Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 15

by Carter, Garrett

  She had hoped to find a worthy male or female to help her take the edge off her irritation but had failed to find one who could come close to matching her expectations.

  Stomping towards her room at a decent inn she had found, paid for by her winnings in the pits, she got dressed in her recently purchased leather armor.

  Lamenting the loss of her custom-made set of mixed plate and leather armor lost during her arrival she ensured her wings would slide through the holes she had made for them before absorbing them into her back.

  Grabbing her serviceable two-handed sword she made her way to the pits to work off some stress on some unsuspecting orc.

  Grumbling at the various races she shoved her way past she voiced her requirements for this vaunted Cade Willmartin.

  "He better be able to fight and have a big dick."

  Sitting outside on one of their plush beach chairs after taking a dip in their pool after his training session with his wives, Cade sat up as he spied land in the distance as their floating home neared the continent of Kandar.

  Giving the two ships a quick look with a spy eye he found them still on course towards the land in the distance.

  Nat interrupted his view of their destination as they moved ever closer to their next task in his bid to win the hand of his goddess.

  Her ass landing in his lap before she flopped down on his chest on her back made him smile as he covered her toned tummy with his large hands.

  "Ready to see your old home again love?"

  Her quiet nod at his question concerned him until he leaned up and looked down at the huge smile on her face.

  He was about to comment on her silence before she began to shake with excitement and squealed loudly stomping her feet on the edge of the chair.

  "I can't wait to show you off my warrior. You have to promise me you will visit the pits and do a few fights for me."

  Her excited request ended with a squeak of surprise as his length swelled against her ass.

  Tilting her head back to see her insatiable husband's face she followed his gaze to Mina as she approached them from the house.

  Pregnancy had improved on the perfection of her form, widening her hips and enlarging her bust to his delight, swallowing as her bikini gave him an unfettered view of her alluring body he found the swell of her belly to be unbelievably sexy.

  "You seem to be enjoying the view my Cade."

  His response of "MINE" vibrated her head against his chest as his erect length slipped out of the top of his swim trunks and warmed her lower back as it throbbed.

  "Indeed I am my love, what better proof than your kits growing inside me. Xandia sent me to tell you lunch was ready though it seems you will be indisposed for a while longer."

  She gave Nat an amused grin as she slid her bikini bottoms to the side and slid down onto her husband's hard length.

  "Just trying to get a cute baby bump of my own my Dresk."

  Her snide comment ended with a soft moan before she began to try and extract her warrior's thick seed from him as she began to bounce on his engorged member.

  Kissing her mate she repeated her request with a smile receiving a distracted "uh-huh" as his Natty's tight depths did an excellent job of wiping any coherent thought from his mind.

  "We will keep it warm for you love."

  Capturing his Mina's delicate hand he pulled her down for a more thorough kiss that left her knees weak.

  Pulling the knot on her bikini bottoms and letting them fall to the grass she gave him a hungry smile.

  "Xandia won't mind an extra plate to keep warm."

  Smiling at his pretty kitty's shiver of need after his statement he licked his lips in anticipation as she straddled his face and lowered her wet nether lips to his parched ones.

  Devouring her luscious folds he began to stoke into his Nat's rippling depths as she reached her first orgasm he again thought to himself.

  "Luckiest man in the WORLD!"

  Miranda Flamberge's day was a lesson in disappointment as she watched her last opponent of the ten she had fought today being dragged off, thankfully alive but unconscious from a solid punch to his jaw after they had locked weapons.

  Waiting impatiently for the next opponent that would fall to her she did a double-take as a tall dark-skinned human dressed in well-made mithril armor strode into the fighting pit to the cheers of a large group of diverse women, one caused her to linger on her familiar face framed by long black locks of hair.

  Their repeated cheers of "CADE" brought her out of her speculation of the short woman who had given her a hard look before joining her friends in cheering for this Cade.

  As they continued that name caused her heart to race as startled realization bloomed in her mind and she gave the blushing man a hard speculative look.

  As he adopted a respectable ready stance and gave her a measuring look a dozen metal spikes began to circle his bald head.

  She came out of her astonishment with a savage smile and readied herself to test this godling's meddle.

