Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2)

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Purr For Me: Bad Boy Autos (Drive Me Wild Book 2) Page 16

by Bronwen Evans

  “I didn’t realize you liked my design work so much.”

  His expression sobered. “At the risk of sounding like a wuss, this place is precious to me, Lexie. There’s no way in hell I’d accept inferior work here. Ever. Your work is the best I’ve ever seen, and it’s getting noticed. It will bring in more business.

  “You deserve that raise and a work office where you can design your ass off. And whatever clients you bring in, you’ll get a commission on. I haven’t run the numbers yet, but we can figure that out later.”

  Marcus’ praise and friendly attitude with Lexie was so strange, she was certain she’d been transported to a parallel universe where everything was opposite to this one. Fringe on steroids, she thought. Between that, the pay raise and the check he’d handed her, Lexie couldn’t hold back her emotions.

  She clutched the check to her chest as tears flooded her eyes and she tried to speak. However, she couldn’t even manage a whisper. Holding up the check, she nodded and gave a thumbs-up sign before a sob slipped out. She could pay off most of her debts if this kept up.

  Marcus’ black eyebrows knitted, and he put his hands on his hips. “Why are you crying? You don’t cry. At least, I’ve never seen you cry. I don’t like it. Stop it.”

  Laughter bubbled up to mingle with her tears over his reaction. A huge hiccup escaped her, and she covered her mouth to muffle another one.

  “Damn it.” Marcus tentatively embraced Lexie as though she were a bomb he expected to explode at any moment.

  This further amused Lexie, making her sobs change over completely to laughter. But she put her arms around his waist, grateful beyond words to Marcus for his generosity. It seemed like he wasn’t the complete tool she’d thought.

  Marcus gave her a squeeze before releasing her and holding her at arm’s length. “Well, at least you’re not crying anymore. You okay?”

  Lexie nodded and used the sleeve of her overalls to wipe away her tears. “Sorry. It’s just that you don’t understand how much this means to me. It’ll go a long way towards paying off my bills. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, but I want to clarify that I’m not doing this out of pity. You earned it. I always reward good work,” Marcus said.

  Back in control, Lexie smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. I wouldn’t take the money if I thought you felt sorry for me.”

  Marcus grimaced a little. “Well, I’m sorry that you had to put up with a scumbag like Jason for so long, but I don’t pity you. He’s an idiot for not appreciating what he had, but it’s nice that Kade does.”

  “What do you know about that?” Lexie narrowed her eyes. “Has Tom been talking to you about me?”

  “No, but I have eyes, Lexie. I see how he looks at you every time he comes here. It’s easy to see he’s really into you. Kade’s a good guy. He’s a straight shooter and he doesn’t play games. Besides that, he’s responsible and has a good work ethic.”

  Lexie laughed. “Are you trying to sell me on him?”

  Marcus shrugged. “No, just telling you what I think.”

  “All right. I’ll take that under advisement. And I’ll add that Stella’s a great woman, too.”

  “Stella? What’s that mean?”

  She smiled, loving being back in the driver’s seat with Marcus. “Sssh. I’ll keep your secret. I saw you kissing her a few nights ago.”

  “You must have been mistaken.”

  “Nope. Don’t worry, I’ve told no one.”

  “Good. Just mind your business.” He made a shooing motion. “Okay, back to work.”

  Lexie thanked him again and went to her locker. Before she stowed the check that Marcus had given her in her backpack, she looked at it for a few moments. Both the check and the raise were life changing for her. And Jason wouldn’t get his hands on any of it. He had no right to it.

  A wave of panic hit her, and she suddenly needed to have Tom deposit it in her secret account right that second. Then she berated herself for being so silly. It could wait until after work.

  Her excitement returned as she realized her money woes were closer to being over, thanks to Marcus.

  Unbidden, Kade came to mind, and she felt a strong impulse to call him, to tell him the fantastic news. He was the first person she wanted to tell.

  “You gonna come help me with that Chevy or stand here daydreaming all day?”

