Fighting for Us: A Small Town Family Romance (The Bailey Brothers Book 2)

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Fighting for Us: A Small Town Family Romance (The Bailey Brothers Book 2) Page 22

by Claire Kingsley

  The headlights cut through the thick darkness. There weren’t any streetlights out here. Just the jagged rock face jutting high above the road on one side, the land descending toward the river on the other. Suddenly, the truck jolted, almost like we’d run over something.

  “Oh no, that wasn’t an animal, was it?” I asked.

  Asher slowed and pulled over to the shoulder. “I don’t think so. I didn’t see anything. But I want to check and make sure everything looks okay.”

  He turned off the engine and got out, then reached beneath the seat to get a flashlight. I waited while he circled the truck, the light a narrow beam in the darkness. After coming around the other side, he got back in and shut the door, then tucked the flashlight back under the seat.

  “Everything looks fine.”

  He turned the key to start the truck, but nothing happened.

  His brow furrowed and he tried again. Still nothing. “That’s weird.”

  Pushing the clutch down, he wobbled the gear shifter. Then he took the key out completely, reinserted it, and tried again.

  Still nothing.

  “Well, fuck. I should have left the engine running. I’m sorry about this.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe it just needs a minute?”

  “Yeah. I have no idea what’s going on. It’s been running fine.”

  “Do you remember the night we climbed out our windows and Grandad caught us? We were in the truck pretending we were bank robbers fleeing the scene of the crime.”

  He laughed softly. “He was in his shop sneaking a Cherry Coke with the light off so he wouldn’t get caught.”

  “We thought we were dead. But instead he took us for a drive.”

  Asher nodded slowly. “He turned the radio up. It was that old-school country station he loved. We rolled the windows down and cruised the back roads listening to Waylon Jennings.”

  Recalling such a happy memory filled me with warmth. I let out a sigh.

  Asher shifted so he was partially facing me and when he spoke, his voice was soft. “We have a lot of good memories, don’t we?”

  “So many.”

  I was tempted to take off my seatbelt, scoot across the bench seat, and kiss him. But I’d been making all the first moves. It would just leave me wondering if it was what he wanted, or if he was only following my lead. He knew where I stood. If anything was going to happen between us tonight, I needed him to take charge.

  He stared at me. We were blanketed in darkness, shrouded in the silence of the empty highway. My heart sped up, pumping in my chest with steady beats of hope. He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ear, then trailed his fingertips softly along my jaw and brushed his thumb over my lower lip.

  For a brief moment, everything stilled. Neither of us even blinked.

  Then he moved.

  In an instant, he popped the latch on my seatbelt and hauled me across the seat. I let his jacket slip from my shoulders. His tongue wet his lips and he pressed his palm to the side of my face, brushing his nose against mine. With blood roaring in my ears, I waited, my mouth parted, ready for him.

  He surged in to capture my lips with his. My eyes fluttered closed and I exhaled, sinking into his kiss. Oh my god, finally. It felt so good, I thought I might melt away into nothing. His fingers slid into my hair and his mouth moved against mine. Every nerve ending fired, lighting me up with a heady sense of euphoria.

  His other arm hooked around my waist and he pulled me closer. He delved his tongue into my mouth, and I opened for him, letting him taste me. I couldn’t get enough; I wanted him to devour me whole.

  Twisting into him, I slid my leg over his lap. He pulled me on top of him, gripping me tight with his strong hands. A low groan rumbled in his throat as I pressed down, my legs straddling his hips, my dress hiking up my thighs.

  I braced myself on the seat behind him, ignoring the steering wheel digging into my back. I couldn’t have cared less. Asher kissed me hungrily, his tongue sliding against mine, increasingly frantic. He slid his hands beneath my dress and cupped my ass, squeezing hard.

  The pressure between my legs was both exquisite and unbearable. He rubbed me against him through his pants, sliding me along his solid erection. I whimpered into his mouth, desperate for more. His hips jerked, pushing his hardness against me, right where I needed him.

