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Decoy Page 22

by S. B. Sebrick

"I don’t see how we can pull this off," Honmour pleaded, using a small burst of Varadour energy to keep up with Kaltor’s accelerated pace.

  "We don’t have a choice," Kaltor said simply, catching hold of the wall as he turned the corner of the stairs for a little added speed. "Besides, this is far easier than if he demanded we free him."

  "Alright, I see your point," Honmour admitted. "But we’ll need a small army to get this done right, or at least a dozen fast riders."

  "Why?" Kaltor asked.

  "That half of the city has Melshek’s Perversions at every street corner," Honmour elaborated. "Nothing goes on he doesn’t know about."

  "But they can’t sense Varadours," Kaltor pointed out.

  "Lot of Abyss-torn good that does us in the daylight," Honmour said, rolling his eyes.

  "I have a plan," Kaltor admitted. "We’ll be fine, and it’ll definitely give nearby refugees a chance to make for the castle. Meet me in Selene’s chambers with all the Stunts, bows, arrows, and a map of the city."

  "As you wish," Honmour grumbled, hurrying down the next corridor.

  We can pull this off, Kaltor thought confidently. IF Selene comes through for us.

  After another few hurried steps he knocked on Selene’s door, entering before bothering to listen for an invitation. A silver blade twirled his way, impaling itself in the wall to his left.

  Kaltor threw his hands up in a mocking gesture. "I surrender."

  "If only it were that easy," Selene said grimly.

  She stood before a desk next to the fireplace in her room. A few small pots of water boiled from hooks above the fire. Before her, piles of various herbs were stretched out on a long canvas on the table. She hurriedly rolled the canvas into a bundle, effectively hiding the contents without disturbing their order.

  "If you insist on trying to find out the secrets of our poisons," she said dangerously, "I’ll aim farther to your right next time. I’ll use an arrow, too," Kaltor lowered his hands and nodded respectfully, recalling her skills at the prison, hitting a Perverted child in mid-flight.

  I think she’s serious, he thought. Got to remember that.

  "The prisoner, Reeth," Kaltor explained. "If we can bring his family to him, he’ll tell us what happened when Melshek tried to Pervert him."

  Selene glanced out the window at the sun’s slow descent. "You have only a few hours, then," she observed. "Better hurry."

  "That’s why I’m here," Kaltor said. "I need those poisons now."

  "I’ve only just started!" Selene explained. "You’re asking me to deplete my private stock, and there’s precious little of that."

  "I’m going to beat Melshek at his own game for once," Kaltor said bitterly. "Mind if I open your window?" Again, without awaiting her answer, he did just that.

  "Yes, I mind!" Selene answered indignantly. "What are you—"

  Honmour landed on her window sill, offering a polite nod her way, a large parchment rolled up under one arm. "Apologies, Battlescorned," he said pretending to remove an imaginary hat in the proper gentleman’s fashion. "Might we intrude on your residence for a brief while?"

  "You two have intruded enough. This is a lady’s room!"

  "Not two," Honmour corrected. In moments three other Stunts landed behind him, bows in hand, and two more entered through the doorway unannounced.

  Selene groaned, rubbing the temples alongside her forehead. "Do you mountain men have any sense of propriety?" she demanded. "This is my private chamber. Ask me to meet you somewhere else, like the rest of the civilized world."

  "No time," Kaltor grinned. "Honmour, the map please."

  In seconds they stood over a drawn rendition of the city about seven feet long. Extracting a throwing blade, Kaltor placed the tip of it near the central marketplace. "I’ve agreed to help rescue a family held here," he explained. "When we bring them to the castle, their father will tell us exactly how Melshek Perverts his victims. He’s scheduled to die at sundown, though. Any ideas?"

  "We kidnap the prisoner," one Stunt suggested. "Buy us time to save his family," Selene walked up behind them, eyeing the map cautiously, curiosity silencing her coiled tongue.

  "Not to mention earning us the ire of the nobility, the town watch, and both the regiments of troops surrounding the city," Honmour countered, gesturing toward the lower half of the map. "I know Master Taneth expects a lot of his students, but facing Melshek alone will be bad enough. If the nobility wants us dead too, there’s no way we can function."

  "Agreed," Kaltor said. "That’s why the prisoner settled on saving his family, not begging for his own freedom," He laid another throwing blade on the map, tip toward the main gate. "This is where they plan to hang him when the sun finishes setting," He took a step back from the map, arms crossed.

  "That’s the distance we have to cover," he said. Twenty blocks of the main street separated the two locations— a bit more, if they tried to weave through smaller streets and alleyways. For a moment no one spoke.

  One of the Stunts opened a pouch of dried fruit and tossed a handful onto the map. The brown berries scattered across the city. "That’s what we’re really up against," he said. "Maker alone knows how many Perversions we’d attract on our way out."

  "So we need a way to distract the Perversions long enough for us to take the family away," Honmour said.

  Like he used on us to ambush the prince at the prison, Kaltor recalled, savoring the poetic justice in such a tactic.

  "Perhaps it’s time we use a decoy on Melshek," Selene interrupted. Kaltor restrained a grin of triumph.

  Got to remember that curiosity and adventure have a strong hold on her, he thought.

  "How?" another Stunt cut in. "He has eyes all through the city. No surprises," For a few moments, no one had an answer.

  "Not everywhere," Selene said, hurrying back to her fireplace. Eyebrows and voices were raised in confusion as she returned with a leather bag. She withdrew a cup and placed it on the map. "This is roughly the distance over which he can control his Perversions," she said, pulling out ten others.

  "Let’s say he has ten of those web-mouthed women by now," she continued, placing ten cups throughout the city.

  "But we haven’t seen any forces this large," one of the Stunts volunteered. "We just got back from scouting the entire city by the rooftops. Just a few lookouts scattered at every other intersection," He drew an arrow from his quiver and indicated a few intersections in particular.

  "He’s bolstering his numbers," Kaltor said, reaching across the map to push one of the cups slowly up the street. "He’s capturing as many people in the city as he can, and making more of those web-mouthed Perversions to lead his troops before Gereth and the nobles tighten the noose and wipe him out."

  "What would that beast do if he thought Gereth’s troops up north were already attacking alone, without help from the south?" Honmour asked, pointing toward the northern portion of the city. Dad has archers lined around the city at the tree line, Kaltor recalled. They’ll shoot down anyone coming up over those walls. Would some of those web-mouthed women try to attack them if they thought some archers were already in the city?

  "When the armies attack, what will be their first move?" Kaltor asked.

  "Much like ours," Honmour said. "Send in scouts to count the enemy. They may try to assassinate any key leaders who’re poorly protected. Right before the attack they’ll try to remove his lookouts so they can’t be sure of the enemy’s movements ‘til the last possible—"

  Kaltor cut him off, stooping over the map and putting the cups into a circular shape around the inside of the city. He gathered the berries around each cup, making sure to keep a few standing watch at intersections and the occasional rooftop.

  "Oh, I like this plan," Honmour said finally with a wicked grin. "Almost poetic. A great distraction— the refugees south of here can even make it to the castle!" He beamed confidently as he waved at the lower half of Melshek’s domain, which they hoped their plan would draw northward.
br />   At least Honmour has enough faith in his parents to keep working with us, Kaltor thought. What luck that most of the Stunts aren’t from around here! The thought slowed him down a bit. He really didn’t know them all that well. If one of them did have a family in danger, they would be as unreliable as Honmour if the situation changed. At least their current plan would help both the refugees and Reeth.


  Kaltor glanced toward a few of the Stunts who still looked confused, returning to the mission at hand. "Most of you are going to go around Melshek’s troops and attack from the north. Focus on taking out his lookouts and any web-mouths you can find."

  Selene grunted her approval. "Strike hard and fast enough and Melshek might think Gereth is attacking prematurely. He’ll send his troops north to deal with the archers and try to ambush Gereth’s men so he can focus on the nobles without being flanked."

  Which is exactly what he’s hoping for, Kaltor realized. She reached over Honmour’s shoulder to push each pile of cups and berries toward the wall to the north.

  "When you engage the Perversions," Kaltor instructed, "lead them right to the north wall. When they’re close enough, lead them right in front of Gereth’s troops," He grabbed a final blade, drawing its point along the wall as he pushed a pile of cups and berries after it.

