His Stepdad Wears Leather

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His Stepdad Wears Leather Page 10

by Kelex

  Chris groaned around his cock, appearing eager to taste Brody’s release. He clasped one hand behind Chris’ head and pumped a bit harder into his boy’s mouth.

  Chris’ eyes widened, and he gagged a little but worked his hand faster over Brody’s shaft.

  “Do you like that, baby?”

  “Mmmm-hmmmm,” Chris replied, his cock still in his boy’s mouth.

  The vibrations were too good. Brody gave another rough pull to the back of his boy’s head. This time Chris moaned louder, his eyes falling half-lidded. Brody continued to fuck his mouth—until he paused to smack Chris’ cheeks and lips with his cock—and then shoved his shaft back in.

  “Such a good daddy’s boy…” Locking his fingers in Chris’ hair, he fucked those pretty lips hard a few more strokes before pulling out again.

  Chris gasped for air, panting a moment. “Daddy,” he purred before eagerly sucking Brody back down as far as he could—as if he was starved for it. He feasted on Brody’s flesh, enthusiastically sucking.

  Pushed to the edge, he tried to hold back as long as he could. The moment he saw Chris’ cock spurting over the concrete floor of the shower, he tensed and let out a roar. Chris pulled away, letting Brody’s cum land on his lips, chin, and cheeks before the shower slowly washed the seed away. Their essence mingled on the concrete floor a moment before circling the drain and disappearing.

  Brody lifted Chris to his feet and kissed him hungrily. “What the hell are you doing to me?”

  He rested his forehead on Chris’ and sighed… satisfied.

  “I didn’t do something wrong, did I?”

  Brody lifted his head and met Chris’ stare. “Wrong? Why would you think that?”

  “You sounded… irritated, I guess.” Worry filled Chris’ expressive face.

  “You did nothing wrong,” Brody said—although he still needed that moment of clarity. Something told him he wouldn’t get it that day. “Nothing.”

  Chris’ worry evaporated, and a small smile emerged. “Good. I’m glad.”

  “Let’s get you washed off,” Brody murmured before stealing another kiss and reaching for the washcloth.

  “Ready for breakfast?” Brody asked as he pulled on a red t-shirt. He tucked the bottom into his soft leather pants before buttoning the fly.

  “You do realize it’s nearly too late for lunch at this point?”

  “Not for me. I work late hours,” Brody said, sidling closer. He wrapped his arms around his boy and smirked. “There’s a diner in town that serves breakfast all day long. I go there almost every morning.”

  “People usually start calling this afternoon.”

  “I’m not people,” Brody said with a grin. “It’s my morning.”

  Chris peeked up at him, returning the smile. “Eggs it is.”

  “They serve everything, so you don’t have to get breakfast if you don’t want.” He lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on Chris’ lips. “Finish getting dressed and let’s roll.”

  “Sure thing, daddy,” Chris replied.

  Brody ambled into the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth. Chris followed a moment later and he hung his towel beside Brody’s. After a heated glance in the mirror, Chris left the bathroom. Brody stood there, his focus on the two towels hanging side by side. Another sign of his temporary lost bachelorhood. He’d been incapable of being with anyone for quite a while. In time, being alone was normal.

  For the first time in forever, alone felt crushing.

  He left that thought in the bathroom, walking away from the past that was haunting him. After returning to the bedroom, he watched as Chris pulled some rumpled clothing from his backpack. He sniffed them and shook his head.

  “You wouldn’t have a washer around, would ya?” Chris asked.

  “I would,” Brody said. “Want to start a load before we go out?”

  “Maybe when we get back, if that’s okay?”

  Brody nodded, hating that all the guy had fit in one duffel. “Yeah… no problem.”

  A short while later, they ambled down the stairs and got into Brody’s silver F-350 XLT. After he helped Chris into the truck and put his boy’s seatbelt on, he stole a kiss.

  “I can buckle myself, you know?”

  “I’m sure you can. But I’m your daddy, remember? I need to confirm my boy is safe and secure.”

