What Happens at a Wedding: A Short Story Anthology

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What Happens at a Wedding: A Short Story Anthology Page 23

by Lucy Gage

  I whimpered and reached for him. I needed his eyes. I wanted to look at him as he put the stars back in my sky. I wanted to feel all of him as the crescendo hit and I screamed his name. I wanted him to swallow my cries of passion when I came again and again.

  I wanted all of that. I wanted forever.

  We’d been silent for the last twenty minutes, the tune of our breathing the only sound. I was certain he’d fallen back asleep…

  “Marry me, Phe.” His raspy request caused my heart to beat in triple time.

  A shuffle of sheets, his naked ass across the room as he dug through his pants pocket.

  He returned not a second later, a small velvet box in his hand. “Will you be my wife? Travel the world with me, have my babies, be my forever?”

  He knelt next to the bed and cracked open the lid.

  I shot straight up, the sheet bundled around my waist as I reached for a shimmery blue stone wrapped in white metal and sparkling diamonds.

  “YES! Oh my gosh, Fletch! Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” I shrieked, excitement and pure unabandoned love expressed in every word of my response. I leapt into his arms, and tackled him to the floor, our naked bodies tangled in the sheets.

  I covered his mouth with mine and kissed him with everything in me as he picked us up so I could properly accept his proposal.

  Fletcher pulled the delicate jewelry from it’s nest and slid the ring on my fourth finger before he kissed each fingertip.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world…”

  A loud bang against the wall interrupted his speech. Another. And another. A steady pounding of wood against wood.

  “Damn, looks like we’re not the only ones celebrating tonight.” He smirked and pulled me to the bed. “Let’s see if we can out-noise them.”

  I giggled and pulled him on top of me.

  I felt the heat of his stare and couldn’t mask my expression quick enough. He knew he guessed correctly and it was on. He closed the distance between us in the small elevator car and wrapped his fingers in my hair. I had worn it down for the wedding, the soft chocolate waves a perfect compliment to the dress Talia had me wear.

  “So, what do I get for guessing your floor?” He leaned into me, his erection pressed against the seam of his slacks and the folds of my gown. “More conversation? Or more of this?” He kissed me soft and slow. The tender slide of his tongue a prelude to the sin he wanted to deliver.

  I pushed him back, breathless. “Where’d you learn to kiss like that?”

  “What do you mean? I have virgin lips.” His grin was anything but innocent.

  “No, you don’t. Virgin lips don’t kiss like that.” I quipped.

  He leaned back in, pulled me closer and whispered against my hair, “Yes they do, you see, because the first time it means something is right here, right now. With you.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine, nuzzled against me, and brushed his lips across my lips. Our breath mingled, a mix of sweet and spicy. It was intoxicating.


  The chime of our floor and opening doors pulled us from the security of the elevator car. Brogen led me down the hallway, our bodies grinding together in a dance of desire. We moved in tandem, our feet in sync as he pressed me against one of the hotel doors.

  “Your room or mine?” He breathed between kisses.

  I opened my eyes and looked at the wall plaque.

  “Mine.” I pointed to the door behind us. “But we have to be quiet, Phoebe’s room is right next door.”

  “Noted.” He agreed.

  I fumbled through my purse for the room key, the need to be touched fueled by the heated gaze of the man who stood before me. His chest heaved and his eyes glowed.

  I pulled the key and swiped.

  Blink-Blink. Red light.

  Swiped again.

  Blink-Blink. Red light.

  “Come on!” I spat. “Just my fucking luck, the keycard doesn’t work!” I flung it against the door and turned to face the man chuckling behind me.

  “What?” I pouted. “I know I’m not alone in this.”

  He held up my “keycard”.

  L-I-B-R-A-R-Y C-A-R-D

  I let out a nervous laugh. “Whoops.” I reached into my bag and pulled the correct card. I double checked it was the hotel card and swiped.

  Blink-Blink. Green light.

  “Yes!” I fist-bumped the air and opened the door.

  Immediately we were shrouded in darkness as Brogen closed the door and turned me around to press against it.

  “May I take off your dress?” He asked, his voice seductive and warm against my cheek.

  I swallowed hard and nodded.

  The zipper slid down and felt a whoosh of fabric as he pulled the straps from my shoulders. Distracted by the man before me, I stepped out of the pool of flowers and lace. Wearing nothing but a blush-pink thong and gladiator sandals, I found Brogen’s shirt covered chest in the dark. Deftly working buttons and simultaneously pushing both the jacket and shirt off his body, my fingers found the warmth of his sculpted torso. Smooth to the touch and hot despite the coolness of the room, I explored every ridge and valley. Led by only one of my senses I closed my eyes. His breath was heavy and needy, and his hands roamed the canvas of my skin. Familiarizing.

  We were dancing in the dark. Our bodies moved in a steady rhythm timed by our raging heartbeats. Whatever he and I were, in that moment, we were the same…and I wanted him. All of him. All over me.

  “Let’s take this horizontal.” He joked, slicing the tension of our desires and pulled me to the bed.

