Sound of Silence

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Sound of Silence Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

Joshua didn’t get paid enough for this insanity. He also couldn’t get any answers to the subtle questions he had asked. Burrows and Christopher always had someplace to go whenever Joshua dropped hints about howls that erupted during the night and exotic animals that lurked in the nearby woods with too much intelligence in their eyes. One time he’d even seen someone who ran so fast that he or she was just a blur.

  Now he was standing there staring at a guy with wings.

  There was definitely something going on in Maple Grove, and Joshua was determined to get to the bottom of things.

  The stranger spread his arms and laughed bitterly around the cigarette dangling from between his lips. “You think a car will kill me? You humans are so clueless…and pathetic…and tiny.”

  Joshua was six feet tall and muscular. He would never consider himself “tiny.”

  “What exactly are you?” he asked.

  The man curled his upper lip. “Pissed.”

  Joshua closed the distance, but before he could reach the winged stranger, the guy disappeared. He blew out a long breath and scratched at his head, chalking this up to lack of sleep and working too many hours.

  Because any other explanation just might land him in a straitjacket.

  Chapter Five

  After his shower, Aiden sat on the side of his bed, wondering what had been going through his mind. Had he seriously kidnapped a second person within a week? Fuck, he’d completely lost his mind.

  But in all fairness, this time, Aiden had feared for Rudy’s safety. He’d felt massive power radiating off the winged stranger. That alone had terrified Aiden and forced him into action.

  He dropped to his back and spread his arms while staring up at the ceiling. Had he really shoved some guy into his trunk and dumped the body? Worse, he’d gotten Rudy involved.

  “Way to screw things up,” Aiden grumbled just as a knock sounded on his door. “Come in.”

  Rudy popped his head inside, and his gaze went straight to the towel tucked around Aiden’s waist. “I was just, uh, seeing if you were okay.”

  “I cattle prodded a guy, tossed him into my trunk, and dumped him in the middle of the cold woods. It’s just another typical day for me.”

  Aiden scrubbed his face and sat up. That wasn’t a complete lie. He’d tossed men in his trunk before, but that had been back in the sixties when he’d been a more aggressive guy with a chip on his shoulder. It hadn’t been the first time he’d knocked a guy out cold, either. But it was the first time he’d dumped a butt-ass naked guy in the woods.

  Rudy stepped farther into the room as his gaze bounced around. He was actively avoiding looking at Aiden’s almost-nudity.

  “How’re you holding up?”

  “Still a bit freaked.” Rudy crossed his arms over his chest. Aiden really wished the guy would stop letting his eyeballs bounce everywhere. “I’m waiting for the cops to break the door down and arrest us.”

  Aiden patted the space beside him. “No one is coming for us.”

  “How can you be sure? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m pretty new at committing crimes. I can already feel the handcuffs slapping around my wrists.”

  Aiden grinned as Rudy took a seat, keeping a respectable distance between them. Something he didn’t want. Aiden turned to sit sideways and placed his hands on Rudy’s shoulders. He started massaging the tension away, concentrating on the knots.

  “What’s he gonna do?” Aiden asked. “Go naked to the police station and file a report while trying to explain why he has a set of wings? He’s probably long gone by now.”

  “Why was he here in the first place?” Rudy slowly sagged as he let out a low moan. That sound went straight to Aiden’s cock.

  “I have no idea and don’t care.” Not when the power he’d felt coming off the guy had scared him. He’d just wanted the stranger out of his house and away from Rudy. But somewhere in the back of Aiden’s mind, he had a nagging feeling he hadn’t seen the last of him.

  Rudy eased out of Aiden’s hands and stood, blushing as he headed for the door. The human had taken a shower, too. He was wearing a pair of pajama bottoms Aiden had given him, and from what Aiden saw, Rudy was sporting a boner.

  “Good night.” Rudy hurried from the room and closed the door behind him.

  Aiden sat there, frustrated and hard. He blew out a breath and dropped to his back, once again staring at the ceiling. Forget this. He got up and slid on a pair of boxers before heading out of his room. Aiden didn’t need to lie there by himself and let all kinds of thoughts run through his head. Thoughts he never liked to think about.

