Summer Desires

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Summer Desires Page 13

by Emily King

  They quickly lay the unmoving boy out on the sand and knelt beside him. Amy leaned down to do a quick assessment. “Not breathing,” she announced. “No pulse,” she announced. “Beginning CPR.” She began compressions on his small chest while Sarah kept his head and neck stable.

  The crowd had gathered again but was staying back. The mother was there, holding her toddler and looking on with wide, frightened eyes.

  Having completed a round of compressions, Amy grasped the boy’s jaw and lifted it forward without disturbing his neck, bent, gave him two rescue breaths, and immediately resumed compressions. Midway through the compressions, a wet, spasmy cough erupted from the boy.

  “Help me turn him!” Amy said.

  They rolled him to the side while keeping his head and torso aligned. The boy heaved up a large amount of water, coughing several times. He started crying.

  Sarah had never been happier to hear a child crying. Now that the boy was awake and breathing on his own, maybe he would be okay. She looked to Amy. Amy met her gaze, relief apparent in her expression as well. In the periphery, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles appeared.

  * * *

  At the valet stand back at the restaurant, they waited in the now cool night air for the remaining valet on duty to bring Amy’s SUV around. Amy wrapped her arms around Sarah to help keep her warm. The thin, shiny, plastic sheeting of the emergency blanket that the paramedics had given Sarah and which she wore like a shawl over her sleeveless dress made crinkling sounds as Amy held her. The bottom half of her dress was wet from the surf and looked to be clinging coldly to her legs. Amy felt her shiver. She wished the valet would hurry up. Sarah had had to sit in this uncomfortable ensemble while they had answered questions for the responding police officer’s report and been checked by the paramedics.

  Amy was cold, too, but at least she was wearing dry pants and a dry sweater. “Thanks again for bringing my clothes down from the pier,” she said. “It would have been really unpleasant to wait for the valet in my bra and underwear. Not to mention that I would have had to give my report on the beach only half-dressed and wrapped in shiny sheeting.”

  “Of course,” Sarah said. “Although, I imagine it was only slightly less unpleasant to give your report while wearing a cold, sodden bra and cold, wet underwear under those clothes.”

  Amy chuckled. “You might be right.” She pressed a kiss to Sarah’s hair.

  The valet pulled up. Unwrapping her arms from Sarah, Amy hurried over to open the passenger door for her.

  “Thanks.” Sarah slid in, and Amy closed the door.

  Amy met the valet, passed him his tip, and got in the driver’s seat.

  Sarah watched the valet depart. “The look the valet gave us was priceless,” she said with a laugh.

  “It was,” Amy said, laughing, too. She reached for the temperature controls and turned up the heat. “I hope he won’t mind if we stay parked here for a moment while we thaw.” She held her hands in front of the vent for warmth.

  Sarah did the same. “Oh, that feels good.” She shrugged out of the emergency blanket.

  Amy sighed. “Obviously, this wasn’t quite the date that I had planned.”

  Sarah turned to her. “No. Don’t you try to apologize,” she said with quiet firmness. She took Amy’s face between her hands and looked intently into her eyes. “What you did out there was incredible.” She gave her a quick, fierce kiss. “I think you’re amazing, and I couldn’t have asked for a better date.”

  Amy lost herself in Sarah’s eyes, moved by the depth of feeling that she saw there. “I’m so glad,” she said softly, feeling her eyes mist now that the emotion and stress of the evening was hitting her. “Don’t forget—you helped, too. We make a good team.”

  “You’re being modest. I don’t want to think about what might have happened to that boy if you hadn’t been there.” Sarah pulled Amy closer for a hug, as close as the console between them would allow.

  Amy hugged her back. She didn’t want to think about what might have happened either. She was grateful the boy was all right or that he appeared to be so far. The paramedics hadn’t identified any immediate problems other than mild hypothermia. They’d loaded him into the ambulance and taken him to the hospital, where a more detailed evaluation could be done. His mother had climbed into the back of the ambulance with her other child to ride with him.

  Sarah straightened from the hug. “I guess I better let you start driving before the valet gets too anxious.”