  Chris blushed, and a spark went straight to Brody’s cock. Before he ended up dragging his new lover back upstairs, he rounded the front and slid behind the wheel. He revved up the engine and pulled on his own seatbelt. In no time, they were out on the main road, heading for town. The old country road was familiar, and he drove a little too fast. He saw Chris reaching out to brace himself a couple of times and chuckled inwardly. Taking his foot off the gas a bit, he proceeded forward toward breakfast.


  “Hmm?” Chris asked.

  “Does my driving scare you?”

  “No,” Chris answered, but Brody wasn’t convinced.


  From the corner of his eye, he noticed Chris’ head swivel before he spat. “I’m not lying.”

  Brody frowned. “I was only joking with you.”

  Chris was silent beside him… and he could feel the guy tensing.

  He cast a quick glance before pulling his stare back to the road. Chris gazed out the window, clearly bothered. “What did I say wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Chris muttered. “I—”


  Chris remained silent. Long enough to cause Brody to worry.

  “I—” Chris’ head turned toward him. “I’m sorry. I overreacted.”

  Brody’s frown grew deeper. He sensed there was something more Chris had wanted to tell him but hadn’t. A desire to unravel Chris’ secret ate at him, but he knew the guy was recently out of a bad relationship. He needed time to trust Brody. Pushing now might not be the best choice. “It’s okay. We’re still getting to know one another. I didn’t mean to overstep.”

  “You didn’t,” Chris said. He reached over and caressed Brody’s arm. “I really enjoy spending time with you. I don’t want you to believe otherwise.”

  Brody stroked the back of Chris’ hand. “I’ve enjoyed you, too.”

  Silence fell again, but this time without the hint of whatever was bothering Chris.

  In the remnants of their timeworn downtown stood the old silver diner, a bright spot in an otherwise depressing area. Most of the stores were closing or already closed. Newspapers covered old plate glass windows marred with graffiti. A few lone sentries remained—the old feed store, a barber, and the post office. The rest had been the victims of progress and the new malls and shopping centers out on the interstate.

  His club had been the same—an old feed mill that had once housed the feed store and its feed production. They’d been forced to downsize many years ago as the rural community slowly switched to a suburban one. The mill had sat empty for nearly a decade before Brody and his former partner had purchased it. They’d had big plans for the location—not only a club, but a full-scale restaurant and bar on the other side. When his partner had left, he’d focused on the one half of the business nearest completion. The club. It did well enough but took a lot of his time and attention. More simply wasn’t in the cards.

  “This town is… gloomy,” Chris murmured.

  “It used to be amazing when I was younger,” Brody replied as he parked the truck in one of the spots for the diner—not that the two vacant buildings would care much had he parked farther down. “And there had been big plans to revitalize the area a few years back, but the man in charge—well, he’s not around anymore.”

  “That’s too bad,” Chris said before opening his door and jumping out.

  Brody climbed out of his seat and gave downtown the same thorough inspection it appeared Chris was giving it. What did the guy see? Was it something different than what he did? He remembered the way it was. The way it could be. Chris didn’t have that knowledge.

/>   “Wasn’t there an ice cream shop over there? Behind the wood thingie?”

  “The gazebo? Yeah—there was an ice cream shop, but it closed at least fifteen years ago.” He cocked his head toward Chris. “I wasn’t aware you’d been here before.”

  “A long, long time ago. I don’t remember much, but I do remember going to that shop once or twice.” He turned around at the diner. “And I think I’ve been here before, too.”

  “Everyone eats at Gracie’s,” Brody said with a grin. He motioned forward with his head. “Let’s go.”

  They walked in, single file. Brody waved to Gracie at the counter, in her bright blue and pink, old-school 50’s waitress uniform, bouffant hair, and the bright red lipstick she wore every day. She had to be pushing ninety and had the energy of a woman thirty years younger. Gracie gave him a smile and a wave before finishing up with her customer. By the time they were seated in his usual booth, Gracie came sidling over.

  “Morning, my love,” she said to Brody. “Your usual?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He turned to Chris who was rapidly reading over the menu/placemat combo.

  Gracie spoke up first, her eagle-eyes regarding Chris with interest. “And for you, darling? Or do I need to give you a minute?”