  Coming back to herself, she looked up at Sully. “Yeah, sure.”

  An amused glint entered his eyes. “‘Yeah, sure,’ you’re going to come help me, or yeah, sure,’ you’re gonna daydream some more?”

  Lexie laughed and closed her locker. “I’ll help you. I have to make sure you don’t screw up that carburetor.”

  “Listen, I’ve been fixing carburetors since before you were out of diapers.”

  “I know, Silver Fox, but older doesn’t always mean better.”

  “When it comes to me, it does.”

  Bursting into laughter, Lexie followed him back to the garage.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kade found a parking spot down the road from the bank. He couldn’t wait to get the cabin back for Lexie. He knew how much it meant to her. The way her eyes shined when she spoke of her time there with her mother’s boyfriend Nick and her mother, Clara. He wished he could have met her mother.

  His hand was on the door handle when his mobile rang. About to send it to voice mail, the number on the screen saw him pressing answer instead.

  “Hi, Kade. Long time no see.”

  “How are you, Charlie?” His mouth firmed. What could Charlie Erickson want with him? He hoped he hadn’t heard about the story Kade was about to sell to a major newspaper in LA. It would probably lead to an FBI investigation into the Erickson racing team.

  “I’ve been better. A little birdie tells me you have some information that you shouldn’t have. It will get nasty if that information ever sees the light of day.”

  “A story is never nasty if it’s the truth.”

  “Tsk, tsk. Don’t you know that sometimes the truth hurts? Take your little visit to the bank today. I wouldn’t bother getting out of the car.”

  He peered through the windscreen and let his gaze sweep the streets. Was Charlie spying on him?

  Charlie continued. “I already bought your girlfriend’s lovely little cabin from the bank.”

  Kade’s blood ran cold. “What? You’re lying. She has until five p.m. today.”

  “Whoops, the bank foreclosure documents said five p.m. yesterday.”

  “They bloody did not.” Kade gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles went white. Somehow Charlie had managed to fraudulently change the date on the foreclosure documents. That would never stand up in court, but now it would be a huge ugly fight. Lexie didn’t need this. “What do you want?”

  “Give us the evidence you have and we’ll sell you back the cabin.”

  At an exorbitant price, no doubt. He was about to agree. He could always write his story another time. Wait for a few months and gather more evidence.

  Then Charlie said, “And you’re going to do the next delivery over the border for us. And we’ll have the evidence of you doing it. You can’t write a story that implicates yourself. Try explaining that away. You’d be ruined.”

  He wished he had a punching bag in the car with him, or better yet, Charlie’s smug face. There was no way in hell he would do that. The Erikson’s had underestimated him. He would not let Lexie lose the cabin this way, no matter how much it cost him to fight this.

  “Don’t wait too long to decide. I might feel like selling the cabin,” and then the phone went dead.

  He rested his head on the steering wheel. Shit. What was he going to tell Lexie? He wasn’t stupid. No way would he agree to take stolen parts across the border for the Ericksons. If he was caught—and he wouldn’t put it past the Ericksons to make that happen—life as he knew it would be over. He’d be in jail. His hand went to his phone to call his lawyer. Could they investigate the fraud with the bank? The
re must be a money trail on which staff member they’d paid off.

  Once he’d finished talking to his lawyer, and started the process of investigation, he knew who he had to see—Lexie.

  Lexie would understand what had just happened. Or would she blame him? Another Colter had stuffed up. He’d underestimated the Erickson's and potentially cost her the one thing he’d promised to protect—her cabin. His lawyer said it would take a long time to fight this and by then they could have sold the cabin to anyone several times over. Even if they won the case, it’s likely she’d only receive compensation, not the cabin.

  Lexie was expecting the cabin ownership papers to be in her hands tonight. What was he going to do now?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After work, Lexie got in her Jeep and took her phone out of her backpack. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she tried to decide whether to call Kade or pop by his place.

  She missed Kade. Silly really, she’d only seen him that morning.

