His Stepdad Wears Leather

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His Stepdad Wears Leather Page 7

by Kelex

  “How was it?”

  “Delicious,” Chris replied. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bills. “How much do I owe you?”

  “No charge,” Brody replied.

  Chris lifted his stare and met Brody’s. There was a gentle smile in his eyes as he shoved the money back in his jeans. “Thanks… you didn’t have to do that. I appreciate you taking care of me.”

  Taking care of me. Lex’s words whispered through his mind. “It was just a sandwich. No big deal. I’d do it for anyone.” It wasn’t a total lie, yet he didn’t like the fading smile on Chris’ face caused by his twist of the truth.

  “Ah… okay.” Chris glanced away, shoulders lowering.

  Before Brody could say another word, one of the regulars—Casey—walked up and tapped Chris on the shoulder. “Wanna dance?”

  Brody tensed, the word ‘no’ fighting to come off his lips. Biting his tongue, he watched as Chris turned around to eye him—as if the guy was searching for his approval. You don’t own him. He can dance with whoever the hell he wants to.

  He shrugged, acting like he didn’t care when he absolutely did.

  “Yeah, sure,” Chris mumbled moments after searching Brody’s face. He scooted off the barstool and let Casey take his hand.

  Glancing at his watch, Brody saw it was nearly closing time. They’d be lucky to get much more than one song—not long enough for much of anything to happen. He surveyed the pair as they headed to the dancefloor and swayed to the music. The small crowd had thinned out more, so he had a bird’s eye view of the way Casey’s hands roamed over Chris’ back… and down further… to that perfectly round bottom—which he realized was covered with lace under his jeans.

  The moment he noticed the pain in his jaw, he forced himself to look away. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  He returned to help the other bartenders and the bar back—trying to ignore that perfect ass spinning around on the dancefloor. A few minutes passed, and the song changed. The colored lights bounced in time to that rhythm, slowing with the bass.

  Brody’s gaze again drifted to the dancefloor. Chris seemed to be enjoying himself, considering the broad smile he wore. The guy was a good dancer, moving well. An image of that ass in red manties returned to his mind, and his cock thickened.

  Chris turned, and Brody was suddenly transfixed in his heated stare. Lust twinkled in the depths, and an almost mischievous twerk came to his lips. Once Chris knew he was being watched, his body appeared to move differently. There was a seductive sway to his hips. More thrusting of the pelvis. His hands slid down his chest and to his flanks, framing his hardening cock. Brody could see the hard ridge pressing against the denim. He writhed his bottom against the intruder.

  Fucking Casey.

  Perhaps Chris was showing off. Was he trying to cause Brody to become jealous?

  It was working, and it had no business doing that.

  Brody poured himself a shot and downed it. Without stopping, he poured one more and downed it. When that didn’t seem to do the trick, he had a third.

  “Bad night?” Carter asked.

  “Strange night,” Brody confessed. He frowned. “Why do you ask?”

  The song ended… and the interior lights went up, illuminating the inside of the bar. Brody grinned inwardly, realizing there’d be no more torture to come. He eyed Chris and Casey as they likely said good night to one another.

  “I’ve worked here five years, and I’ve rarely seen you drink more than one shot in a night, and never without a customer egging you on.”

  Brody smiled. He had rules he lived by and they kept him sane and sober. He might have a beer or two, but he avoided the hard stuff for the most part—unless one of the regulars had a really special occasion and wanted to celebrate. Early on, when he’d first bought the bar, drinking had become a bit of a problem. He’d soon learned how to place limits on himself.

  His gaze roamed to the dancefloor, where Chris and Casey were still talking—while others were streaming out the front door. What were they chatting about? And why the fuck did Chris have that big smile on his face? When Chris turned to whisper something to Casey, Brody’s jaw began to hurt again. Luckily, Chris headed for the bar—and Casey for the front door.

  Chris sauntered closer, lapping up Brody’s attention. He leaned on the bar and batted his lashes. “Is it possible to get a water?”

  Brody nodded and fixed him a plastic cup of ice water. Chris downed it.

