Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3)

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Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3) Page 3

by Michelle Areaux

  I shake my head. “So much has happened in so little time. How will we ever make it through this?”

  “With you, anything is possible.”

  Cameron’s words make my stomach twist in butterflies, he always did know the right words to say when I felt like the world was crumbling down around me. As much as I would love for him to remain beside me through this hiccup, having him here for a few days at a time is better than none at all. I will take what I can get.

  I glance over my shoulder, Officer Chris and the Detective are gathered with my parents, their voices hushed as my father replays last night's chain-of-events, no doubt telling them how much of a freak I am now.

  Cameron pulls my hand into his own, ducking he pulls my focus back to him. “How are you holding up?”

  I shrug. “As much as I can, really. This has all just become too much. The longer I’m around, the more I learn about myself that I’m not sure I actually want to know.”

  “What happened exactly?”

  I duck my head.

  Cam places a finger beneath my chin, forcing me to look into his caring eyes. “Nothing you say will ever scare me away from you,” he swears.

  The thing is, I know he’s telling the truth. I know that there is not a single thing in this world that could force him away from me, but I am terrified for what that brings for him. Is he truly safe with me or am I just a huge disaster waiting to happen. The Black Witches are here because of me, because of my family and history. So, what if that darkness that I felt course through my veins last night, causing the storm, takes over everything that I am.

  I don’t know a single thing about being a Dream Seeker or even where to begin to tell Cam about my unbelievable experience of channeling their darkness. What if I am just as bad as they are, dark?

  “Aydlin?” he prompts.

  “I found out I’m a Dream Seeker.” I bite my lip, trying to put it off as no big deal.

  “Dream Seeker?”

  He waits patiently, always so gentle when it comes to my exploring the idea of what I have become. “I can channel the force of a dream. So, not only am I a freak who can see murders in my sleep, those dreams can come to life even more so…my father told me that when evil is near, I now have the ability to seek that power and use it.”

  He swallows, a look of panic crossing his features. “Does that mean the Witches are near?”

  I nod.

  “Oh my god, Aydlin. And you had to go through that alone; that must have been terrifying!” Cam pulls me into his arms. “We’ll get through this, I promise you. We have always found a way out; we’ll find a way out of this too.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I believe in you, Aydlin Sparks.”

  I believed every word he said.

  My father waves us over minutes later, where we all shuffle inside to gather around the tall kitchen counter, where the Detective lays out a map. She points at a small location. “This is where we are right now, far enough off the grid that it should take the Witches some time to spot our location.”

  Aunt Everlyn leans down, squinting her eyes. “How close do they need to be for Aydlin to channel their dark energy?”

  “Merely feet.” My father replies, he runs his hand over his face, eyes lined with dark circles from lack of sleep. “On average, a Dream Seeker can channel energy from miles away.”

  “So, they could be just about anywhere?” I ask.

  He nods. “The closer they are, the stronger your connection.”

  Cameron groans, “But that means she has to deal with the connection getting worse?”

  My mother cries, “I wish it were different. If I could break the connection that Aydlin has to the Black Witches, I would. This is not something that a teenage girl should have to face alone.”

  “I’m not alone,” I hold my ground, looking around the table. “I have all of you. If I have to deal with a few more crazed dreams to find the Witches, than bring it on. Just promise me you'll wake me before they become too damaging.”

  They nod, Cameron squeezes my hand, offering me a small smile.

  Officer Chris presses his lips together. “We need someone on the lookout at all times-- these Witches don’t kid around. If they find her, they're going to make their move and some of us are powerless against them. Detective, we need to get some armor together, people we can trust, and have them scout the cabin on shifts until we are in the clear.”

  “I will make the call,” She heads towards the hallway, leaving us.

  When I think back, when I was nothing more than the high school freak, I never thought that my life would turn into something like this. After saving Hailey, I thought that was the end or at least I wanted to believe that it was. But when the news hit that my parents, my long dead parents could very well be alive, there was no way of getting out of it. All I have ever wanted was for them to be alive, to have normal parents like everyone else at my school. But we could never truly be normal. After Cam and I had found Hailey on that boat, saving her from being murdered by one of her psycho cheerleader friends. Now, here I am, hiding in Cameron's family cabin from a clan of Black Witches that want nothing more than to take down my family and leave the world shattering from under us.

  This is crazy.

  I keep thinking I will wake from this ongoing nightmare, but it seems like the more I sleep, the more horror hits us. I look around the table at the people I love and the family I have grown to have and I can’t help but feel like if it wasn’t for me, none of them would be here now. Stuck in the same revolving door that I am. It seems that the Sparks sure have a way of ruining everyone's lives.

  “Honey,” My father turns towards me, scowling.


  “Can I have a word with you alone?”

  I haven’t seen my father this nervous since we found him, nodding as I follow him outside into the pouring rain, the sound of crickets and waves from the river lashing drift around us. “What’s up?”

