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Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3)

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by Michelle Areaux

  I wanted to blaze a storm, unleash the anger I feel and it's taking everything I got not to cause a huge childish scene right about now.

  My dad peers at me in the rear-view mirror. "Your mother is right. If we stay there, we put everyone at risk. Not just one person, but hundreds."

  "You didn't want to leave town. Now, you're all for it?"

  He frowns. "No. But it needs to be done."

  "We'll get this all sorted out." My aunt nods, offering me a small smile.

  I hate this. I hate everything about this. We're running from the danger, not facing it head on. Haven't they learned nothing from being in the Dreamer world. Or is it just me.

  "We have a plan," my dad tells me.

  A plan?

  Where was I when this so-called plan was made? Oh wait, asleep, because my boyfriend didn't want me to jeopardize their plan and tear us apart!

  "What's the plan?" I cross my arms over my chest, slouching in my seat.

  The three of them meet eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. " Hello. Someone has got to tell me what's going on because I am not sitting in this hot, cramped car one more minute without answers!"

  "We're leaving town, we'll settle somewhere nearby, but off the grid. We will be far enough away that the Black Witches won’t detect us in New Orleans, thus drawing them away and toward us. It'll give us time to sort out what to do from there. But the main idea is to get them as far from our town as we can." My dad grips the steering wheel until his fingers turn white, his own anger breaking through the cracks.

  "No," I shake my head. "That isn't going to work. The Black Witches know about Cam. He's in just as much danger there as he would have been with us. They're using him as bait."

  "Cameron will be okay. He'll go back to school and live his life, Officer Chris has already promised to keep a close eye on him and his family. Nothing is going to happen to him." Aunt Everlyn claims.

  "Aunt Everlyn, you've seen firsthand how unfortunate and unkind my life has been, and Cam has stuck beside me through the whole mess, I can't just leave him unprotected. There's only so much Officer Chris can do against a clan of dark Witches with sizzling magic and you know it."

  My dad takes a right onto another semi-empty road and the four of us drift down it. Street signs pass us in a blur, words mushed together in the dark. I don't bother lifting my head where it's probed against my bent knees, no energy left to argue with my parents about how wrong all of this is. It's one thing leaving behind a place we call home, but to leave the only good thing in my life, the only person whoever made me feel normal with it, is another.

  I curse the Black Witches for surfacing. They've succeeded in making my life a living... well you know what I mean. The idea of having just gottem my parents back to be forced on the run is a heart quenching realization that I may never have a shot at a normal life. My parents talk in hushed tones and my aunt holds my hand firmly between her own, her sad eyes falling over me every so often. I just stare ahead, feeling lost inside. I want to believe that this is temporary and we'll return back home.

  When the sun begins to peek out from behind the clouds, the chilly air breaking through the cracked window, kissing my bare arms, I can no longer fight the feeling of exhaustion that rushes over me. Curling into a ball, I lay my head on my mother's lap and slowly drift into a dreamless sleep while she creases my forehead with her long fingers.


  The sound of birds chirping drifts through my unconscious state, picking at my thoughtless mind. When I crack my eyes open to the blazing sun beating through the car window, it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust, rubbing them, hoping to smear the fogginess enough to see my surroundings.

  When I glance outside the window, I see where we are still on the road. The surroundings are unfamiliar, the dark asphalt road crackles under the weight of our car, the tires kicking up pebbles in their wake. The tall thick tree's tower above us toward the left, but toward the right, the clear green fields with grass higher than my ankle stares back at me. I know just by this, we are no longer in New Orleans. But the smell that swirls around the air tells me we haven't drifted from Louisiana, yet.

  My mother sits in the passenger seat, her and my father's whispered voices entwined together. Aunt Everlyn sleeps peacefully beside me, her head bouncing lightly against the door. I shake my head, unable to help the small smile that touches my face. I remain quiet, not ready to meet the wrath of my parents' demands and promises that surely that will not be able to keep. My thoughts strictly on Cameron. Oh, do I miss him.

