My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1)

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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 23

by KC Kean

  Glancing in the dresser mirror I take myself in. She’s curled my hair, then twisted it loosely round one side, and fitted it all into a messy bun at the back of my head. I actually love it. It looks classy but not stuck up. She’s done my make-up beautifully, my skin looks flawless. My eyes are a gorgeous blend of bronzes and golds and my lips are a glossy pink. My girl did good. This is why she’s my favorite.

  Looking between the two dresses, my make-up will suit both so that doesn’t help narrow down my choice. I try the blue option first then the dusty pink. As soon as I look in the mirror, I know the pink dress is the one. It’s stunning. Floor length with a small trail, spaghetti straps leading to a low V that stops in between my breasts. It hugs my hips tight accentuating my assets, and the back is completely bare except for the straps around my shoulder blades. I consider using some tape to hold everything in place, but everything is so tight nothing is close to slipping.

  Accessorizing with the jewelry pieces Red left out, and the black strappy heels and matching clutch I’m ready to go.

  Stepping back into my bedroom Red isn’t there, but I hear noise coming from the lounge.

  “Nope, no way Jessica. You are not leaving this room until you go change. Tell her Roman,” Oscar’s shouting. What the hell is he shouting for?

  “Shut up Oscar,” calls a bored Roman.

  “No way, guys are going to be staring at her and getting dirty thoughts and I won’t allow it.”

  “Fuck off Oscar,” Red shouts.

  Oh shit, I better get out there. Stepping into the lounge I observe the scene before me. Everyone is sat casually on the sofas except Red and Oscar who are glaring at each other. I want to get involved but he looks hot as sin in a fitted deep blue suit and tie, and he’s got me all tongue tied.

  Looking at the others Roman and Kai are both kitted out in fitted black suits, whereas Roman has a black shirt and tie too, Kai is wearing a white shirt and a bow tie.

  Tracing my eyes over Parker he’s wearing a grey fitted suit with a bow tie too. My brain has officially short-circuited, and my body cannot deal with this amount of hotness at once. I think I’m going to self-combust from the sexual tension alone. Remembering why I rushed out here I shake my head ready to stop the shouting, but there is no shouting. Everyone is staring at me with their jaws hanging loose, even Red.

  Clearing my throat, I try to find something to say.

  “Why were you yelling in here?”

  Nobody responds, they just continue to stare and it’s starting to make me feel awkward. Getting frustrated with them I march past them all, heading to the kitchen. When they’re behind me I hear curse words and turn to see what’s going on now.

  “I think I just came in my pants,” gasps Oscar.

  The confusion on my face has him pointing at me, but he doesn’t expand.

  Fucking idiots can’t even hold a conversation now apparently, so I waltz into the kitchen and grab a water, I don’t want to let my guard down around so many threats tonight. A finger traces down my back gaining my attention, Kai is staring at me like I created heaven or something.

  “You look truly beautiful Sakura, no words can truly do you any justice,” he murmurs.

  Playing with his bow tie I smile at him as a way of acknowledging his compliment.

  “You look very handsome Kai, a bow tie suits you,” I whisper.

  In our own private bubble like this I could stare into his eyes forever. With my heels on I can touch my lips to his easily, so I don’t deny myself the connection. We easily lose ourselves and the caresses of his fingers down my spine are electric. Before we can escalate too far, he pulls back slightly.

  “Fuck Sakura,” he murmurs, did he just swear?

  “What does that mean, Sakura?”

  Finally willing to ask what he has called me since the beginning.

  “I grew up in America, my father is American while my mother is half Japanese, half Danish. She taught me that every word in the Japanese language was beautiful, but cherry blossoms were just something different. They’re level of beauty unparalleled, just like you.”

  I melt at his words, in such a small sentence I learned things I never knew whilst he simply complimented me. I kiss him lightly this time, as his fingers continue to trace patterns on my skin.

  “Stop hogging her Kai,” Roman grumbles, as he enters the room. Making Kai step back, offering his spot to Roman.