  He sighs, “I need to tell you something, but you mustn't tell anyone, not even Cam. If your mother finds out, she will have a heart attack. Bless her soul.”

  Now I feel nervous. “Promise.”

  “Adylin, your ancestors are strong. The strongest of our family. They, too, once held the ability as a Dream Seeker and their power was massive. These Black Witches are never going to stop until they get what they desire more. Without Ashton here to confirm that he is not siding with them, there is no way to tell if he’s still wrapped up in their lies. Because of this, I must tell you something so that you can protect yourself, no matter the cost.”

  “What is it? You’re starting to freak me out.”

  He shakes his head. “Honey, you may have the ability as a Dream Seeker and you can channel their dark energy as a source to determine where they are…. But what you are unaware of is the immensity of the power that you hold. You can channel their magic.”

  I don’t understand what he’s trying to tell me, just as confused, I watch him dumbfounded to what he’s telling me.

  You can channel their dark energy.

  “If things go south, I need you to make a promise to your mother and I. I need you to save yourself. Don’t worry about us, we’ve been through far worse. If things break, you need to get out of here as fast as possible.”

  I curse, “I am not leaving any of you. No, not happening.”

  “I thought you might say that.” He pinches his nose, straightening his back, when he looks back at me, I see something swirling in his eyes. “Then you must know that with the ability to channel their energy. You can make the energy your own. Use it against them.”

  “I can use their own dark magic against them?”

  He nods.

  “How is that even possible?” I continue.

  “When a Dream Seeker has the ability to channel enough energy, that energy becomes a part of them and momentarily, the Seeker is able to use it to their advantage, Your ancestor has done this before,
but it cost her more than she could bargain for.”

  I replied, “What did it cost her?”

  “Her own free will.”

  I stare at him, running his words through my head, trying to make sense of it all. When I look through the window, I see the detective has returned and they are still gathered around the table, Aunt Everlyn looks at me, her eyes flashing with concern, before something passes between us, an understanding. I have never seen her look so sad, but at this very moment, there’s nothing more than sadness spinning inside her small eyes and I know, in that moment, that she, too, knows exactly what my father is telling me and it’s eating her alive.

  “What happens if I channel their energy and use it against them?”

  “You banish them to the realm where they will live, unable to harm anyone else.”

  “And me?”

  My father swallows, stuffing his hands in his pocket. “Adylin -”

  I press my lips together, nervous, “Just tell me, dad.”

  “It could kill you.” He stutters, shaking his head.

  “Then why are you telling me this.” My heart races beneath my chest.

  “Because, there is a chance that if you do channel their energy that you could make it out unharmed,” He tells me.

  “And what will that mean for me?”

  “You’ll hold their magic as your own.”

  I groan, “You mean, I’ll become a Black Witch?”

  He nods.

  “So, I either flee and leave my family to die or I stay and fight and risk not only ending myself, but becoming the very thing that I hate?”

  My father looks horrified,.“Becoming a black Witch will wipe any Dreamer from you, those powers will be left in the void. Only the dark magic will course through your veins ...but Aydlin, by doing so, it doesn’t mean you have to be bad. You can use the magic for good. If you learn to channel it correctly.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  He eyes me. “Because when I was a little boy, I never got a choice in saving your grandparents and if I could go back in time, I would want to be given the choice for me to decide.”

  I hadn’t realized that my parents were kidnapped and I never got the chance to learn about their childhood or my grandparents, but looks like from the sound of it, the ending wasn’t a pleasant one. If what my father is telling me is the truth. Then I have a decision to make when the time comes. I need to make the right one. Because the wrong one could very well leave the world burning in raging flames and end our futures as we know it.


  Sometime after dawn, I finally fell asleep. After Cam and Officer Chris arrived, we all began talking and planning.

  I still wasn’t sure how I felt about being a Dream Seeker or about the possibility that I may be forced to become a dark magic Witch.

  I guess it didn’t really matter; none of this was my choice; and it never would be.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cam asks, pulling me out of my head.

  I didn’t see him walk into the room. I had been so lost in my own thoughts, I wasn’t aware of much going on around me. I better snap out of it.

  “I’m just thinking about everything that’s happening right now,” I say.

  I get out of bed and Cam reaches out for me to take his hand. He leads me out of my room and into the large living room where everyone is seated. When I enter, their eyes all lock on me, but my gaze is locked on someone else.

  Someone who I haven’t seen or heard from in a while--Ashton.

  He stands, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. He seems nervous, almost afraid of me. Part of me wants him to be scared. Even though I know it’s not his fault that his mom is an insane and evil witch, it still troubles me to think of trusting him. Especially now after what happened last night.

  “Adylin, how are you?” He asks nervously.

  Stunned, I take a minute before I respond. “Well, I’ve been better. Honestly, I was fine until your crazy mom decided to come after me and spark some weird power inside of me to emerge.”

  Cam nudges me, his attempt to tell me to play nice.