  “Thirsty?” Brody refilled the cup and slid it back over.

  Chris grinned before taking another drink. He stared over the rim, need flaring in his eyes. “I love to dance.”

  “I’m glad you had fun,” Brody purred, trying to control himself. He wasn’t that overbearing, territorial jerk—but he sure as hell felt like one.

  Chris’ smile faded a little. “You didn’t mind me dancing with another man?”

  Brody chuckled inwardly. “Don’t assume I don’t know what you’re up to. I’m not the jealous type, just so you’re aware.” Liar. Clenching his jaw, he continued letting lies drip from his lips. “If you’d rather spend the night with Casey, you can probably catch him in the parking lot before he leaves.”

  “Oh.” Chris’ smile dulled and it was like a stab to his heart.

  In the background, Lex and the other bouncers were herding folks out—all while the waiters and waitresses cleared the empty tables.

  “I guess that means the offer of a place to stay is off the table?”

  Brody frowned. “No… there’s a room and a bed with your name on it.”

  “A room. A bed… but not your bed? Is that the point you’re making?”

  “I make no assumptions, is all,” Brody murmured.

  Chris tilted his head a bit. “You’ve been kind to me… and I want to repay that kindness.”

  “There’s nothing for you to repay. Even if I wanted payment, I wouldn’t demand that.” Demand? No. Desire? Abso-fucking-lutely.

  “No… of course not. But… I really appreciate it, is all. And… we had fun earlier, didn’t we? I thought we could have some more.” His smile evaporated. “Or no?” Chris paused. “Did you not… like it? Did I do something wrong?”

  Brody leaned across the bar, hating that he’d caused the guy to doubt himself so easily. He’s just out of a bad relationship. Stop being an asshole! “I liked it very much. We had a lot of fun.” He reached out and caressed Chris’ hand. “I don’t want you assuming I expect sex in return for a place to stay. I won’t refuse it, but I won’t demand it, either. That’s not how I work.”

  “Noted,” Chris murmured.

  Brody leaned across the bar and gripped Chris’ chin. He leaned in for a kiss. “If you’re game, I’m sure there’s a little more fun to be had tonight. As long as it’s freely given.”

  Chris’ smile was back, and it warmed him. “Oh… it’s freely given.”

  Brody noticed Casey had popped back in. He was eyeing them as he returned to a table and grabbed what appeared to be a set of keys.

  Casey waved wanly at them before leaving again.

  “Someone’s smitten,” Brody whispered.

  “Oh… no… he’s not my type. At all,” Chris said quickly.

  No, Casey was closer to Chris’ age. He wants a daddy. Brody grinned at the thought, the idea not so terrible the more he thought about it. “You sure seemed to enjoy rubbing your ass all over him.”

  Chris chuckled. “I was trying to see if you were still interested. I wasn’t sure there for a bit.”

  “Oh… I’m interested. You don’t need to play games to find out. Just ask me.”

  From the corner of his eye, Brody saw waving. When he cast a glance over, he saw Lex flapping his arms like a bird from his spot guarding the door.

  Brody rubbed under his eye with his middle finger. He turned his attention back to Chris. “Have a seat at the bar. Gimme a few and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Noah regarded the near
empty bar, curious. With the lights turned up high, the illusion of the club faded some. The dark spaces that had allowed his mind to wander were simple leather-covered circular booths, with tables littered with empty bottles and glasses. Employees in a mixture of leather, jeans, and The Village T-shirts in various colors of the rainbow scattered around, discarding empty beer bottles and wiping down tables. He sat there quietly, feeling like he should pitch in or something.

  Before he could slide off his stool and offer, Brody arrived beside him.

  “Ready to get out of here?”

  Noah cast a glance around. “You don’t have to stay and finish?”

  Brody shook his head. “That’s what I pay them to do.”

  “Oh,” Noah said. “Let me grab my bag.”

  Noah walked over to the front door and eyed the big bouncer. “Thanks for holding my stuff. I really appreciate it.”

  The gruff guy scowled down at him. “Don’t bring it again.”