  Amy released Sarah reluctantly. She put the vehicle in gear but kept her foot on the brake, hesitating. She didn’t know if she should take Sarah home with her to her condo as planned or if Sarah would just like to be dropped off at her own home now. She turned toward her, the question on the tip of her tongue.

  “I’m not tired—in case you were wondering, that is,” Sarah said with a smile.

  Amy grinned. “Good, I’m not tired, either.” She put on her turn signal and headed for her condo.

  Amy unlocked the condo, ushering Sarah in and flipping on the lights. After closing and locking the door, she turned around to find Sarah in the middle of a yawn. It immediately triggered the yawn that she herself had been suppressing. They stared at each other for a moment and then both burst into laughter.

  “Maybe we’re more tired than we thought,” Sarah said.

  “Maybe. Although I think I’m more hungry than tired. I could use a sandwich.”

  “Me too! Is that crazy? I didn’t want to say anything because I was afraid you would think I was nuts after that three-course dinner we ate.”

  “No, don’t worry about it.” Amy squeezed Sarah’s shoulder reassuringly. “It’s from the cold and the stress. It burns a lot of calories.”

  “Okay, I feel a little less crazy then.”

  “Good.” Amy smiled at her.

  “But I don’t think our outfits are suitable to wear at a second meal tonight, even if is here at the condo.” Sarah looked down at herself, plucking at her damp dress, and then looked at Amy. She stepped closer to Amy and plucked at her sweater where moisture showed through from her wet bra. Some sand fell to the floor.

  Amy chuckled. “Maybe not. What say we shower and then eat?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  They headed into the master bathroom. Sarah caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her hair was wild and there were splotches of sand here and there. “Oh! It’s even worse than I thought!”

  Amy made a show of studying her. “No, I disagree. I think the bits of sand add a certain sparkle to your skin.”

  Sarah laughed and slapped playfully at her shoulder. More sand fell, and Amy laughed, too. “It’s definitely time to get out of these clothes.” She started undressing alongside her.

  They shared the shower, mostly keeping their hands to themselves, both wanting to get warm and clean again and then get to the kitchen for a snack. First to exit from the shower, Amy toweled off and put on a robe. She hastened to the living room to turn on the fireplace to heat up while Sarah finished in the shower. The gas flames started with a reassuring whoosh. She stood in front of the screen, enjoying the gradually increasing heat that radiated from it.

  Sandy lifted her head and regarded her sleepily from her blanket on the couch. She stretched, hopped down from the couch, wove around Amy’s legs, and lay down in front of the fire. Amy petted her and then went into the kitchen to survey the refrigerator contents for sandwich fixings.

  At the sound of Sarah’s approach, she turned. “I have turkey lunch meat and cheese, or I have peanut butter and jelly.”

  “Turkey and cheese sounds good,” Sarah said.

  “I think I’ll have that, too.” She started pulling the food out of the refrigerator. “I can make our sandwiches. Why don’t you go ahead and have a seat on the couch in front of the fire?”

  “Okay,” she said. “And I’d like my sandwich with a little mustard and mayonnaise, please.”

  “I can handle that
. I’m going to have some orange juice, too. Would you like some?”

  “Sure,” she said over her shoulder. She took a seat on the couch and Amy heard her say “hi” to Sandy. Amy watched as Sandy got up from the floor and jumped onto her lap. Sarah started petting her, and Sandy started kneading her front paws into the fabric of Sarah’s robe.

  Amy smiled at the sight. It was so great to have Sarah here in her home. Sarah made her happy. When she thought of how she had avoided inviting her here earlier in their relationship, she wanted to kick herself. She finished making the sandwiches and carried them on plates into the living room. She set them on the coffee table and returned with the glasses of juice.

  “Thanks. This looks good.” Sarah moved Sandy off her lap and over to her blanket. Sandy settled there without a fuss. “You’re such a good kitty, Sandy.” Sarah reached over and petted her once more.

  “Yes, she is—unless she has to take medicine. I’m sure glad that’s over.” Amy shook her head.

