Culmination (Clandestine Affairs, #3)

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Culmination (Clandestine Affairs, #3) Page 15

by Tessa Teevan

  “This had better be what I am looking for, Gabriella, or it is your lover’s head.”

  When he opens the book and begins to peruse through its contents, warm satisfaction crosses his face.

  “That’s it. That’s all I found, all my father left me to find. If there’s anything else, I don’t know about it.”

  His cold gaze meets mine. “I am familiar with your father’s handwriting—as well as hers—and I believe this is authentic. That being said, one cannot be too careful.”

  He walks towards the fireplace, and just as he approaches, he tosses the book into the flames, where it burns until it’s nothing but ash. All proof of Rafe’s parentage goes up in smoke. Which I think he’ll be grateful for.

  That’s it. It’s over. It’s done.

  Famous last thoughts, of course.

  “Why would you go through all this trouble just to burn the evidence to stake your claim to my child?” Another thought rolls through my mind. “And why kill my parents?”

  Theo’s eyes harden as he holds up two fingers. “Your father made not one, but two mistakes. He thought he was clever. That I wouldn’t find out he’d been accessing files he needn’t have or that he’d been logging any unsavory financial activity that was none of his concern. He got bold, too brave, too confident, and somehow discovered the how to access my personal vault at home. He found the diary, the ultrasound. He knew the truth, and I couldn’t risk him telling Matthews. Not yet. He was too important for what I had planned. In ridding the world of your parents, I was only going after what was rightfully mine.” Dark eyes narrow and gaze intently on my belly. “As I’m doing now.

  “So you see, your father was a traitor. At first, the ledger was of utmost importance. I couldn’t allow it to fall into the wrong hands—especially yours. But when I found out about the baby, that I’d been given a new opportunity to raise the heir I deserve, that became paramount. And, now, I have you to thank for bringing my belongings so dutifully back to me.”

  “You just burned the proof. You’re speaking nonsense.”

  “When the baby is born, that is all the proof I’ll need. And Helene, her father, will have no proof, no claim. Without those documents, I can laugh them out of court if they so much as try to bring on a lawsuit.”

  This man is genuinely deranged, his argument making zero logical sense. He’s also wasting time.

  I fight the urge to turn on my heel and run from the room, but I can’t turn my back on this man. Instead, I steel my nerves and stare down my nose at him, cold determination flowing through my blood.

  “Where is Rafe? I’m not leaving without him.”

  “Oh, Gabriella. You’re not leaving at all.”

  I reel back then narrow my eyes at his cold gaze. “You got what you wanted. You don’t need me here. I want nothing to do with you. I came to you and not the Feds because I’m done with this. Done with you. I just want to get Rafe and leave, and you’ll never have to see us again. Please.”

  It’s in this moment that realization dawns on me. Theo just admitted every single detail of what he did to my parents. What he had planned for me. It was the proverbial seeing the face of your unmasked assailant who can’t risk keeping you alive on the chance you may give him away. Theo never planned on letting Rafe go. He never planned on letting me go. I walked right into his hands, a gift-wrapped package of absolution he didn’t deserve.

  Evil laughter echoes around us. “No, Gabriella, I haven’t, as you said, gotten everything I wanted. There’s so much more to take from you than a measly book.” His eyes dart to my stomach, my hands instinctively covering it in protection.

  I shake my head. “No. You will never touch my baby.”

  Theo’s eyes gleam wickedly. “That is my grandchild, and as such, I can and will. My darling, by the time I’m finished with you, the courts will have no choice but to hand the child over to me. My boys may have been a disappointment. Too much of their mother in them. But as this child won’t have a mother, it won’t matter, now will it?” Curled lips snarl at me. “For once, perhaps I’ll finally have an heir that’s worth a damn.”

  Confusion washes over me. I swallow hard, tightening my hands into a fist, fear and rage battling within me. “You have no claim to the child I carry.”