  He walked to the kitchen, passing Rudy in the living room watching TV. Aiden hid his smirk when he saw the guy checking him out from a side-glance. They were attracted to one another, so why not sleep together?

  Aiden just had to play this right. He grabbed two bottled waters and a few sticky marshmallow treats then plopped down onto the sofa, right next to Rudy.

  “Not tired?” Rudy looked straight ahead, a death grip on the remote.

  Aiden handed him a bottle, and Rudy still didn’t look at him. He just felt around for it before taking it. He cracked the lid open and swallowed half the contents.

  “Do I really make you that nervous?” Aiden asked.

  Rudy wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “No, not at all,” he said a little too fast.

  “So what’re we watching?” Aiden tossed his arm on the back of the couch like some teenager trying to make a move. And he was totally trying to make a move.

  “Some sitcom,” Rudy answered.

  Aiden grazed the pad of his thumb over Rudy’s shoulder. He took it as a good sign when his mate didn’t pull away. He’d been strongly attracted to Rudy since first laying eyes on him, but more importantly that night, Aiden had made sure no harm had come to the human while he’d slept in the woods. He’d also made sure Rudy had been warm because the November days were getting colder and the nights were downright freezing.

  He wasn’t sure how Rudy had survived the nights with just a sheet protecting him from the weather. It was shocking that he hadn’t died of hypothermia.

  But now Rudy was safe and warm and tempted Aiden in so many ways that his teeth ached to nibble the man from head to toe. He wanted to pull Rudy’s small form into his arms and show the human all the attention he deserved. Kicked out at eighteen. Aiden gnashed his teeth at the thought of how helpless Rudy must’ve felt, of the hardship he’d endured for the past three years.

  Rudy would never have to worry about where to lay his head. Not ever again. Aiden would see to that. He would never go hungry or concern himself about the elements.

  The human was here. He was safe, and Aiden scooted just a bit closer so he could inhale the man’s wild scent. A scent that was intoxicating to Aiden.

  As the show played, Rudy tucked his bare feet under him and leaned closer and closer to Aiden. He yawned twice then leaned into Aiden’s body.

  “Tired?” Aiden rubbed his hand down Rudy’s arm.

  “Just a bit. Being a criminal is exhausting. Next time I’ll pack some protein bars.”

  Aiden gave a low, deep chuckle. “I’ll stuff some in the glove box.”

  Rudy nodded and smiled up at him. “Always be prepared. It’s my new motto since meeting you.”

  “I really am sorry I got you involved. If I could’ve kept you out of it, I would have.” Aiden kept rubbing Rudy’s arm. He couldn’t stop touching the guy, even if the touches were innocent.

  “Like I would’ve stayed behind.” Rudy’s smile turned soft. “I had to make sure you didn’t get into deeper trouble. I see I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you.”

  Aiden feigned offense. “Me? I wasn’t the one who broke into someone’s house. I was just defending us.”

  “My hero,” Rudy teased.

  If the guy only knew. Aiden planned on being Rudy’s hero when it came to protecting him. He would kill anyone foolish enough to think they could harm his little human.

  And yes,
Rudy was his. The guy just didn’t know it yet.

  “Your hero should be rewarded for defending our territory.” Aiden wiggled his brows and gave Rudy the most charming smile he could muster.

  “Aiden…” Rudy looked away.

  “I know, those damned rules you put into place.” He pressed his lips to Rudy’s soft hair. “I can get with boundaries and respect, but what’s the harm in fooling around? That saves us from having to find a bed partner.”

  He noticed how Rudy stiffened. Ah, the guy didn’t like the idea of Aiden bringing someone home. It tickled Aiden that Rudy was jealous. When Rudy looked up at him, Aiden took that moment to lower his head and capture the man’s lips.

  Rudy tasted as good as Aiden imagined he would. His lips were soft and warm, and Aiden saw himself kissing Rudy for hours without coming up for air.

  He groaned and then swept his tongue inside Rudy’s mouth, deepening the kiss as he encouraged him to move even closer. At first Rudy was rigid, and then he melted into Aiden’s side as he placed a palm on Aiden’s chest.

  Oh yeah. This was nice. Real nice. Aiden curled an arm around him, enveloping Rudy as he slowly lowered them to the cushions. Rudy’s breath sawed in and out as he went down, folding his arms around Aiden’s neck as Aiden pressed him into the couch.