  Sarah chuckled. She picked up her sandwich and began eating.

  Amy ate too. The juice and sandwich tasted good. She settled back on the couch, plate in hand as she ate, taking occasional glances at Sarah. In the light of the fireplace, her skin had a lovely soft glow to it. But she was staring absently into the fire while she ate, and Amy wondered what she was thinking.

  After a moment, Sarah turned to face her. “Were you scared out there?”

  Amy finished the bite she was chewing. “Scared for myself, you mean?”

  Sarah nodded.

  “Sure. It would be hard not to be—there’s risk with any rescue. But everything happens so quickly that there’s not much time to think about it, and training just kicks in. Ultimately, I was more scared for the boy than for myself.”

  Sarah returned her gaze to the fire and spoke again. “It all happened so unbelievably quickly. One second he was on the railing, the next second he was gone—into that cold, dark water crashing around the pylons. And you went right after him. I was scared for both of you.”

  Amy scooted closer to her and wrapped her in a hug. Sarah held onto her and gave a small sniffle that tugged at her heart. Amy wanted to tell her it was okay, but she didn’t want to offer platitudes since Sarah had seen what her job could be like. Instead, she said, “You were brave out there, and I felt lucky to have you with me.” And it was true. Sarah was someone Amy would feel lucky to have by her side in any crisis. Amy eased back so that she could look into her eyes. “It feels nice that you worried about me,” she said softly. “Just promise me that you won’t worry too much. It’s not every day that I have to do something like I did tonight.”

  Sarah sniffed again but nodded. “Okay. I’ll try.”

  “Good, I don’t want you to worry,” she said, releasing her.

  Sarah took a sip of orange juice and then went back to eating her sandwich. Amy did the same. Sarah seemed to have composed herself but stayed quiet while she ate, seeming lost in thought again. She finished her sandwich.

  “If you’re still thinking about everything that happened this evening, I’d be happy to talk more about all of it if that would make it easier,” Amy said.

  “No, that’s okay. I wasn’t still worrying. Not right now, anyway. I’m okay,” Sarah gave a brief smile and touched Amy’s hand as if to reassure her.

  “Good, I’m glad.” Amy finished the last bite of her sandwich. “Just let me know if you change your mind and want to talk more.”

  “Well…there was one thing I was still thinking about.”

  A playful quality in Sarah’s tone made Amy look over at her. Maybe she really was feeling okay now. She had a teasing gleam in her pretty brown eyes and a corner of her mouth had quirked up. Amy liked that look; it usually led to good things. Amy smiled and matched her playful tone to ask, “And what exactly is it that you’re still thinking about?”

  “I was wondering if that midnight blue bra and matching high-cut briefs you were wearing out there were specially chosen for our date tonight.”

  Amy grinned. Sarah was indeed feeling better. “I might have worn them with you in mind. But you never know.” She shrugged. “After all, there’s nothing like wearing lingerie to a rescue.”

  “You can say that again.” Sarah fanned herself dramatically. “When you stripped down to those sexy panties and bra, there was a split second where I had completely inappropriate thoughts before I went back to worrying about you and worrying about the boy. You looked like a goddess standing out there on the edge of the pier. What’s more, I had wanted you all through dinner.”

  Amy felt her face grow warm from her compliments. “I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only one having cravings for more than food during dinner.”

  Sarah smiled, moved closer, and Amy’s pulse quickened. “You aren’t wearing those panties and bra now, but that’s okay because I still have a very good mental picture. Let me show you how well I remember.” Sarah spread Amy’s robe apart and planted a kiss along the top of one of her breasts and then gently pushed Amy back to lie on the couch, moving on top of her.

  Disrupted by their movements, Sandy jumped down from the couch and left the room. Amy made a mental note to reward her with some of her favorite cat treats later.

  “I think the cups curved something like this,” Sarah said before she began kissing and licking her way across one of Amy’s breasts, stopping between her breasts to plant another kiss and then making her way with her lips and tongue slowly across the other breast.

  “Mmm, you have a good memory,” Amy said. “Maybe you could show me again.”

