His Stepdad Wears Leather

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His Stepdad Wears Leather Page 23

by Kelex

  “Me, too,” he said before giving her a hug. “I love you.”

  His mother squeezed him back tight. “I love you, too, Noah.”

  Brody eyed the email in his inbox, curious. An out of the blue inquiry asking if his building was for sale. Some Los Angeles developer apparently had eyes on his location. Gracie had said there was something big on the horizon. Apparently, he needed to sit up and pay a little more attention to what was going on in the town around him.

  Closing his laptop, he headed downstairs, but not to the club. Instead, he unlocked the door to the central spot—the dust-covered remnants of the restaurant he’d always wanted to build. The club only took up a third of the old feed mill’s first floor. The original plan had been to open the club and restaurant, and potentially lease out the final space leftover—but the relationship with his then lover had soured and the man had opted out of the whole thing.

  It had left Brody with staggering financial debt, but fortunately, the club had taken off and kept him afloat. After five or so precarious years, he’d been okay enough to rehab his apartment upstairs. The idea of opening the restaurant still enticed him, but running the club seemed to take most of his attention. The thought of starting a new restaurant, from scratch, on top of what he already had on his plate—he simply wasn’t sure he could balance it all and ensure the business at the club didn’t suffer.


  He spun to see Noah at the back door.

  Noah smiled at him. “I thought I saw you come in here?” He took a few steps inside. “What’s this?”

  “It was supposed to be a restaurant. It failed before it ever really got started.”


  “A million little reasons,” Brody answered. “The main one was my partner decided it wasn’t for him. That I wasn’t for him.”

  “I’m sorry,” Noah said.

  “Don’t be,” Brody said, giving the dusty building another glance. “I so wanted to open this place up. My family—they have a restaurant here in town. I grew up there. Washing dishes. Prepping. Cooking. Serving guests. It’s in my blood.”

  “I’ve never heard you talk of your family before. Other than Mom and Geena.”

  Brody smiled wistfully. “I’m no longer their son. My real family, that is. Being gay was too great a sin.”


  “Oh,” Brody replied. “I get that you understand how that feels.”

  “I do,” Noah said, nodding.

  “After Parker was born, I went back and got my business degree. Met someone I thought was my future. Bought this place with a dream. And then he left—and I gave up on relationships.” He brushed a hand through some dust. “And I let this part of the dream crumble and die.”

  “It’s not too late to open it.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not,” Brody said. “There was an offer in my inbox today. Well, not an offer—an inquiry. A developer is interested in my building.”

  “Do you want to sell?”

  Jereme’s words from the dinner party circled in his mind. Would it be easier on them if he sold everything and they moved on? Perhaps. But he realized then that wasn’t what he wanted to happen.

  “No,” Brody replied. “But I wonder if it’s a waste of time and space keeping this huge building and not doing something with it. Maybe I should consider leasing out the extra space.”

  “What would it take to open this dream of yours?” Noah asked.

  “Another me,” Brody said with a chuckle.

  “I heard you on the phone with Carter once or twice. Do you trust him?”

  Brody frowned. “Of course I do.”

  “And Lex is there, keeping an eye on things,” Noah said.

  Brody smiled. “He is.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got all the help in the world,” Noah replied.

  “How’d you get this smart at eighteen?” Brody asked as he crossed the gap between them.

  “How’d you get this blind at… forty?”

  Brody put a hand to his heart, feigning a wound. “Thirty-nine, thank you.”

  Noah placed a hand over Brody’s. “I think you should open this place, if it’s truly your dream. Then I’d have somewhere to work until I turned twenty-one.”

  Brody drew Noah closer. “So now the truth comes out. You just want a job.”

  “I do,” Noah said, settling into Brody’s embrace. “And I want to be close to my daddy, too.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” Brody asked. “I like the idea, but is that what you want to do with your life? Live with me and work in my restaurant?”

  “Maybe one day I’ll be the one running your restaurant,” Noah replied, lifting his chin defiantly.

  “Oh? You think so?”

  “Mom popped the news that I can get free tuition at her university. We spent the morning reading over their courses and classes. I’m planning to take that opportunity and start in the fall.”

  “Yeah, she said something about that for Parker. I’d almost forgotten.” Brody caressed his boy’s cheek. “I think that’s a very good plan.”

  “Nothing really screamed at me when I scanned the degrees—but who knows—maybe I eventually get my degree in business so I can help my daddy with his dream.”

  Brody sighed. “You should live your own dream, Noah. Not mine.”

  Noah spread his palms over Brody’s chest. “Who says those two things are mutually exclusive? I’m young. I don’t know what my dream is yet. But I’ve got time to figure that out.”

  “Yes, you do,” Brody replied.

  “One day at a time?” Noah asked him.

  Brody nodded before pressing his forehead to Noah’s. “Sounds wonderful.”


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Take me upstairs.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Brody murmured.

  Brody nearly dragged Noah up the stairs to his apartment. He whipped open the door, pulled them inside, and shut the outside world away. Noah leaned back against the door and smiled up at his daddy. “Hey.”

  “I love the way you say that,” Brody said with a smile. “All syrupy and sweet.” He pressed a palm to the door beside Noah’s head and leaned closer. “Hey.”

  Noah smiled before lifting up and pressing his lips to Brody’s. The kiss soon consumed them both. They broke apart a few minutes later, panting. Brody stepped back.

  “I’ve got something for you.”

  Brody disappeared into the spare bedroom before returning with a box in hand. He sat it on the island and urged Noah closer. As soon as Noah saw the name of the company on the mailing label, glee filled him. Grabbing the scissors from the tool caddy on the kitchen counter, he attacked the box, ripping it open.

  Another box rested inside. He opened it and saw tons of tissue paper. Folding it open, he saw a pair of black lace manties on top. Matching garters and stockings came next. And then a corset he hadn’t even seen, as well as a lace bodysuit. At the bottom was another set of manties, garters, and stockings. “Oh, my.”

  “I reason you need to try everything on… to make sure it fits,” Brody murmured.

  Noah grinned, snatched the box, and raced toward Brody’s bedroom. In no time he was naked and sliding into the first pair of black lace manties. Eyeing himself in the floor-length mirror, he turned this way and that. They fit perfectly.

  “Now the stockings and garters,” Brody said from where he leaned on the door.

  Noah had no experience with the items, but after some trial and error, and a little assistance from Brody, he got the stockings attached to the garters. Again, he went to the mirror and eyed himself. Lowering a hand, he slid his palm along the silky stockings, loving the sensation of them encasing his legs. His cock was rock hard and tenting the manties… and leaking pre-cum into the lace.

  It was perfection.

  “One more item,” Brody whispered from behind him. He wrapped the corset around Noah’s torso before reaching in front and affixing the hooks, one
by one.

  Noah leaned back into Brody, letting his daddy do all the work. Brody’s gaze lifted to the mirror, meeting Noah’s heated stare for a moment before he returned to focus on the hooks. Once they were all fastened, Brody turned his attention to the cords at the back. He undid the ties before tightening the corset around Noah.

  A moan escaped his lips. His regard flipped up to see his daddy’s observing him closely.

  “So pretty,” Brody whispered in his ear. “How do you feel in this?”


  “Did I pull it too tight?”

  “No, daddy… pull it tighter…”

  Brody held his stare for a moment before leaning back and doing just that. He tugged on the laces a bit more, making it a little harder for Noah to breathe.

  “Perfect,” Noah whispered.

  Brody tied off the laces before spinning Noah around to face him. “My god that’s sexy.”

  “You like?”

  “Very much so,” Brody murmured before tugging him close. He slanted his head over Noah’s and kissed him breathless again.

  Noah drew back to draw in some air. “There’s one thing missing.”

  “What’s that?” Brody asked.

  “A plug to stretch me open.”

  Brody grasped Noah’s hand. “Come with me.”

  His daddy led him upstairs to the loft. Memories of their last erotic encounter up there washed over him, only making him throb all the more. Brody stopped before the bed and turned to face him. “I’m gonna tie you to my bed…and have my wicked way with you.”

  “Oh?” Noah asked. “How wicked?”

  “We’ll have to see,” Brody said before reaching into a small closet near the bed and bringing out a wedge-shaped pillow. He laid it on the bed before coaxing Noah to the bed, on his knees. Noah lay on the wedge—it pushed his ass higher into the air.

  “I think I like this,” Noah murmured before Brody cuffed one of his hands to the bed.

  Once the second wrist was bound, Brody chuckled. “You’re probably not going to like it in a minute.”

  Noah frowned, turning his head. “Why not?”

  “You’ll see,” Brody said mysteriously before grabbing the spreader bar they’d used the last time.

  When Brody was finished, Noah lay on his belly over the wedge—his hands and ankles were bound, and the spreader bar kept his feet wide apart behind him. Ass up in the air, he was on full display.

  “Now the plug?” Noah asked.

  “Yes… now the plug,” Brody replied.

  Noah hummed excitedly and waited for Brody to start their play. He didn’t wait long—his daddy was more than ready. Brody showed him the same plug that was used the last time—covered in latex—before the man worked it slowly inside him. His daddy pushed his manties aside before pressing the lubed end against his anus. Tapered end first, the thick toy spread him open wide before his ass swallowed the whole thing up to the base.

  Trembling all over, Noah writhed against the bonds. He tried to push the plug out a little… only to have it sucked back inside him.

  “Now here’s the part you’re not going to like,” Brody whispered against his ear.

  Noah turned to eye his daddy, confused.

  “You’re dressed for the part. I, on the other hand, am not,” Brody said, waving a hand over his polo and jeans. It was the first time he hadn’t seen his daddy in leather and he hadn’t realized it. “I need to go get into my leathers. You can wait here until I come back.”

  “Brody!” Noah cried. “Just get naked.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Brody asked before slapping one of Noah’s nearly bare globes. “I won’t make you wait too long.”

  “Brody!” he cried again, hearing his daddy’s footsteps down the stairs.

  Long minutes passed as he struggled against the bonds holding him down. Everything grew quiet, except for the pounding of his heart and his breathing. He couldn’t hear Brody moving downstairs…

  All he could sense was the thick plug spreading him open.

  Noah laid his head down, trying to still his breaths. His asshole gaping, he tried closing it tighter around the plug—that worked the thing in and out a few fractions of an inch. Not enough to fuck his ass, but enough to enjoy a little friction. Slowly, his bottom relaxed some against the wide pull of the plug.

  In time for Brody’s return.

  “How ya doing, baby?”

  “You left me,” Noah pouted.

  Brody smacked Noah’s ass. “Just for a little while. I had to get ready.”

  Noah glanced at what his daddy was wearing. It appeared to be the same assless chaps from the night before—sans briefs. Brody was hard and heavily erect, the thick shaft jutting from the opening of the chaps. A different leather harness, this one a little more intricate than the last, crossed his chest and shoulders at a slant.

  “Do you like?”

  Noah nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. “Yeah.”

  “Worth the wait?”

  “Maybe,” Noah moaned. He cried louder when his daddy slid the plug out an inch or so.

  “I suppose we see if you can go up a size,” Brody said, drawing it the rest of the way out.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” Noah whimpered as the plug slid out. Empty, his gaping hole spasmed.

  Daddy soon had another plug ready for him. It was noticeably larger than the last.

  Noah eyed it. “That’s one size up?”

  Brody chuckled. “Perhaps two. But I think you can handle it.”

  Noah wasn’t quite so sure—but then the plug had gone in easier than the last time. After dragging Noah’s manties down, Brody worked the new plug inside. Inch by inch speared him. When it got to the thickest part, the pain was too much. “Wait!”

  His daddy stopped and withdrew the plug a fraction. “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, daddy… I need a minute.”

  Brody didn’t start again until Noah gave him the go ahead. His daddy went slower, carefully stretching him open wider. Not longer after, the widest part gave way and his ass swallowed the huge plug. A groan tore through him at the sensation. He was stretched open wider than ever before… and it felt amazing.


  “You like that, baby?”

  “Yeah… it feels so good.”

  “This is one of my favorite plugs,” Brody whispered thickly. “It has a channel down one side.”

  “A channel?”

  “A space for my cock,” