one of the forests of Naboo. I am now deploying all of our droid army reserves to search the entire planet. I will take no chances now.” Gunray stated.

  “This is an unexpected move for her. Lord Maul, be mindful, the Jedi has gone back with her.” Sidious regarded the Zabrak.

  “More ships have been slipping off the blockade in the past few days. If I count the filed reports there must be a sizable fleet already down there. The Moviana Patriots turned out to have acquired more allies since we murdered their founders in Alderaan.” Crimos added as Gunray gave her a fearful look.

  “And you fail to mention this to me Viceroy?” Sidious growled menacingly.

  “Forgive me Lord Sidious! I only thought they were hardly a threat against our entire droid armada.” Gunray groveled.

  “Another thing Viceroy, the Gungans survived, I told you to eliminate them all!” Sidious snapped angrily.

  “We have surrounded the lake, no one got out!” Gunray exclaimed fearfully.

  “Naboo has a labyrinth of underwater tunnels throughout the planet from surface to core!” Sidious spat.

  “The Naboo has more allies now, Nym’s forces, the Patriots, the mysterious Order of the Sanctuary and two Jedi.” Crimos muttered.

  “Enough! You also have much to answer to me Crimos! This is your last chance to prove your usefulness to me.” Sidious growled at her.

  “Whatever.” Crimos crossed her arms defiantly.

  “Viceroy, they must not succeed, wipe them out, all of them.” Sidious commanded and his image faded.

  “You will take me down to Theed.” Darth Maul said staring straight at the terrified eyes of Viceroy Nute Gunray.

  * * *

  Boss Nass took Jar-jar with him deeper into the jungles of Negotta. The trees there rose up to a hundred feet and their mighty boles and branches were almost intertwined with its neighboring trees, here the thick canopy of leaves hardly allowed sunlight to go through.

  Almost a hundred impressive fambaas were there being fitted with fambaa shields and drum assemblies. Herds of falumpasets, kaadus and even the fierce narglatchs and saw-toothed granks were being tethered and saddled by the swarming Gungan army.

  “Youssa have done well Jar-jar, youssa have join the Naboo and the Gungans together! Messa gonna make you Captain of the ussa Grand Army!” Boss Nass beamed proudly.

  “No, no, no, no okiedey? If youssa gonna give me command then ussa be better off as ussa Bombad General!” Jar-jar shook his head.

  “General? Hah! You ask too much Jar-jar!” Boss Nass laughed.

  “Messa been fighting dessa maccaneks since dessa invasion began! Messa the only Gungan here who has the experience.” Jar-jar grabbed the collars of Boss Nass.

  Rugor and Jar-jar stared down at each other. The other Gungans within earshot stopped at what they were doing and looked at them.

  Jar-jar released his grip on the Gungan leader but did not lower his gaze at him. Rugor brushed his robe and nodded at the outcast then smiled and then laughed.

  “Messa gonna make you Bombad General!”

  “Now that issa what messa saying.” Jar-jar pointed a finger at Boss Nass and the two went to the makeshift tent where Captain Tarpals and Major Fassa were studying a holomap of the Great Plains of Naboo.

  Artoo Ethree highlighted the Gekasoo Creek and the small stream that ran almost half across the central slopes of the Grassy Plains, Major Fassa was pointing out an underground tunnel some fifty feet beneath the ground parallel to the stream.

  Boss Nass informed Captain Tarpals and Major Fassa about the appointment of Jar-jar. Roos and Fassa accepted it easily as if they were already expecting it to happen, they then started to relay to Jar-jar their initial plans and the former outcast reviewed them and adjusted several details and added some of his own.

  Back in the Jafanara Ruins, another war council was in deep discussion. Queen Amidala, the real one, still in her Handmaiden Battle Dress were explaining to everyone inside the conference room about her plan to sneak into the palace and capture the Viceroy in her own throne room.

  Artoo Detoo was called in to show them the holographic layout of Theed and the palace interior.

  Qui-Gon Jinn studied the holomap and conversed with Captain Panaka about all possible entry and exit points in the palace.

  Obi-Wan along with Aluva went down the ziggurat and gathered Nym’s people and theirs and started to divide their troops to confuse the droid army. The young Jedi explained that the first half of the Gungan Grand Army were to draw out as many of the droid ground forces out in the Great Plains while the second half would make themselves seen on the other side of Theed.

  Captains Olié and Siege met with the leader of Vengeance squadron and with the current
head of the Moviana Patriots to plan the aerial defenses and the space assault to the Saak’ak, the Trade Federation flagship contains the droid control computers.

  Retired Captain Maris Magneta had joined Nym’s underground resistance group sometime after the Queen left for Coruscant. Since then he has been an invaluable asset to the fight against the Trade Federation.

  When Magneta learned about the planned execution of the Advisory Council, he along with Reti the Toydarian and a small team of commando infiltrated Theed palace and rescued the Advisory Council.

  Magneta also tried to convince Governor Sio Bibble to come with them but the old man insisted that he should stay to keep the Viceroy at bay from hurting more of their people. The two had argued but Bibble still refused to come so Magneta and his team had no choice but to leave him.

  Today, as they meet under the protective holo-shroud that covers the open expanse of the Jafanara Ruins, Governor Sio Bibble are scheduled to be executed at the main stairs of the Theed palace.

  Artoo Detoo and Obi-Wan Kenobi rejoined the Rescue Unit of Magneta after their meeting with the Diversionary Units.

  “Who will perform the execution? Will the Viceroy himself be there?” Obi-Wan asked Magneta.

  “Our civilian contacts in Theed said the Viceroy had publicly announced that he will supervise the execution but it was the Lady Crimos who would do the deed herself. The people in Theed are required to gather by the palace stairs to watch it.” Magneta replied.

  “It’s the best opportunity for us to get closer. We can mingle with the crowd unnoticed.” Obi-Wan said.

  “I agree Jedi, what do you have in mind for our exit? The entire perimeter of Theed is heavily guarded, since the news of the Queen’s return here the Droid Army has fortified their stronghold on Theed, it’ll be suicide to leave the place at any exit point. They also have erected anti-starship laser turrets in various strategic areas within the city…” Magneta said and uses a laser pointer at Artoo’s projected holomap of Theed City.

  “Sewers.” Obi-Wan took the pointer and indicated the manholes at the sides of the plaza in front of the palace.

  * * *

  “When you left with the Sith, me, Sacey, Feral and Savage were devastated.” Crimos suddenly said as she stood by her room.

  Darth Maul looked at her in silence by the doorway.

  “They didn’t show of course. They’re too tough… or stubborn for that. But I can see the sadness in their eyes. Sometimes I would wake up before sunrise seeing Savage by the top of the messa staring up at the horizon. Feral sometimes comes out of their hut calling for you only to remember that you were already long gone. Sacey… well, you know Sacey.” Crimos smiled at the memories.

  “No.” Maul said.

  “No, what?” Crimos turn around to regard him.

  “No I don’t remember Sacey.” Maul grunted.

  Crimos moved towards him and stop inches before his face, “How about us?”

  “There were no us.” Maul looked away from her pleading eyes.

  Crimos ran her fingers on his cheeks and the Zabrak stiffened at the touch.

  “What has he done to you?” Crimos asked.

  Darth Maul glared at her, “What has to be done. What I should become. What I am. A Sith.”

  “Even a Sith needs someone to love.” Crimos held Maul’s cheeks and made him turn to face her.

  “Love is but a tool. No more.” Maul countered.

  “Then I am your instrument.” Crimos kissed him full in the mouth, hesitantly and then hungrily.

  Darth Maul did not move, did not respond but did not stop her either. Her intensity and passion were too much for the Sith, Maul closed his eyes and old buried memories surged into him.

  He remembered Savage pushing a massive boulder to block the rancor’s exit in the rocky trench a mile from their village. He saw the eager face of Feral impatiently waiting for his spear to be thrown into the throat of the beast. He saw the envious looks Sacey throws at him whenever he was with Crimos.

  And then he remembered Sarc Crimos, kissing her up on the messa under the full moon. Maul allowed the indulgence, just for tonight.

  The blastdoor of Crimos’ room slid shut but no one came out.

  Chapter 43: The Governor’s Rescue

  Governor Sio Bibble sat with his back on the cold ferocrete walls of a cramp prison cell in the temporary prison on the Palace Security Dome at the side of the Theed palace.

  The Lady Crimos has been torturing him for two days now. Most of the nails on his fingers have been pulled off of him. His back had gone numb from her whips, his eyes could barely see now from her beatings. A number of his ribs were broken and he knew there were several internal bleeding all over his body.

  He could feel his life waning and he no longer believe that he would be rescued. The risk would be too great to take, and he perfectly understands it. He knows he is not worth the risk. His value is of merely political and bureaucratic only, something that anyone from the Legislative Youth Program can take over.

  He wanted to die, but not the way the Trade Federation has in mind for him. He wanted to go his way. If only he has a bomb so he could take down the Viceroy with him; that would have been very satisfactory.