  I’m confident in that, a feeling that starts to waver at the evil I see in the eyes of the man who holds the power to rip everything I love away from me. Theo sees that confidence and shreds it to bits. His eyes widen slightly before his grin turns wicked. He takes the pistol in his hand and gestures to someone I can’t see behind me. I hear a scuffle then gasp when Rafe’s suddenly between us, on the ground. His face has been cleaned since the photo, but his cheek is still swollen, a purple bruise forming and growing by the second.

  “It’s amazing, my dear, what a type you have. Once I knew you planned to leave Adrian, I had to send in Rafe. He’s always had a softer side. Been more suave. Not so rough around the edges. And you played right into his hands.”

  His words should shock me. That’s the reaction he’s looking for, and I refuse to give in. Instead, I focus on the man before me.

  Rafe groans and gets to his hands and knees. Theo doesn’t move to stop him. He just watches, an eagerness in his eyes I don’t like.

  “Brie.” Rafe’s voice is gruff, gravelly, and it’s killing me not to rush to him. His agonized eyes meet mine. “You shouldn’t have come.”

  My eyes soften. “I had to, Rafe,” I whispered.

  Theo laughs. “Of course you did. After all, it’d be rude to skip out on your own party.”

  I ignore him, not giving him the power he so desperately craves. This isn’t about him. It’s me, Rafe, and the fact that I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t come.

  “Rafe, I couldn’t leave you here. It’s not worth losing you. He isn’t worth losing you.”

  “Enough!” Theo barks. “Stay on your knees, Matthews. Face the girl. I want to see her face when she learns the truth about you. I want to watch as she realizes you weren’t worth a single second of her disgusting devotion.”

  My eyebrows knit together. As if anything this monster could say would change the way I feel about Rafe.

  Rafe’s eyes meet mine, anguish swirling in the deep blue. A storm’s risen and I feel like I’m going to drown.

  Theo continues. “You see, Matthews, Ms. Latham is a little confused. She seems to be under the impression that I have no claim to the child she carries. And here I thought the two of you were so in love you’d told her everything.”

  My eyes don’t leave Rafe’s. “What is he talking about, Rafe?” I ask, my voice catching as I say his name.

  His head falls slightly before he looks back at me, pleading with his eyes. “Brie, I…”

  Theo throws his hands up, waving the gun in impatience. “He’s my son.”

  Those three words send an icy shiver through my veins. It’s as if a steel door closed. The words echo on the marble around us. My eyes widen, and Rafe’s head falls as if in shame.

  It’s one thing to have heard it second hand. It’s quite another to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

  Even though it feels useless, I maintain the charade Rafe had insisted upon, pretending to know nothing about the truth. To make Theo feel more powerful with knowledge he believes only he possesses.

  “Rafe?” I whisper, taking a step forward and reaching a hand towards him while the other rests protectively on my belly. “Tell me it isn’t true. You couldn’t be…”

  The cocking sound of the gun stops me in my tracks.

  When I tear my gaze from Rafe, I gasp at what I see. Theo’s moved directly behind Rafe and has the gun aimed at the back of his head.

  “No,” I breathe, my hand flying to cover my mouth. “Please, no.”

  They say your life flashes before your eyes in life-or-death situations. But nothing prepares you for something like this. Memories of my short time with Rafe rush through my brain and my heart aches when visions of
what our future should be join them. Rafe being sweet, kissing away my tears, promising to protect me from all hurt. Rafe finding me in the water and breathing life back into me. Rafe overjoyed at the news of my pregnancy.

  Rafe holding a blue bundle, his eyes lit with delight as he takes in the sight of our son.

  Rafe at the altar, waiting for me to walk down the aisle towards him and place my hand in his as we become man and wife.

  Theo’s voice tears me away from the vision. “So you see, my dear, I will have claim, with or without your cooperation.” He cocks his head in contemplation as his eyes bore into the back of Rafe’s head. “It’s a shame I won’t know the son that was taken from me. But I’ll make sure the child will be raised in my spitting image.”

  Fierce determination crosses his features, which tells me Rafe’s time is limited. I plead silently with him to do something, to fight, but with me in the room, he won’t risk it. He won’t risk me. I love and hate him for it.

  So, taking matters into my own hands, I step towards Theo.