  If he kept this up, it was going to be the fastest orgasm I’d ever had in my life.

  I wanted more. I wanted him inside me, but I couldn’t stop to unfasten his pants. He held my ass in a firm grip, his fingers digging into me, and rubbed me up and down his hard length. Tilting my hips, I moved with him, chasing the climax my body desperately wanted.

  He grunted hard and tried to speak, but we were both lost in a frenzy. I didn’t know if he meant to tell me to stop, keep going, or wait so he could free his cock and do this properly, but I was too far gone. Totally overwhelmed by the intoxicating sensations flooding through me. The sharp pleasure jolting through my sensitive clit with every stroke. The bruising pressure of his hands. The wet warmth of his mouth tangling with mine, our kisses demanding and messy.

  “Yes,” he growled.

  Heat and pressure built so fast, I was blinded by it. Rhythmically rolling my hips, I let go—gave in and let it happen. Moaning and gasping into his mouth, I hit the peak, that earth-shattering point right before everything explodes.

  I threw my head back and cried out as I came apart. Waves of pleasure crashed through me, filling my entire body.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, almost breathless. “Fuck. Fuck. I—”

  His voice cut off with a strangled growl and his fingers dug deeper into my skin. He closed his eyes, his brow furrowing deeply, and grunted again. And again.

  And again.

  My clit continued to throb and pulse while I rode out the final crest. I watched him come, too enraptured to care that we hadn’t even undressed. My skin flushed with warmth and my core tingled with undeniable satisfaction.

  He opened his eyes and loosened his grip. Blinking with what looked like surprise—and maybe even a hint of embarrassment—he glanced down at himself.

  “Fuck. I didn’t mean to…”

  I touched his face, drawing his eyes back to mine. “It’s okay. That was amazing.”

  He let out a breath and opened his mouth to say something, but headlights flashed behind us, lighting up the cab of the truck.

  His eyes widened. “Shit.”

  I slid off his lap. There was a wet spot on the front of his pants—as much from me as him. My panties were soaked. But I felt so good, I couldn’t find it in me to care.

  Until it occurred to me that it might be Jack who’d just parked behind us. That would be awkward.

  Asher looked down again and I shoved his jacket at him. He pulled it over his lap right as someone tapped on the driver’s side window.

  Oh, thank god. It was just Evan.

  Clearing his throat, Asher rolled the window down.

  “You all right?” Evan asked.

  “Yeah. Fine.” There was no mistaking what was in Asher’s voice. He sounded like he’d just finished coming. Which he had, obviously.

  I bit my lip and tried not to giggle. It was possible I was still feeling euphoric.

  Evan’s eyes flicked to me, then to the jacket covering Asher’s lap. He winced slightly and leaned back. “Sorry. I recognized the truck. Figured something must be wrong if you were just sitting here on the side of the highway.”

  “We pulled over to check something and the truck wouldn’t start again,” I said.

  Asher turned the key. Still nothing.

  “Hmm.” Evan looked up and down the truck. “Did you already call for a ride?”

  “No,” Asher said.

  “I’ve got my car, so I can take you home if you want. We can come back out tomorrow and see if we can get it started. Not much we can do tonight.”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “You guys need a minute, or…?”

shook his head. “No. We’re good.”

  Evan nodded and walked back to his car.

  Nibbling on my bottom lip, I stifled another giggle while Asher rolled up the window.

  He glanced down into his lap again. “I didn’t mean to… That shouldn’t have… Damn it, Grace, it’s been a long fucking time.”

  I reached over and rubbed the back of his neck. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

  We both got out and apparently he decided to just own it. He put the jacket on instead of using it to cover his groin. Not that you could see much in the dark anyway.

  Evan waited outside his restored sixty-eight Camaro and gestured for us to climb in back through the driver’s side. Sasquatch sat proudly in the passenger’s seat, watching us with his tongue lolling out as we got in.