  "His men will notice the difference between healthy Varadours and Perversions," Kaltor assured them. "As long as there’s still light outside, it’ll be obvious."

  Again, hopefully, he thought.

  "But if they get stupid and shoot at you, too," Honmour advised, pulling the blade and cup into a wide circle just inside the wall. "Circle back to the castle and lead them to the nobles’ troops."

  We’re going to have to draw enemy attention while we escape with the family, regardless, Kaltor decided. I won’t risk the Stunts fleeing into another oncoming force. We’ll have to distract the rest and lead them toward the city.

  Kaltor sat back a moment, trying to foresee how the plan could go wrong. We don’t have long ‘til sundown, he thought. This will have to do. He turned to Selene. "How much poison can you spare?" he asked.

  Selene muttered quietly to herself for a moment, counting the Stunts and inspecting the map carefully. "Enough for one poisoned arrow per Stunt," she said, pointing toward the cups along the northern part of the city.

  "The most lethal I can manage. Save that one arrow for a web-mouth, to break her control over the rest of the Perversions. Just a solid hit in any extremity will suffice. As for the rescue," Selene said, eyeing Kaltor and Honmour’s weaponry. "Two poisoned daggers a piece or one poisoned sword. It will have to be a thicker, less lethal, compound though, so that it’s still potent after the first few strikes."

  "Fair enough," Honmour said. "We just have to slow them down so that we can escape," He stood and stretched, letting loose a luxurious sigh as he inspected his blade lovingly. "It will be a sight to see when each blow puts the enemy to sleep."

  "‘Sleep’?" Selene laughed. "Hardly! This poison will curl up their insides tighter than a noble’s grip on his gold. Vomiting, diarrhea, intense cramps. Whatever you do, don’t cut yourself," They all laughed a bit at the thought of such a fierce force lying on the street, hobbling after them uselessly, but they eyed her with a new-found respect.

  "Now," Selene finished. "Leave your weapons here so I can apply the poison. I agreed to help you, not to share Battlescorned secrets," They nodded in agreement, slowly filing out of the room while Honmour retrieved the map. "I’ll get yours and Kaltor’s weapons first," she decided. "You need to leave here first, in case something goes wrong and you have to act quickly."

  They nodded their approval, turned over their weapons, and waited outside her room. "Ever wonder why she’s so dead set on taking down Melshek?" Honmour asked. "Even risking rejection from the other Battlescorned for it?"

  "I have my suspicions," Kaltor said. "The prince was quick to have us work together, but at the prison he trusted her and his guards more than us," Battlescorned are assassins of a very different nature, he recalled. Seduction, manipulation, and bribery suit their methods just as well as a poisoned blade.

  "It seems our rivals have been hard at work only a few leagues from our training camp," Honmour commented. "That’s not discomforting at all," he finished sarcastically. Such a woman at a prince’s side could ensure that his enemies slowly disappeared and give the Battlescorned a permanent place next to royalty, leaving the Battleborn to work with armies and generals along the nation’s borders like exiles.

  It’s more than that, though, Kaltor thought. She’s risking exile and possible assassination from her clan, all for killing Melshek. I wonder how close she was to the prince, exactly? Granted, it would probably cost me my life if I asked.

  Selene opened her door and delivered their weapons, holding them by the hilts very carefully. "The blade just needs to get into their blood stream," she said. "A deep cut in any extremity or the head will do just fine. You’ll have about twenty uses between the two of you before it loses its effectiveness. Make them count."

  Kaltor and Honmour reclaimed their weapons, nodding their thanks as they sheathed them carefully. "Head out together, Stunts," Kaltor ordered. "Start the attack as close together as possible. Kill as many lookouts as you can before they can react. After that, your mission is simple."

  He crossed his arms, trying to look as confident as the warden had earlier. "Come back alive, or I’ll kill you myself," He gave his orders and left without looking over his shoulder.

  "Nice touch," Honmour commented, still stroking his sword hilt affectionately. "Very touching. It sounded like you were ready to learn their names."

  "As far as I’m concerned," Kaltor replied, inspecting his armor, sheaths, and blades with his fingers. "Any recruit who can handle what we’re up against deserves the title of Battleborn."

  "I think Master Taneth would agree."

  They exited the inner keep and started walking along the courtyard toward the front gate. "We traveling by foot or hoof?"

  "Got to conserve our strength," Kaltor replied simply, turning toward the stables. Well, you have to, he amended. By the Gods, I wish I could do this alone and use my full power!

  He grimaced as he accepted the necessary risk of using a horse again. "If Melshek doesn’t take the bait, he’ll send everything he has at us."

  Honmour shuddered. "You’re full of all sorts of cheerful ideas lately."

  Kaltor glanced toward his friend, eyebrow arching inquisitively. "I’ve noticed you’re making a lot fewer jokes as well, since yesterday."

  "Not yesterday," Honmour admitted. "Before that."

  With a sigh, Kaltor patted his friend’s shoulder. "I wish we could have saved him. We jumped in with no idea of what we were fighting. This information will show us how to stop Melshek’s hold from spreading."

  They reached the stable, each untying their mounts from the post and swinging into their saddles. "Then we can finish him. Personally."

  "Sounds good to me," Honmour replied. "This will definitely be a good enough distraction for those in hiding, as well. My parents will see the opening."

  I hope you’re right, Kaltor thought. What would happen to you if they didn’t make it back? He recalled Honmour's suicidal urge to hunt Melshek after Jensai’s death and shuddered. Can’t afford to let things get so out of hand, whatever it takes.

  In the distance five Varadours drew on their power, leaving the castle by rope or foot. "Let’s make this beast dance in circles," he said with forced enthusiasm, urging his mount ahead of the Stunts.

  The guards at the front gate stood aside the moment they recognized Kaltor’s brand, letting them push their way through the crowd of townspeople still waiting to enter the castle. A half dozen scribes stood alongside them, keeping a tally of all the people and supplies passing through. Kaltor paused outside the gate, eyeing the line of archers along the castle wall overlooking the city.

  "Guard!" he ca
lled. "Keep the archers ready. We may be pursued when we get back," The man’s face turned ashen white, and a few dozen citizens turned toward him in shock.

  Uh oh— shouldn’t have said that out loud.

  Half the townsfolk rushed the guards, screaming about the coming attack as they tried to push the soldiers aside. The other half rushed toward them, reaching for their reins.

  "Time to go!" Honmour shouted, urging his mount into a gallop. Kaltor followed suit.

  Imbecile! he chastised himself. Of course a coming attack could start a panic, and it could even be misjudged as a ruse to postpone Reeth’s execution! Going to have to explain that when we get back.

  "Well played, boss!" Honmour shouted derisively, glancing over his shoulder at the archers watching their retreat, gripping their arrows uncertainly. "I must say that was an impressive display of common sense!"

  "So much for you not using that sense of humor I mentioned earlier," Kaltor grunted, practically hugging his mount in case the archers decided to open fire. He took a hard left deeper into the city, following Honmour’s mare.

  How is it that a baker’s son can ride so confidently and the Remnant of Varadour Power labors to stay on his horse? This will be an embarrassing point to mention to Taneth when he talks of further training.

  Now out of range of the archers, Kaltor relaxed a bit. Energy seeped through his skin for a black and white view of his surroundings, slightly garbled by his mount’s speed and being thrown back and forth on its saddle. He could sense Honmour drawing on similar powers of sight as he slowed his pace, eyes alert for ambush or lookouts.

  "This portion of the city looks deserted," Honmour observed, moving aside as Kaltor rode up beside him. "Maybe we’ll get lucky and Reeth’s family will be barricaded inside their house just outside Melshek’s reach."

  "Doubt it," Kaltor said dismissively. "Melshek thinks of himself as some kind of king, and the largest building in his possession right now is the town hall," He glanced Honmour’s way nervously. "That’s only a few blocks north of the main square."

  "Well, we are Battleborn," Honmour said. "Wouldn’t want to make this too easy. We’d lose our respect among our potential employers."

  "I just hope that after this whole thing we still have employers," Kaltor grunted.

  "I hope Reeth has a small family," Honmour added.

  A chill ran down Kaltor’s back. I hadn’t thought of that. He tried to picture the two of them fitting a family of ten on their horses while running alongside, pursued by Melshek’s horde.

  This could get very complicated, very quickly.

  Chapter 19


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