  A smile spread over her face as she realized that falling in love again didn’t scare the shit out of her anymore. She wouldn’t rush into it, but there was no reason not to enjoy being with Kade in the meantime.

  Her smile faded when she thought about the fact Jason would not sign the papers, yet he wasn’t coming at her for anything. He wasn’t begging her to come back to him. He wasn’t asking for money. What was he up to?

  His silence made her nervous. Perhaps he was expecting Kade to pay up. He had the money. And really, brothers looked out for each other. She could hardly blame Kade for wanting to help Jason get back on his feet. Kade wasn’t stupid enough to give Jason money without ensuring he didn’t go back on the drugs.

  She’d go home and have a long, hot bath and plan a surprise trip for Kade up to her cabin. He should have paid back the money this afternoon. With her recent promotion and the chance at commission on her work, she’d make a plan with Kade to pay back every penny. It would be easier with no interest. A trip to the cabin would be good for both of them. It would be wonderful to share her memories of the only happy place she’d lived after her mother got out of rehab.

  She’d been fifteen, and they’d moved up there after they’d released Lexie from foster care. They had a wonderful twelve months living by the lake before her mother got sick. Nick, her mother’s partner, the man who’d helped her get clean, had stood by them both.

  It had taken her mom another twelve months to die. Only Nick kept Lexie sane, and he helped her get a job working on cars. He’d given her the bug by letting her work on his Chevy. He was the one who’d told her she had a natural talent with engines and helped her get started. It was Tom who got her a job working on the racing circuit.

  She smiled at the memory. Tom had thought she was hot, and he’d only given her a job because he’d wanted to get into her pants. But they soon realized their friendship was more important than a quick fuck. Plus, Tom said he didn’t want to lose a great mechanic.

  Nick died in a car accident two years ago, and now the cabin was hers. She couldn’t wait to share the beautiful spot by the lake with Kade. She hoped he wouldn’t think the cabin too rustic.

  Suddenly, she didn’t want a bath. She wanted Kade. She wanted to share today with the man who was slowly owning her heart.

  “This is a nice surprise,” he muttered as he opened the door to her. She merely launched herself into his arms and kissed him. He kissed her back, and the urgency in his touch sent her pulse racing.

  With a primal growl that sent shivers through her, Kade claimed her lips, urging them apart as he slammed the door shut behind her with his foot. Lexie gave in, gliding her tongue against his in a sensual dance. She moaned when he pulled her hips tight against him, fitting her body to his.

  His growing erection rubbed against her stomach, and the urge to touch him was too much to resist. Slipping a hand between them, Lexie found the button on the waistband of his jeans and undid it.

  When his hand halted hers, she looked up in surprise. “I have something I need to tell you first.”

  She pressed a kiss to his lips to silence him. “It can wait. I need you.”

  She slid her hand inside, fondling him through his underwear. Sex with Kade was amazing, but feeling and seeing the evidence of how much she excited him was one part she loved most. She didn’t like to admit it, but she needed that validation.

  “Wait. We have to—”

  “It doesn’t feel like you want to talk,” judging by how hard he was. His cock jutted towards her as though it yearned for her touch. She supposed it did, because the rest of Kade seemed to. On a groan he gave in.

  His hand fisted in her hair and the other was working its way up under the back of her t-shirt. Her skin broke out in goose bumps and her nipples pebbled against his chest when she felt his warm palm connect with her bare back.

  Kade dragged his lips from hers, leaving her dazed and breathless. “I want you. Now.”

  Her arousal grew stronger as she stared at him. Her breasts felt heavier, and she ached with desire. She wanted him as much as he did her, so she settled for committing the moment to memory. The hot glint in his eyes, the rapid way his chest rose and fell, and his proud, erect penis—all burned into her brain.

  “You’re overdressed. Let’s fix that.” And he lifted her t-shirt over her head. “You are so beautiful it hurts.”

  Never had Lexie felt so wanted, so needed as a woman, as a person. No other man had ever said that to her, had ever felt that way about her, but Kade did. And he might have a granite-like hard-on at the moment, but it was easy to see that he was talking about more than sex.