  We drove back to town in silence and the momentary high of my orgasm faded. Asher didn’t reach over to touch me or hold my hand, and I started to wonder what had just happened and what it meant.

  Was he throwing his guard up again? How hard was I going to have to try to get him to lower it now?

  By the time we pulled up to my house, I felt like I’d been dunked in cold water. I had no idea what was going on in Asher’s head, and I couldn’t exactly ask. But the space between us felt like a crevasse.

  Evan let us both out and Asher walked me to my door. I needed him to stay. I needed his arms around me, to soothe the fear simmering in my belly. To hold me after what we’d just done. I craved his touch with a fierceness that surprised me, even now.

  But I couldn’t seem to make my mouth form the right words. Couldn’t bring myself to ask.

  I was too afraid he’d say no.

  My keys dangled from my fingers and I hesitated, giving him space to ask to come in. Or giving myself time to get over my fear and just tell him what I wanted.

  “Sorry about… all of it,” he said.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

  He nodded and lowered his eyes. “Goodnight, Grace. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Disappointment ripped through me, making my throat tighten and my eyes burn. I bit the inside of my lip—hard—before I managed to get a word out. “Goodnight.”

  He hesitated there, like he was wrestling with something. Then he touched my arm gently, and with a soft exhale, he turned and walked away.




  I walked back to Evan’s car, feeling like a storm was about to break inside me. What the fuck had just happened? I’d decided I could handle this date if I took it slow, and I’d wound up coming in my goddamn pants.

  My head was still swimming and by the time I shooed Sasquatch into the backseat and climbed in, I knew I’d just fucked up. Badly. She’d given me every opportunity to ask to come in and I hadn’t taken it.

  And why the hell not? We’d just made out in the truck and dry humped so hard we’d both come through our fucking clothes. Why not just go in and finish what we’d started? Do it right this time?

  Evan didn’t say anything as he pulled out of her driveway and headed to Gram’s. I’d never been more grateful for his tendency toward silence. Raking my fingers through my hair, I struggled with what to do. I didn’t want to hurt her. That was why I’d tried to stay away. Why I’d told her to let me go all those years ago and resigned myself to losing her.

  But I couldn’t stay away. It was killing me, and I knew it had to be killing her too.

  God, I was such an idiot.

  “Stop,” I said, my voice rough. “Go back.”

  Without a word, Evan whipped the car in a tight U-turn, right in the middle of the street. The engine roared as he hit the gas and sped us back to Grace’s house.

  He stomped on the brake to stop in front of her driveway and gestured to his glove box. “There’s condoms in there.”

  I glanced at him and the corner of my mouth twitched. “Thanks.”

  He just shrugged, like it didn’t really matter, his hands still on the steering wheel.

  I grabbed a strip and shoved them in my pocket before getting out of the car. He drove off before I could say anything else.

  Grace’s porch light was off and her curtains were closed. Resolve and desire roared to life inside me. I stalked up to her door and pounded on it. Hard.

  A second later, she answered. Her cheeks were flushed pink and anger burned in her eyes. She opened her mouth—probably to yell at me—but I didn’t give her the chance.

  I barreled inside, kicking the door shut behind me, and didn’t stop until I had her backed up against a wall. I caged her in with my arms, leaving her no choice but to look at me. “I love you.”

  Her lips parted and she gasped.

  “I’m so sorry.” Picking her up, I held her against the wall and cut off whatever she was about to say with a kiss. She wrapped her legs around my waist and threw her arms over my shoulders, kissing me back with as much intensity as I felt.

  “I fucking love you so much,” I growled into her mouth.

  She responded with what felt like a sob, her body shuddering. It sliced me right through the chest, but instead of flinching away from the pain it caused, I dug into it. Let it hurt. I deserved it.

  But maybe tonight I could help ease it for both of us, at least a little.

  Without bothering to put her down—or stop kissing her—I carried her down the hall. I didn’t know which room she used, but she pointed to a door.

  We tumbled onto the bed, ripping off our clothes like they were on fire. I pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her, ready to thrust in.

