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Timtown Page 52

by Ronald Zastre

Ed and the President both looked at Samuel.

  “Tim?” The doctor stopped for a moment and looked at his notes before continuing. “What about Arty, can he let someone inside, if he wanted to?”

  “Gee, you know, I don’t really know for sure? I get the feeling Tim is the only one that can do that, but I’m not sure.”

  “She’s not sure!” Samuel emphasized, looking at The President.

  “Might that be the cause of the rift between the two brothers?” the doctor asked.

  “I guess it could be? I know Tim doesn’t want anybody else inside. I’m not sure if Arty does or not?”

  “Do you know of anyone wanting to get inside Timtown?”

  “Oh, everybody, especially those Army types crawling all over the place. I suppose there are a lot of people that would like to see it. It’s something else, that’s for sure. If you want something, the computer makes it and it floats out of the wall.”

  “What do you mean by something?”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You said, if you wanted something, the computer would make it and it would just float out of the wall. What did you mean by something?”

  “Anything you want. Any kind of food, that sort of thing.”

  “There are stores inside the mountain.”

  “No, why would there be stores in there, there isn’t anyone to buy anything? Well, there is now, but before there wasn’t anyone there.”

  “I’m sorry, by stores, I meant supplies, ah, things being stored that sort of thing,” the doctor explained.

  “Oh, ah I guess. Um, the computer gets it from someplace, I guess. I don’t know? Mr. V can make a lot of things, though, and he sure does it fast.”

  “What things did he make while you were there?”

  “Ahum, he made the Sky-bikes,” Ann hesitated and thought, “and the fighters. They were really neat! I wanted to fly one of them, but Timmy wouldn’t let me.”

  “What are the fighters you are referring to?”

  “The airplanes, the TT Fighters! Arty made three of them. They were really neat, like I said.”

  “You wanted to fly one of these fighters? Um, are we talking about some sort of model here?” the doctor asked, unsure.

  “They weren’t models, they were real!” Ann said annoyed that the doctor wasn’t taking her serious again. “Boy, you sure don’t listen too well, do you?”

  “I’m sorry, but you expected to fly a real airplane?”

  “Yeah, I spent a lot of time in the simulator, just like Tim. I could have done it. Arty said that I would be able to handle it.”

  “I can’t imagine, you figured you would be able to fly a real airplane,” the doctor stated, forgetting this was an interview to get information.

  “Why not, Tim did it!” Ann exclaimed.

  “I’m still not sure on what we’re talking about here? Let’s get this straight?” the doctor refused to believe what he was hearing. “You say, Arty built some real airplanes, you called them fighters. Can you describe them?”

  “Yeah, they were real smooth, and black, and really fast. I don’t know what else I can tell you.”

  “And they were not models, but the real thing?”

  “Yes, they were real airplanes, that you sat in, and actually flew.”

  “And Tim flew one of these fighters?”

  “Yeah, him and Arty. They flew them out of the base. I was there when they left and I was there when Tim came back. Trust me!”

  “I see, and these were built by Arty?”

  “Well, I think that Mr. V actually built them, but Arty was the one that told him what he wanted.”

  “We are talking about a short span of time here, I mean, you were only inside Timtown just a short time, say five or six weeks, correct?”


  “And in that time, two airplanes were constructed, and Tim learned to fly these planes, actually flying one. Is that correct?”


  “This is quite a place you’re telling me about, and you are of course, telling me the truth?”

  “Of course!” Ann stated sharply.

  “Well, I thank you for your time young lady. I hope we can continue sometime. I uh, I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t have a million more questions about this place you described. It must be something indeed.”

  “You believe me then?”

  “Young lady, not everyone gets to fly in Air Force One. From that one simple detail, I would speculate you are indeed a person with one hell of a story to tell.”

  “Well, gentlemen,” the President said, as the video went dead on the wall, “this does indeed clear up many questions. I think we need to make a list of more pertinent questions, most schoshe. Does everyone agree?”

  “Mr. President, I don’t see what more we could have accomplished with that girl. It is quite evident she didn’t have anything to do with what was going on in there,” Samuel announced.

  “Well, well, Mr. Secretary,” the President said, “we sure do change our stripes quickly. Just a short while ago, that girl was the focus of your attention, now that she is out of your grasp you have lost interest in her.”

  “She’s not the one in control, she couldn’t do anything for us,” Samuel spouted.

  “But, you would have used her as a pawn,” Ed commented.

  “I do what I feel is necessary to accomplish what I feel is best for my country,” Samuel said.

  “I imagine you and your associates do really believe your attitudes are for the country.” The President paused. “But, I assure you, there are quite different assessments of what is really best. I would also like to remind you; there is a young man out there, somewhere, with all the cards in his favor. You would do well to consider his opinion of the situation, and, I strongly advise that you and Mr. Defense here,” the President pointed at Atkins, “get together with your gang of thugs and consider his proposals. Remember, he can wipe your asses anytime he feels like it.”

  “I appreciate your candor, and I will definitely take into consideration what has been said here,” Samuel said as he got up from the table.

  “Not so fast! I want you and Ed to stay,” the President said to the Secretary of State.

