My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1)

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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 2

by KC Kean

  I finally get my match with some cocky asshole and now my ex is fighting too!


  "You sure you’re good?"

  "Quit asking Jake I don't need you babying me, I'm going up top to watch with West."

  He stares down at me, like he magically expects me to start acting like a girl and back out of my fight. I think that’s what he wants me to do and it's times like this that I wonder if he even knows me at all.

  "I'll change when we get back, have fun."

  That earns me a wink. I never say good luck, it's not luck we need its skill and a love for grappling.

  I head out and towards the stairs, the ground floor consists of the rings, a dance floor, limited seating and 2 bars. Upstairs is barely held together with metal piping working as a barrier for the wrap around, holding perfect views over the rings below.

  It helps that the bar is quieter up here too. I take up my usual spot, dead center with a perfect view of both rings. I should probably pay more attention to Jake's fight tonight, especially if Tommy's here, but my spot sees all angles and access points. I feel in control with my viewpoint and that's my priority. I grab a water from the bartender, and I manage a small smile to say thanks. It's busy tonight, even up here, and I can hear the group of men to my right discussing the rumors that there's a girl on the roster. They think its easy money against Steele, I can't wait to prove them wrong.

  I hear the bell sound and Murphy announces the next two fights.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we've got ourselves a lovers' tiff spotlight tonight. Ring One's set for our classic Jefferson and Holmes and an extra special tonight in Ring Two we have Jake Blois and Tommy Mack, show them what you've got boys. Who knows, one of you might even end up with the girl eventually.”

  "Is he fucking serious?" I look to West for answers, who just gives me a knowing smirk and turns back to ring two.

  Like it’s obvious.

  Maybe it is, I see how Jake looks my way, but he just likes the idea of me. Whenever I'm truly myself, like tonight, ready to fight, he wants to change me and I'm never going to do that.

  Tommy on the other hand, I couldn't care less. We split a little over a month ago when I walked in on him with Tiffany, the town whore, fucking on the sofa. I didn't even feel saddened by it. I mean the sex was average and he was convenient, but I didn't have any feelings for him. I ended it and refused his apologies because nobody disrespects me like that.

  I'm not taking that shit. Ever. Especially when his lame ass excuse was because I was always too busy for him. No thanks, he was useful for getting off, but I can do that myself all the same with no expectations.

  I’ve decided I’m not a one-man kind of girl anyway. I want a variety of dick, like a chocolate selection box. No commitments, just fun.

  The bell sounds and the first rounds start, Jefferson and Holmes are dancing around each other. Naturally, I barely pay them any mind. They can predict each other's moves too much for there to be any actual entertainment.

  Turning my eyes to Jake and Tommy the tension between them is palpable and I can't help but roll my eyes. This fight is more like a pissing contest and I don't have the energy to watch it unfold.

  Bored with them already, I take in the rest of the warehouse below. My eyes catch on the main doors opening and a group of five men walk in together scanning the warehouse. Something seems off, like they're looking for someone.

  It doesn't help that they’re all dressed identically in black, matching shaved heads and sunglasses on with a red emblem on their hoodies. I see Murphy approach them and they greet each other. I watch the scene before me for a few more moments when the first-round bell halts my attention.

  Glancing back to the ring I notice blood on the mat, lifting my gaze higher I see it’s coming from Tommy. Looks like Jake got him with a mean hook. His left eye is already swelling, and the blood is coming from his nose.

  I look back towards the entrance but no one’s there now.

  I cut my eyes back to the ring keeping my face blank, to see the second round has started and Jake already has Tommy backed up against the cage. Pounding him repeatedly. Unwilling to relent.

  Tommy is barely on his feet, and it looks as though Jake is ready to end this. He pulls his right arm back and delivers the final blow, forcing Tommy to the mat. The referee has seen enough and is calling time.

  Tommy doesn't move for a minute while Jake looks straight at me, seeking my approval. I mean he thinks he's fighting for my honor, but I don’t need his help. I can feel Tommy's eyes on me trying to gain my attention too, but I'm not wasting my time.

