Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 4

by Carter, Garrett

  A furious blush of ruffled fur met Mina's statement as Eve walked around the table collecting dishes.

  Pulling the young jaguar woman to his side by her slim waist he leaned up and kissed her feline cheek.

  "You remember our talk, now don't let them tease you too badly."

  Releasing her from his one-armed embrace he caught himself watching her pert ass move under her mid-thigh length skirt as she scurried to the side room kitchen with her long spotted tail swishing vigorously.

  Shaking his head as he imagined a few positions he would like to have the young woman in after their mating fight he turned his attention back to his wives as they shared knowing smiles between them.

  "You seem, distracted husband, is our little pixie going to get her taste of you sooner than she expected?"

  Promena's question was followed by snickers from the group of women as Cade blushed furiously at being caught leering at his Eve who turned out to be not as underaged as he had believed.

  Hoping to enjoy telling the spirited woman in his own time he deflected answering his goddesses jab.

  "When she is ready we will cross that bridge, but back to our conversation. Any news from Uncle Arnol my love?"

  Moaning her appreciation at the delicious taste of her meal Beth took a few seconds to respond as she swallowed her mouthful of food.

  "Not yet, my giant, he is still conferring with the council over the price for each unit. Most likely we will receive an order for a few dozen of them if his estimation of the clan's interest is accurate. Most of them will probably need to be outfitted for mining instead of troop transport. He did say though that there would be a few that needed to be for transporting dignitaries. Oh and he also requested mounts for weapons and relayed that the council would be interested in any weapons that we could produce for them."


  Her measured nod to his question chilled Cade's body to his metal bones. Bringing that kind of weapon to this world would upset the balance greatly between the nations.

  Firearms were the great equalizer, training on how to use the weapons was infinitely easier and much less time-consuming than any weapon this world could produce.

  The devastation they could bring upon this world was something he wanted to prevent, but could he persuade the dwarven council to just accept that he wasn't going to give them pretty much ultimate power by mounting a few machine guns to the top of their orders of M.R.A.P.s.

  "We will wait on that discussion until we see what the council does with their troop carriers and mining rigs. Promena do you have a blueprint for our additions to the house?"

  Before his goddess could reply they were interrupted by Asdith as he ascended the stairs from the garage.

  "Guild leader Indaria is here to see you my lor... Cade."

  Smiling at his chamberlain's slip up he nodded to the lizard man and inclined his head towards the garage.

  As his wives got the message they all followed Asdith to the audience chamber as Promena held a hologram of her blueprint for the home renovations above her palm for everyone to inspect.

  Arriving at his throne Cade gave his goddess a short kiss and a nod for her to go through with the additions to their home before giving a smiling Indaria and a walking Vic his attention.

  "Vic it is good to see you on your feet and..."

  Holding back a snort of amusement at their slightly disheveled appearance as he silently congratulated the happy and clearly intimate couple he schooled his expression and continued with only a little amusement in his voice.

  "Indaria I am going to assume you have picked your site for the mage academy."

  Her nod at his statement caused him to smile once more as his plans for Opect and the continent of Zeme were one step closer to completion.

  "Sounds like the perfect excuse to give our goddess a moment to get our home prepared for the arrival of our very special guests."

  Nods went around the room as all of his wives agreed with his statement and with the exception of Promena rushed up to their room to get prepared for their outing.

  "If you would meet us in the garage, we shouldn't be more than a few minutes.

  "We would be delighted, Mage Cade."

  As the two mages walked towards the garage he noticed Vic's hand lay a firm smack on Indaria's ass followed by an appreciative "hmm" before the fire mage smacked his hand away playfully.

  "I would ask if I am like that but that would be like asking if water is wet."

  Smiling at the happy couple as the doors swung closed he turned to his goddess, ready to apologize for leaving her at home alone while the rest of them enjoyed the city they had freed, he instead found her looking longingly at the door before she turned to him with mischief in her silver eyes.

  "Water isn't the only thing that is wet right now."

  As she climbed into his lap Cade found out how much wetter she was as their clothes disappeared and his quickly stiffening member slid against her sopping wet lips.