  He laid me down, my hair fanned above me like a dark halo.

  “You’re stunning.” He murmured through the inky night of the space. The whir of the air conditioning the only other noise. He crawled up my body, his slacks rough against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. His eyes leveled mine as his body covered and caressed every inch of me.

  “I have one more question.” He cooed.

  “Yes. What ever the question is, the answer is yes.” I replied. Impatience crept its way into my headspace and I reached for his belt.

  Strong hands pulled my wrists overhead.


  I tilted my head. Listened.

  A shriek sounded from the room next door, Phoebe’s room.

  “What was that?” I asked, alarmed. She was supposed to be alone, sleeping. “Let me up, Brogen. That was my sister.”

  He rocked into me, his eyes begged me to trust him. “Shhh…she’s fine. I promise.”

  I tried to listen further but heard nothing.

  “I really should check on her.” I tried again, but my request was silenced with a sweep of Brogen’s tongue and the warm caress of his lips.

  He held my wrists and licked a trail down my body from the hollow of my throat, between my breasts, to my navel where he swirled and dipped before descending lower still…

  “Ahhh!” I arched, moaned and dug my heels into the bed. I pushed back until my head hit the headboard.

  “Ouch!” I rubbed the point of impact and laughed. “I’m not really good at this, sorry.”

  Golden eyes met my insecure gaze and smiled. “I guess we’re both virgins tonight.”

  I laughed and kicked up again, my head hitting the frame. “Ow!”

  Brogen grabbed a pillow and placed it between me and the offending wood. Then he kissed me. The full weight of his body pressed mine into the mattress. I felt secure and desired like I’d never felt before, so I fell.

  Slowly, he started to rock into me. The tempo of his tongue dipped in time with each press of his body against the cradle of mine. The motion set the pace with a steady thump of wood against wood.

  We were making art in the dark. A midnight tango, one dance I never wanted to end.

  I awoke the next morning, sated and sore. I stretched underused limbs and rolled toward the source of my aching. Black curls furled
across a tan forehead, dark lashes fanned over two-day stubble, and deep pink lips rested in slumber. The man next to me was truly beautiful.

  I tenderly swept his hair back, his skin smooth and sunkissed, the color of my favorite latte.

  Gilded irises appeared behind sleepy eyes, “Morning, beautiful.” Brogen’s voice was even sexier in the morning.

  “Morning.” I echoed as he pulled my hand to his lips and delivered open-mouthed kisses to my palm. “What was the question you wanted to ask me last night before…” I batted my own lashes, “well, you know.”

  One more kiss to my wrist and he sat up. “Let’s get dressed.” He avoided my baffled expression and pulled on his slacks. The way his muscles moved was distracting, so I shook my thoughts free and grabbed a t-shirt and jeans from my luggage. I headed to the bathroom to freshen up when I heard a knock at the door.

  “Coming!” I yelled. Spit toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out, I shut the faucet and headed to the door. I pulled the t-shirt over my head and twisted the lock free. I peeked through the hole but it was covered.

  “Who is it?” I asked before opening the door.

  “It’s Phoebe, nerd. Open the door!” Came my sister’s reply.

  I swung the door wide and there she was. My mirror image, dressed in a flowered skirt and tank top. Night and day, dark and light, that was us.

  “What’s up, Phoeb’s, you okay?” I asked, looking around for signs of Brogen. I knew he hadn’t left, I flicked the deadbolt.

  She couldn’t contain her excitement, the expression on her face was enough to light the entire city.

  She threw her hand toward me, a shining blue stone on her ring finger.

  “I’m getting married!” She squealed.

  “Huh? What? Did you just say you’re getting married?” I examined the rock on her hand. “To who? I didn’t even know you were dating after…” the words dissipated in my mouth as Fletcher came into view.

  “Oh. My. Goodness! Fletcher?!?” My voice rose a few octaves, surprised was an understatement. “How did you? What are you? WOW!” I was reduced to single word sentences.

  Phoebe jumped up and down, her arms wrapped around her blond demi-god of boyfriend who’d been gone for months…

  “He surprised me last night! In the elevator!” There was no mistaking the joy in her voice, on her face. My sister was a woman in love with love. And the man of her dreams just gave her every desire of her heart.

  In that moment, I felt my own heart soften.

  Brogen turned the corner.

  “Hey, what’s up man!” Fletcher called over my shoulder. More than recognition in his greeting.

  I looked over at my own dark demi-god and silently questioned.

  “Surprise?” Brogen shrugged.

  I looked between the three of them, knowing expressions on everyone’s face but mine.

  “Someone want to tell me what’s going on?” I huffed.

  “Don’t get mad, Nor.” Phoebe grabbed my hands and pulled me to her. “Brogen and Fletcher are business partners.” She started to explain the ruse in place to surprise her.


  This was all just an elaborate plan to bring Phoebe and Fletcher back together?

  “Well, isn’t that just lucky for you.” I hissed. “I’m so glad you got your happy ending, sister. I guess I just needed to be out of the way, so you could get what you’ve always wanted. Screw me and my feelings.” I felt my body start to shake, I was losing control and I knew if I didn’t get away from that trio of liars, I would say something I would regret.

