His Stepdad Wears Leather

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His Stepdad Wears Leather Page 5

by Kelex

  “You never told me your name,” Noah said. “I’m—Chris—by the way.”

  “Well, Chris… why don’t you keep calling me daddy?”

  Noah smiled. “I think you like that more than you realize.”

  “Maybe.” His daddy appeared pleased. “I recall you wanted to come,” the man said, trailing his fingertips down Noah’s chest and abs. “How about we get down to the business of making that happen?”

  “Uh-huh,” Noah whispered, the ability to speak leaving him for a moment. He pulled his hoodie from around his waist and tossed it over the armchair. God knew where his shirt was. He didn’t care.

  The back of his head was captured. Drawn into a kiss, he surrendered to the potency that followed. He pressed his palms against his daddy’s chest. The soft hairs that whispered over the man’s pecs tickled his hands—until he reached those hard, little metal balls. Trailing his hands lower, he traced the ridges of muscle and sinew that flexed under his fingers.

  Daddy’s hands kneaded him all over, also working lower. At the same moment, they both reached the other’s hard cock and stroked the lengths covered by denim and leather. Noah whimpered against his daddy’s lips. Nimble fingers unfastened his button and undid his zipper, tucking it down far enough to let his lace-covered cock free a bit. When the man’s hand covered his length again, he hissed as if in pain and stepped back.

  “What’s wrong?” Noah asked, confused.

  His bartender grabbed the desk light and tilted it. The illumination formed a spotlight on Noah’s groin. “What. Are. These?” He walked closer and tugged at the red lace.

  “Leather isn’t my thing,” he said, stiffening and awaiting the criticism to come. “I prefer lace.”

  His daddy growled low in his chest. “Damn… those are sexy as hell.” He lifted his gaze and met Noah’s. “Really fucking sexy.”

  Noah took a relieved breath. “I think so, too.”

  The guy tugged Noah’s pants down, exposing the manties fully. “Turn around for me,” his daddy whispered hotly.

  Noah leisurely spun, enjoying being watched so intently. His daddy kneaded his nearly-bare cheeks before tugging the thin strip of material between them. He massaged Noah’s cock through the lace once the circle was complete.

  “You wear them well,” the bartender growled.

  Noah held his daddy’s stare, the longing only growing deeper. The guy spun Noah again. When a rough hand came down over one cheek, Noah groaned.

  “Like that, hmm?”

  Noah sighed. “Maybe.”

  The man spanked him again.

  With an involuntary whine and the arch of his back, he eyed his daddy.

  “Damn… you’re hotter than hell,” the man whispered gruffly. He rubbed his palm over one cheek and then the next. “That ass is beautiful.”

  “Glad you like it,” Noah replied, leaning over the desk and lifting his bottom for better inspection.

  “Oh, I more than like it,” the man said, massaging both globes. “An ass like this needs to be revered.”

  Noah increased the arch to his back, moaning at his daddy’s touch. He moaned louder when his daddy knelt and licked the rounded flesh. “Oh yeah…” The moment the thin strip was pushed out of the way, his ass cheeks stretched apart, and a tongue lapped at his tender bud, he cried out. Noah gripped the edge of the desk, holding on so he didn’t end up on the floor.

  Every nerve ending crackled with delight. Anticipation sent his body soaring. He closed his eyes to the pleasure, trying to keep from flying over the edge. His hard cock ached to the rhythm of his rapidly beating heart. Each swath of the man’s tongue took him to new heights.

  “Oh, God… Oh… Daddy!”

  The man grasped both cheeks in hand, squeezing, all while he licked Noah’s hole with abandon. Reaching under him, Noah stroked his own cock through the lace of his manties. He was ready to blow, so on edge he feared total meltdown. Pre-cum dripped from the head, wetting the lace.

  When a finger pressed against his anus, he hurdled closer to release. The man slowly sank that finger inside him… and soon added another to stretch his hole wider. Noah gasped, the finger-fucking rough.

  But not too rough. It was perfect.

  Harder… oh yeah, daddy… gimme more…

  Being left cold and alone wasn’t what he expected next. Panting, he lifted his stare. The man had stepped behind the desk and sat down in the oversized executive chair—and appeared all too pleased with himself.

