Jesse: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 3 (The Beckett Brothers)

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Jesse: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 3 (The Beckett Brothers) Page 12

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  She moaned into his mouth and encircled her arms around his waist. The man sure knew how to use his lips and tongue. When she sucked on his tongue, he growled low in his throat and pulled her tight against him. His dick began to move the towel. Stepping back, she looked down at the tented towel then into his eyes.

  “This is what you do to me,” he told her.

  “Jesse, I don’t care about going to town today. I want you.”

  She gave a little squeal when he jerked her to him, picked her up, kicked the door shut, and carried her to his bed.

  The next day, Anna called the courthouse and was told someone would be out on Monday to inspect the cabins. She was a nervous wreck and would be all weekend. She hoped Jesse would spend the time with her since Wes and Rusty were going away for the weekend. A fishing trip they’d planned long ago. Although, she couldn’t quite understand what was going on lately with Rusty and Jesse. They’d never really gotten along but now they completely ignored each other, and neither would say why. When she asked them separately, she got the same response. Nothing was wrong. They just rubbed each other the wrong way.

  Sighing, she walked out the back door to head for the barn. Stalls needed to be cleaned and fresh hay put down. As she entered the barn, she stopped when she heard a truck coming up the driveway. She smiled when she saw Beckett Feed on the side of it. She’d called Ash the other day about buying some feed. He’d told her he’d get a load of feed to her as quickly as he could. She didn’t know what she’d do if he didn’t let her make payments to him. Her horses would starve but she’d sell them before that would happen. Ash also brought her feed for her cattle.

  She was surprised to see Ash climb down from the truck. She rarely saw him since he’d usually send one of his ranch hands.

  “Hi, Ash,” she said as she walked to him.

  “Hi, Annie,” he said taking off his sunglasses and tucking them in his shirt pocket then he glanced around as if looking for something or someone.

  “I appreciate you bringing this. I’m getting low.”

  “I brought you a good bit this time.”

  “Thanks so much. I’ll get you some help.”

  “I’d appreciate it,” he said as he pulled leather gloves on.

  Ash Beckett was one good-looking man. His hair was dark brown, and he had amazing blue eyes just like his brother, Grayson. She watched as he walked back to the truck and her eyes instinctively went to his butt. Cowboy butts drive me nuts. She almost laughed but it died as she watched him walk and realized that swagger looked very familiar. Shaking her head, she figured it was because it reminded her of Gray.

  Ash started the truck then backed it into the barn where she kept the feed. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and called Jesse. He was working on the last cabin, but she needed him here to help Ash.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” he told her when she said she needed him in the barn.

  Hanging up, she entered the barn to see Ash climbing up into the back of the truck bed.

  “Jesse will be right here.”

  “Jesse?” he asked, straightening up.

  “Yes. He’s been working on the cabins for me. I’m going to try to rent them out.”

  “Good luck with that, Anna. I hope it works out for you. So, how long has…Jesse worked here?”

  “Since early July.” She smiled. It was hard to believe it’s only been a month since he’d started working for her. Shading her eyes, she looked to the field. “Here he comes. I’ll go get you both some water. I’ll be right back.”

  Ash nodded and jumped down from the truck. She saw him lean against the front of the truck and fold his arms as he watched Jesse drive his truck into the yard. Anna knew they could introduce themselves so she entered the house to get two bottles of water.


  “Damn it,” Jesse swore when he saw Ash leaning against his company truck.

  He knew Gray had to have told Ash about him being here. He slammed the door closed then strode toward his brother and stopped a few feet from him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Ash asked him in a low tone of voice.

  “I’m sure Grayson filled you in. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here to see for yourself.”

  Ash pushed off the truck. “Yeah, he told me, and I’d like to kick your ass.”

  “Get in line,” Jesse muttered.

  “Christ, JD. I don’t get what you think you’re doing.”

  “I can’t leave right now, Ash.”

  “Does Dad know you’re still here?”