  “No, ma’am,” Chris said with a grin. He lifted his gaze to her. “Combo number two, please. Eggs scrambled.”

  Gracie scribbled the info onto her pad. “Coffee for you both?”

  Brody nodded. As did Chris.

  Gracie smiled and eyed Brody. “You gonna introduce me to your friend? First time I’ve seen you with anyone but Lex in here in years.”

  Brody tried not to cringe. “This is my friend, Chris. Chris, this is Gracie.”

  Gracie put out her hand to shake Chris’. “Nice to meet you, Chris.”

  Chris appeared a bit sheepish as he shook her hand. “Same, Gracie.”

  Gracie seemed appeased for the moment. “I’ll get your order in. Be back in a jiff.”

  As she walked away, Chris eyed him. “Who’s Lex?”

  Was that a hint of jealousy I hear? “You met him last night at the door. He’s my head of security.”

  “That intimidatingly huge dude?”

  Brody grinned. “Yeah. He’s a bit formidable, but that’s what makes him good at his job. Lex is more bark than bite, but he can bite when he has to.”

  “You have breakfast with him… after a night at your place?”

  Brody stared at Chris, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. Before he could answer, Gracie returned with two cups of coffee. She deposited a handful of creamers taken from her apron pocket on the table before offering them a wink. Brody didn’t use cream, which Gracie was aware of. The little containers were for Chris. She departed for the kitchen, leaving them alone again with the question hanging between them.

  Chris regarded at him anxiously. Brody reached for a pack of sugar.

  “Why do you sound a bit jealous?”

  Chris frowned. “No… I’m not.”

  Brody was sure it was a lie, but he wasn’t sure Chris was aware it was one.

  “I mean… the guy is seven feet of muscle. I don’t want my ass beat.”

  Brody emptied the pack into his coffee and stirred. “Lex is my best friend. And we work together. Nothing more.” Bullshit. Lex is family. “We also played ball together. From the time we were kids. High school… and eventually, we ended up on the same college team.”

  “He looks like a linebacker.”

  “Left tackle, actually.”

  “Ah,” Chris said before scooping up one of the creamers. He added four of the containers, as well as at least six sugars.

  “Like a little coffee with your cream and sugar?”

  Chris’ face reddened. Brody smiled inwardly, liking the appearance of it. He’d like to see something else reddened…

  “I don’t usually drink coffee.”

  “You don’t usually drink alcohol, either. Am I a bad influence?”

  Chris’ smile was brilliant. “Not at all, daddy.”

  Brody clenched his jaw, that word once again undoing him. His cock thickened inside his pants. Squirming a bit to release some of the pressure, he eyed Chris. “You’d best be careful, boy. I might have to take you out to an old country road and have my way with you in the back of my truck.”

  “Promises, promises,” Chris said with a smirk.

  It was then that Brody realized he’d be doing just that. Either on the way to the store or back from it. He knew the perfect spot for them to stop. He eyed Chris, heat in his eyes—and the stare that met his was filled with as much need as his own.

  Chris’ foot pressed against his. The toe of his shoe rubbed against his leg. Footsies? He chuckled slightly, amused by the sensation. He hadn’t played footsies with someone since he’d been… well, Chris’ age. It both made him feel old and young again. A smile played over his lips as he held Chris’ attention.

  It wasn’t much longer before their plates arrived, ending their little game. Gracie glanced between them with a raised brow, as if she sensed the longing they shared. “Enjoy your breakfast, boys. Call me if you need anything else.”

  “Will do, Gracie,” Brody murmured, never taking his eyes off Chris.

  Chris didn’t pull his own away, either.

  They spent the next twenty minutes in silence. Eating and staring. Chris picked at his food, eating maybe half of his big breakfast plate. Brody had to admit, food wasn’t his priority either. He left cash on the table instead of going to talk to Gracie as he usually did—but the raging hard-on tenting his pants didn’t give him much choice. Brody gave a wave to Gracie before leaving and ignored her knowing glance. Once in the truck, he sensed the anticipation mounting in them both. Glancing from the corner of his eye, he saw his boy’s hard cock tenting his jeans, as well. He cleared his throat as he sat behind the wheel, the engine idling, and he turned his focus on Chris.