  “No!” I hiss. “You can’t kill him. You think I’d really hand over what you wanted? Do you think my father was hiding ONLY the diary? Or perhaps you were too blinded in your quest you didn’t even consider he’d keep something else for leverage. Something that could be used against you in case you did exactly what you did. And if so, do you really think I’d just give you evidence against you that you didn’t even know existed? You may think little of me, but I’m not stupid. I am my father’s daughter.”

  Theo’s eyes flash as rage builds in them. His nostrils flare, and his lip snarls. He moves the gun from Rafe and aims it directly at me. “And tell me, Gabriella, how did defying me work out for your father? Or your mother?”

  Fury flows through me. This man, this murderer, wants to take everything from me. I won’t allow it. I will do anything in my power to ensure the safety of those I love. Even if it means bluffing like my life depends on it.

  Because it does.

  I set my chin in defiance and stare into his soulless eyes. “You can’t kill me, either, Theo. Not if you want this child. Shoot me and you’ll lose the baby. We both know Adrian no longer wants anything to do with you, so end me and you’ll have no heir. You’ll have no one. And if I die, the copy of the ledger will be made public immediately. Then you’ll have nothing but a prison cell. If you last that long. Even if you allow us to live, what good is having an heir when your empire crashes and burns all around you?”

  “Adrian is dead. Do not speak his name again!” The rage emanating from Theo is palpable. I know I’m just hit a crack in his armor and I can’t wait for him to crumble to the ground.

  “Adrian is more of a man than you’ve ever been. More than you’ll ever be. From where I’m standing, your sons grew up to be exceptional men not because of you. But in spite of you.”

  I’m not nearly as confident as I manage to sound, fighting an intense urge to flee from this place. I stand firm, waiting for his reaction.

  Theo hisses, points the gun back at Rafe, his eyes locked on me the whole time. “Your father died on his knees, just like this. After seeing his beloved wife gunned down before his very eyes. Shall we repeat history, my dear?”

  My breath hitches.

  Theo smiles with menace. “Oh, yes. How does it feel, Gabriella? Knowing you and your beloved will soon meet his exact fate? You’re only good to me until the baby is born. After that? You’re disposable. Your threats do not frighten me.”

  Rafe meets my eyes, his jaw set tight, and I shake my head, knowing he wants to make a move. I will him to stay still. He doesn’t listen. Just as he whirls around to confront Theo, I hear the most surprising voice of all.

  “No, Father. The disposable one here is you. It’s time you met your fate.”

  Theo’s eyes widen into saucers, the blood draining from his face as he sees the son he believs has risen from the grave.

  Milliseconds later, my ears scream in protest as a single gunshot echoes in the great room. Theo’s body falls to the ground, an echoing thud filling the silence. In the space behind him, Adrian stands with the smoking gun.

  Piercing green eyes meet mine. They soften as his tan Adam’s apple bob up and down while he holds my gaze. He nods, mouths two words, then turns on his heel, and I lose sight of him as Rafe enters my vision.

  He’s covered in blood and bits of brain matter, and he’s staring at me in shock, his face ashen.

  Just as his arms reach out for me, pandemonium breaks out. Rafe pushes me to the ground. At the sound of gunfire, the front door bursts open and men in black swarm in, efficiently surrounding Theo’s men until they’re on their knees with rifles pointed at the backs of their necks.

  “All clear,” a gruff voice calls out.

  Rafe slowly withdraws from me, and I sit up, pulling my knees to my chest, trying to calm my nerves as he moves away from me.

  I glance up just in time to see Agent Howard rushing in, but he stops when he sees Rafe next to Theo’s body. Numbness washes over me as Rafe stares down at the man he just learned was his father. I’m torn between the need to go to him, to comfort him, and knowing he may need space to process all of this.

  “What the hell happened, Matthews? We lost comms and the next thing I heard was a gunshot. I half expected to walk in here and find you on the ground.”

  “He saved my life,” he whispered, more talking to himself than to me or Howard.

  The agent’s eyes met mine. “Who, Matthews? Who saved your life?”