  She hoped he passed or her escape from Farth and her plans for ascendance would be naught but a drawn-out suicide mission.

  Landing with his wives in Poppy on the pier leading to their moored ship Cade watched as a richly dressed female troll walk towards them from a massive warehouse.

  Giving the light green-skinned troll an intrigued look after he got out of Poppy he craned his head up as she stopped ten feet in front of him.

  "Hello Mage Cade I hope your trip to our shores was a pleasant one, I am Sedara and I will be your guide to our guild to complete the necessary contracts to enable you to sell your goods on Kandar."

  Giving the woman a curt nod he waited for his wives to exit their car after he showed off a little by opening their doors for them.

  As they gathered next to him, he gave them a questioning look and a mental "ready".

  After their happy answering nods he told the huge woman to "lead the way" and followed her into the bustling city.

  Arriving at the massive guild hall doors a half-hour later Cade had to admit whoever ran Mustef was doing an excellent job.

  Nowhere to be found were the homeless begging for money and scraps of food and the children he did see were happy energetic scamps that while sparely dressed only seemed to have enjoying the temperate weather on their minds as they cavorted around the city.

  Giving Sedara an apologetic smile as she waited patiently at the door to the guild he followed her in with a strained smile growing on his face.

  His methods so far in conquering country after country would do more bad than good in Mustef and he hoped Vanden as a whole.

  Returning his gaze to their guide he followed her long black hair down her wide back before halting his gaze on her lower back.

  Giving Sedara's huge backside a quick glance he admitted to himself he didn't mind a big girl but she was a whole lot of woman.

  A playful slap to his arm from his disguised goddess signaled he had been caught peeping.

  "She's married love quit gawking at her."

  Stifling a laugh of his own as she broke down into a giggle fit he kissed her on her soft lips and traced his hand over her softly rounded middle as he smiled at the mirthful tears in her blue eyes.

  "I was just contemplating how we are going to take over this city without fucking things up, they seem to have happy healthy citizens here and I don't want to make their lives worse to achieve my goal. Though I think you are more than worth a few shed tears."

  Her hand in his as she laced their fingers together told him she felt the same.

  "We will find a way my love now ready yourself our hosts have pulled out the red carpet for us."

  Looking at the, admittedly, royal purple carpet leading to the open doors of the guild chambers he had to admit the guild had gone all out in trying to impress him and his wives.

  A full buffet with massive trolls waiting to serve them pulled a few squeaks of glee from his pregnant wives as they moved over as a group
to sample the dishes set out for them.

  At his reaching arm and mouth open to warn them of poisonous betrayal his goddess gave him a snarky smile as she sent an "already checked" message to him that was drenched in the same sarcastic tone.

  Giving her a raised brow with a vision of her punishment she was going to receive later for her tone caused a shiver to go down her spine as she sent another message this one dipped in a not inconsiderate amount of lust.


  Walking up behind her and laying a firm smack on her plush ass he smiled his promise of a good time later into her blue eyes, as his hand covered her womb in habit as he checked on his son's growth.

  Finding a happy and healthy growing baby slightly larger than earlier he couldn't wait to meet his child in a few long months.

  Setting his Promena free to join his other wives browsing the food being served to them he collected a few morsels of his own to sample.

  Seeing Mina, Beth, and Sabine talking to a few well-dressed trolls and orcs he followed his Promena, Xandia, Eve, and Laurith to a lavishly decorated table and enjoyed his snacks as they dug into their food.

  Greeting a few of the merchants as they introduced themselves after his other wives finished their elbow-rubbing and sat down to enjoy their own food with a few snippets of gossip from his goddesses spying during their trip, Cade was pulled from his meal as the council seated themselves and turned their attention to him and his wives.

  Standing and walking towards the table they were seated at he smiled as a chair rose from the marble floor underneath his feet.

  Sitting in the comfortable chair his smile grew slightly as he spotted Sedara seated between two other trolls.

  Giving her a wink he addressed the council.

  "I see my reputation proceeds me and I thank you for your hospitality. As we have an understanding between us I assume from your cohorts across the sea, we can get to business. I would like to extend an offer to your guild similar to the one on Zeme. A fifteen percent share of profits from the sale of my goods here, with the addition of the same protections provided by Erot Swift's group for any and all further shipments."