  “How am I supposed to get naked with you latched onto me like that?”

  The barest hint of a smile played around Kade’s mouth before he kissed her hard and then released her. She pulled off her shirt and got rid of her hot-purple yoga shorts. For a moment, Lexie wished she was wearing a sexier bra and panties instead of her white sports bra and boy shorts. Then she caught the way Kade was looking at her and realized she didn’t need fancy clothes to make him want her.

  She ran her fingers under the bottom of the bra, teasing Kade by not lifting the bra quite all the way up. His nostrils flared and he shifted on his feet. She toyed with her bra a little longer, but the sight of his delectable body made her as impatient as he was.

  She rid herself of the bra and the panties soon followed. Standing bared to the elements with Kade was a huge aphrodisiac. The breeze caressed her, a hint of erotic contact, and the lingering sun kissed her skin. They were a tiny prelude to what she knew was in store for her.

  Hunger stamped his chiseled features as his eyes traveled over her. Lexie stepped up to him and hooked a hand around the back of his neck. They stared into each other’s eyes for several moments before Kade ran his hands over her buttocks and up her back. He traced her spine and she shuddered in delight.

  Bringing his hands around, he filled them with her breasts and bent down to take a pink tip in his mouth. Watching him suck and run his tongue around her nipple made the heavenly sensations even stronger. He kissed his way over to her other breast, and she sighed as he sucked hard on her nipple.

  She couldn’t hold still as excitement built. Kade released her and gave her a knowing smile as he started backing over to one of the large chairs. He pulled her along with him and sat down on it.

  “Come on, baby. Wanna go for a ride?”

  The husky timber in his voice and the way he looked stretched out on the chair had Lexie practically salivating. “Well, I do enjoy driving stick.”

  “Then get a move on.”

  Lifting a leg, Lexie swung over and straddled his hips. She sat down on his thighs but didn’t take him inside. Instead, she ran her fingers over his rigid shaft, loving the way his eyes darkened and the restless shift of his hips. Enjoying her power over him, Lexie inched up his body, brushing her mound over his cock.

  Kade groaned, the sound vibrating under her hands as Lexie leaned for
ward. “You’re killing me here, Lex, and you know it.”

  She laughed as she said, “Oh, yeah, and I’m loving every second of it.”

  Reaching down, she grasped him and guided him to her entrance. Slowly, she sat down, enjoying the sensation of him gradually filling her. They breathed a collective sigh when she took him inside her.

  Resting his hands on Lexie’s thighs, Kade was mesmerized by her beauty. The sun brought out the burnished gold highlights in her hair and turned her eyes from chocolate to coffee. Anytime they made love was amazing, but he preferred it in the daytime so he could enjoy her in the natural light. Never had a woman turned him on so much, and he knew that he’d never get his fill of her.

  He also knew he was being a jerk. He should have told her about the cabin the minute she’d arrived, but the urge to make love to her took over. If she hated him and left…

  Looking at where they were joined, Kade thought it was almost as though they were one. Almost. She wasn’t on the same page as his heart, but he felt like she was only a few pages behind. He hoped she was, or else losing the cabin might destroy them.

  His heart might be willing to wait, but his body was another matter. Her warm, wet sheath tightened around him as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She ran her tongue over his bottom lip, and his libido shifted into overdrive. He kissed her back, sweeping his tongue into her mouth. Raising his hips, he urged her to move.

  She chuckled against his mouth and then let out a squeal when he gave her a hard bump. She broke the kiss and rested her forehead against his. Her expression had turned fierce and determined. “Hard and fast.”

  The short, forceful sentence told Kade all he needed to know. That’s how it was with Lexie, and he loved never having to guess. “Fine by me.”

  She rose and came back down, sliding along his length. Then the ride really started. Her toned thighs flexed as she began a rhythm that quickly increased. Kade’s blood sizzled through his veins as she rose and fell. Her breasts followed her movements, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to palm them.


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