  “Yes. I don’t want Anna to lose her ranch.”

  “It’s none of your concern. Gray said you’re blaming Dad for this. Grow some balls, JD. It’s all you. You could have left anytime. Anna’s been having problems since her husband died. I’m surprised she’s hung on this long. In my opinion, she needs to sell it before it’s foreclosed on.”

  “I don’t think your opinion matters much right now, Ash.” Jesse stepped closer to his brother.

  “Damn it, you are in way too deep and it’s going to get worse the longer you’re here. Just like Gray said.” Ash shook his head. “Let’s get this unloaded then I’m out of here before I do something we’ll both regret.”

  Jesse took a deep breath then followed Ash to the back of the truck. He watched as Ash climbed into the bed then he did the same. They spent a few minutes tossing the feed out of the bed onto the floor then jumped down and carried the bags into the feed room. Anna stood in the doorway and then handed them each a bottle of water. Jesse watched as her eyes moved back and forth between him and his brother and prayed she didn’t see the resemblance. She’d done the same thing when Gray had been here but she never said anything. He prayed she didn’t now.

  “Thank you,” he said as he took the bottle from her.

  Ash twisted the cap off his then took a long pull on it. He gave a nod to Anna then to him and walked out of the room. Anna and Jesse followed him.

  “Thanks again, Ash. I appreciate it,” she said smiling.

  “It’s no problem. You have a good weekend and let me know when you need more feed.” Ash looked at Jesse, nodded then climbed into his truck and drove off.

  Jesse blew out a breath. His brothers were right. The longer he stayed, the worse it was going to get and it was no one’s fault but his.

  “The inspector will be here Monday,” Anna said.

  “That’s good. Uh, Anna, I have to go visit my parents on Sunday.”

  “Your parents?”

  “Yes. They want me to come to dinner. I haven’t seen them in a while and I’d like to see them.”

  “Oh, I thought your parents lived far away for some reason.” A frown marred her brow.

  “No, they live in Hartland.”

  “Hartland? They live that close and you stay here?”

  “I told you I don’t like to be under their thumb.”

  “Yes, but I assumed…never mind. I just thought they lived further away.”

  “I guess I never thought about it.” Jesse shrugged. Another fucking lie! You thought about it constantly!

  “All right. No problem. I was just hoping we could go horseback riding since I start my new job Monday.”

  “We have tomorrow. I’m not sure what time I’ll be home on Sunday.” It seemed so natural to think of where Anna was as home.

  “That’ll work then. It’s supposed to be a nice day tomorrow.”

  He stepped closer to her, reached out, and took a few strands of her hair between his fingers.

  “So, what do you want to do tonight?” He grinned when she blushed. “I’d say the same thing I’m thinking.”


  Anna stepped back when she heard Rusty’s voice and turned to him.


  “Don’t forget, Wes and I are leaving early tomorrow morning. We’ll be back late Sunday,” Rusty said as he narrowed his eyes at Jesse.

  “I remember. Sunday evening is fine, Rusty.”

“I don’t like leaving you alone.”

  “She won’t be alone. I’ll be here,” Jesse spoke up.

  “Like that makes me feel better, boy.”

  Jesse stepped closer to the older man. “I am not a fucking boy,” he growled.

  “You’re not a lot things,” Rusty shouted.

  “Stop it,” Anna yelled. “I don’t know why you two can’t get along.”

  “It’s fine, Annie. He won’t be here much longer.” Rusty spun on his heel and stormed off.

  Jesse could feel Anna looking at him and he sighed. “I’m sorry, Anna.”

  “It’s all right. I’ve just never seen Rusty act like this before.”

  “He doesn’t like me. It’s fine. I only care if you like me.” He grinned at her.

  She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Is that so?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am.” He laughed when she swatted at him. “Let’s go inside,” he whispered against her lips.

  She took his hand and led him to the house. They entered the kitchen then walked down the hallway to her bedroom. He tugged on her hand, stopping her.