  “I promise… I won’t.”

  “Be nice to Brody,” the bouncer muttered. “Or you’ll face me.”

  Noah cast a look over his shoulder and saw Brody watching their interchange. He turned his attention back to the giant bouncer. “I’m only spending one night. I promise I’ll be good.”

  “You better,” the bouncer replied with a steely glare.


  Again, Noah gazed over a shoulder and saw Brody hadn’t made a move toward the door. The man had simply stood back and watched their exchange at the door. After tossing his duffel over one shoulder, he sauntered back to Brody. “Are we leaving?”

  “It’s this way,” Brody said, hooking a thumb over one shoulder. “I live upstairs.”

  Noah’s eyes widened. “You live over the bar?”

  “Makes the commute easy,” Brody said as he led Noah into the same back area they’d been in before. This time, they walked toward another door on the opposite end that said, ‘No Entry’. “Plus, I’m here if there’s a problem.”

  “Yeah, but it must make nights off a pain. I bet it’s loud up there.”

  “There’s sound proofing between the floors,” Brody said before opening the door and urging him through. “If I’m honest, there’s never really a true day off when you own a place.”

  Noah gawked. “You own the bar?”

  Brody nodded with a grin. “I do.”

  Shit, if he finds out about the fake ID, I’m toast. “Wow,” Noah murmured before walking through the open door. There was another door straight ahead and a set of stairs to his left. He spun to face Brody and pointed up, to be sure.

  Brody nodded, a small smile playing over his lips.

  Noah trudged upward. He hit the first landing and turned to gawk at Brody. “So… do you live alone?”

  “I do,” Brody murmured. He placed his hand on the railing.

  “I guess I should’ve asked before. I mean… you could be in a relationship. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.” Noah once again noticed the fading tattoo on the man’s wrist. It seemed like a length of rope, knotted on the inside of his wrist…

  He wasn’t sure why his attention kept being drawn by it, but it was.

  “No relationship,” Brody answered behind him, his voice low.

  That answer delighted him more than it should have. He turned, hiding the smile trying to spread across his lips. Their steady footfalls echoed in the stairwell and weren’t anywhere near as fast as the beating of Noah’s heart. He’d never spent the night with a man and was absolutely sure he’d end up saying or doing something really stupid before the sun came up. So far, he’d been able to cover up his awkwardness. Or at least, he thought he had.

  Now he was like the bar downstairs. The lights were coming up and the illusion was going to disappear. Hopefully he could keep it together long enough for that not to happen.

  When he reached the top of the stairs, he paused, giving space for Brody to unlock the door. He offered a nervous smile as the guy moved in closer. Brody brushed past his shoulder, and a spark of electricity shot through him. Inhaling, he smelled the scent of liquor and musk—and it left him reeling and a bit dizzy.

  Brody unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Ready?”

  He met the man’s stare. “Absolutely.”

  Brody’s smile was going to be his downfall. Even, white teeth peeked out behind lips he hungered to taste again. He wanted the short, dark hairs of his mustache and beard to tickle his face and… well, everywhere… again.

  A curious brow rose. “Do you want to go inside or what?”

  Noah smiled, his face heating. “Yeah.” He walked in, brushing against Brody one more time—not completely on accident. A light was flipped on, and he gasped. The expensive-looking apartment wasn’t what he’d expected—not that he’d really had much of an expectation. Whistling, he turned to Brody. “Nice digs.”

  “Thanks,” Brody said, shutting the door behind him.

  Noah turned to scan his surroundings. It was all open—a living room, fancy kitchen, and dining. The building appeared to have once been an old warehouse. Large windows filled up one wall, but the rest were red brick. Metal venting hung from the ceiling like it had downstairs in the bar, too. More metal showed up in the furniture and especially the kitchen.

  But it didn’t seem like anyone lived there.

  There were no pictures on the walls. No tchotchkes sitting around. The kitchen counters were practically empty. Once again, he thought of his stepmother’s cock-filled kitchen. It wasn’t the only room she’d filled with her cluttered collections.

  Brody’s place was the exact opposite. Empty.

