Echoes of The Past

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Echoes of The Past Page 36

by Alex Just

  ~ Island – pacific ~


  Nightfall arrived, bringing with it the sounds of the jungle. Each chirp or buzz caused Tom to jump and frantically scan the ground below him searching for enemies. He was so on edge waiting here for Julia, every single nerve live-wired expecting the worst. He couldn’t put his finger on it but something about that place was off. He just hoped that Julia would be alright and that she’d keep her promise.

       Julia was just on the fringe of the jungle, waiting for the perfect moment to make the dash across the open towards the shadow of the low building. It was difficult, spotlights were sweeping the complex at regular intervals, lighting up everything they touched with a harsh white glow. The light flashed past in front of her and moved on. Her chance. She dashed across the ground, a furry blur in the night, and made it safely to the building, relief flooding her as she was enveloped by the dark again. Once her heart stopped beating frantically she slunk up to one of the windows. She peered through the bars and saw row upon row of beds lined up against walls, all of them filled with sleeping forms. The snores and heavy breathing indicated that everyone was asleep. Seeing this was like confirmation for her mind. It had to be an army camp. She decided then and there to break her promise, she was going to look at the strange building with the guards to the left of this barrack and once she’d done that she would approach the guards in front and tell them what had happened to them.

  Without thinking she leapt across the path towards it and got caught mid leap in the bright blinding glare of one of the spotlights. She froze, her eyes going large as she stared into its source. It hovered on her for a while and then moved on. Cursing herself for her carelessness she continued making her way to the edifice, this time sticking to the bushes till she reached the shadow of the building. The guards were around the other side and she could make out one of the windows right by her side. Strangely she could hear whispering coming from inside. It seemed to be an argument. Leaping up and clinging tightly to one of the bars she peered into a gloomy interior.

  This was one large room, the disgusting smell of human sweat and excrement was so overpowering she was almost forced to let go of her hold on the bars. Littering the ground in different sized heaps were small rags covering human forms. At first it didn’t make sense but then, with dawning horror she realised what she was staring at. A prison.

  Suddenly one of the voices got louder and more insistent. She glanced to the right and her heart nearly stopped beating. There, perfectly fine, was Martin, engaged in a heated argument with another man. This guy was stocky and well built. He seemed completely calm and in control unlike Martin who was getting really wound up. She checked behind her, to make sure that there was no spotlight and no guards before changing into human form. A quick rattle at the bars was all it took to grab both their attention. The other man whipped his head round fast as a snake and when he saw that it wasn’t guards, was over by her window in a flash. His eyes gleamed coldly as he studied her intensely.

  ‘Who are you?’ his voice didn’t hold any menace just the straightforward question.

  ‘Julia, I was with Martin surviving on the other side of the island.’ It felt so good to be finally talking to an adult. Someone who could take responsibility and make everything OK. The fact that he was behind bars didn’t really cross her mind.

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘My name is Stanley. I was also on the ship. We got picked up by these people here after the accident and were put straight into the prison. I need to get out to help everyone else. I know what this place is, and it’s not good. My bosses need all the information they can get, to stop whatever it is that’s going to happen. Are you alone?’

  ‘What’s going on? What do you mean “going to happen” and there is one other with me at the moment. He’s back in the forest.’

  Just then a spotlight sprang up twenty metres away and began its journey straight to where Julia was standing. Fear showed plainly in her eyes now that she realised that the people working here meant her harm.

  ‘You don’t have much time until that light reaches us. This is what you’re going to do. Tomorrow night same time as now. You’re going to come, both of you, and distract the guards long enough to get the keys. The guard on the right side when you face the entrance is the one with the keys. You will need to get them off him without him noticing it. Unlock the door and let me out so that we can think of a way to get everyone else out and off the island.’ The light was nearly on them.

  ‘Quick go now before you get caught.’ With that he withdrew from the light.

  Julia caught one quick glimpse of Martins face and tried to mouth “I’m sorry” but his face remained sour and hostile. She ran alongside the wall of the structure till she was out of sight of the window and morphed into her lemur shape. With quiet stealth and speed she dodged the remaining lights and slipped into the comfort of the jungle undergrowth, making her way back towards Tom.

  The first Tom knew of her return was the rustle of leaves as something leapt off a branch. He was anxious to know what she’d discovered. As soon as her face appeared out of the gloom he could tell that she’d had bad news. Her complexion was as pale as the moon glowing in the night sky and her eyes were huge with fear.

  He hugged her tightly and after letting go asked with concern what had happened.

  She told him everything she’d discovered while she was in the complex, even about seeing Martin. She didn’t mention that he obviously hadn’t forgiven either of them for what occurred back during the pig hunt. It was better that way she tried to convince herself.

  ‘That leaves us with one issue. Getting the keys. There are two guys outside the prison right?’ Tom asked.

  ‘Yes, but they aren’t as vigilant,’ Julia’s reply was confident.

  ‘I guess that bodes in our favour for once. Still they’ll know something is up if we knock them out and the prisoners escape.’

  ‘Prisoner. It’s only Stanley who is getting out. No one else is aware of him getting out. That’s why it has to be done this time tomorrow night,’ Julia explained patiently.

  ‘Can we trust this guy to be telling the truth?’ Tom asked, even though he knew Stanley from the cruise and liked him, he’d learnt to be careful.

  ‘I say yes we can. He seemed genuine enough. Plus what choice do we really have?’ Julia replied.

  ‘OK, well I suggest we head back there and have a look at the guard’s shifts and when they switch. The best time to get the keys is right before their shift ends as they will be tired and eager to get home. As for how to do it, that’s all on you.’

  ‘I have the beginning of a plan already working its way through my mind. All I need to see is the shift change,’ Julia grinned with excitement.

  ‘What are we waiting for?’ They left for the camp again, this time creeping with extra care, not wanting to be shot at or killed. Watching the guards for the whole night proved to be uneventful and not much use. It appeared their shift ended in the morning, so the best time to strike would be at around 3am, as that’s when their guard would be down, or so they hoped.




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