Broken (Breaking the Rules Series Book 1)

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Broken (Breaking the Rules Series Book 1) Page 3

by K. Webster

  “Going home, sir?” asked the older gentleman driving the car. He had an English accent that was quite adorable.

  “Yes, George,” Jackson affirmed smoothly. Reaching over, he rested his hand on my upper thigh. Sitting in the car made my dress inch up. Considering the location of his hand and my lack of panties, I could feel the heat from his pinky finger just centimeters from where I truly wanted it.

  “So, do you play this game often?” he inquired.

  “Every weekend,” I told him saucily. His pinky finger softly stroked back and forth causing me to shift a little closer to him, needing to be touched.

  “How does a beautiful woman, like yourself, get herself involved in such an unusual game?” he asked, sounding like he genuinely wanted to know.

  Annoyed at his question, I sighed and changed the subject. “So, what do you do for a living?”

  He sat quietly, realizing I didn’t want to answer his question before he finally muttered, “I’m a businessman.” Vaguest answer ever.

  For the rest of the short ride to his place, we sat in silence. His pinky still stroked my thigh, but I was in another place mentally. Why do I play this game? Oh, that’s right—fucking Brayden. The man had changed me that night but I could honestly say I felt fine. I wasn’t heartbroken anymore and I was having fun. Why, then, did I get the feeling that I was being judged by Jackson? Asshole better make it up to me. There was no way I was letting him ruin my weekend fun with his judgmental undertones.

  The car finally came to rest in front of a posh-looking building. Jackson got out, opened my door for me, and lent his hand to pull me out of the car. I was pretty sure he just got a sneak preview when his eyes darted between my legs momentarily.

  Once out of the car, I admired the building. It had recently been renovated. And even though it boasted of newer colors and detail, it still had the charm of all the older buildings in this city. I’d never tire of appreciating these structures. Wishing I had my camera, I vowed to remember to come back and photograph it.

  “Come on, let’s get inside. The wind is picking up and some of us aren’t dressed properly for it,” he smirked. He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me inside.

  If I thought the outside was pretty, the lobby was absolutely stunning. It had high ceilings and gold detail. The furniture and fixtures were quite ornate. He led me to some elevators, punched in a code on the keypad, and then pushed the “P” for penthouse. Jackson lived quite well, it would seem.

  After we silently rode to the top, the doors opened to a sleek, modern-looking loft. Greys and blacks seemed to be the color scheme.

  “Andi, can I offer you some wine?” Jackson asked me as I sat my purse down on the entryway table. When I nodded, he whisked away to the bar area just off the living room. “So it’s safe to presume that personal inquiries are off subject in our little game?” he asked as he poured two glasses of red wine.

  “You presume correctly, Jackson. I feel like we can have some fun but please, let’s just make it about sex. I am not really into spilling details about my life,” I said to him. “It’s not even worth the breath quite honestly.”

  He studied me for a moment, trying to understand my answer. Finally walking back over to me, he handed me my wine, and I greedily drank it down. He just raised an eyebrow and handed me the other glass so he could go back and refill the now empty one.

  Things had been completely awkward since the moment he questioned my motives for my game in the car. Pepper would probably like that about him. Damn him. Damn her. The earlier spark seemed to have fizzled, and I was at a loss as to how to get it back.

  Taking matters into my own hand, I sucked down the second glass and glided over to him. Once we were touching chest to chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my head up, inviting him in for a kiss. He set the glass down on the table beside him and leaned down until his lips were almost touching mine. I licked my lips to draw him in further, and he took the bait, claiming my mouth furiously. The spark that had dwindled roared to life as we tasted each other. He nibbled at my lip and sucked on my tongue, causing me to moan into his mouth. My hands made their way to his perfect hair and I took pleasure in pulling it and messing it up for him.

  His hands made their way to my ass and he roughly grabbed it, pulling me closer to him. I could feel how excited he was, now that I was pressed firmly against him. His hands suddenly slipped under my dress and yanked it up over my hips. As he continued to kiss me, one hand slipped to my sex and began rubbing me. I shivered at the touch and moaned again into his mouth, causing him to growl.