  Goddammit. Condom.

  “Hang on,” I said. “I have a condom. Pocket.”

  “Wait.” She put a hand on my chest. “I’m on birth control. You don’t need one.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. It’s fine. And I’ve never been with anyone else.”

  I gazed into her blue eyes, feeling so fucking unworthy. I hadn’t meant to suggest I thought she might not be safe. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. Now please fuck me before I die of anticipation. I’ve been waiting for this for such a long time.”

  “I know, baby. I have too.”

  Leaning down to kiss her, I shifted my hips to line up the head of my cock with her opening. She was already slick and wet. Coming in my pants hadn’t been ideal, but at least I didn’t have to worry I’d fire off like a rocket on the first thrust.

  After all, it had been a long fucking time.

  Groaning, I slid inside her. She didn’t just feel good. She felt unbelievable. Her inner muscles tightened around me, tiny pulses that sent shockwaves through my body. She was going to make me lose my mind.

  “Don’t move yet,” she whispered.

  I held still, my cock buried deep. She clung to me, her arms around my back and her legs locked around my waist. Inhaling deeply, I breathed her in. Felt every inch of her warm skin against mine.

  “I missed you so much,” I said low into her ear.

  Her hand moved up the back of my neck. “I missed you too.”

  Gliding through her wetness, I pulled out, then thrust in again. I meant to take it slow. To savor this. But she felt too fucking good.

  I sped up my rhythm, fucking her harder. Growling into her neck. She held on tight, soft moans escaping her lips.

  Making out in the truck hadn’t done anything to dampen our frenzied desperation for each other. She drew her knees higher and dug her fingers into my back. I kissed her neck and sucked on her skin, thrusting my cock deep inside her.

  “Fuck, I missed this pussy,” I growled, reaching down to grab a handful of her ass while I drove into her again.

  “You could have had it a long time ago.”

  I lifted up to look at her and thrust in—hard. “Oh yeah?”


  “I have a lot to make up for. Is this helping?” I drove in again. “How’s that, baby?” Another hard thrust. “Does my cock he

  “Oh my god, yes.”

  Driving hard with my hips, my back and arms flexing, I plunged in and out of her wet heat. Her face flushed pink, the color creeping down her neck. She was so goddamn sexy. I dipped my mouth to her lips, lapping my tongue against hers. I wanted to taste every bit of her. Devour her whole.

  I licked my way down her neck and flicked my tongue over the hard peak of her nipple. Her tits were so beautiful. So feminine. Round and sweet and delicious in my mouth.

  It was all coming back to me. Everything she loved. I sucked on her nipple, still relentlessly fucking her. Her back arched and she draped her arms over her head, whimpering. Letting go. Losing control.

  I rolled us over so I lay on my back and she straddled over the top of me. She was a goddess. Blond hair loose around her face. Beautiful round tits and pink nipples standing erect. Narrow waist curving into hips that rolled against me.

  “That’s it, beautiful,” I said. “I want to see you.”

  She planted her hands on my chest as she rode my cock, her eyes half closed. I held her hips and thrust up into her, letting her set the pace. She could do this all night if she wanted. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  Her body’s slow waves turned into faster jerks, up and down my cock. She was hot and tight around me, her rhythm making the pressure in my groin build fast.

  “Ride that cock hard, beautiful. As hard as you want it.”

  Her fingernails dug into my chest and she moaned, closing her eyes. I thrust my hips, driving my cock into her while she rolled, grinding her clit against me.

  Faster. Harder.

  “Fuck yes, Gracie. That’s my girl. So beautiful.”

  Her pussy tightened around me and she threw her head back, moaning with the rhythm of my thrusts. I watched her come, mesmerized as she rode out her orgasm. As her silky inner walls pulsed around my aching cock.

  She blinked her eyes open and her hair fell into her face. I reached up to tuck it behind her ear.

  “Oh my god,” she breathed.

  I slid my hand to the back of her head and brought her mouth to mine. Kissed her hungrily.


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