  “This is a bad idea,” he whispered against Aiden’s mouth. “It’ll make things awkward between us, and I don’t want to get kicked out.”

  Aiden shook his head. “That would never happen. I promise you.”

  Rudy rolled his eyes. “Of course you would say that. You’re trying to get into my pants.”

  Speaking of, Aiden needed to order Rudy some clothes. Although Aiden had washed Rudy’s stuff, he had one outfit that he kept recycling. Aiden wanted to buy the man a damn wardrobe, starting with a coat and some insulated boots so he could throw away the worn sneakers the guy always wore.

  First thing tomorrow, Aiden would get on his laptop and do just that. He just needed to find out Rudy’s sizes. That would be easy enough. He could look at the size in Rudy’s pants and shirt since the clothes were currently in the dryer.

  But right now, all Aiden could think about was making love to this slip of a man. Rudy’s baby blues were so beautiful, yet filled with mistrust, as if Aiden would go back on his word and toss him out.

  “If you want, we can draw up an agreement.”

  Rudy studied him then shook his head. “I trust you.”

  He had no idea how much those words meant to Aiden. The only person in Aiden’s life for the past five years had been Reese. But they were just friends. It felt good to share his home with another person. Rudy being there just felt right and good, and Aiden needed to stop thinking and get into a little more action.

  He pulled up and ran his hand over Rudy’s slim chest, and then he slid his hand under Rudy’s shirt, shuddering at the feel of his warm skin.

  Sensual tension clung in the air between them as Aiden moved his hand lower, over Rudy’s navel then to the waistline of his pajama pants. He teased the skin, running his fingers back and forth while he listened to Rudy’s breathing become choppy.

  When Rudy didn’t protest, Aiden moved his hand even lower. He curled his fist around Rudy’s hard cock and smiled when Rudy gasped and rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

  Aiden moved down Rudy’s body, taking the pajama bottoms with him. Rudy’s eyes stayed glued to Aiden as Aiden licked the head, drawing the pre-cum into his mouth.

  “Tell me we can’t have a bit of fun and not regret things in the morning.”

  “No-no regrets.” Rudy bit his bottom lip. He was fighting for control. Aiden saw that in his blue eyes.

  “Don’t hold back on me.” Aiden winked. “Don’t be afraid to let loose.”

  “I’m-I’m not afraid.” It seemed arousal befuddled Rudy’s brain. Aiden found that endearing as he sucked the rest of Rudy’s cock into his mouth.

  “Fuck,” Rudy groaned. He fisted the couch as he tried to spread his legs wider, but the pants prevented him for doing so. They were at his knees and prohibited movement. Aiden pulled them all the way off and threw them aside. When he did, Rudy tossed a leg over the back of the couch, opening himself up for Aiden.

  Aiden pulled off Rudy’s length and kissed each inner thigh. He loved how the man smelled, musky and masculine. It was a heady scent that Aiden inhaled deep drafts of.

  Rudy’s legs shook as Aiden licked his way to the man’s balls. He bathed the wrinkled sac with his tongue while wetting a finger. When Aiden took Rudy’s cock back into his mouth, he slid a finger into Rudy’s tight ass.

  Aiden repositioned Rudy, putting him on his hands and knees. Rudy gripped the arm of the couch as Aiden buried his face in the man’s ass, reinserting his finger.

  Rudy made the sexiest noises as he thrust backward, spreading his legs as far apart as he could without falling off the couch.

  Aiden needed more room. He lifted Rudy up and carried him to his bedroom, depositing him on the bed before diving back in. Aiden swirled his tongue then delved it deep while pulling Rudy’s cheeks apart.

  “Aiden,” Rudy panted.

  Aiden added a second finger, using the tip of his tongue to trace the tight band of muscles at Rudy’s ass. Aiden gave then pulled back, keeping Rudy on the edge without letting him orgasm. He wanted to wait until he was buried deep inside before he let the man climax.

  “Aiden,” Rudy said a little more desperately.

  “Soon.” He kissed the backs of Rudy’s legs. “Real soon, hon.”

  Aiden added a third finger as Rudy rocked back and forth. As much as Aiden didn’t want to rush things, he was too wired to take things slow. He needed to be buried deep in Rudy’s ass, and not with just his fingers.