  Chris met his stare, heat in the depths of those gorgeous, glittering eyes.

  Brody knew he wouldn’t last another moment. He roared out of the parking spot and headed for the nice shaded spot on one of the country roads nearby. Speeding, he didn’t slow down this time. He couldn’t. Once parked he held the steering wheel with a white-knuckled grip to prevent himself from ripping Chris’ clothes off then and there. “Get in the back,” he bit out.

  “Brody,” Chris all but groaned.

  His hands squeaked on the wheel as he adjusted his grip. “In. The. Back. Now.”

  Chris let out a mewl that nearly ended Brody. He opened the door and jumped out. The closing slam caused Brody to jump in his seat. His cock ached between his legs, begging for release. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been as horny as a teenager and unable to control himself. With a shaking hand, he opened the center console and grabbed the small bottle of lube and searched in hopes for a condom, which had no business being there in the elements. He found one and hoped to god it was in good shape.

  Once he got out of the cab, he heard a whimper. Turning his attention to Chris, he saw the guy leaning over the side—one hand behind his back and rubbing his bare ass.

  Brody’s teeth clenched again. He couldn’t move. He could only stand there and witness Chris’ excitement.

  Chris’ head turned. Their gazes locked. “Daddy.”

  Propelled into motion, Brody moved on autopilot. He jumped into the back and knelt behind Chris and his bubble butt. After depositing the lube and wrapper, he undid his pants. Cock popping out from the vee, he gripped the base while hissing in pain. His cock ached, needing solace inside Chris’ body.

  Chris popped his bottom into the air and looked over his shoulder. Suggestively rubbing his cheek with one hand, he mewled again. The sound shook Brody to his core. He rubbed the head of his leaking cock over that soft, round skin. His whole body vibrated with need.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” Brody spat through clenched teeth.

  “Daddy…” Chris cried. “Please.”

  “Last night… twice…” Brody could barely speak at that point. Not in coherent sentences, at the very least. “Sore. You’re… sore.” He sucked in a strangled breath. “I don’t… I don’t want… to hurt you.”

  Chris reached for the bottle of lube. He poured some into his palm while Brody pinched the base of his cock to prevent coming. For some reason, Chris’ apparent need was almost enough to push him over the edge. His boy coated his anus with the lube, slicking the hole well. He moaned low as he lubed himself, watching Brody over one shoulder.

  Brody broke his focus from Chris’ heated stare to the hand playing at his bottom. He had to pinch the base of his cock harder to slow the steady throb of the coming orgasm.

  “Daddy… please,” Chris whispered hotly.

  Brody pressed the head of his cock against Chris’ slick, shiny hole. It was then that he realized he hadn’t bothered to cover himself. Pulling away, he reached for the wrapper with a shaking hand.

  “I want you… bare,” Chris murmured.

  Brody held the condom package, staring at Chris’ beautiful ass. He closed his eyes, struggling with the need slamming into him. He’d only been with one man bare—and it was a long, long time ago. “I can’t,” Brody said through clenched teeth. “I haven’t… been tested… recently.”

  “Do you always use condoms?”

  Brody did. It was second nature to cover his cock. Hell, he even covered his toys when playing to protect himself and his lovers. Because of that, he was almost positive he was clean. And he intended to stay that way. “Always,” he said before ripping open the condom and rolling it down his length. He hated the disappointed expression on Chris’ face. “Always.”

  A thought slipped into the back of his mind. They’d go get tested… and if the results were clear, then he’d consider taking his boy bare. Until then, he needed the condom.

  Brody returned to the spot he’d left, pressing the head of his cock against Chris’ slick hole. As slowly as he could manage—which took every ounce of his self-control—he entered Chris’ body from behind. The tight grip on his shaft was sublime. Inch by inch he was swallowed in Chris’ heat. The curve of Chris’ ass spooned against his pelvis as he bottomed out. Pausing a moment to let Chris stretch to accommodate him—and for him to will his release down— he drew his boy’s back against his chest.


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