  Before I can mourn the loss of contact Roman is offering me a different touch, one I crave just as much.

  “You are the most beautiful Princess I have ever seen,” he says, as he cups my face and hip at the same time. Slowly tracing my hands over the front of his shirt I take him in.

  “You’ll do, I guess,” I say with a grin which he returns before joining our lips. No issues that they have just been touching someone else moments ago. The passion is different, yet it sets me on fire exactly the same.

  “Get off her, the cars here and I’m not redoing her make-up,” Red calls from the lounge.

  The need in Romans eyes is raw, making me question if the ball is even worth it. Seems it must be when he steps back offering me his elbow.

  Stepping into the lounge everyone is ready to head out. Parker pushes Roman out of the way and takes my arm, whilst Oscar takes my other side. I think everyone’s a little surprised by Parkers force but it’s hot as hell, and Roman doesn’t even grumble. I’d love to know more of what’s there between them but now isn’t the time.

  Oscar and Parker both lean in kissing me delicately on the cheek, whispering sweet compliments in my ear. God they sure know how to express themselves once they pick their jaws up off the floor.

  A quick trip in the elevator and we are stepping outside to a waiting limousine, which catches me by surprise. I thought we were just travelling as normal. I look to the others, and it’s Oscar who answers the question in my eyes.

  “We didn’t want to fight over who rode with you, and we didn’t want to leave you and Jess in a car alone, so we compromised on a limo.”

  Shaking my head at their antics we climb in, and I take a seat next to Red.

  “You look gorgeous, don’t listen to any of that shit Oscar was sprouting, I actually think you have him all protective,” I whisper.

  “I know, don’t worry. Who knew he had it in him huh?” she chuckles as we climb in.

  As we pull up to the main building, I’m taken back by how beautiful it looks, with little lights and a red carpet forming an entrance it's exactly what you would expect from this place.

  Parker helps me out of the limo and leads the way with Roman, while Kai and Oscar take up the rear behind me and Red.

  “Jeez they’re like bodyguards. Guys didn’t come near me before because I was a nobody, now being seen with these guys puts me out of reach. I can’t win,” she grumbles.

  “Red you are beautiful, and if some guy isn’t willing to stand tall for you no matter what, then they’re not worth your time anyways,” I say, like I’m the queen of advice. Yeah right.

  Entering the Main Hall, I’m surprised with the space with all the furniture removed. There are people milling around everywhere, waiting for the rope to drop and to be led upstairs. Glancing around I take in everyone else. I feel people’s eyes stare back at me, but I don’t maintain eye contact. Although I do plaster a half smile on my face to make myself look approachable.

  That’s been my new tactic, no resting bitch face. If I’m going to prove to these people that I’m not a pushover, and I won’t take their shit, then I need to show that I’m a leader of people. For that, I need the people to like me.

  Feeling a hand on my hip I know it’s Oscar, his thumb unable to refrain from stroking my skin. “Baby girl, I have never in my life been turned on by someone’s back before, but I just can’t keep my hands off of you,” he murmurs against my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  Holy shit, it’s a good job this dress came with padding, because I’d likely poke someone’s eye out with h
ow hard my nipples are. They don’t like my bare skin getting all the attention.

  I look over my shoulder at him, loving his attention. In a room full of people, who the hell am I?

  “Don’t give me that sexy coy look baby girl. I’m struggling enough as it is, and I can feel Roman glaring daggers at me too.”

  I can’t help but grin at him, he’s trying to be serious, yet he always makes me smile. Seems he actually listened when I told him to shut that big mouth of his. Before he can say anymore, a bell is rang gaining everyone’s attention.

  “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be able to invite you into this year's Featherstone Academy Fall Ball. If you would be so kind to follow me, we may begin.” Some guy I’ve never seen before announces to the room and drops the rope.

  Everyone starts pushing like it’s a race, but this dress was not made for that. I’ll get there when I get there. Red links me and the guys surround us as we make our way, at the back of the crowd, up the stairs.

