Atomic Mage 3

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Atomic Mage 3 Page 26

by Carter, Garrett

  Smiling at his Eve as she rested her head on his thigh watching the movie with half a mind while the other half was currently enjoying his sex slick member in her hand.

  "Had to find some way of getting the police out of the way so plot could happen."

  Shrugging at her mate's response Eve took the head of his hard shaft into her small mouth, sucking and licking on its bulbous head before Xandia cleared her throat in irritation.

  "How about we finish the movie before our mate gets distracted once again? It has taken a week to get this far in the series."

  As her other wives turned their collective gazes to her with raised eyebrows toward the lamia who just two days ago had done just the same except with another tighter hole she continued her request in a subdued tone.

  "I know I am guilty of the same but I want to see the ending this time."

  Blushing as the women around her continued to hold her in their knowing stares the spell holding her in place ended as Eve finished taking her mate's steel hard shaft to the base and came off of it with a pop.

  "Agreed Dia I just had a... moment. I needed a taste of my mate and now that I have we can finish our movie before I... we get another full helping of our Cade."

  Nods of agreement along with his own went around the cuddle pile he was surrounded by, though his pixie had made a great point.

  So having a moment of his own he slid a couple of fingers into his Mira's slippery depths as she snuggled next to him against their headboard.

  Capturing her red lips in a deep kiss he enjoyed her moans of pleasure as he increased the pace of his plunging fingers into her sodden entrance before her mouth against his froze with a few sexy huffs and a quiet groan of release flowed out of her.

  Slipping his slick fingers into his mouth, his length still held in his pixie's soft-grip throbbed as he let out a groan of appreciation at her delicious taste.

  Their shenanigans were interrupted by his goddess playful slap to his arm from his other side.

  Giving her a smile around his fingers he removed them and kissed her on her pouting lips.

  "Now that you have had your own taste can we try and finish this movie before I put that mouth to good use?"

  Slipping his arm behind her back he cupped her large pale breast in his hand and pinched a diamond-hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Smiling after he kissed his Promena into silence after she squeaked in pleasure at his questing fingers he turned his attention to the movie as the messenger scurried off with their defenses peppering the ground behind him.

  Stepping out of their garage to watch another messenger scaper off in what was becoming a sporting event to watch Cade was startled from his game by Utra as she asked a question from the opening to their part of the building.

  "How much do you bet he makes it out of their range alive?"

  Recovering with a smile at his mother-in-law's question he gave his answer as the terrified dark elf tore clods of dirt from the ground beneath his running feet from the other "salesman" that came before him.

  "If he keeps heading away he will survive. I set their targeting system to shoot just behind their feet if they leave so unless he can stop on a dime he will be fine. I don't want to kill her messengers, they are just idiotically following orders. I just don't have anything further to say to the crazy bitch."

  Taking her calm laughter after his explanation as a good sign he decided now was as a good a time as any to address her fear of him after the ritual that had resulted in her cowering naked behind a scrap of cloth as he ravaged his wives alluring bodies in his mixed god and dragon form.

  Looking to her he amended his assumption as she flinched slightly away from his gaze.

  "Are we ok Utra, you have been avoiding me after the ritual and I would like to be able to be in the same room as you when you come to visit us and see your grandchildren?"

  Using the patience that had been tempered by his Dia and Eve's courting he waited for the tall lanky orc to compose herself and answer his question.

  Watching the dark elf messenger exit the turned earth around his home he smiled as his mother-in-law spoke.

  "I have come to fear you less than I did that day my son, being clothed in armor does wonders for your confidence I will let you know. I have been gathering the courage to come speak to you and your wives have assured me that... form and your use of it was a singular and new occurrence. Though your Miranda has expressed interest in another go at that... large weapon you wielded."

  Smiling as his mother-in-law described his dragon dick stretching his red wife to her limits he remembered the last time he had used that particular trick on his Mira.

  He wouldn't mind having another go at his Red in that form, breaking her down to an unconscious sexy mass of well fucked cambion had been... invigorating.

  Fighting his rising lust, he mastered the emotion as its possible results that would not go over well in this situation and placed a reminder to himself to bring it up to his demon, soon.

  "As long as we are in agreement that you are completely safe from me and my weapon."