  Sighing lightly, I slide my phone from my pocket, instantly disappointed when I find it empty. Not a single call or text message from Cam. I just left town with no idea when I will return and he hasn't written to me? I begin to worry, my heart quickening, I jolt a quick message, shoving my phone back in my pocket to avoid tossing it across the car.

  Me: Cam, are you okay? Please answer me asap.

  I meet my dad's eyes through the mirror and immediately I shake my head, just wanting a moment to myself. He nods, eyes back on the road, like he hadn't noticed I was awake. My leg moves up and down, bouncing anxiously the longer my phone doesn't go off. I am losing patience. It's been hours, overnight even, where is Cam. Did he make it home okay?

  Ignoring the voice inside me telling me to leave it be, that he'll get ahold of me, I dial Officer Chris number.

  He answers on the third ring. " Officer Chris speaking."

  "It's Adylin."

  There's a pause, before his voice breaks through the static. "It's not safe for you to be calling."

  "I know," I run my hand through my hair, that surely looks like a train wreck right about now. "I just need to know if Cameron is okay."

  He sighs, "Adylin, it's only been a few hours, you need to focus on what you have going on and not be calling out here. It's too risky."

  "Please, Officer Chris. I won't ask you for anything else." I sound desperate, like a scared little girl.

  "He's fine. We've only been back in town for a couple hours. Let the poor boy settle back in. Now don't call this line again," he demands, the buzzing of static answers me as the phone disconnects.

  I toss my phone to the empty seat, letting out a small cry of anger.

  My mother looks over her shoulder, her sad eyes offering me now reassurances. "I'm sure he's just sleeping honey. It's been a long night."

  "Long night," I laugh. "It's been a long few month. Cameron never misses a message, never. Something's not right." I rock in my seat, feeling small.

  "Give him some time."

  I ignore her, spending the next little bit in silence, watching us drift further and further away. Eventually, we pulled into a narrow dirt road, surrounded by large trees and thick bushes, a wooden sign rushed by, Kisatchie National Forest. Only then do I perk up, shaking my aunt awake. "Where are we?" I ask, looking around.

  My mother meets my eyes before turning toward my dad. "About three hours outside of New Orleans. Cameron mentioned his parents own a cabin up here, so that's where we are going to be staying. It's a small, couple nearby cabins, but nothing too close. Shielded from prying eyes. Just enough exposure to draw the Witches to us."

  "Three hours?" My heart drops.

  "Just think of it as a small vacation."

  I whisper, "A vacation on the run from black magic."

  Cam and I haven't been this far apart, ever. It feels like I'm losing him the longer we're gone. I wish he were here to tell me that everything is going to be alright. We turn into a grass covered trail where a cabin is nestled peacefully. It's large windows and dark oak wood stand out. The surface around it is flat, bare even. A humming creek sits towards the right, the water lapping at the rocks that covered its floor. The sun shimmered down on me through the leaves of the strong pine trees. Smoke meandered up through the chimney kissing the beautiful sky.

  My dad must have already gone inside to start a fire, even in the blazing heat, the breeze was enough to make me want to go
inside to warm my hands by the fire. The place is beautiful, so beautiful that I could imagine Cam and his parents spending their time up here, kicking their feet in the creek and roasting marshmallows by the fire. I wish I could be experiencing this moment with him now. Once inside, I take a look around, taking in the tall ceilings and spacious long floor plan. The smell of oak wood tickles my nostrils, the smell pleasantly pleasing.

  "Honey," my mom says, as she strides in. "Go ahead and find yourself a room, we all need to get a few hours of restless sleep before we are faced with this uproar."

  "We're already faced with it," I remind her.

  My phone buzzes, bouncing inside my pocket, not bothering to look at the name, I answer, "Hello?"

  "Adylin?" A deep voice drifts from the other end.

  My heart quickens at the sound of his voice, instantly relieved.