  “I need a shower, darlin’. I just worked in the barn unloading the feed.”

  “All right. How about we shower together?”

  “Sounds good to me, sweetheart.”

  Jesse picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. After setting her on her feet, he reached into the stall to turn the water on. As he turned to look at her, it hit him just how much he was in love with her and as happy as it made him, he knew it wouldn’t matter to her once she found out the truth.

  The weekend flew by and on Sunday, he drove to his sister’s house and pulled his truck up to the back door. After putting the gear into Park, he shut the truck off, opened the door, and stepped out. He glanced around and saw all of his brothers’ trucks, except Gage’s, along with his parents’ SUV. He climbed the steps and knocked on the door. It opened and his sister, Dani stood there smiling at him then pulled him into a hug.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” She stepped back and motioned for him to enter.

  “Yeah, how are you, Jesse?” Ash asked from behind her.

  Dani looked back and forth between her brothers with a frown on her face. Jesse gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.

  “I’m fine, Dani,” he said as he narrowed his eyes at Ash.

  “Danielle. When are you guys going to call me Danielle?”

  “Never,” Grayson said as he entered the kitchen.

  Melissa, Brayden’s wife, entered the kitchen and hugged Jesse.

  “Don’t let them intimidate you,” she whispered while Cassie, Ash’s wife, stood beside her and grinned at him.

  He pulled back and looked at her and she winked at him making him smile. Apparently, Brayden knew about Jesse staying at Anna’s place too. At least, Melissa and Cassie weren’t judging him like two of his brothers were.

  “So…Jesse, what’s going on with you?” Sundance asked as he entered the kitchen.

  Make that two of his brothers and his brother-in-law. Damn Grayson. He just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Jesse narrowed his eyes at his brothers.

  “Not much,” he muttered making them smirk.

  “Really?” Sundance folded his arms across his chest.

  “Yes, really. Since when do all of you take such an interest in my life?”

  “I don’t think you want us to answer that,” Ash growled.

  “Okay. What is going on?” Dani asked them, probably wondering why they were using his given name rather than JD.

  “Nothing,” Jesse snapped then looked to the doorway when he heard someone snort. His oldest brother, Brayden stood there staring at him. Oh, hell. Not Brayden too. Jesse sighed.

  “You’d better know what the hell you’re doing, JD,” Brayden said.

  “I’m in the dark here,” Dani muttered.

  “Best place to be on this issue, kiddo,” Grayson said as he put his arm around his sister.

  Dani sighed. “Fine. It’s time to eat. Everyone to the dining room.”

  The brothers looked at each other then walked out of the kitchen. Jesse entered the dining room to see his parents standing by the table. He made his way to them and hugged them both.

  “Happy Anniversary,” he said to his dad.

  “Jesse—” His father began in a stern tone.

  “Dad, please. This is your day, let it go.” Jesse looked him in the eyes.

  “All right son, but we will talk about this soon.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jesse nodded.

  “Happy Anniversary,” he said as he hugged his mom.

  His mother smiled back at him. Either she didn’t know about him staying at Anna’s or she wasn’t going to say anything. He knew his father had to have told her because they didn’t keep anything from each other. Jesse smiled and she winked at him.

  “So, what is going on with you, JD?” Sundance asked him.

  “I’ve been busy, Sundance. I won the buckle in June and then retired. I’d like to just take care of my ranch now.”

  “Your ranch? Along with who else’s?” Grayson asked him.

  Jesse glared at his brother. “Enough, Gray. It’s really none of your business.”

  “The hell it—”

  “Stop it. Now. I will not have you arguing about this here. Let it go. Do you understand me?” their mother said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” they all said in unison.

  It was obvious his mother knew about the situation. Jesse usually enjoyed spending time with his family but it seemed they were all turning on him because he was spending time at Anna’s. What would they think if he told them he had fallen in love with her? Sure, he’d mentioned it to Gray and he was sure he’d told Ash, but Jesse didn’t think they really believed him. Why else would he stay? Anna was all he thought about and he wanted to help her.