  “I need to see you naked,” he said gruffly, pulling away.

  “Lead the way, hot stuff,” I purred back at him.

  He surprised me by scooping me up into his arms. When I squealed, he laughed and stalked into his bedroom with me in tow. Unceremoniously, he dropped me onto his gigantic bed.

  “Hey! Asshole!” I giggled. He squatted down before me and pulled off my shoes. Taking both of my hands, he pulled me up off the bed to face him. Reaching behind me, he unzipped the zipper to my dress and it fell to my hips revealing my breasts that were carefully tucked away in my man-killer bra. He licked his lips appreciatively and continued to undress me by easing the dress the rest of the way off of me. Helping him out, I unclasped my bra, finally freeing my breasts. He slid my bra down my arms and tossed it aside.

  “Wow, you are an absolutely gorgeous woman.”

  Smiling, I taunted, “Don’t be a tease. Show me what’s under the suit, Jackson.” When he didn’t make any moves to undress, I unbuttoned his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders so that it dropped to the floor. Following the jacket, I started unbuttoning his dress shirt and loosening his tie. He finally decided to assist and removed the tie. Once the last button had been undone, he ripped his shirt away, revealing a very sculpted, tan chest.

  Instinctively, I ran my hands up his abs and over his pecks. He had a perfect body. Slipping my hands downward, I unbuckled his belt for him and then unfastened his pants. He pulled down the zipper and the pants fell to his ankles, leaving me to admire his physique in just his black boxer briefs. Keeping his eyes trained on mine, he removed the boxer briefs and his hard length bounced out.

  Jackson had an amazing body, and I was ready to play. He sensed my desire and gently pushed me backwards onto the bed. Kneeling down, he grabbed my hips and yanked them to the edge of the bed. I started trembling just thinking about what he was about to do. Pulling my legs over his shoulders, he bent over and placed a soft kiss on my clit. He then slipped out his tongue and dragged it between my folds, causing me to buck off of the bed. Grabbing my hips again, he pressed them into the bed, keeping me in place.

  He quickly began an insane pattern of licking, sucking, and nibbling. I started hissing air as my orgasm neared. Needing to touch something, I threaded one hand in his hair and used the other to tweak my nipple. When he thrust two fingers into me, I shuddered with delight as my orgasm came crashing down over me. “Jackson!” I shouted, pulling at his hair as my body clenched around his fingers, milking the last of my high.

  Jerking himself away from me, he walked over to the bedside table and retrieved a condom giving me a great view of his nice, round ass. He ripped open the package and slipped it over his gigantic cock. Pushing me farther up the bed, he settled himself between my legs and bowed his head to kiss me gently on the lips. Grabbing his head with both hands, I tugged him to my mouth and deepened our kiss by slipping my tongue inside.

  We kissed hard for a few minutes until we were both panting for air. I could feel him lining up his tip with my entrance, teasing me. “Jackson, I need you,” I begged, nudging my hips upward. Giving in, he pushed himself inside, causing us both to moan simultaneously.

  He began thrusting into me, quickly making my orgasm sneak back up on me. The slapping of our bodies made a beautiful sound as we both neared the edge of coming.

  “Jackson, I’m going to come again!” I shouted as he c
ontinued to pound into me. Just as internal fire overcame me, signaling the start of my orgasm, he groaned and slowed his thrusting. My aftershocks clenched around his cock making us to flinch with each one.

  When it finally stopped, he chuckled. “Woman, you are so fucking sexy. We just finished and I’m counting down until we can do it again. You are amazing,” he praised. Yes, this I know, thank you very much, but thank you for the ego boost.

  “Thanks. You aren’t so bad yourself,” I joked, grinning at him.

  Pulling off of me, he strode into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I jumped up and started redressing, realizing it was getting late. Earlier, I had promised Olive that we’d go grocery shopping together tomorrow. She hated to go by herself. Considering she had stayed home tonight, I’d need to get some sleep if I had any hope of getting up at the crack of dawn with Olive.

  When he came back out of the bathroom and saw me dressed, he frowned.