  “Kick off those pants and come join me.” He tilted his head back. “Leave the panties on.”

  “Manties,” Noah replied. “These are made for men.”

  “I stand corrected.”

  Noah rose to his full height. After kicking off his running shoes and jeans, he sauntered closer. He sensed his daddy’s attention, and it only excited him more. The man’s fiery gaze washed over him like a crashing wave in summer—the heat from it threatened to cause him to boil over. His cock tented the front of his manties, stretching the lace to new lengths.

  “On your knees,” the man murmured as Noah reached him.

  Another shiver came. Noah knelt between the man’s leather-clad thighs. Once on his knees, he glanced up at the man—craving the strict, commanding voice to direct him further. “What do you wish me to do now, Daddy?”

  “Suck my cock with that sexy mouth of yours.”

  Grinning, Noah reached to undo the front of the guy’s pants. His cock popped out once freed—he wore no underwear—and the tip bumped against Noah’s chin. He sighed as he saw the thick, angry head bouncing before him. Licking his lips, Noah lowered his head, allowing him to circle the tip with his tongue. Already he could taste a little pre-cum. He groaned as the salty-sweet taste spread through his mouth. Ravenous, he brought the head between his lips and suckled.

  “That’s right, baby… suck your daddy’s cock.”

  Noah drew another couple of inches of the thick root. The man grabbed a handful of his too-long hair and urged him to take more. Gagging a bit, he swallowed a few more inches—stopping when he could go no further. Eyes tearing, Noah gripped the base, using a hand to remind him how far was too far. He lifted his head to the crown and lapped more before swallowing back down to his hand.

  “Yeah, baby… that’s it…”

  Noah whined around his daddy’s cock. After releasing it with a pop, he lapped the shaft up and down, tracing the veins with the tip of his tongue before swallowing it down again. The man’s hands twisted in his hair. It almost hurt. He liked when it almost hurt. Noah rode that edge between pain and pleasure. When it ebbed some, he twisted his head, forcing the strands to tug more.

  His daddy’s cock quivered under his lips.

  “Enough of that,” he whispered with a tug to Noah’s hair. “I’m not ready for this to be over quite yet.” He eyed Noah. “Stand up.”

  Noah did as he’d been commanded. His daddy pushed him back, his butt bumping against the desk. Before he could right himself, the man lifted his legs by the calf. Off-balance, he thrust his arms back to catch the surface. His daddy tugged off his manties. They fluttered to the floor, little more than a hint of red in his peripheral vision. He was unable to take his eyes off the gorgeous man before him. Noah hovered on the edge of the desk, fearful he’d fall.

  Praying the man kept him safe from harm.

  “Relax… I got ya, baby.”

  He did relax, but only by small measure. There was only so much he could relax. Yet there had been an earnestness in the man’s voice… a truth his mind and body seemed to sense.

  I got ya, baby…

  The man looked amused before dipping his head and running his tongue along the length of Noah’s shaft.

  “Oooooooh, god,” Noah cried, his body tensing. He leaned on his elbows, seeking some semblance of control when there was none to be had. His head fell back, cries pouring from his lips. No one had ever touched… tasted him… like that. His daddy’s tongue was wicked. The man knew the way arou
nd a cock.

  Noah’s gasps and whines filled the small office as he was thrust toward the abyss. He threaded his fingers through the man’s hair, but it was too short to do much. Still, it was like silk against his fingertips… he brushed through it, the dual delights the only things he could concentrate on in that moment, sensation spiraling outward.

  His chest tightened as he sucked in the next breath. His heart pounded against the inside of his ribcage, a speeding tattoo of rhythm. Noah was sure he would explode when he came. He might die on the spot.

  Yet he cupped the back of the man’s head and urged his daddy to take more.

  He’d meet his little death head on.

  And his daddy did take more. He swallowed Noah down to the root, slurping and sucking with enthusiasm. When those thick fingers returned to stretch his hole, he cried out against the hint of pain it caused— and reveled in the pleasure, too. Noah loved to play with his own ass, sticking his own fingers in and stretching himself wider. He could almost get his own hand inside, too. Simply the mental image of his daddy putting one beefy fist there was enough to send Noah closer to the edge.