  “But, Mr. President, I have many things to do,” Samuel squawked.

  “Sit down.” The President didn’t raise his voice, but turned to Atkins. “Mr. Atkins, please close the door behind you, and bear in mind, I am going to do everything in my power to make you pay for the five lives you so blatantly took!”

  Samuel took his seat and waited with an annoyed look on his face.

  “Okay, now I can’t order you directly, you know that, but I can strongly suggest that you strongly consider what I’m going to tell you.” The President paused as he looked Samuel Steiner over. “I want you to reverse your people, and whatever policy has been decided.”

  “It’s out of my hands because the security of this great nation has been threatened, and that’s that,” Samuel stated.

  “That’s your final word?” the President asked.

  “It is out of my hands, I’m sorry, Sir. I must leave immediately. Is that okay with you two?” Samuel said as he stood up.

  “Get out!” the President shouted. “And, I hope you realize this confirms we are at opposite ends of the field,” the President added, as the Secretary walked out the door.

  “You’re a weak man!” Samuel said as he hurried out into the hall, Atkins was waiting outside.

  “I wonder were all this will take us?” the President questioned Ed.

  “I don’t know, but do you want to talk to the kid?” Ed asked.

  “It’s about that time. I’m looking forward to it. You set it up as you see fit, okay Ed?” the President said.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll talk to him as soon as I can. He guarantees me that the other party, the brother, is close to neutralized. All that’s left are the negotiations, and the decision on what can be done with the civilians,” Ed said.

  “I’m getting serious about locking Samuel in a room with a pissed off Clank!” The President snarled.

  “I’ll talk to Tim.”

  Chapter 32

  The Deal

  Arty was getting out of the TT Fighter for the second time that day. He had just tried to go out again, but the Pod had followed him, again. This time it had applied a tractor beam to his TT Fighter and he was unable to go anywhere. He had spent the better part of an hour flying around in a slow circle with his engines at full power, only miles from the base. He couldn’t understand it because Tim was gone. He had accomplished that, and he was close to acquiring the necessary information to get into the Secret Place. He was certain the codes to the entire base were just a matter of hours away.

  In the first flight of the day, the Pod had followed him and pulled the same stunts as the first time he had seen it, throwing protective screens around anything he approached. But, since the morning flight, he had accessed more of Whuc Seaacki’s information and frequencies. After the morning flight he had returned to work on interrupting the signals sent from the Pod and was certain, when he went out again, he would be able to defeat the Pod’s program. Instead of success, he had taken a step backwards. There had to be an answer. How was the Pod being reprogrammed? Was this Duo that powerful? Was it able to change its program itself? He wasn’t too worried though, but it was just frustrating. He consoled himself with the fact that when he did get the codes, he would have it all.

  He looked back down the runway. He had not bothered to close the large door to the outside. It wasn’t necessary because any humans coming within fifty miles of Whuc Seaacki became severely ill. Another interesting ability of this Duo character, he could not explain, but was looking forward to sharing. The Pod was hovering halfway down almost on the green cross that was the marker for proper landings. It was in the same spot it had stayed between his first flight, that morning, and the second he had just completed. It was programmed to stay with the TT Fighter, Tim had told him it would do that, but to have it just sitting there was getting to be an annoyance.

  But it would be his sometime soon so he floated on the flight deck, admiring it. He was about to turn away when it suddenly darted at him, and before he could react it was there, between him and the tunnel entrance. It had moved in a blink of the eye. He was really looking forward to piloting this beautiful little craft.

  “Good afternoon, ‘Clank’,” The voice that came from the craft startled the Man-machine because it was definitely Tim’s. Clank had to admire the ex-Number One, he had prepared the Pod well.

  The Man-machine turned to go.

  “What, you don’t want to stay and discuss your alternatives,” the voice of Tim said.

  The Man-machine paused for a moment, but then continued on.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you!” Tim’s voice said loudly.

  The Man-machine stopped and turned.

  “That’s better. Now, how are we going to settle this problem? I already told you, I’m going to blow this place. Do you want to take my deal, or do you want to stay and go with it? It’s up to you.”

  “This program you are running will do you no good. Within a few hours, I will have the codes, and you will be my computer,” Clank said.

  “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” Tim’s voice asked.

  “I presume Duo,” Clank answered.

  “You presumed wrong. You really thought you got rid of me, didn’t you?”

  “Do not try to fool me, Tim was destroyed!” Clank exclaimed.

  “Then how come I’m still here?” The upper portion of the Pod became transparent. Clank looked at the individual sitting inside. It was an image of Tim.

  “I hope you do not expect to trick me with this kind of dribble?” the Man-machine said annoyed.

  “I see your point. It’s so easy to construct illusions in this place. It makes it hard to believe what you see. You can never really tell what’s real and what’s not. Like, was I really in that engine room, or wasn’t I?” Tim’s voice asked sarcastically. “What do you think?”

  “I am not interested in this game,” the Man-machine said as it turned and rushed through the back of the flight deck and was gone.

  A soft pop sounded, and the back of the Pod opened up. Tim stood up and climbed over the side, then down on to the floor of the flight deck.

