Echoes of The Past

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Echoes of The Past Page 20

by Alex Just




   ~ Paris – Madrid ~


  The train was rocking along silently. A streak of silver and white as it pursued a path through the dark landscape which was only just beginning to see the pale fingers of dawn, scaling the imperious peaks of the Pyrenees. The mute giants of untold ages took on a pink hue as they were touched by the suns fine brush of rays. The serene view was punched out in a deafening wall of sound as the train was swallowed by a large tunnel that stretched right under the mountains. The only thing Stan now saw when he glanced outside his window was his pale face reflected back at him, dark rings under his eyes, face drawn with fatigue. Looking and feeling completely worn out. Adrianna sat opposite Stan, her eyes shut, her breathing even. Unexpectedly her eyes snapped open, her stare penetrating and direct, she spoke in a strained whisper.

  ‘How did they find us Stan?’

  ‘I can’t say for sure. My best guess is that the moment Smith knew about my involvement he put a trace on my credit card.’

  ‘But you took a cab to my house, how could that have led his men there? We used my card to make all the bookings.’

  ‘Well, erm I used it at a bank machine in the hospital just before getting to yours so that I could pay the cab, it didn’t even cross my mind that he could trace it. I still wouldn’t think it if it weren’t for the situation we’re in.’ He didn’t tell her the reason he’d used the card was to alert those people who’d be monitoring his spending, of his position. He already hadn’t checked in like he was supposed to have done every week so he knew that if anything happened to him, they could track his last whereabouts through his credit card. It was a last resort back up if the shit hit the fan and he got caught or worse, killed. He never even considered that Smith was able to track him that way as well. He was getting careless.

  Adrianna didn’t say anything just lapsed into thoughtful silence, her eyes staring at a point somewhere above Stanley’s head.

  ‘What are you thinking Anna?’ he asked gently. She smiled at him distantly.

  ‘Nothing really, just that we need to be careful in Brisbane.’ Then she flashed him a brilliant smile.

  ‘Oh and I couldn’t help but think of the police when they discover how easily they were fooled.’

  At this, even Stan managed a small smile.

  ‘Simple tricks like that is how you survive in this world, that and luck.’

  ‘Mmmm, we didn’t do badly. I just hope that the couple isn’t too scarred by what happened.’

  ‘Collateral damage. Its normal, nothing we can do about it. You get over the remorse and guilt after a while.’

  ‘So you don’t feel any guilt at all when you do something like that?’

  ‘I can’t afford to Anna,’ his voice was tinted with sadness.

  ‘What about,’ she paused, knowing how personal this question was going to be, but she wanted to know none the less. ‘What about when you kill people?’ She finished.

  A look of pain darted across his face, but was swallowed quickly by his professional demeanour.

  ‘I have never killed an innocent person,’ he attempted sidestepping the question, hoping she would take the hint and drop the subject.

  ‘That’s not exactly the answer to my question,’ she responded, not unkindly.

  ‘Of course I feel guilty,’ his tone was final. He dropped his gaze and stopped meeting Adrianna’s eyes, closing his, and beginning to feign sleep. He stifled a yawn, which was genuine and hoped his message would be clear.

  Not failing to pick up on his sudden mood change, Adrianna also closed her eyes, falling into sleep’s strong arms. It wasn’t long before Stan fell asleep properly; the constant steady rhythm of the train thundering along the tracks affecting him like a lullaby would a child.

            Stan’s eyes jerked open as bright light struck his eyelids. It took him a moment to realize where he was and what he was doing.  He stretched carefully, his left shoulder aching. The train was rocketing along a bridge that stretched over an expanse of water. Adrianna was still asleep, her head resting at an awkward angle against the window, each breath fogging up the glass. A voice over the intercom crackled out an announcement that alerted all passengers that they were about to arrive in Madrid, waking Adrianna up.

  Her eyes were still clouded with sleep and it took a while before she managed to focus on Stan, sitting in the opposite seat. She sat up abruptly her eyes wide, shifting her glance left and right, her movements relaying paranoia.

  ‘It’s alright Anna, relax. We just arrived in Madrid.’ His smile was sincere, and it helped lower her heart rate.

  ‘I know, I was just startled. Just those feelings when you wake up somewhere strange and it takes you a minute to realise where you are.’ She returned his smile as best as she could, hoping her expression wouldn’t show how unusual it was for her to be in such close proximity to him.

  People around them were already standing up and reaching for luggage that had been stowed away and queuing at the door, eager to escape the train’s cramped compartments.

  The two remained seated, not bothering to get up and brave the shoving and pushing that would ensue to get out. The carriage began to slow down, and a platform came into view through the windows. The loud screeching of brakes sounded their arrival like a trumpet fanfare and the doors hissed open releasing a flood of humans. After ten minutes, it was only the two left in their carriage, and they both stood up and stepped onto Spanish ground.

  Stan gently steered Adrianna by the arm the moment they were on the platform and guided her over to a giant pillar which supported the roof over the train station.




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