  Noah heard a drawer to the desk opened without the man ever stopping. His daddy rattled around in that drawer for a moment before it was slammed shut.

  The fingers disappeared… only to return a moment later slickened with lube.

  A frisson of fear raced up his spine. In that moment, he was completely vulnerable. The man could do irreparable harm, and there would be little Noah could do to protect himself.

  Suddenly, he comprehended the allure of the quick, hot pick-up. It was a gamble. He was putting his very life on the line, the chance of pain— all in search of pleasure. But then, they were the two sides of one coin.

  Without pain, there could be no pleasure.

  A deep moan tore from his lips as a third finger was added—stretching him more. He was finger-fucked, the pressure against the thick band of nerves causing his back to arch higher and higher. He bore down on the man’s hand, loving the coarse feel of those fingers filling him.

  His cock was freed. “You like that, hmmm?”

  “Yesss,” he hissed. “More… please… more…”

  Another was pushed in… four strong fingers penetrating him. The sting of pain forced him to gasp… with the next thrust, he cried out in pleasure.

  “More,” he cried.

  “I don’t think you’re getting any more, baby. This hole’s too tight for my whole hand,” his daddy said, his hand never slowing down.

  The thrusting pushed him to the brink. He came, his cock spasming and cum shooting and dripping down the length. His daddy moved in to lick the next spurt—and lap up the rest—still slowly thrusting his fingers inside Noah’s ass.

  The man withdrew those fingers, and his asshole gaped a bit. The desire to be full again overwhelmed him. Before Noah could come all the way down from his high, he heard the sound of a foil wrapper being ripped open. He glanced down his body as he gasped for air and watched his daddy sheath that big cock. Noah elevated his legs, and the man used his arms to lift them even higher as he sought entry.

  Their gazes met, and Noah gasped at the desire he saw there. He’d never seen it before on another. Daddy’s hunger was all consuming… and contagious.

  “You ready for me, baby?”

  Noah’s eyelids fluttered at the endearment. “Yessss, daddy.” He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Pleaaaasse.”

  After another quick coating of lube, the head of his cock pressed against Noah’s anus. A fraction of an inch surged inside. Their eyes locked in that moment, seconds before Noah yielded to the man’s need.

  “Ready for me?”

  “God, yes,” Noah answered.

  He bore down on the man’s upward thrust. The fat shaft stretched his hole wide as it penetrated him. Noah’s eyes fluttered closed, a sigh rushing from his lips. The shaft pushed past the tight band and speared him deep. There was a hint of pain… but it was fleeting. The sensation of fullness blossomed, the flickers of pleasure tingling over his bare skin.

  “Damn,” his daddy groaned. His hands sought Noah’s hips. “You feel so good gripping my cock, baby.”

  “I bet you say that to all the boys,” Noah whispered with a smile.

  His daddy chuckled before pressing kisses to the insides of Noah’s knees. “Nahhh.”

  “Tell me something you’ve never said to anyone else.”

  The man paused in his thrusting, deep inside Noah’s body. His smiled faded, his face turning serious. “A man like me doesn’t have many firsts left. Not anymore. I have to get my kicks seeing someone else’s.”

  “Well, this is my first time being fucked in the back of a bar,” Noah whispered. “So you’d better make it one hell of a first.”

  The man grinned. “Have I let you down thus far?”

  “Absolutely not,” Noah murmured, trailing his fingers over the man’s chest. “Though we’re not done yet.”

  The man chuckled. “No… we’re definitely not.” He slid his hands up Noah’s chest and grabbed both shoulders. “Nowhere near done.”

  He rocked his hips roughly, earning a whimper from Noah.

  “Do you like it rough, Chris?”

  Chris? Oh shit… I’m Chris. “I do, daddy.”

  The man groaned before thrusting into him hard a few minutes. They grunted and groaned together, both their bodies pushed to the limit. And then he slowed, the tempo unhurried. Noah wasn’t sure which he liked better. Fast and hard felt damned good, but watching the man’s muscles rippling under his arms, chest, and abs as he slowly worked his cock in and out held a fascination, too.