  “Just in case you’re wondering, Mr. V wasn’t the only one that could make replicas,” Tim said because he knew Clank was watching. “Also, the second power generator can’t be switched on until the first goes off. You made that mistake the first time you suckered me in there.”

  Tim immediately transported himself down to Darnan-elio and waited.


  Two hours and some minutes later, Duo advised him the time was at hand. Clank had some more codes and thought he might be close to transporting himself to Donnart-Ele-Io.

  Duo transported Tim to the Man-machine instead.

  “Surprised to see me?” Tim materialized in front of Clank.

  “You did pull a fast one on me, congratulations. I am actually glad to see you are still here. I was wondering how the Pod was able to counter my progress. It had to be you, I should have known.”

  “Sure, I had everything to do with it,” Tim said, gleefully.

  “Why do you insist on meddling in my affairs?”

  “I don’t see it that way.”

  “You do not have any interest in this facility. You spend all your time in your Secret Place.”

  “Which keeps me in total contact and control,” Tim responded quickly. “That’s how I was able to wreck your meeting. You’re going to have a hell of a time getting them back here.”

  “How true, boy, they were sick. I have to tip my hat to you on that one.”

  Hey, Clank almost sounds human.

  “And, if you are getting any ideas about meeting someplace else, I can be there too.”

  “I know that!” Clank snapped.

  Now he sounds totally human, genuinely ticked off.

  “Why don’t you give up then?”

  “Because Timmy my boy, I have been at work. I can do that twenty-three hours a day. Do you know what that means?”

  “I give up,” Tim laughed.

  “You are not as smart, or tough as you thought. I have attained the information necessary to gain access to your beloved Duo.”

  That is definitely a machine talking.

  “I doubt it,” Tim said nonchalantly.

  “Shall we go now, or do you want me to lead?” the Man-machine gloated.

  “That’s impossible,” Tim declared.

  “You are right, of course. I cannot go there on my own, yet, but I can follow. That is why I am glad to see you, really I am. After I thought I got rid of you, I was so proud of myself. Then I found out it would be quicker to follow you to Donnart-Ele-Io than it would be to get the codes to go on my own. I can follow you anywhere you go now. Of course, you don’t have to go there, but within a few more hours I will have all the codes, and then I can go on my own. Got you,” the Man-machine bragged.

  Tim stood, just looking at Clank, then without notice began to shimmer, getting ready to transport.

  Clank also began to shimmer.

  Tim materialized deep in the forest.

  A moment later, Clank materialized right in front of him. “Nothing to say, I see. Well, be seeing you around.”

  “Wait!” Tim said.

  Clank stopped and spoke. “I am not in the mood to dicker.”

  “I figured that. What do you want?”

  “Total control.”

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “I do not want anything from your little group in here, or the much larger one outside. I will get nothing out of cruelty to them, or any other living thing. I believe they deserve to decide their own destinies.”

  “I know that! For God’s sake, that’s the point I’ve been trying to make all along. Do your thing and leave them out of it, th
at’s all I wanted.”

  “Good, now we are getting somewhere. It is time! The world is in trouble, and it needs me,” the Man-machine prophesied.

  “Do I have anything to say?”

  “I respect your judgment, I have told you that before.”

  “But, will I have any vote in anything.”

  “I do not know, but I might listen,” the Man-machine conceded.

  Tim stood, thinking, for close to a minute.

  Clank also remained patient.

  “Follow me,” Tim finally said.

  Tim initiated the transfer with Clank right behind him.

  Tim materialized in the white void of the molecular dissimulator, followed by Clank a second later.

  “This is it?” Clank asked, looking around puzzled.

  “This is it,” Tim said, gesturing with his arms and then letting out a big sigh.

  “Some place you have got here,” the Man-machine commented cynically.

  “It suits my purposes, especially now,” Tim said confidently.

  “Well, let us get on with it,” the Man-machine said, his voice transmitting anxiousness all through its tone and delivery.

  “This is about it, but I have to explain a few things first, okay?”

  “I guess so, but do not take too long,” Clank said impatiently.

  “We are inside the machine that transports me everywhere.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  Do I detect some hostility building in Clank’s voice? I think he’s wondering if I might have tricked him.”

  “It means, ‘that’, this is where you will stay, until I decide what to do with you.”

  “That is ludicrous, remember I can follow you!” The Man-machine shouted.

  “Not from here. If I would’ve taken you to Donnart-Ele-Io, the Secret Place, that would have been true, but you see this place is different.”

  “I know of no such place!”

  “You weren’t supposed to because you’ve been set up. Welcome to your new home,” Tim said quietly. I should be elated because this is the first time since I came here that I feel completely comfortable. I beat him, I really did. I should be jumping for joy, but I just don’t feel like it. The saga of Timtown is winding down and it makes me sad because I will miss this place.

  Clank didn’t say anything, but Tim knew he was trying to transfer himself out because Clank’s figure would go slightly out of focus, for a second, and then as quickly, solidify.

  “It won’t work,” Tim said calmly. “Duo and I have been dictating your actions for some time now. We’ve been leading you around, getting you to do what we wanted you to. Giving you codes, and making you think you were accomplishing something.”


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