  With their fight called, I make my way back to the locker room so I can prepare myself and get changed. I can feel the buzz inside me ramping up knowing it’s closer to my turn. I'm beyond ready for this, I’ve been training since I was a child. The want for it is suffocating. I need to get in that ring now.

  Back in the dressing room, I’m not alone but I prepare myself like I am. West and Riggs are changing while Jake hits the showers.

  Grabbing my gym bag that West threw down earlier, I keep to the corner opting for as much privacy as I can without being obvious. I'm not shy, I love my body, my piercings, and my tattoos. I'd just rather not make eye contact with anyone in this room while I'm trying to focus, and I can already feel their stares and the heat in their eyes.

  Throwing on my black sports bra and shorts, I also take a minute to put thick band-aids over my nipple piercings, I don't want them to catch but it's also too much effort to take them out. I braid my hair down my back and methodically tape my hands.

  I’m ready.

  Finally looking up into the room I see Jake staring first, the lust clear in his eyes, but I can't let him entertain that idea. So, I move my eyes around the room, catching West trying to dance his eyebrows at me with a smirk. I can't help but relax at his antics and feel the tension release that I didn't even realize I was holding. The only other person in the locker room seems to be Riggs, who is staring me down like he can't decide whether to eat me or beat me.

  Before anyone can say anything, a knock comes from outside and we're given the nod that it's time. West holds his hand out for a high five like we're in second grade or something, but I still can't help but participate. Glancing, neither Jake or Riggs have moved and they're both still staring me down.

  Fuck sake.

  I give them the middle finger and head out, hearing West snicker. I can't help the slight lilt to my mouth that I have at least entertained someone tonight, seen as every fucker here will have bet against me, and they're going to be leaving mad as hell.


  I stand in the ring facing Riggs. There's a lot of people talking all at once when they see that there is indeed a female in the ring tonight. Their slight frowns tell me they’d have preferred me in little booty shorts, heels on and my tits hanging out, classic ring girl style.

  Then they think they see an easy opportunity to make some extra cash. I can see Murphy holding back a little longer than usual as he sees more bet's taking place around us, against me for sure.

  I'm zoning them all out. I've taken some of their energy to bounce off and now my sole focus is in this ring. I catch Murphy looking in my direction with what appears to be a hint of guilt and doubt in his eyes, but he blinks and turns in an instant leaving me unsure whether I just made it up.

  Murphy's grin is wide as he finally deems it time to begin. "Have I got a treat for you all tonight. In ring one we have our local Morgan up against Holden who's in from Philly. In ring two we also have an import from Philly; Riggs, who tonight has the pleasure of competing against Steele in her first fight here seen as she only turned 18 fifteen minutes ago."

  If he doesn't get on with it, he might be the one to meet the end of my fist at this rate.

  All the men are now looking intently at me, be it because I'm a girl up in here or the fact that I'm just legal. I don't know but I'm not going to take my eyes off Riggs, who's smir
king at me and rolling his shoulders like it's the most relaxed he's ever been.

  "You all know the rules, let's fight."

  With that the bell rings and I stand stoically still. Nothing unnerves a man more than not immediately getting into a circling dance with them. Riggs' arms have risen to a fighting stance and he's bouncing on his feet. He notices me not moving and ... yeah, there's the look in his eyes I was waiting for. He thinks I'm unskilled and out of my depth and he relaxes his shoulders down, stands tall, and starts to approach me like his height alone is intimidating me enough to submit already.

  When he realizes I'm not backing down, I see the resignation that he's gonna have to come at me first. He tests his arm space out around me watching for my reaction and I don't give him one. He goes to come at me properly this time, a slight bend to his knees and his arms raised, fight mode.

  He's not prepared for me to raise my arms so fast to block his fist towards my face. His reaction time is quick, and he bounces back a little, ready to come at me from a different angle.