  The ballroom is gorgeous. Large tables take up a lot of the space, with gold satin tablecloths and large floral centerpieces. The chairs are all vintage off white while the chandeliers are black wrought iron, surprisingly it looks classy. I’m mostly on edge with all the amount of cutlery and glasses on the tables. A stage and dance floor fill the center of the room, while a few drink stands are dotted around the edge.

  I’m surprised to find that there are two tables filled with teachers and another table filled with people I haven’t seen around here before.

  “Shit,” Roman grunts. I whip my head to see what the issue is, but he’s too focused on Parker.

  What's going on? What’s wrong with Parker?

  Then Kai is leaning in to whisper in my ear.

  “The Ring is here.”

  The Ring? As in, top of Featherstone elite.

  Wait shit as in their families? I’m not ready for that.


  No one’s here from Steele though, right? Because I definitely can’t deal with that.

  Fuck I may need a drink after all.



  The food has come and gone, and I barely touched anything in front of me, let alone looked to see what it actually was.

  I’m on edge.

  I forced everyone to move the place cards around, so my back wasn’t to the table The Ring were sat at, yet I hadn’t dared look in their direction in case it drew attention to me. Add to the fact I’ve had to deal with Wren and Tyler for the past hour at our table, and I’m ready to call it quits.

  They’ve sneered at me all night. I want to gut him with my knife, I know he was one of the guys that helped Wren jump me. He’s sneering a lot at Roman too, seen as he got the short straw of sitting on Wren’s other side and she’s been all over him like a dog in heat.

  My green-eyed monster is definitely close to the surface. I want to pluck her away from him and cut her fingers off for touching what’s mine, but I refuse to look like a fool. Especially when he knows he’s mine and he’s not even glanced her way, keeping his attention solely on me. Well unless he’s staring daggers at Kai for getting the seat beside mine. Red has been giggling at their antics the whole time, not fazed in the slightest by our guests this evening.

  “So Luna, tell me. How many dicks have you had at this table already?” Wren brazenly asks across the table. Seems she’s willing to go to any lengths, to try and get a reaction out of me with The Ring nearby.

  I don’t breathe a word, I just offer a smile, while Oscar steps in.

  “What’s the matter Wren, jealous? How many times in the High School dorms did you sneak into Romans room, lay naked and hope he’d be willing to stick his dick in you?”

  He chuckles like it’s a joke, which just makes her go red in the face. Fucking creeper.

  “My mouth was just fine for you wasn’t it, Oscar?” she retorts, glancing to see if I give a reaction.

  Which I don’t, on the outside anyway. Inside I’m screaming that this bitch touched him, and my nails are digging so hard into my palms, I think I may have broken the skin.

  Before me. It. Was. Before. Me.

  Kai squeezes my thigh in knowing comfort and I let his relaxing aura surround me. He nods slightly towards Oscar for me to follow his glance, and I see Oscar with fear in his eyes. Fear that I’m furious at him. I offer him a half smile which has him visibly relaxing back into his chair, before he turns back to Wren.

  “Yes Wren. Your mouth, when I was black out drunk, did the trick. Yet I still couldn’t force myself to stick it in your skanky pussy now could I?” Fuck his big mouth, I’m so close to cringing at his choice of words.

  Wren’s face is beetroot red, but before she can respond a man approaches the table.

  “Miss Dietrichson, your grandfather wishes to see you, alone,” he says, then turns and leaves just as quickly as he arrived.

  The color drains from her face, but she still manages to glare at me like it's my fault. As she stands, I see her actually trembling, I don’t care to watch her near them.

  “Fuck off Tyler, formalities are done with for the night, and I do not need any more encouragement to beat you to a pulp” Roman grumbles, and Tyler actually does as he says.

  Clearly, it’s the female population he doesn’t like being above him. Maybe that’s why he’s lurking around Wren, being with an Ace will boost his reputation.