  Out there, his countrymen are dying fighting for their freedom. He has taken the easier way, naively hoping that the Viceroy can be swayed to stop his invasion and occupation of Naboo by means of persuasion.

  He was a fool to have believed that such thing could solve this crisis. He knows that now, he remembered the frustration and sad resignation on Magneta’s eyes when he refused to come with him.

  He stayed when the Queen escaped. He stayed again when Magneta rescued the Advisory Council. He stayed for nothing.

  He was unable to convince the Viceroy to stand down and open a truce to the Queen, a real truce. No pretentions, no deceptions. Peace.

  The Neimoidians do not know such concept. They were bred to profit, at all cost. Sio learned that the hard way. He winced as his wounds afflicted him again.

  He’s too old for such lessons. He’s too tired.

  He wanted to die.

  The door slid open and bright blinding light streamed inside. He could only see silhouettes and his ears are still ringing, he felt nauseous.

  “You’re despair is so strong I could taste it in my mouth, old man.” A female voice purred. It was Crimos. She was the only female here.

  “Executing me will gain you nothing, witch!” Sio spat at his last word.

  “Patch him up. He must be ready and presentable in five hours.” Crimos ordered the others with her and completely ignored his remark.

  The number of medical droids with their equipments converged on him. The governor struggled weakly and furtively.

  Crimos closed the door and left.

  * * *

  Vana and Rhys were dressed in common Naboo clothing and made their way to the front of the gathering crowd, their weapons concealed under their cloaks. Magneta and Aluva came from the other side of the avenue, the former captain has dyed his hair in gray-white so he wouldn’t be instantly recognized by the crowd, he has served too long in the palace and appeared publicly too often that everyone on Naboo already knew his face.

  Obi-Wan Kenobi came out of the manhole farther down on one of the side alley and quickly made his way to mingle with the incoming throng of people.

  OOM-9 came out of the palace with the governor being held by a pair of B1 battle droids. About fifty of them lined the upper stairs and another fifty below. Up in the roof from the palace itself to the buildings at its side by the avenue to the archway were droid snipers scanning the crowd vigilantly. AATs positioned themselves in every alley flanked each by a dozen battle droids.

  A full squadron of droid starfighters circles Theed, the Viceroy is clearly expecting a rescue attempt. Obi-Wan looked up and saw the Lady Sarc Crimos emerging from the palace entrance, with her is the mysterious Zabrak that he and his master suspected as a Sith.

Last came Viceroy Nute Gunray and he regally displayed his flowing robes and started to address the crowd.

  Vana and the others moved into position as Obi-Wan poised himself to action. Up on the stairs the droids brought Sio Bibble on his knees facing the hybrid Dark Jedi. Crimos stepped forward and ignited her two lightsabers.

  Down on the front row of people, Vana and her team took out their weapons and fired smoke canisters on the stairs above. Out on the sides the other resistance soldiers fired their repeater blasters at the droids above and around the side streets. The rest of the soldier provided cover fire and ushered the civilians to safety.

  Just as Vana and her team fire the smoke canisters, Obi-Wan ran in Force-speed towards Sio Bibble, snatched the old man and carried him in his shoulder and ran back down as Rhys covered his retreat before Crimos’ blades descended for the kill.

  Nym was waiting by the manhole and took the governor as Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and stood alone on the plaza, the crowd receding and his team retreating. The Freeorin’s men came out firing their cannons at the confused droids on the stairs and roofs.

  Darth Maul and Lady Crimos stepped forward as Viceroy Gunray retreated back to the safety of the palace.

  “I will take him down.” Maul hissed but Crimos restrained him.

  “No. He’s mine.” Crimos leaped and landed a few meters before the young Jedi.

  Darth Maul composed himself and held his ground to watch.

  * * *

  “You know I never got to thank you for saving my hide back in Bothawui, years ago.” Crimos said casually as she circles the Jedi.

  “Maybe I should have just let you die then.” Obi-Wan said.

  “You’ve had your chance.” Crimos shrugged.

  “I still have. Besides, you owe me right? Perhaps I should start collecting now.” Obi-Wan countered.

  “You will try.” Crimos braced her footing and raised her blue blade above her head while she leveled her red lightsaber before her eyes.

  “You know how Master Yoda feels about that thinking.” Obi-Wan held his blade in a two-handed grip before him.

  “I never cared much of what that old gnome thinks!” Crimos sprang and her blades struck like lightning on Kenobi’s blade.


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