Wooing the Farmer

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Wooing the Farmer Page 21

by Jenny Frame

  Quade was so wet and throbbing. Nothing had ever felt like this.

  “Sammy”—Penny pushed down the band of Quade’s boxers—“take them off.”

  Quade wriggled out of her boxers, and Penny kissed her deeply before saying, “Take mine off.”

  Quade smiled at her and kissed her way down her chest and stomach. She took her time to place lots of soft kisses on Penny’s abdomen. She could feel Penny’s muscles tense and Penny’s thighs tightened around her upper body.

  “Sammy?” Penny said desperately.

  “I know.” Quade understood her need and moved lower.

  She kissed and softly bit Penny’s sex through her panties. Quade saw how wet she was and groaned. She felt her own hips start to move and thrust into the bed below.

  Penny raised up on her elbows and looked down at the erotic sight of Quade pulling off her underwear. She thought she might come as soon as Quade’s tongue touched her if the feeling of her hands on her body was anything to go by.

  Quade looked up at her and smiled before lowering her mouth on her sex. Penny slammed her head back on the pillow and groaned, “Jesus Christ,” as Quade licked all around her clit.

  She wondered why they hadn’t been doing this for weeks. What a lot of time they had wasted, but then if they had, she wouldn’t have this trust, this intimacy with Quade.

  As Quade sucked and licked her clit, building Penny’s orgasm, she felt an ache deep inside her, an ache to be filled.

  “Sammy? Go inside.”

  Quade kissed her way back up her body, then caressed her cheek. “Are you sure?”

  Penny’s heart was filled with love at that moment. Only her Sammy would ask her that. She recognized that it was the most intimate thing Penny could share and wanted to make sure she was ready to share it.

  “Yes. I’m sure.” Penny kissed Quade’s lips and tasted herself. It was such a turn on, and she quickly pushed Quade’s hand down to her sex.

  Quade stroked her fingers through Penny’s wetness, and they both moaned. Penny loved the feel of Quade’s reassuring weight on top of her, kissing her, loving her.

  She felt Quade’s touch tease her opening, threatening to slip inside, but not. This made Penny ache for it even more. Penny was so desperate, so full of emotion, all because of Quade’s touch.

  Penny pushed her thigh between Quade’s legs and felt how turned on she was.

  Quade pulled away from their kiss and said again, “Are you sure?”

  Penny cupped Quade’s face and said, “I never even knew I needed this, but I do. No one else ever made me feel this way. I need you inside me. I need to give you everything.”

  Quade didn’t hesitate. She kissed her and put one finger inside of Penny at first, then two.

  She could feel Quade’s hesitation at her tightness. Penny had to reassure her. “I’ve dreamed of you doing this, being inside of me. Make me yours, Sammy.”

  Quade filled her, then stilled her hand, and Penny held Quade tightly, getting used to the feeling.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, just go slowly,” Penny said.

  And she did. Quade went achingly slowly, taking the time to tease her clit and fuck her slowly, until Penny felt herself start to tremor. Quade was moaning too, thrusting against her thigh and letting Penny feel how near she was to coming.

  “It’s too much, Sammy,” Penny said desperately.

  Quade didn’t stop thrusting but raised her head and looked into her eyes. “You’re always safe with me, Penny. I love you.”

  The words I love you sent Penny over the edge. She arched her whole body up as the wave of orgasm washed like a torrent over her body. Her body was shaking as it came back down to earth. She felt Quade thrust erratically against her and shout out as her orgasm hit her.

  They both lay there, breathing hard, a mess of sweaty limbs, and Penny felt like she’d found her home. The words that Quade had been brave enough to say ran in circles across her mind.

  I love you.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Quade became aware of a tickling sensation on her face and felt a weight on her chest. She opened her eyes and saw Penny wrapped around her, skin to skin. The tickling was from Penny’s beautiful hair draped across her face. She stroked the hair away and whispered, “It wasn’t a dream.”