  Nodding his head, Ashton seems unaffected by my sarcastic words. “That’s what I thought. Look, I’m here to help. Just like I promised last time, all I want to do is to stop my mom from hurting anyone else,” he states.

  “Maybe you all should go outside and talk,” Officer Chris recommends.

  I look to Cam and already know he won’t leave my side.

  We walk through the kitchen and out the back door. The heavy southern heat weighs down on me and I already feel myself starting to sweat.

  We take a seat at a wooden picnic table on the back deck.

  “I need to know how close the witches are,” I say, jumping right into the conversation.

  “Close. I heard my mom discussing coming here. She’s arranging for more dark witches to join her. We only have a day or two before they come and attack,” Ashton says.

  I take in his words and know that in order to take down these witches and save everyone I love, I need to research how to tap into my new powers.

  “Ok,” I nod. “Let’s get planning,” I finished.

  It’s now or never and I know that it’s time to finally use the powers I was born with, even if it kills me.


  It didn’t take long for me to convince my parents that I needed to learn the depths of this Dream Seeker business. If I were going to have to decide whether I tap into it fully and become the one thing I dread the most to save the people that I love the most, then I needed to know exactly what this power means for me.

  So, after some childish begging and valid points given, they finally agreed, as long as my father is the one that teaches me.

  I follow him out to the back yard, where there is nothing but weeds, swamps, and grass for acres of land, it’s unusual for me to find myself in a place like this, seeing as I am so used to the town of New Orleans. This is much different than I would have imagined. Cameron follows closely behind me, unwilling to let me out of his sight, even for the slightest moment since he had returned back to me. I can’t say that I don’t mind, I missed him.

  My father stops in the middle of the yard, turning his large eyes in my direction. “Are you sure you are ready to learn the exact length of your gifts?”

  “If it means getting rid of the Black Witches for good and stopping them from shattering the only home I have ever known, yes.”

  Ashton steps out from the door, leaning back against the house, he watches us silently. I don’t know how I feel about him watching me, seeing as I was planning to end the Black Witches, his mother included. Although, he swears up and down that he wants no part in what they are. At times, it’s almost hard to believe.

  “Then we better get started,” my father tells me.

  He steps forward, holding something small in the palm of his hand. “This was my mothers, it’s a great elume from the ancestors; it’s used to channel their energy.” The rock is black, purple streaks through it; it looks beautiful. “With your abilities, you should be able to make contact with that energy. I am warning you, Aydlin, the power is tremendously strong. You must prepare yourself.”

  I nod. “Got you.”

  “By channeling the magic, it will touch base with your Dream Seeker abilities, this does not mean you will become a black witch; it simply gives you an idea of what you will be up against, if you shall decide that giving in is your destiny.”

  Ashton pinches his nose. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

  My father looks in his direction. “Do you have a better idea?”

  “Better than putting your daughter's life at risk?”

  “Enough,” I groan. “This is my decision. If you haven’t forgotten, it’s your mother who is after all of us.” I turn my eyes in his direction and he only shrugs. So much for proving you are on the right side of this fight.

  Cameron peers down at me. “Don’t listen to him, I trust you.” My heart quickens at h
is words. “Just be careful, this all seems so dangerous.”

  I step on my tiptoes, placing a kiss to his lips. “I will, babe.”

  Ashton makes a disgusted sound before heading inside, leaving my father and boyfriend to tend to the new Dream Seeker in town.

  When the rock touches my bare skin, I could feel the surge of energy radiating off of it, touching my soul. The whispers from the ancestor’s echo in my head and it takes me a moment to catch my breath.

  “What do you feel?” my father asks, pressing his lips together in thought.

  “Powerful,” I admit.

  He smiles. “Close your eyes, I want you to think of everything that you are feeling right now, breath it in and let the ancestors know you’re there.”

  Cameron steps forward. “What will that do?”

  “She’ll be able to speak to them; they’ll communicate through the power she already holds and they will be able to give her access to their own magic, allowing Aydlin to get a brief look at what being a Dream Seeker truly has to offer.”

  “Is it dangerous?’

  My father shakes his head. “The ancestors are the least of our worries. They hold too much heritage to be dangerous. Their magic can be a bit much, but it isn’t used for bad. Everything in their magic is good.”

  Cameron runs his hand through his hair nervously. “Cam, I will be okay. I promise,” I reassured him. “We have been through far worse together.”

  He nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Okay. Do it.”

  I give them both a small smile before I close my eyes, holding the rock in between both hands. I can feel the heat coming off of it, kissing my skin. I breathe the energy in feeling it wrap around me like a blanket. I let it become a part of me. The feeling rushes through my body before I am torn away from the backyard and thrown into the void, a white empty void. There’s nothing around me and I begin to worry.

  “Hello?” I call out, spinning in circles.

  There’s nothing there to answer, I am left alone in this white void with no idea how to get out. I start forward, walking on nothing, eyes moving over the emptiness that surrounds me. The ancestors whisper in my ear, but I am unable to make out what they are saying, their voices blending together, words undistinguished.


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