  He pulled them free and reached into his nightstand drawer, coming away with a well-used bottle of lube. Aiden attacked Rudy’s hole with his mouth as he lathered his cock. His hand shook, and he prayed he didn’t come as soon as he entered Rudy.

  Aiden reared back and pressed the head of his cock against Rudy’s entrance. With a deep breath, he drove his cock deep, hissing at the tight heat.

  Rudy’s shoulders fell to the bed, and his fingers curled into the comforter. “Holy fuck!”

  Aiden stilled, giving Rudy’s body enough time to adjust. He smoothed his hand down Rudy’s spine, his cock throbbing so heavily that Aiden had to grab the base to stave off his orgasm.

  Sweat broke out over his brow. “Tell me I can move,” he said between gritted teeth.

  “God, please move.”

  That was all the encouragement Aiden needed. He pressed his hands into Rudy’s hips and starting pounding into his soft, hot ass. A low, rumbling growl vibrated in Aiden’s chest as his canines slid free. He had an overwhelming urge to sink them into Rudy’s shoulder.

  The desperate need stunned him. Could the whole “mate” thing be true? Had he been second-guessing himself for nothing? Was Rudy really his mate?

  So many questions circled in his head as he thrust his cock deep inside Rudy’s ass. No longer able to resist, Aiden gave in to that urge. As soon as his canines were embedded, he felt something deep in his soul snap into place. It was as though they’d just become one. He felt his heartbeat, as well as Rudy’s. Within seconds they synchronized, and Aiden knew without a shadow of a doubt that Rudy was his mate.

  Rudy cried out, his hole pulsing around Aiden’s cock. His mate had just climaxed as he writhed under Aiden. After pulling his canines free and licking the wound, Aiden threw his head back and roared his release.

  He rested his forehead against Rudy’s back, trying to suck in enough air to breathe.

  “What just happened?” Rudy panted his words. “What did I just feel? And I’m not talking about my orgasm.”

  “We’re mates.” Aiden kissed Rudy’s back. “As much as you don’t believe in such things, you can’t deny what just happened.”

  Aiden eased out of Rudy and dropped down to the bed, taking his mate with

  His mate. Aiden grinned. He liked the sound of that.

  Rudy lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. “Wow. That stuff is real?”

  Aiden nodded. “Our souls were just soldered together. It seems that fate stuff is the real deal, contrary to your belief and my doubts.”

  “I just…” Rudy wiped a hand over his face. “I guess after everything I’ve been through, it’s hard to believe something like that truly exists.”

  “Are you a believer now?” Aiden turned over to face his mate.

  Rudy tapped his own chest. “I felt it right here, like you were inside me, and I’m not talking about your dick.”

  Aiden chuckled. “I knew what you meant.”

  A light glowed in the room seconds before a stranger appeared, and it wasn’t the same guy from earlier. Aiden jumped from the bed, snarling as he let his claws slide free. The guy had a set of wings, just like the last stranger, and Aiden felt massive power radiating off the guy. More power than their last uninvited guest.

  Too bad he’d left his damn cattle prod in the car. “Who the fuck’re you?”

  The guy was tall, regal-looking, and completely naked. Rudy climbed from the bed, a pillow shoved in front of his groin. He was also staring at the stranger’s dick.

  “Seriously? You’re gonna openly stare at his junk?” Aiden asked incredulously.

  “What? I wasn’t…I mean, I was…then I wasn’t…” Rudy forced his eyes away from the stranger’s nudity. He jabbed a finger at the guy. “This is your fault. Put some clothes on. What’s with you winged bastards going around naked? Have some dang modesty.”

  The guy snapped his fingers, and he was fully covered in a pair of jeans and a soft-looking sweater. “Better? I’d forgotten how prudish humans are since I haven’t been here in ages. I hope I didn’t offend your sensibilities.”

  The stranger’s sarcastic tone grated on Aiden’s nerves. “Who the hell are you, and what do you want?”

  The guy sniffed the air. “I’m Preston, and I’m looking for Gavril. I can smell his toxic presence.”

  So that was the prick’s name who had been there earlier. Gavril. “Nobody’s here but the people in this room. Get out before you really piss me off.”


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