  He definitely has the power behind him, which surprises me a little, but I don’t show it. Instead I smirk, showing him my pearly whites. Which just seems to piss him off, so I can’t help it. I snap my teeth together, bite me bitch, taunting him and he’s had enough.

  As he swings with his left hand this time, I dip to the right taking my elbow to his thigh and swinging my leg round to knock him down from behind. He goes to grab me, anywhere, to capture me in a hold but I rise just out of reach, and this time I hold my fighting stance.

  The look in his eye's shows me I've surprised him, but he thinks I'm a one trick pony. This time I go at him first with a swift jab to his ribs which he counters with a hit straight to my face.

  Fuck. I won't be able to cover up a black eye.

  While my body has leaned to the left slightly with the impact, he goes to grab me around the waist, but he isn't prepared for me to drop quickly to my knees and wrap myself tightly around his leg. This is it, like muscle memory, as if in slow motion, he staggers forwards and I push his momentum through with my shoulder into the back of his thighs, forcing him into a roll.

  Grabbing his arm mid roll, I drop to my ass and pull that arm like my life depends on it, leading me to wrap my legs like a vice under his arm and around his neck in an arm triangle choke. I hold on tight ready for him to try and get out. I feel him try to shuffle on the floor, and I pull his arm even tighter and squeeze my thighs, applying more pressure around his neck.

  He goes slack almost instantly, then I feel it. Frantic tapping to my left leg, has the bells being rung. I give him a little extra squeeze before I let go, knowing the rules, but he’ll be remembering me.

  Standing I allow the world outside of this ring to filter back in.

  The noise is deafening, there are a lot of shouts around me as my focus returns. I see bewilderment and jaws on the floor but mostly I hear sneers.

  ‘Fucking bitch’. ‘She just cost me’. ‘This is a setup’. ‘Whore’.

  I just smile, basking in my glory. This is just what it sounds like as a boss bitch in a man's world.

  Glancing around I see the shock across everyone's faces until I see Jake smiling wide at me with relief. As much as these guys know how Rafe trained me, it seems they forget when we aren’t in the gym.

  Looking over to Riggs, his eyes are already on me, seeing me in a different light. Still shocked and not likely impressed by the turn of events, he moves forward to shake my hand out of respect, as my other arm is raised above my head by the referee and I'm officially announced the winner.

  There seems to be a lot more people surrounding the ring than when I first entered it. I try to see how West’s match is going, but with the amount of bodies that suddenly seem to be filling the ring, I can barely see. At least he’s still on his feet.

  I’m done now, I’ve taken in my fill of the noise and the excitement. I’m ready to get my cut from the bets and head out. I need to burn off the rest of this adrenaline.

  Heading straight to the locker room I'm hoping I can grab a quick shower whilst the other fight is still going, and there's less people to worry about. Catching sight of West still fighting, I think I’ve found how I can burn the rest of this adrenaline off.


  There’s no way I could approach Jake, he’d want to get married in the morning, but West? Maybe he could be down for some no-strings passion. With only his shorts on, I can see his chiseled abs and muscular thighs from here, and I could get down with that. His light brown hair is cut short at the sides and gelled on the top, his brown eyes always observing.

  Murphy stops me just as I enter the hallway and hands me an envelope. I don't question how much is in there and that information isn’t divulged. Staring me dead in the eyes, he holds for a moment then nods, not at me, more like in agreement with himself. Without a backwards glance he’s gone. Odd.

  As I shut the door to the locker room a chill runs down my spine and my senses go on high alert. I give myself the smallest moment to ready myself, fully aware that I'm not alone in here. I turn quickly to assess the room.

  I first notice the five men that caught my attention earlier when they entered the warehouse with their sunglasses on. I knew something was off with them, but I let them disappear into the crowd, as I watched Jake and Tommy.

  Continuing around the room I see a defeated Rafe looking at his shoes, sitting in the corner, unable to meet my eyes.

  What the fuck is going on?