  His terms, including the addition of Nat's family's inclusion in the offer, had been the topic of debate between his wives and he after their run-in with the mercenary group.

  As the trolls and orcs of the council debated his terms he gave their minds a quick sweep finding, to his enjoyment, no subterfuge and a ready acceptance of his first requirement.

  The cost of the second was an issue though and he smiled as they nominated Sedara to put her neck on the chopping block and voice their collective concerns.

  Holding back a laugh at the glare she gave them he listened to their counter offer.

  "We agree to your first terms but the cost of keeping at least two mercenary crews on our payroll is more than we are willing to pay to protect your goods."

  That emphasis on "your" grated on his nerves somewhat but he couldn't blame them entirely, he was asking them to take on the whole cost of keeping the crews paid and he would have been surprised and suspicious if they had just agreed to it without question.

  "I propose your group pays half for protecting my shipments and the exclusive seller's agreement we have made will be amended to allow me to sell to two other vendors of my choice."

  Another round of debate started in the group as he finished his compromise, the expenditure for the mercenary group would be expensive but a required expense.

  Erot had proven the need for his group after just their presence near the merchant ship deterred a few pirate ships from harassing them to the relief of its captain and crew.

  Returning his attention to the merchants after throwing a few questions about the cost of what he had proposed at his sweet and receiving relatively good news in return along with her intimate request for him when they returned home he waited a few seconds before Sedara gave their response.

  "We will pay half the cost per trip but if you want to keep the Swift Clan's services on retainer then the Atom group will have to absorb those costs. We also accept your amendment to our seller's agreement but we request the right to deny any vendors you choose."

  The collective smiles of the merchants seated before him fell as he gave them an irritated frown followed by an uncompromising "no".

  Waiting for them to fix their snafu he heard Nat struggle to hold back a chuckle which set most of his other wives off into a suppressed giggle fit.

  "You must understand Mage Cade that we must protect our interests here in Kandar. There are many who have gained our ire and for sufficient reasons I assure you. Allowing them to court your favor and negate the punishment for their actions would hurt our position badly if word surfaces that the merchant guilds censure can be circumvented by gaining your favor."

  Holding back a laugh of his own he decided the group before him needed a reality check.

  "I think the message from Zeme didn't provide your group with the proper... perspective on how I do business. I will let you read that message again to give you an idea of what I am capable of but let me say this. I take care of those who take care of me, if it becomes in my best interest to switch to another merchant to sell my goods it won't be because of someone gaining my favor. The failure will lay at your feet for not doing your job properly, saying that I am not asking much. Sell my goods at a decent profit and you will prosper with me, fail to do that and I will sever our agreement and work with someone who wants to make money. It is that simple."

  With his terms set he brought a tray of fluted wine glasses over to his wives with a tiny bit of the power available to him and provided each with a glass of the red wine before serving himself a glass.

  Sipping the sweet red he waited patiently for the message to make the rounds with a small smile on his face as each one of them blanched as they passed it to the next person in line.

  "We accept your new terms Mage Cade with a few reservations THAT SHALL NOT BE VOICED and thank you for your patronage. If you will allow us a week to rewrite our contract with the new amendments we can have you and your wives return and sign it."

  Finishing her request, Sedara gave a finely dressed orc a death stare as he pouted after she talked over his objection.

  "That will be fine and please try to convince your colleague that this is the best way to maintain my business. If that is all we will await your message at our home. It should be moored near the Swift Clan's ship."

  Rising and giving the smiling troll one of his own he collected his wives and left the guildhall.

  "Well that was fun, do you have any suggestions for a good time my Natty. We have the rest of the day left to play."

  As the group gave her their attention a massive smile grew on her face as she said one word.


  Giving the well build red-skinned woman his attention as he settled into his ready stance Cade focused on her leather-covered middle as he tried to refocus his mind after the sight of Nat's green breasts and hard black nipples as she gave him a quick flash when he had walked into the "Pit".

  As they began to circle one another he gave the horned woman across from him with an expert grip on her hand and a half sword a small bit of admiration, she moved well on her booted feet.


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