  By the end, their bodies slapped together, both too eager to slow on their path to release. Noah reached for his cock, stroking himself to release seconds before his daddy pulled out, ripped the condom off, and came onto his cock. Their seed blended over his shaft and a bit of his hand as they both found release.

  His daddy collapsed back into the chair, mostly dressed—though he hadn’t been wearing much to begin with. He wore a satisfied smile as he continued to stroke his still hard cock.

  Noah sat on the edge of the desk, trying to catch his breath. He lifted his hand and trailed his tongue over the bit of cum that was left there. The salty-sweet flavor caused him to groan with delight. “Well… that was… intense.”

  He turned and tried to stand, but his legs weren’t ready to handle any weight. Noah lay back on the desk, his hole still quivering. His whole body quaked from the powerful orgasm. Heart racing, he rested there until he was sure he hadn’t just died. Murder by orgasm was exactly the way he wanted to go out.

  “You okay over there?” his bartender whispered, running a heavy palm over his ass cheeks.

  “You destroyed me,” Noah whispered back.

  “Awwww,” the man said, pulling him off the desk. Noah curled into his bartender’s arms the second he was in the guy’s lap. “You seem okay to me.”

  Noah closed his eyes, pretending for a moment that what they’d shared hadn’t simply been a hook-up. It was easy to do when he was lulled by the steady beating of the man’s heart against his ear and the heavy palm gently caressing his bare back. What would it be like to have a man like this truly be his daddy?

  “Can we stay here another minute or so? I know you have to go back to work.” Noah let out a shaky breath. He had no idea if he’d be able to walk for another few. He was in no rush to leave. Once he did, he’d move on to god knew what. “I need a moment after that.”

  Daddy pressed his lips against Noah’s forehead. “Take all the time you need, baby. It’s a slow night. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Seemed pretty busy out there to me.”

  “Not even close. This place is usually wall-to-wall packed on leather night.”

  “Ah,” Noah murmured before lifting his fingers to brush over the hair curling between the man’s pecs. It was softer than he’d anticipated.

  He let his fingers travel f
arther, whispering over the man’s heated flesh. Noah traced the outline of a couple of tattoos on his bicep before noticing another washed-out one lower on the guy’s wrist.

  “What…” His bartender coughed. “What are you doing with the rest of your night?”

  Noah lifted his gaze from the tattoo and shrugged. A smile tugged at his lips. The question hinted the guy might want more. Or was he assuming too much? Maybe it was simply idle chatter. “No idea. I was headed to a relative’s house… but I got here later than anticipated. I probably should’ve gone straight there instead of here, but I wasn’t looking forward to walking across town in the middle of the night.”

  Noah heard the creak of leather as the man turned his head.

  “Walking across town?”

  “I just got into town a little while ago.”

  “Isn’t your relative waiting up for you?”

  “They don’t know I’m coming. I didn’t want to tip anyone off and be caught mid-escape.” His mind drifted to those lost directions. His parents could already be lying in wait at his mother’s house, for all he knew.

  “That’s a dangerous way to travel. Please tell me someone knows where you are.”

  Noah smiled a little. “A friend dropped me off at the bus station.”

  “Is he aware of where you are now?”

  Noah lifted his head. Stan had been freaked out enough driving him to Nashville. “I didn’t want to put him in danger. The less he was aware of, the better.”

  “Have you called him?”

  The map print out had also had Stan’s cell number on it. “Left my phone behind. I didn’t want to be tracked and I can’t find the paper I had his number written on. I had it stored, so I didn’t have to memorize it. Hopefully I can remember what it is.”

  The man frowned. “Yikes.”

  “I thought I’d planned my escape better,” Noah murmured, lowering his gaze. “I was in such a rush to get the hell out, I guess I spaced.”

  “It was that bad?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  When he lifted his stare, he saw the man giving him full attention. Guilt hit Noah square in the chest. He couldn’t tell his bartender the truth. Hey, I ran away from home. I just turned eighteen about an hour or so ago. I used a fake ID to get in here. “I really don’t feel like rehashing it right now. I want to focus on the fact I got away and I’m free to be the person I want to be. I plan on leaving all the bullshit in the past and moving on.”


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