  Before I can even bring myself to ask the question I hear heels clicking from the showers, not wanting to take my eyes off Rafe, I finally pull my gaze in that direction.

  "Happy Birthday, Daughter! I must say you put on a fabulous show for me, just like your Daddy. You're going to fit right in at Featherstone Academy, chop chop, you leave tonight.”

  I’d know them pointed heels anywhere, it’s funny how suited they are to the dirt on the tiled floor. My mother stands before me in a grey tailored suit, with her blonde hair slicked back in a chignon and a thick layer of make up like she's more than she actually is.

  Any chance of a little birthday sex to come down from this high, is well and truly out of the window now.


  I'm a little stunned.

  She's caught me off guard if I'm honest but I'm trying to not show it. Veronica has shown up a few times over the years, barely hung around for five minutes, then she's gone again. I'm trying to process what she just said and the scene in front of me. I move towards Rafe trying to gain his attention. As I do one of the guys, that seems to be here with my mother, steps behind me and locks the door.

  "Rafe, what's going on?"

  He looks at me with such anguish in his eyes, I'm halted. He looks broken, this can't be because of the fight. I mean I knew he'd be angry when he eventually found out about it, but the look on his face is something else entirely. We’re not hearts on our sleeve’s kind of people, but I can see the emotion in his eyes, the devastation.

  "Luna, don't be rude, aren't you going to greet your mother?"

  "Last I checked, I don't have a mother, you can leave now." I blandly respond, keeping my eyes trained on Rafe.

  This woman is bat shit crazy. Standing here like she's given me the world and sacrificed herself to do so. The only one here that has sacrificed is Rafe, so it's him I'm going to look to … to try and understand what the hell is going on here.

  She cackles like I just told a cheap joke, slowly trying to approach me, forcing me to sneer in her direction.

  "Luna, don't be silly. We're here to assist your transition to Featherstone Academy. Rafe knew this day would come. We don't have time to waste, especially if you want to grab a few of your things before we leave."

  "Leave? I'm not going anywhere, definitely not with you or to some random Academy. I'm happy where I am, and I'd be even better if you would actually just fuck off, and take your fucking muscle men with you."

  These guys are just
milling around, taking up space. Clearly here to back my mother.

  Before she can respond there is pounding on the door and shouts from the other side. I recognize Jake’s voice, and as I go to unlock the door, a rough callous hand wraps around my arm. It's the same guy who trapped us in here. Well I assume it is, these guys are like standard issue bad boys, I haven’t been able to differentiate them yet.

  "Get your fucking hands off of me,” I growl, as I glare at him.

  He loosens his hold only slightly, "I can't let you open that door, Miss Steele."

  What does this fucker mean, he can't let me? I don't answer to this guy. I'm practically growling through my teeth at him. I go to step back, but his hand remains wrapped around my wrist.

  The. Fuck.

  The thunder in my eyes finally has this guy letting go.

  Damn straight, asshole.

  If looks could kill I’d have burnt him alive with the fire in my glare, but instead I’m gonna have to get physical.

  "Luna," Rafe calls, gaining my attention. Distracting me from the pounding on the door and this dead man in front of me.

  I move to Rafe. His tattooed hands braced on his knees, his long brown hair is slicked back into a man bun, his brown eyes searching my face. I don’t like how his olive skin seems pale. I’ve never seen his giant frame look so small.

  "Rafe, you need to explain to me what's going on. Why are you here? Why is Cruella back? And what is with the D list boy band?"

  "I'm sorry Luna, so sorry. I'd hoped things had changed and we'd avoided all this. I thought I'd been able to keep you out of their hell hole, but I was naive enough to believe your mother's words.”

  He rubs the back of his neck, his sign for being stressed.

  “I did everything she asked to make sure they stayed away from you. It wasn't enough, I'm truly sorry Luna. I swear if I'd known I'd have got us the fuck out of here when she first found us."

  My mother moves to the center of the room, clearly missing out on all the attention.


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