  Last night had been everything she’d ever dreamed of, and to wake up skin to skin with the woman she loved was more than she could have hoped for. The trust Penny had shown her was something she would never forget or take lightly.

  Quade looked over to the bottom of the bed and saw Princess and Dougal had sneaked up during the night. Happy that everyone was content, she closed her eyes again, allowing herself the luxury of a longer sleep than normal. After about ten minutes, Penny moaned and went stiff as a board. Quade realized what was about to happen.

  She sat up quickly just as Penny’s limbs began to flail. “No, no. It’s okay, sweetheart.”

  Quade sat against the headboard, and as she had done the first time, rested Penny’s head against her chest, held her arms, and used her legs to keep Penny’s under control. The dogs had jumped up and Princess was barking.

  “It’s okay, Princess. I’ll take care of your mummy.”

  Quade kissed Penny’s forehead and talked, so she hoped Penny knew she wasn’t alone. “You’re safe, Penny. You’re safe with me.”

  Quade kept an eye on the time. If this went on for thirty minutes or more she would have to call for help. Then a thought occurred to Quade. This was exactly what Penny had described as her worry about letting someone into her private world. Penny feared sharing herself with someone and having a fit when she was at her most vulnerable.

  Would this freak Penny out? Her worst fears had come true. She had made love for the first time and now this. All Quade could do was show her love and hope it didn’t make Penny retreat into her shell of protection.

  Quade kept reassuring Penny with gentle words and kisses, until the jerking of Penny’s limbs slowed and stilled. Penny’s eyes started to flicker open, and Quade stroked her face gently.

  Quade understood this part was the most frightening part of the condition for Penny. She was unable to move as yet, her mind fuzzy and slow, and so very vulnerable. She held Penny tightly against her skin and gazed lovingly into Penny’s eyes.

  “You don’t need to be scared, sweetheart. I’m here, and you’ll always be safe with me. Trust me to look after you.”

  “Safe?” Penny managed to say.

  “Always. I love you, Penny. I don’t want you to feel pressured, but I love you, and I’ll not let any harm come to you—ever.”

  * * *

  Penny hugged Quade’s pillow, inhaling the reassuring scent of strength and calm. After Penny settled down from her attack, Quade had gone to let the dogs outside and make some tea. She was feeling such a maelstrom of emotions that she needed to hold Quade’s pillow close and try to calm her mind.

  Last night Penny had overcome her anxieties and made love with Quade. It had been perfect, gentle loving, and then the next thing she knew, she was waking up after her epilepsy struck. It was what she’d always feared, having a fit when she was vulnerable, naked, and out of control.

  Contrary to how she had always pictured it happening, except for the initial fear and dread when she opened her eyes, when she looked in Quade’s eyes, felt their closeness, skin to skin, Penny felt safer than she ever had.

  It was a revelation. At her most vulnerable, she’d experienced safety, not fear, and that was all because of Quade and the strength she gave her. Quade had said something she wasn’t expecting to hear, last night and this morning.

  She told Penny she loved her.

  Penny hadn’t mentioned it, and she was frightened to. She knew she had been falling in love for a while, but as she lay unable to move, unable to speak, looking up into Quade’s eyes, she realized she was completely in love, head over heels, and that was scary.

  It was something t
hat, if she admitted it, Penny knew would change her life. Change wasn’t something she liked. With her health so unpredictable, Penny clung to things staying the same.

  She heard Quade walking upstairs and the sound of paws following her. A feeling of warmth at the simple domesticity of it spread through Penny. The sensation of love and safety made her greedy for more, but she had to work out how she could make her business empire work with country life, because as Bridge had said, Quade wasn’t going anywhere.

  When she got that worked out, she could tell Quade about the love in her heart, bursting to get out.

  “Here we are. A nice cuppa tea will make you feel better,” Quade said as she came through the door.

  Penny tried to push herself up in the bed with her one good hand. Quade put the tray down and frowned.

  “Hang on a second.”

  Quade got out one of her T-shirts and brought it to the side of the bed. “Slip yourself out and I’ll help you put this on.” Again Quade recognized her feeling of vulnerability after one of her attacks.