  I want to ask why the members of The Ring are here, but I don’t know where to begin. A singer is now on the stage with a live band, and I’m surprised when they start singing up to date music. Pairs take up the dance floor as I feel a presence behind me.

  “Luna, it’s really important,” West whispers, before leaning back and talking louder, “May I have this dance?”

  He holds his hand out for me and I consider my options. As much as I hate the fact that West is a part of my past, he may also be able to help me understand what to do with The Ring being here. I place my hand in his, seeing the frown on Roman’s face, I can tell he’s not happy, but it won’t stop me following West, although I do try to offer a smile of reassurance. Which just seems to have him curse under his breath.

  West takes us to the center of the dance floor, surrounding us with the other dancers. He places his hands on my hips leading me to place mine on his shoulders. We sway for a moment, it feels so odd to be in this situation with West. We’d spent time together but never really alone or so close unless we were training.

  “What’s so important then, West?” I ask, straight to the point as ever.

  I don’t want to waste time dancing for no reason, especially when it’s not with one of my guys.

  “Rafe is on his way, about thirty minutes out,” he says in my ear.

  “What? Why?”

  “The Ring weren’t supposed to be here tonight. They showed up about an hour before this thing started, surprising everyone.”

  “Okay, and what does that have to do with Rafe being on his way?”

  “Because Luna, they’re likely here to look you over in person. You can’t let them catch you alone, do you understand me?”

  “What on earth is going on West?”

  He won’t meet my eyes and it’s driving me crazy.

  “I need you to not keep secrets if it’s putting me in danger West, how am I supposed to defend myself?”

  He finally looks at me.

  “Fuck. Okay, when you went to live with Rafe, it was because an agreement was always in place that if anything ever happened to your father, Rafe would get you off the grid,” he says slowly, as if I’m going to freak out.

  “Off the grid?” I ask, confused.

  “A lot of shit was going down at the time, and you aren’t ready for all of that and we both know it. It was everyone’s priority that you were to be kept safe. Again, a lot you have locked away and now isn’t the time but Rafe got you and ran. No one found you for a long time, not even your mother, until you were twelve.”

  He checks my reactions, and proceeds when he sees I’m not having a breakdown at his words. Simply because I can’t yet process them.

  “Rafe broke a lot of rules to do what he did, and a lot of manipulation and blackmailing on his side kept them at bay. Until now.”

  He’s right, now isn’t the time to try and make me remember things. Rafe ran with me? What did he sacrifice to honor his agreement with my father? I feel a little sick. West must see it on my face.

  “I swear Luna, he would have done it again in a heartbeat,” he declares as he cups my cheek.

  “A lot of things would be very different if your father was still with us, and I’m sorry that he’s not. When you are ready, I will talk to you about anything you wish, but right now I need you to trust me. Rafe will be here soon to distract them, but they can’t know that I have contact with him.”

  I nod understanding the seriousness in his eyes.

  “What about them seeing us right now?”

  “They wouldn’t be surprised Luna, and that’s also for another time okay?”

  “Okay,” I breathe, confused with all of this.

  “Who exactly is sitting at that table West? I feel unprepared and I need to know who’s who.”

  He contemplates what I’m asking for a moment before he sighs and nods in agreement.

  “Okay. Dietrichson’s father, John, is the oldest with the moustache and blue suit, place him and I’ll go clockwise from there.”

  He turns us slightly so I’m looking in their direction as discreetly as possible. I nod once I have who he described, who is still grilling Wren from the looks of it.

  “From there it’s Patrick O’Shay, Travis Fuse, Reggie Rivera, Juliana Gibbs, Maria Steele, Betty Morgan and Rico,” he whispers.

  My heart is pounding in my chest. There is a Steele here, someone with my blood and I can’t even bring myself to look at them, for fear of it crushing me.

  “Who is she to me?” I ask quietly, he knows what I’m asking.

  “She is your grandmother. To be completely honest with you Luna, there are three others up there that were also very fond of you too.”


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