  In that moment, opposite wasn’t exactly bad. A smile came to his lips. Noah never had to worry about going back to that hell ever again. He’d sleep on the streets before returning to his dad and Abbie Lee.

  “What’s got you smiling?”

  Noah focused on Brody. “Not what I was expecting, I guess.”

  Brody walked toward the kitchen. Noah followed the man’s tight ass as he moved.

  “What were you expecting?”

  Noah shrugged. “I don’t know… not this.”

  Brody tilted his head a little, contemplating Noah. Heat spread across Noah’s face… and the night’s anticipation swirled faster in his belly.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Honestly, I could use a bathroom after all that water.” He’d slurped up two more cups waiting for Brody to finish up. His bladder was screaming.

  “Second door on the left,” Brody said, pointing toward a hallway.

  Noah deposited his bag on the floor beside a black leather sectional before heading to the bathroom. Along the hall, the walls were bare except for doors. He entered the one he’d been instructed to. The counters appeared to be constructed out of concrete…as did the shower. Again, there was no photos or art on the walls. The counter was bare except for a bar of soap and a rolled-up hand towel.

  Quickly taking care of his business, he washed his hands—and was then afraid to use the perfectly white towel hanging near the sink—so he dried his hands on the front of his jeans. He left wet marks all down his thighs and scoffed at his image in the mirror.

  Fuck… I look like hell.

  After three days on the bus, he was amazed he didn’t stink to high heavens. Jeez… I had sex with Brody with Greyhound stank on me.

  He must’ve liked it if he offered you a bed for the night, his inner voice whispered.

  But still…

  Without another thought, he kicked off his shoes and started to undo his jeans. He started the water in the concrete shower, hoping it was okay. He noticed a couple of small vials of soap and shampoo on one ledge—and borrowed a bit. After quickly washing his hair and body, he jumped out—and dried off, realizing his clean clothes were out in his bag. In the living room.

  With Brody.

  Tucking the towel around his hips, he headed out into the living room, pile of dirty clothes under one arm and a smile on his li
ps. Brody lounged on the sectional, a beer in his hand. His stare ate him up as he walked closer. Another beer rested on the coffee table.

  “I hope you don’t mind—after three days on a bus, I doubt I smelled all that great.”

  “I didn’t notice,” Brody murmured, smiling softly. His gaze drifted down Noah’s towel-clad body. “And I don’t mind.”

  After tossing his worn clothes on top of his bag, he stood still for a moment, unsure what to do next. He wasn’t exactly experienced with seduction. Noah eyed his bag, wondering if he should grab some clean clothes… hoping he wouldn’t need them. Nervous, Noah walked over and took a seat beside Brody instead.

  “This for me?” he asked, motioning to the bottle.

  “Yep,” Brody said, smiling. “You seemed nervous. I thought it might relax you a little.”

  “I seem nervous, do I?”

  “Just a little.”

  How could he not be? He was sitting beside a gorgeous man who’d destroyed him earlier and would hopefully be doing it again. Soon—if he didn’t do or say anything to screw it up. But he’d overplayed his hand, flirting and acting like fucking around was something he did often. In the darkness of the club, it had been easy to be someone else. A stronger version of himself.

  Now, there was nothing to hide within. The mask was off.

  Noah reached for the beer and drank a too-large sip.

  “Don’t drink too fast. We don’t need a repeat of earlier,” Brody said before taking another sip.

  Heat filled Noah’s face.

  Quiet filled in the space between them, that and a hunger like nothing Noah had ever experienced. It radiated off Brody…

  “Do I make you nervous?” Brody asked him after a moment.

  Noah chuckled. “A little.”

  “It’s not like we haven’t already seen each other naked.”

  “Well, you weren’t exactly naked. I was.”

  Brody laughed. “True.” He had another sip of his beer before adding. “I’m quite interested in seeing you naked again.”

  Noah squirmed in his seat, his cock already throbbing and tenting the towel. He was well past interested. And maybe a tiny bit sore, but that wasn’t going to stop him from getting a second helping of Brody. “Good.”


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