  I pushed past the happy couple in the hallway and headed for the stairs, the elevator was now a soured memory I didn’t wish to relive.

  The door slammed open from the force of my push and a I took the steps as fast as my feet would carry me.

  Second Floor.


  I pushed into main lobby, my hair swirled in a tangled mess as I surveyed the area. I glanced at the elevators and noticed one opening.


  Still dressed in his clothes from the night before, he spotted me and jogged to catch up. I turned toward the front doors, hellbent on getting outside. Anywhere to be away from the embarrassment that was my life.

  “Wait! Norah, please!” Brogen called after me, his steps swallowed the distance between us and I felt the warmth of his grip on my wrist.

  I yanked away from his hold and whirled around to face him. My hair was wild and sex-mussed, but I didn’t care. I was humiliated.

  “Can you stop for a second, please?” He asked, his hands up in surrender. “I was always meant to meet you. I was the surprise. Not Fletcher…well, yes Fletcher. But, no. It was me. Bishop has been talking about you for months, he couldn’t wait for you and I to meet.” His eyes once again implored my trust.

  “I swear, Norah. Everything you felt—everything you feel, it’s real. I feel it too.” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. The pounding of his heart matched the racing in mine. The same. He and I. Once again, in that moment, it was just us.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me?” I demanded.

  “I would have.” He started. “But then your sister fell on me and the whole plan went to hell in a handbasket.” He pulled us closer. “Talk about dumb luck, huh? I came to meet one sister and catch another but end up falling for the one I came for.”

  I searched his expression for any form of deceit but found none. Raw honesty, underlying desire, and the promise of more than just a wedding…and I couldn’t wait to explore it all.

  “So, you never answered my question last night.” He kissed my neck, “Do you like weddings?”

  I laughed.

  “I can’t say I’m a fan.” Came my reply. “But I’m willing to suffer through one or two…with you.”

  That time he laughed. “As long as you promise to dance with me.”

  He twirled me away and back into his arms, then dipped me. Right there in the hotel lobby.

  This time I welcomed it, I let myself fall.

  And as luck would have it…he caught me.


  Vanessa Morse is happy wife and busy mom of three teenage boys. With a passion for books, she started writing at a young age but has only recently published. When she’s not buried in the pages of a book, you’ll find her kicking ass in one of her Barre classes or holding her husband’s hand while watching whatever activity her boys have going on.

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorvanessamorse

  Twitter: @CrumbVWWB

  Amazon Author Page: http://tiny.cc/authorvanessamorse_amazon

  Halfway Gone

  Copyright © 2018 by Tessa Teevan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  “You!” hissed the pretty brunette with stunning whiskey-colored eyes currently narrowed in my direction.

  Typically, I’d back away from a woman with such scorn in her gaze, especially when aimed sorely in my direction, but this girl? She had no clue I’d been searching for her for months and fuck me, she just fell right into my lap.

  “Me,” I affirmed, tossing her a smile, my heart swelling at the sight of her.

  Those narrow eyes suddenly widened, and she shook her head, pointing a finger at me. “Oh no. Don’t you think you can go throwing off that sexy smile and I’ll swoon all over again just at the sight of you. I learned my lesson.”

  She called me sexy. I suppressed a grin and took her
hand, bringing it to my lips, briefly kissing her delicate skin before she yanked it away. No problem. It was obviously going to take some convincing, but I knew I’d do anything in my power to have this woman in my bed. Back in my bed.

  Alyssa’s sister, Ariana, and my cousin, Branson, walked up at the precise second effectively ending our little showdown. Ari’s eyes darted back and forth between her seething sister and me, a puzzled expression on her pretty face. Branson, however, was watching us with abject amusement. My cousin. He knew me all too well. I’d told him about the one, and not nearly enough, incredible night Alyssa and I had spent together over spring break. I just hadn’t known her sister was his new fiancée.

  Branson made the introductions, and when his fiancée introduced me to her sister, Alyssa played it off as if I was of no consequence. I chuckled and leaned down for her only to hear. “Should I tell her I already know you? Intimately?”

  She gasped, glaring at me. “Be quiet,” she hissed. “It doesn’t matter. She already knows we’ve met before.”

  Though I was extremely curious about what she may have told her sister, I decided to let her have her way. For now. I wouldn’t push. Not yet. Not now that she was finally, thank fucking god, back in my life. Whether she liked it or not.

  “Shall we?” I asked, offering my crooked arm, my slacks already tightening at the thought of her skin once again on mine.

  Instead, she elbowed me, leaned in, and whispered, “I may have fallen for your charms once before, Shane Wellington, and it burned me. It will never happen again. What you and I had? It was practically over before it began. Oh!”

  That last little syllable from the spunky beauty was muffled as I pulled her close to me, our chests touching, and lowered my lips to taste her once again. She was everything I’d remembered, sweet, passionate, and from the way her lips parted to allow my tongue entrance, I knew she was still mine, no matter how much she wanted to deny it.


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