  The conversation flowed around the table and he began to relax. His shoulders were so tense he was surprised he could relax at all. He wondered what Anna was doing at the ranch alone. Rusty and Wes wouldn’t be back until late tonight. Jesse just wanted to get out of here and go home to her. Take her in his arms and kiss her…damn! Stop or you’re going to embarrass yourself. He glanced around the table but no one was paying him any mind. He smiled when he looked at Brayden sitting across from him beside Melissa.

  As Jesse looked at Melissa, he watched a blush stain her cheeks as Brayden whispered something in her ear. She looked across the table at Jesse and shook her head.

  “This brother of yours can’t behave,” she said laughing.

  “Runs in the family,” Gray muttered from beside him.

  Jesse glanced at him. “Says a lot about you.”

  Gray opened his mouth to reply, but laughed instead. “Touché.”

  Jesse leaned closer to him. “I don’t want to hurt her, ya know,” he whispered.

  Gray sighed. “I do believe that, JD, but you’re going to whether you want to or not and she sure as hell isn’t going to like knowing Ash and I knew and never said anything. She’s going to be pissed at us too.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. When I tell her, I’ll let her know I asked you two not to say anything.”

  “Like that will make a difference. Damn it, she’ll be hurt and angry. You seriously need to say something soon. Like yesterday soon. You’re just lucky we’re the only two she knows besides you.”

  Jesse nodded but didn’t say anything more. He knew Gray was right. Anna wasn’t going to be happy with him at all. Rusty was probably chomping at the bit to tell her. He probably already told Wes, and he wouldn’t be happy with Jesse either. Blowing out a breath, he ran his hand around the back of his neck. He needed to get out of here but he couldn’t leave until dinner was over and he’d spent some time with his parents.

  When the back door opened, Jesse’s mother smiled as she got up and practically ran to the kitchen. She came back in with his other brother, Gage. Everyone stood and hugged him.
br />   “I didn’t think you’d make it,” Gray said.

  “I wouldn’t miss this. Happy Anniversary, Mom. Dad,” Gage said as he hugged his dad.

  “Are you staying long?” Dani asked Gage.

  “I have to leave right after dinner. I’m due in Helena tomorrow.”

  Jesse was surprised when he didn’t get that anxious feeling about a rodeo. Maybe it really had been time for him to retire. He didn’t know how much longer Gage would keep it up either. He was thirty-one now but he also attended because he supplied the steers for the bulldogging events.

  Once everyone started eating again, he began to relax but he still couldn’t wait to get back to Anna.

  Four hours later—the longest damn four hours of his life—he drove his truck to Anna’s ranch and pulled up to the side porch. He had to see her. It was late but he didn’t want to go to the cabin tonight. He wanted to be here with her. In her bed and damn the consequences. Throwing the gear into Park, he shut the truck off, threw the door open and stepped out. He slammed it shut and walked up the steps and knocked on the back door. The house was dark and he hoped she hadn’t gone to bed early. The porchlight came on, the door opened, and she stood there in her pink bathrobe over her lounge pants. He could see the V-neck of her T-shirt at the opening.

  “Jesse? I didn’t think you were going to come by here,” she said.

  “I didn’t mean to stay so late at my parents’ house but it was their anniversary so I couldn’t leave too early.” He stepped toward her but stopped. “Do you want me to go?”

  “No. I just wasn’t expecting you. Once it got late, I thought you’d gone on back to the cabin.” Anna smiled at him. “Come in.”

  He stepped inside and turned to face her when she closed the door. They stared at each other.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said but didn’t move.

  “Jesse, is everything all right?”

  He arched a brow. “Of course, why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know. You just seem…” She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “I missed you today. I’d rather have been here with you.” He took a step forward then stopped.

  Anna leaned back against the door and stared at him. A small smile lifted her lips.


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