  “Jackson, I need to leave but we can certainly meet up again tomorrow. It’s been fun,” I assured him, smiling.

  “Andi, it’s late. Please, stay here tonight,” he said, the frown still on his face.

  “Jackson, I only live about ten minutes from here. It’ll be fine. Here, let me see your phone. I’ll text myself so you’ll have it and we can set something up for tomorrow,” I protested, sighing because he was starting to be a tad difficult.

  “Fine, but George is taking you home. You are not taking a cab at this time of night alone,” he bellowed, eyes challenging mine. I rolled my eyes, conceding. He let out a breath and called George. “George, I’ll need you here to take Andi home. I don’t want her taking a cab. Yes, fifteen minutes is fine,” he agreed and hung up. Reaching over, I snatched his phone out of his hand and started texting myself.

  Unknown Number: Hey sexy. I can’t wait to have some more good times with you. How about I take you to a fabulous restaurant? You like sushi? You look like a sushi and sake kind of girl. I bet you like flowers too. I’ll make sure to bring you some. ;)

  I handed the phone back to him, laughing. Suddenly my phone chimed in the other room. I slipped my feet into my shoes and hurried to my clutch in the entryway. A few moments later, after he’d thrown on some pants, he followed me in there.

  “Some guy just texted me and wants to take me on a date,” I teased, winking at him.

  “Well, are you going to accept his offer?” he asked, chuckling at my silliness.

  “I’ll think about it. Maybe he can text me tomorrow afternoon and confirm,” I suggested as I walked to him. I stood on my toes and kissed him chastely before turning to walk away. Right before I got more than a couple of feet away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.

  “See you tomorrow,” he promised and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I tried stepping away but he sucked my lip between his teeth and gently bit. Giggling, I reached under his arms and tickled his bare ribs to get him to turn me loose.

  Loud, boyish laughter resonated in the room as he squirmed away from my fingers. Ah ha! Big, powerful Jackson was ticklish. I loved it.

  “You’re ticklish! Oh, this is going to be fun!” I told him, smiling evilly. He had a huge smile on his face and both hands in a surrender position, backing away from me.

  “Woman, you tickle me again and you are getting stood up for your date tomorrow,” he threatened, still grinning.

  Walking out the door, I shouted back at him, “See you tomorrow, Jackson.” Big, serious Jackson was sexy. But ticklish, boyish Jackson was pretty adorable too.

  A dark two weeks…

  It’s been a fucking week. I don’t feel better—I feel fucking worse. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck Brayden. Fuck Pepper and her annoying prods to get me to eat. Fuck my teacher’s emails inquiring on my whereabouts. Fuck everyone.

  The slamming door lets me know Fucking Pepper is back. Fuck her. “Dammit, Andi. Get your ass out of that bed!” she shouts, ripping the covers off of me.

  “Fuck you, Pepper!” I scream back at her, tears filling my eyes again.

  “Fuck yourself, Andi. You’re going to a doctor. Get up. Now! You are depressed and you need some help,” she rants, grabbing my wrists and yanking my frail body from the bed.

  We struggle but she ultimately wins because she’s Fucking Pepper. She snatches up some jeans and throws them at me. Today I am going to get fucking help. Fuck that.

  “Wake up, lazy! I already let you sleep half the day away. I’m ready to go to the market. We’re completely out of everything,” Olive chirped, bouncing on the bed next to me.

  Groaning, I tossed my pillow at her. “What time is it?” I asked, too tired to even look for myself.

  “Sweetie, it’s ten-o’ clock. We’re wasting daylight. If we don’t get going soon, the market will be packed,” she whined. I was powerless against Olive’s cute pleas.

  “Ugh, fine! But I am taking a shower first,” I replied as I dragged myself out of bed.

  My head was still pounding from the drinks I had last night. I’d had fun with Jackson but had been ready to leave after our second round. There was no way I was going to spend the night with him. That totally would go against my rules.

  After I’d showered and thrown my hair into a wet bun Pepper would approve of, I put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. No makeup for me this morning. Olive was perched on the arm of the couch, waiting for me when I finally made it in the living room a half hour later.