  “Adrian.” Rafe’s gaze cleared as he looked up at me. “My brother.”

  Agent Howard barks out an expletive, then

  Rafe calls my name, and I turn my attention back to him.

  “Did he say anything? Before he left? My ears were ringing. I could barely see him through the blood dripping down my forehead.”

  My eyes meet Rafe’s. “He did. He said goodbye. And then… Then he was gone.”

  IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO go down like this. Brie was never supposed to find Theo, let alone show up on his doorstep with the evidence that would lead to his downfall. Or give them all the fuel he needed to get what he wanted.

  She certainly wasn’t supposed to gamble with her life, bluffing that she had more evidence about Theo’s business dealings.

  And fuck me, I wasn’t supposed to be at the end of Theo’s barrel only to have Adrian swoop in and save my ass before a bullet entered my brain.

  The day shouldn’t have ended the way it did. Brie and I finally found answers, even if they’ve led to more questions. I was restless, eager to take the evidence to Agent Howard, ready to put it all behind us. Brie wanted to wait until the morning. So I pretended to acquiesce and then snuck out after she was sound asleep.

  In hindsight, not the brightest idea. I was preoccupied and hadn’t seen the three thugs waiting to jump me until the last second.

  An hour later, I found myself in the presence of the man who sired me.

  The thing was, he didn’t know I knew. He didn’t realize Brie already knew. He thought he was shocking us with this huge secret, catching us off guard, when in reality we were both prepared for it.

  I just hadn’t been prepared for him to be willing to murder us both.

  I sure as fuck hadn’t been prepared for Adrian to kill his father without a second thought.

  And fuck me, I hadn’t been prepared for the anguish I’d seen on his face as he gave Brie one last look before disappearing.

  But that’s where we are. I’m sitting in Theo’s grand study, his blood and guts on me, holding on to the woman I love more than anything. The woman I nearly lost.

  I catch sight of Adrian just inside the side door. His gaze catches mine, and his chest heaves a heavy sigh. Something passes between us and understanding dawns on me. He’s giving me this. He’s giving me her. He’s giving up.

  I nod, and with one last look, Adrian disappears.

  Agent Howard’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “Where is h
e?” he asks, glancing around.

  In all the chaos of the SWAT team entering, he didn’t see my brother. And in this moment, I give something back to Adrian.

  “He’s gone, Howard. Leave it.”

  Howard’s eyebrows furrow at me. “But, Matthews—”

  “Leave it.”

  Before he can respond, Brie’s arms wrap around my waist, her soft, brown eyes staring up at me.

  “Now I know how you felt that day I nearly drowned,” she whispers, her voice catching as a tear runs down her cheek. “I thought I was going to lose you. God, Rafe.”

  I bring my hands to her face, brushing a tear away with my thumb. “You’ll never lose me, Brie. I promise. The only reason I stayed with the agency as long as I did was to take Theo down. Now that Adrian did it for me, it’s done. I have a family to protect, and I plan on sticking around for a long damn time to watch this baby—and all the ones that come after it—grow up and have their own.”

  Her sleepy smile warms me all the way to my soul. “Let’s get through having this one before we start planning out our brood.”

  A throat clears, and I glance up to see a tight-smiled blond woman peering down at us. “Why don’t we get you two out of here? I think Ms. Latham could use some warm tea and a more comfortable location.”

  I nod.

  And just like that, our moment is over. We’re whisked away from the mansion to the agency’s headquarters in Chicago, where we’re questioned for seemingly endless hours.

  By the time we make it back to the hotel, I can barely keep my eyes open. I power through, mindlessly allowing Brie to strip me down, lead me to the shower, and wash every inch of my skin with her soft, delicate hands, careful to avoid my cuts and bruises. It’s a testament to my exhaustion that I don’t push her up against the shower wall and have my way with her. As much as I want to, I give her space. While she moisturizes and does her nightly routine, I walk out and take a seat on the edge of the bed, breathing in sweet relief for the first time in what feels like forever.

  God. It’s finally over. Finally fucking over. No more Theo. No more Adrian. No more looking over our shoulders, wondering when the other shoe is going to drop.


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