  "I'm not sure I want to be, Xandia tells me you enjoy her and Sabine trying to tame that beast together. If my daughter wouldn't try to kill me first we could have tried it out."

  Chuckling along with her after the crazy idea of trying to get his fierce Natty to share with another orc caused them both to crack up a little he walked over and offered his mother-in-law his hand to shake.

  "As long as we can be friends I will let that little fantasy go with no hard feelings from me."

  Startled by her sudden move towards him, he was lifted from his feet by her strong arms, and returning the hug in spades he smiled into her collar bone as she let out a playful pained grunt.

  "Friends? No, we are family Cade Willmartin and I am proud to call you my son and your warrior wives my daughters."

  Setting him on his feet and sharing a smile he turned to look at the city in the distance, the tall spires of Liraden's palace peaking over a copse of trees.

  "It has been a long time since I have seen so many of my female warriors fall and so quickly. Your wives and my female fighters might have to have another bout together, they might even learn something if they can stay off their asses long enough."

  Enjoying another laugh together Cade hoped his wives would agree to the challenge, any reason to see their sexy bodies in action was a good one in his opinion.

  Sitting around the table of their meeting room a week after their last and final solicitation by the dark elves Cade was almost ready to make good on his promise to his dragon mate to make the city an all you can eat buffet as he listened to his wives and Erot try to find some way to keep the city as an asset instead of a ghost city under his command.

  "They won't relinquish power without blood on the ground, and after that a constant presence in the city to keep them docile. The Swift Clan doesn't have enough members to hold a whole city and even if we can prevent wiping out the population the cost to employ the other clans will take centuries to recoup."

  Erot's statement would have made sense if Cade wasn't essentially a bank with unlimited funds but the idea of him or Mina having to micromanage the city made him grimace in distaste.

  "I agree with Erot but the very idea of having to constantly monitor the city for dissenters and sabotage not to mention keeping those zealots happy... well I for one would almost rather wipe them out and have the orcs or another race take over."

  Nodding grimly as his Dresk's words mirrored his own ideas he felt another messenger enter his scanning radius around their home and stop a few feet away from where the ground had been torn up by their anti-salesmen guns as he called them now.

  Sending out a spy eye to enjoy the show he was surprised and intrigued by the elf he saw waiting.

  The first thing he noticed was he or she, the heavy cloak they wore shrouded that aspect of visual identification, was missing one of their legs from the knee down along with the m
akeshift crutch under their arm.

  Not willing to pull his wives and Erot from what could be a productive discussion he rose from his seat with a wave to his dragon wife to join him.

  "We have an unusual visitor I would like to meet and I'm going to take Laurith with me for protection."

  As his Erot and his wives led by his Promena resumed their discussion on how to deal with the elves, her stance being they needed to leave the city whole and populated if at all possible, he collected his protector with a smile and left with her to figure out why there was a handicapped elf waiting outside their home.

  Walking across the cratered no man's land the area around their home had become Cade got a better look at the man waiting patiently for them.

  When he had removed his hood as they approached he had almost thought Reqden had gotten what was coming to him, so similar were their features.

  Stopping with his Laurith at his side he waited for the elf to introduce himself with a smile, if his guess was correct this man belonged to the group he had been searching for for the past week and a half.

  "Hello Mage Cade I am Keraden or I was... regardless I have a request for you if you would hear me out."

  Nodding and mostly succeeding in keeping the smile off of his face Cade crossed his arms in front of his chest as his dragon wife lounged against his side.

  "The group I belong to has heard of your exploits on Zeme and our continent and wish to ask for your assistance in returning us to our proper places."

  Glad to have a task that with a little work would gain at least a few grateful friends in the city he made his response as his excitement began to get the better of him.

  "That is certainly an acceptable request, if you would join us in our home we can discuss the terms of our assistance in a more comfortable setting."

  Suppressing the pep that was threatening to come into his step he with his Laurith still by his side turned to begin the short trek back to their home only to stop after a few steps to find their guest was still where they left him.

  "If the ground ahead of you is a problem I can repair it or make your body whole."

  Ending his offer after the suggestion of returning the elf's missing leg to him caused a wistful smile to grow on the man's face Cade waited for Keraden or whatever he called himself to recover and give an answer to his offer.