  “All right, hon, I’m ready, but let’s stop by Jeanie’s on the way. I need a bagel and some coffee,” I grumbled as I picked up my purse.

  “Definitely!” she agreed, her face lighting up. Olive loved Jeanie’s because that’s where we’d found each other.

  After a twenty-minute walk mostly of us rehashing our evenings, we finally arrived at Jeanie’s. Jeanie waved at us when we walked in.

  “Couldn’t stay away, huh, Miss Andi?” Jeanie questioned, shaking her head. I might not work there anymore, but it would remain one of my favorite places.

  “Of course not, Jeanie. I already miss you!” I beamed. She waved me off, gruffly turning to get our order going. There was no sense in trying to tell her you’d try something different. Jeanie just gave us what she felt like making. Olive and I found a table by the window and sat down.

  “So are you seeing him again tonight?” Olive asked, continuing our conversation.

  Grinning, I told her, “I’m pretty sure we’ll go out again. I showed him a good time.” She giggled at my insinuation. Pepper got annoyed but I could always count on Olive to want to live vicariously through me. Pepper said that eggs me on.

  Jeanie walked up and set down two coffees as well as two everything bagels with cream cheese. The woman knew me well. I handed her a twenty but she rolled her eyes and went back to the register. Olive and I ate our breakfast, chatting about her next modeling gig when the door to the café jingled.

  Instinctively looking up, I was surprised to see the bartender from last night and Jackson. Dammit! I looked like a hag this morning.

  “He’s here!” I hissed to Olive, trying to hide my face. He looked sexy in a pair of low-riding jeans and a fitted Henley. I was about to die of embarrassment from looking so awful compared to Jackson. Why did I have to be so lazy this morning?

  Olive stole a glance their way and snickered. “Wow, he is cute. You didn’t tell me he had piercings and tattoos!”

  “Uh, not him. He’s just the bartender. Jackson’s the dark-headed god over there in the black shirt. I look terrible. He can’t see me like this,” I whispered, upset with myself.

  As if he could feel us staring, he turned, looking in our direction. His laughter at the bartender stopped when his eyes locked with mine. Gone was Man-Killer Andi and here was embarrassed, blushing Andi. He finally pulled his gaze away and paid Jeanie. I tried to melt into my chair. I bet he’s looking forward to our date now. Not. I’d forgive him if he pretended I wasn’t here.

  Luck wasn’t on my side though, because Jackson and the barten
der made their way to our table.

  “Hey, Andi. Can we sit with you ladies? Who’s your lovely friend?” Jackson asked, eyes twinkling.

  “Uh, sure. Please, have a seat. Guys, this is my friend, Olive,” I introduced nervously. Jackson shook her hand, smiling at her. “Nice to meet you, Olive. This is my best friend, Ian Dempsey. He owns the new bar, Dempsey’s,” he stated, making his own introductions.

  Ian took her small hand but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips and briefly kissed it. “Nice to meet you, Olive,” he winked at her. Normally Olive would be shrinking back from this kind of contact, but she was actually blushing. Black women can definitely blush.

  “This is Andi, Ian, but I think you two have already met,” Jackson finished.

  “Nice to see you again,” he replied in his thick Irish accent. I only got a handshake. Looks like Ian is sweet on Olive, and I think she might actually feel the same.

  Ian launched into talking to Olive, asking her about what she did for a living and commenting on her gorgeous eyes.

  Jackson leaned over and whispered into my ear, distracting me from their conversation, “You look so beautiful, Andi.”

  My cheeks immediately reddened because I felt like he was teasing me, considering I was in no way beautiful at the moment. “Yeah, sure. You just want to make sure you get laid tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll be pretty before tonight,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

  He grabbed my hand and his hot breath shot into my ear as he said with no humor in his voice, “I don’t fucking lie. You are beautiful. You look like an angel sitting in the sunlight by this window. Don’t ever downplay your looks.”

  My heart skipped a few beats. Okay, so maybe he hadn’t been messing with me. He smelled of soap and aftershave, which had me swooning.


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