  "Cam? Are you okay? Why haven't you answered me?"

  He replies, "I'm so sorry baby. When I got home, my parents freaked, they were outraged that I hadn't checked in and showing up in a police car didn't help. Plus, Officer Chris keeps telling me it is not safe to talk to you."

  "I was so worried about you," I breathe. “I know we aren’t supposed to talk, but I just can't follow that rule.”

  "I can’t either. That is why I am breaking every rule I was given by Officer Chris and my parents. But, I'm okay, I promise," he reassured me. "Did you make it to the cabin?"

  I nod, blushing lightly when I realize he can't see me. "Yes. This place is beautiful. "

  He chuckles, "It's always been my second favorite place."

  Curious, I ask, "Where's your first?"

  "With you."

  My heart melts at the sound of his nervous voice and it breaks even more not having him beside me. "I can't believe they just forced you to go home."

  "I mean, don't they understand we're safer together. This is a horrible idea!"


  I head up the stairs, peeking through each bedroom. "Ugh! It's so unfair."

  "Adylin," Cam repeats.


  He states, "I made the choice to come home."


  He can't be saying what I think he is. "You said so yourself, my being there with you would have only made things worse. Us being apart is safer for all of us right now. I had to make the choice whether to stay or come back. I choose to protect you."

  He is saying exactly what I think he is. I had thought that they forced him back, but really, he made the decision to go. He chose to leave me. "Why?" I ask, my voice betraying my emotions.

  "Baby, don't get upset," he coos. "We'll get through this. Once the plan goes through, I'll be there. I promise."

  I want to believe that, I do. But my heart breaks even more, my mind falling into a slump. "I gotta go…I need to get some sleep if we're going to defeat the Dark Magic Witches." I try to smile.

  "That is my Dreamer," he says. I can hear his own smile through the phone. "If you need me, I am only one phone call away. I love you."

  "I love you, too." I ended the call before he could hear the strain in my voice.

  I push the next door open, stepping into a small cozy room, the bed is made of wood, black blankets wrapped around it and a 32" screen TV sits attached to the wall, my fingers trail over the non-dusty dresser, pulling it open to find stacks of men’s shirts, I pull one free. By the size and smell, I can reckon it's Cam's. Cuddling it close, I lay down, curled onto my side. I will myself to sleep, but all I can feel is the powerful depression rocking my body and mind as I drift into another dreamless dream.

  The storm rages, a blistering inferno erupting just outside my window. Streaks of color light up the sky, rumbling the ground as thunder breaks around me. The rain pours down like a bucket is being thrown from the heavens, soaking the dark ground beneath the marshmallow clouds. The wind roars, bouncing off the tree's and attacking the wood aggressively. The house shakes under it's pull. It vibrates under the pressure, crying in response. The ground shakes beneath the cabin, breaking through the surface. The storm yells in rage, becoming worse within minutes. It's hungry, ravaging the feeling of despair and depression. It's feeding off of it. Lightening pulses from the sky, striking just before my window.

  I bolt upright, my hair painted across my soaked forehead, my limbs sore and air caught in my lungs. I dig at my throat, demanding it be set free. The electricity pulses through me, a feeling so dark, it nearly scares me to death. I can feel it creeping inside of me, crawling through my veins before it slowly diminishes to a small blaze, allowing me to take a gulp of breath, the thunder screaming from outside

  It is at that moment I knew that the dream wasn't a dream after all...the bloody quake outside is real and I am beginning to think this is just the beginning of one messed up fairy tale.


  “Help,” I yell.

  The scream leaves my lips before I truly have time to register what is happening.

  “Adylin?” a panicked voice cries out. I recognize it as my mom as she tears down the wooden floor of the cabin hallway.

  The ground is shaking so violently, I can barely see in front of me. My vision is blurred and a terrible headache is building.

  “Mom, what is going on?” I ask, as I hold onto the metal bed frame.