  Sarah chuckled and then thumbed Amy’s hard nipples, making her gasp in pleasure.

  “Or you could keep doing that,” Amy said with a smile. “But I want to feel all of you against me.” She pushed at Sarah’s robe and Sarah sat up to shrug out of it. Amy sat up also and slid her own robe the rest of the way off.

  Sarah gazed at her and Amy felt her nipples tighten even more.

  “I love your breasts,” Sarah said, dipping her head to kiss one and pushing her to the couch again, seemingly intent on resuming where she had left off. Amy was only too happy to let her. Her nipples were achingly tight and begging for more of Sarah’s touch. Sarah took one firm bud in her mouth and tongued it and then tongued it some more. Amy moaned. Sarah moved to the other and lavished it with the same attention. The intensity of the sensations was making Amy’s center throb.

  Amy pulled her up for a kiss. When Sarah’s thigh pressed against her center, she moaned in pleasure. She held tighter and tilted her hips for more.

  “Not just yet. I’ve only shown you my memory of you in that lovely bra, and I want to show you my memory of you in those high-cut briefs.”

  Amy loosened her hold, more than willing to cooperate.

  Sarah gave her another kiss and made her way downward, trailing her kisses across her jaw to the sensitive area below her ear, lingering there before kissing, licking, and gently sucking her way down her neck and then down her torso, all of it making Amy’s abdomen tighten with her gathering need.

  “Now, the panties…it seems like they rested on your hip right about here…” Sarah placed her warm mouth on the front of Amy’s hip, giving it a lick and a kiss. She softly dragged her warm tongue down the angle of her hip crease and then inward, just shy of her clit. She paused, hovering over her clit, her warm breath making it throb. She repeated her licks and kisses, this time from the other side, again pausing over her clit.

  Amy felt so hard she could barely breathe. When Sarah lowered her mouth and enveloped her, she groaned from her depths and fought not to come right then. Sarah seemed to sense it and started softly. She lapped lightly against her, pausing and receding each time, like small waves at the shore. But the rhythmic motion was rapidly wearing away at her ability to hold on. When she changed to a swirling motion around her, like the flow of a surging tide, Amy clenched her hands on one of the robes beneath them. Sarah’s tongue had her on the crest of a po
werful wave. She cried out as her orgasm forcefully rolled through her.

  Sarah waited a moment and then moved up and fitted herself next to her on the couch.

  Amy tried to slow her breathing. “God, Sarah…” She looked over at her.

  Sarah smiled at her.

  After taking another moment to collect herself, she eased on top of Sarah. She wanted to make Sarah feel as good as she had made her feel and to show Sarah how much she was already coming to mean to her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After spending Friday night and most of Saturday with Amy, it almost felt strange to Sarah to be in her own home this Sunday morning. She wandered into the kitchen to make herself breakfast. Her roommates had left on their commutes to their early shifts at the hospital a couple of hours ago, so she had the kitchen to herself.

  As she set about the routine of making coffee, she found herself humming happily as she thought of Amy. She was falling for her, that was for sure. Did Amy feel the same about her? Sarah thought so. Amy’s tender kisses and long, slow strokes in front of the fireplace a couple of nights ago had the feel of lovemaking—not just sex. There had been a new intimacy to lying in each other’s arms afterward as well.

  Saturday morning hadn’t been quite as peaceful, though. The ringing of Amy’s landline phone had woken them up at an early hour. Amy hadn’t recognized the number on the caller ID display and so had let the call go to the answering machine. The call had been from a reporter who had left a message that he wanted to interview Amy about the pier rescue. That was only the first of the calls and messages; the phone had continued to ring with more unrecognized numbers and the answering machine had begun to fill up.

  Amy hadn’t been interested in any of the requests. When Sarah asked why, she said that she didn’t like the idea of someone trying to single out one rescue as being worthier of a story than any other rescues that happened on a given day at the beach. She said the reporters would be able to get their quotes about the rescue from the department spokesperson. Then, she had taken Sarah out to breakfast so they could get away from the phone.


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