  "Maybe more than a few minutes?"

  His goddess response to his question was to sheathe his length inside of her with a soft moan as their bodies met with a soft wet smack.

  Gripping her soft ass with both hands and thrusting up into his love's depths Cade smiled at a stray thought before giving his goddess his full attention.

  "That's three."

  Higher learning

  Flying over to the empty site of Indaria's soon-to-be-built mage academy a few hours later, Cade couldn't bring himself to apologize to the two mages seated behind him.

  Saying sorry would mean if given the chance he would have denied his goddess and that wasn't going to happen.

  Looking back to ask directions he and his wives smiled at the couple who were in the midst of a not-so-quick kiss, clearly the two mages didn't care that he had taken a little longer than necessary to begin the trip.

  "Is that the site Indaria?..."

  Deciding turnabout was fair play as his question was ignored by the two lip-locked mages he turned back around and took a few moments to converse with his little firebrand mentally.

  "My love I have a request for you, oh sexy wife who knows all about gems. I need to find amethyst or some other violet-colored gem for our little snake's wedding band."

  His smile quickly followed by something else grew as Beth gave him a beautiful conspiratorial smile before she responded.

  "Amethyst or tanzanite would be our best bet, my love, and I have a friend I can visit who would be able to supply both. May I ask when you plan on giving our wife her gift?"

  "When I feel the time is right my little firebrand. Now stop looking at me like that or we will be even later to Indaria's chosen site."

  A quick bark of laugher left him as his dwarven wife's amusement turned from amusement to playful indignation and at last to mischievous pleasure as she pulled up the hem of her robe and spread her creamy thighs and gave him an amazing view of a pair of tiny red lace panties.

  Her husband's open-mouthed astonishment was worth the price she had paid for the garment that had a matching bra she was currently wearing.

  "Now be a good boy and you will be able to enjoy the full show tonight."

  A quick nod followed her statement before he gave the two cuddling mages a scathing look.

  "Indaria, the site?"

  At her ruff blush, he almost felt sorry for snipping at the mage but Vic's amused smile extinguished that feeling as she pointed at a large dilapidated building.

  Angling them down for a landing Cade held his lust at bay by his fingertips, reminding himself that he would have plenty of alone time with his sexy wives after they got their affairs on this continent in order.

  As Beth smoothed down her robe over her pillowy thighs, the memory of her little show stayed in his mind as they landed, he just had to build a school and those panties would be at his fingertips, lips, or teeth, whichever reached them first.

  Stepping back onto the street from his work, Cade felt good about th
e results of his construction with plenty of input from the headmistress and headmaster of the Martin Academy.

  The two mages vibrating with excitement beside him had forced the name of the mage academy on him, with plenty of seconds and thirds from the peanut gallery.

  His Mina especially had forced the issue after he had begged off having the building named after him, his deflections not moving his panther mate one bit from her goal of having his name, or at least part of it, writ large over the building's entrance.

  Walking into the finished building he looked to a bored Laurith as she walked glumly behind the group.

  He pushed down his concern over their relationship as he let the rest of the group inspect the many offices and rooms he had made and placed a hand over hers as she made to walk past him.

  Her quiet growl as his flesh met hers hurt him a little before he pushed that concern to the back of his mind, ready to return to it at a more opportune time.

  "I need your mage thralls my pet."

  Her impassive face almost made him ask her what was wrong before the portal to the plane where she kept her thralls opened, spilling out a dozen ex slavers and the business at hand pulled him from that conversation.

  Before diving into the thrall's minds he pulled his dragon mate's face by her sharp chin to look him in his eyes.

  "You my love have been avoiding me and after we complete this task we will be having a conversation about that problem."

  Her growl at his words was followed by his own as they locked eyes, her yellow red-rimmed orbs challenging the level gaze from his grey ones.

  As she bared her teeth he almost broke down and gave in to his baser desires to adjust her attitude, he was not ashamed to admit the display from his alluring mocha-skinned mate turned him on more than a little.

  Grabbing her neck he gave the still growling woman a quick kiss before diving into the minds of her thralls and ripping their knowledge of magic out of them.