  "The stories of your benevolence are true I see, our leader has her doubts and I will be glad to prove her wrong, but I digress. I cannot join you in your home, it wouldn't be proper as I am graven and while I would enjoy throwing my race's rules in their faces I have certainly been seen and do not wish to bring trouble to our home. As to your other gracious offer, I cannot in good conscience heal myself without the assurance that the others we care for will receive the same assistance. That being said I cannot speak for everyone, our leader Faraden holds that heavy burden. If you wish I can lead you to her to discuss the terms of our request."

  Giving his Laurith a questioning look that received a nod indicating she would follow him on his journey to meet the graven's leader he sent a mental message to his wives that received unanimous agreement.

  Suppressing a laugh as he felt his wives excitement that the irritating task of finding a way to keep the ungrateful elves' heads on their shoulders would fall to their husband once more they begged off following him and Laurith into the cavernous depths of the cave systems below the city.

  Snorting as he felt his Beth's shiver of disgust at the idea of finding a swarm of giant crickets and grasshoppers somewhere down below he collected a few mental hugs and kisses before smiling at their guide.

  "Lead on Keraden, you just might be the savior of your race."

  The crooked smile on the dark elf's fave gave him some hope for the group he was about to meet, if they had a sense of humor then they were already miles ahead of the competition.

  Emerging into a wide cavern made up of strange rocky grey matter that blocked his scanning ability Cade gave the grey rock laced with black glass-like deposits a sniff with his enhanced dragon senses and found the rock to smell like any other they had seen in the hours-long trip down into the warren of caverns below and around Aroth's borders.

  Finding traveling through the earth difficult even with the aid of his platforms he and Laurith had decided using their dragon forms flight and climbing abilities would make following Keraden's cricket mount infinitely easier.

  Giving the still mounted Keraden a nod of his dragon head after the dark elf had asked them politely to wait for him to find their leader Cade ran his head along his Laurith's affectionately after she settled down on her belly to wait.

  The trip had been fairly uneventful after that even after discovering a nest of Great Dane-sized spiders they had found a couple of hours in and half a mile down.

  He had almost lost his lunch as his dragon mate had caught one in her jaws and crunched down on the hairy arachnid with a pleased hum at the taste.

  His heaving stomach and disgusted grimace had caused her to drop her catch as she began to laugh at his distress.

  "The baby needs hard food in her diet to grow strong scales, it isn't even so bad the gooey texture even reminds me of something though I can't put my tongue on it."

  Giving her a smirk as her humor helped his stomach settle he managed to keep his composure as his dragon wife had returned to her crunchy meal.

  Standing in the cavern with his Laurith by his side Cade ran a claw along the glassy rock and found it incredibly durable.

  Reaching out with his abilities did give him control over the matter the onyx colored rock was made of but the failure of his scanning ability to copy the makeup of the rock meant he wouldn't be able to replicate it.

  Letting the realization that this vein of rock running through the huge cavern they had entered was the reason he hadn't been able to find the graven's hideout leave his thoughts he walked back out the tunnel that had led them there a ways to find the last part of his extremely late wedding gift to his dragon bride.

  Finding a tiny mithril vein a few meters down was a win fall and pulling the metal from the ground he sculpted it into a finely decorated cylinder with the onyx-colored gem at its center.

  Returning to his Laurith he took a moment to take her in with her ring floating next to his head.

  As scary and fearsome at times as she was, his Laurith was also loving and a gift he strived to make sure he appreciated every day, seeing the ever so slight rounding of her scaly sides he couldn't wait for his dragon wife to bear his little Tandra.

  Laying down next to her as they continued to wait for Keraden to return he found no irritation with the man's tardiness as he licked his wife's scaly head waking her from her light slumber.

  "Some protector you are my love, napping on the job as soon as we stop for a break. Such diligence deserves a reward and one that has been too long in coming. Give me your head for a second my pet."

  As a smirk grew on her draconian face Laurith angled her head towards her mate and as the left side of her head gained a few pounds of weight on her horn her Cade created a mirror in front of her head and smiled at the surprised expression on her face.

  He had pulled from her memory of Tandra and her playing and etched the scene into the metal of her marriage band with the strange rock shining like a sun above her and their baby.

  "It's amazing my love, what does it do?"

  Seeing her words had been a trigger that he had been waiting for she laid her head across his back and enjoyed the feeling of his scales on her back as he did the same and she listened to her mate's explanation of her newest treasures abilities.


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