  Suddenly, my parents and a very frazzled looking Aunt Evelyn rush into my room. They are holding onto one another for support as they attempt to keep their balance.

  “We have no idea. We just woke up to the storm and earthquake,” she says, panic rising in her voice.

  My dad gives me a pointed look as a streak of lightning flashes just outside my window.

  “Adylin, were you dreaming?” He asks calmly.

  All I can do is nod. What is he getting at?

  “Take a deep breath and try and think about the last thing you remember while you were sleeping,” he prompts.

  I attempt to calm myself and as I take a few deep breaths, the shaking begins to slow, until the world is once again still.

  “What just happened?” I ask, noticing the storm outside has subsided to just a light drizzling rain.

  “The storm and earthquake, that was your doing,” he said.

  Tears streamed down my mom’s face and she looked away from me.

  “How? Why?” The words tumbled out, but they sound so weird.

  “Think, what did you dream?” Dad asks again.

  I think briefly and it all comes raving back to me. The storm. The fear. The earthquake.

  Seeing the realization in my eyes, my dad takes another step into the room as my mom and aunt rush to my side, holding onto me tightly.

  “I knew at some point this could happen,” dad says, shaking his head as concern grows on his face.

  “You knew what could happen? I’m so confused! I thought my parents were dead for half of my life. Then I learn I am a Dream Wanderer then that quickly changes to a Dream Catcher. Just when I thought I finally understood everything, crazy Dark Magic Witches show up and so do my parents! I need answers now!” I demand.

  I hated lashing out, but I was tired of living in the dark. I felt like everyone around me knew the secrets of my life...except me.

  “Adylin, when you were born, we knew you were going to be powerful like your ancestors before you. Once, a light Witch told us that you held the power magic inside of you to become a Dream Seeker. Someone who can not only tap into dreams and visions, but who can also seek out the force of a Dream,” he stated, before pausing and thinking over his next words very carefully.

  Everyone in the room remained silent, anxiously awaiting his words and I was sure, my reaction.

  Continuing, my dad held my hand as he told me the next part. “When you are near evil, you have the power to seek their power and use it. Everything that just happened was your doing.”

  His words are like a punch to the stomach. My body feels heavy and I’m struggling to breathe. If what he is saying is true, then that means the dark magic Witches
are close by. That we didn’t outsmart them like we had hoped.

  “We didn’t escape the Witches,” I state.

  “No, I guess we didn’t. We need to call Officer Chris and get the detective back. This time, we need all the help we can get,” he states, before running out of my room.

  I don’t bother asking where he’s going, I already know he’s preparing to disrupt the lives of everyone we know and love. Just like we always do.


  When Officer Chris' patrol car pulls in, his lights flashing red and blue, my blood pressure spikes. I watched through the window as he removed himself from the car and the detective pulled herself from the passenger side, her hair pulled back from her face, she looked around, straightening her dress shirt.

  It isn’t until the back door opens and Cam steps out does my heart nearly break from my chest. Before I could think, I am bolting for the door and right into his arms, burying my face in the nook of his neck, his arms coming around to hold me to him. “Hi baby,” he mumbles against my hair.

  I take in his scent, devouring myself in all that is him. It might have only been a day. But it felt like we’ve been apart for a lifetime. I can’t do this without Cam, not when the Witches are so close. I hadn’t expected Officer Chris to bring him, especially when he’s intent on making sure he remains safe, but like my father said, we need as many people as we can get to help.

  But that doesn’t stop my heart from falling at the idea of something happening to him.

  “I didn’t think he’d let you come.”

  He shakes his head, pushing me back to look into my eyes. “I told you, I’d find a way to break every rule possible to make sure I get back to you.”

  My eyes widen. “What about your parents?”

  “They are away for a few days on a business trip. I can’t stay long, a few days tops, then I need to ride back into town. Officer Chris said this is the best he can do for us, and I had to nearly beg him to let me come along this time.”


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