  After the thralls fell limp on the ground he dissolved their bodies and absorbed their energy, all the while challenging his mate to object to his destruction of her toys.

  Their stalemate lasted for several more seconds until he decided to try another tactic to break through whatever funk she was in.

  Sliding his hand down her body he caressed her clothed body with his hands before placing both hands on her toned waist and pulling them flush together.

  Bringing his face down into her long black hair he inhaled her amazing scent.

  "I love you my Laurith and I am not going to let you get away from me, you carry my child and I am no deadbeat father. We are going to work through this bump in our relationship and come out stronger in the end. All that I ask is that you talk to me, is that ok?"

  Her actions didn't follow her continued growling as she nodded her head hesitantly at the same time as her claws sunk into his side.

  Hissing in pain he hoped their next conversation after she had calmed down was less painful as he placed another kiss into her hair and released his conflicted dragon mate.

  Seeing her forcefully collect herself he cleaned her extended claws of his blood before fixing his clothes and offering her his hand, he would either outlast her complicated emotions or she would bow to his stubbornness.

  As her claws returned to their normal state as delicate fingers and the wild look in her eyes left her with a shaky breath she walked past his hand into his chest wrapping her arms around his wide body.

  "I do love you, Cade, this pregnancy will be difficult for the both of us. I find myself teetering between wanting you beside me at all times and wanting to tear your head off. I do want you to know that I do love you and cherish the little one we have created together but..."

  Their conversation was cut short as Laurith's expression grew irritated and a soft growling swelled in her throat as their wives and the two mages returned from their exploration of the school.

  Giving his mate a kind smile he mouthed "later" and kissed her brow as he let her step back from their embrace and after her quick nod he turned to the approaching group.

  "Indaria, Vic let's head to the library and get the books filled with the secrets of magic for your students."

  Wrapping his volatile mate in his arms he sent a mental message about their interrupted conversation to his wives as he walked with her stiff growling body in his arms towards the library.

  As her claws sunk into his forearms he hoped they would be able to move past her mood swings as her claws in his arms shook with some strong emotion, the well-being of his family depended on it.

  As Indaria and Vic along with Beth and a slightly better tempered Laurith, ooh and ahhed over some of the knowledge in the books he had created Cade found a bit of information also that held him enraptured.

  The spell printed in the book was from an earth mage and shined a new light onto Karl's chameleon ability.

  The spell used the stone around the user to alter their appearance, which in and of itself was useful but the theory behind it was what held his attention.

  If Karl had been in the physical world when he had used the spell he might have lasted longer against him, not that he worried the dwarf would have beat him. The idiot might have been able to escape though, blending in with the stone around him until Cade would have caught him in an area-wide scan.

  That little bit of information inspired his next actions as he brought over one of the ornate chairs Vic had requested he make as he built the library and sat staring at his hand.

  Diving deep into his flesh with his power over the atoms composing it he focused his attention down to the molecular level and found what he had been searching for.

  The diffuse flow of the minute particles of free-flowing energy he had come to know at a glance streamed through his body in waves.

  As he used his power to bring all the energy flowing through him to his fingertip he heard the gasps of surprise from the two headmasters.

  "Ignore me for a while just trying something out."

  Returning to his task he compacted and compressed the energy and used the knowledge gain from the text and infused it into the skin of his fingertip.

  Waving a curious Laurith over he gently grabbed her hand and pushed the claw she extended after his short mental request into the shining tip of his finger.

  As he felt the sharp digit push against his skin he was amazed to find that the razors of destruction that had punctured his side with relative ease earlier did no more than making a dip in his skin.

  His surprise was muted by the fact that after months of absorbing energy from pretty much everywhere all that he had gained was an invincible flashlight finger.

  Kissing his smiling dragon wife's hand as his frustration flowed through their bond he released her with a strained smile of his own.

  "Well that was a small success and sadly that just means a lot more work ahead of me. Thank you my sexy assistant for your help with my experiment."

  Looking up into her beautiful face he was glad to have her by his side, mood swings and all.

  "How many of those thralls do you have left my love?"


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