  Penny sat on the side of the bed and said, “Most women wouldn’t be encouraging me to put clothes on.”

  Quade crouched down. “I’m not most women. Put one hand up.”

  She held the T-shirt over Penny’s head and helped her put her numb arm through the sleeve.

  “No, you’re not, are you?” How could Penny even be hesitating about this?

  “I want you to feel comfortable, and never exposed. What you shared with me last night was so special, and I’m honoured you shared it with me, but this morning I have to take care of you.”

  “When I had my fit on that TV show, I’d never been more terrified in my life. It’s one thing having your schoolmates pointing and laughing, but to have the whole world doing it is another thing altogether. I’d never felt so exposed, and after that I thought I had no chance of ever conquering my fears. But this morning when I woke from my fit, I wasn’t scared. I’ve never felt so safe in my life feeling your body against mine,” Penny said.

  Quade cupped Penny’s cheeks and smiled at her. “That means more to me than anything. I will always keep you safe, sweetheart. I love you.”

  Penny gulped hard. There it was again. I love you. But could Penny say it back?

  She opened her mouth—then leaned in for a kiss instead.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  A week later Penny was feeling herself again. She and Quade had spent all their time together but hadn’t made love again because Penny was recovering, but Penny hoped they could explore more on this weekend away together.

  Penny was waiting with Princess and her bags at the front door of the cottage. Quade had teased her she wouldn’t be ready to leave on time, so she had to prove her wrong.

  Penny took out her phone and pressed record. “Hi, friends. I’m heading back to London today for a book signing on Monday. I’ll put the details below and hope to see you there. Oh, and guess who’s coming with Princess and me?” Penny winked at the camera and stopped it.

  “That should make them excited, poppet.”

  Quade’s Land Rover drove in and Penny felt butterflies in her stomach. A whole weekend with just Quade. Her parents were going to love her.

  Penny walked over with Princess to meet Quade as she got out of the car. Princess jumped all over Quade.

  “Hey,” Penny said in mock annoyance. “I get my kisses first, Princess.”

  Quade laughed and pulled Penny into a kiss. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve got more than enough for you.”

  Penny frowned and grasped Quade’s red tie. “I thought I told you, you didn’t have to wear a shirt and tie?”

  Quade was wearing the same clothes she had the first time they had dinner together—a red tie, checked shirt, and brown suit jacket.

  “I can’t meet your parents looking like I’ve just come out of the fields,” Quade said.

  Penny had sensed Quade’s nerves building up over the last few days. To Penny her family was normal, but she understood the gravitas the Huntingdon-Stewart name had to others.

  Penny took Quade’s hands. “Listen, Sammy. They are going to love you. Mum and Dad aren’t grand—they are very ordinary people.”

  “I think they’d want you to bring home a banker, a politician, or a scientist.”

  “Mum was over the moon when I told her I was bringing you home. I’ve never brought anyone home before, and she’d be horrified if I brought a banker or a politician home. Remember, Mum is a campaigner for justice and equal rights. She’s not some stuffy high society woman.”

  “Okay. I’m just nervous. It’s not every day you meet a family you studied in history class at school,” Quade said.

  Penny smiled. “Were you nervous when you met me?”

  “Amongst other things. We better get going. I dropped Dougal off with Riley on my way here.”

  “I still think we should have taken him with us. He’ll miss Princess,” Penny said.

  “He’ll have a great time with Riley and Caesar. I have enough to be nervous about without worrying about what Dougal’s up to.”

  “Okay.” Penny took the keys to her Ferrari out of her handbag. “Here you go. The keys to my other baby.”

  “Are you sure you trust me?” Quade joked.

  “Of course I do, silly.”

  “You get in and I’ll get the bags,” Quade said.

  Once they were packed up, Quade got in the driver’s seat and simply gazed at the gorgeous interior. “This is a beautiful piece of machinery. Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” Penny said.

  “Why do you have a car when you can’t drive, and why a car like this?”

  Penny let out a sigh and stroked Princess’s ears. “I’ve never told anyone this, but when I found out I couldn’t have a driving license, it felt like epilepsy was taking one more part of normal life from me. I vowed that one day I’d make enough money to buy my own car and have a driver. I wasn’t going to let it beat me.”

  “I can understand that,” Quade said.

  “And why this car? It’s a symbol of my success, or should I say was a symbol.” Penny turned and smiled at Quade. “You’ve shown me there are a lot of better ways to live a successful life, but buying this car made me feel I’d made it. I could have bought it with the trust fund I got when I was twenty-one, but I wanted to make my own money and buy it. I didn’t have advanced degrees like my brother and sister, but this to me showed I’d made my own way in life.”

  “You don’t need things to show that you are a success, sweetheart, but I get it. Here’s hoping I don’t crash the bloody thing. I’m more used to tractors.”

  Penny laughed. “Let’s get going.”

  “Okay, here goes.” Quade turned on the engine.

  Penny leaned over to put her bag in the back seat and saw a crate of vegetables.

  “Why did you bring the vegetables?” Penny asked.

  “A present for your parents. I thought they would like some farm-fresh veg.”

  Penny kissed her on the cheek. “That was a kind thought. They are really going to love you.”

  * * *

  “Well, here we are,” Penny said.

  They’d arrived at Penny’s family home in London. Quade had been quiet since they’d arrived. She felt more than overwhelmed as she drove into the area where the Huntingdon-Stewarts lived, but when she finally arrived outside their mansion, her stomach was tied in knots.

  How could she ever fit in as Penny’s partner? Would her parents think Quade was a gold-digger?

  “It’s very grand,” Quade said.

  “I’ve never really thought about it.” Penny pointed up to the front door. “Look, Mrs. Parson is waiting for us.”

  Quade looked to the door and saw a tall, angular looking woman with bobbed hair, wearing a long black skirt and white blouse.

  “Who’s Mrs. Parson?”

  “Our housekeeper since before I was born. She’s like a second mother to me. Let’s grab your
veggie box and get inside.”

  Quade got out, straightened her tie, and buttoned her jacket. She felt like she should be using the servants’ entrance to this place.

  She got the box and followed Penny up the stairs to the front door. Penny fell into Mrs. Parson’s arms.

  “Ms. Pen, so good to see you. You look very healthy.” Mrs. Parson kissed Penny’s head.

  “It’s the country air. Let me introduce my—”

  Quade held her breath while Penny paused, apparently considering the right word.

  “My girlfriend, Sam McQuade.”

  Penny smiled at her, and Quade’s heart soared. My girlfriend.

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parson,” Quade said.

  Mrs. Parson looked her up and down silently, and Quade wished she’d had something smarter to wear.

  “Good morning, Ms. McQuade. I’ve heard good things about you and your farm.”

  “You have?” Quade looked at Penny.

  “I do phone home, you know.” Penny smiled, then pointed to Quade’s veggie box. “Look what Quade brought from her farm, Mrs. Parson. Fresh organic vegetables.”

  Mrs. Parson smiled broadly. “Wonderful. Thank you, Ms. McQuade.”

  “Please, call me Quade or Sam.”

  “In you come then. I’ll get Mr. Parson to get your bags,” Mrs. Parson said.

  What was Mr. Parson? A butler? She really was stepping into a different world.

  When they walked into the entrance hallway, Quade was overawed. It was certainly not an Axedale Hall, but it was very grand indeed. A grand staircase faced her and led up to many floors of rooms, Quade suspected. Above her head was a large sparkling chandelier, and paintings of some very imposing figures hung on the walls.

  “I’ll take you up to your rooms. Your mother and father will be returning home shortly,” Mrs. Parson said.

  Penny gave Quade a panicked look and grasped Mrs. Parson’s arm. “Two rooms? We had hoped that—”

  Mrs. Parson smiled mischievously. “I didn’t say that two rooms had to be occupied.”


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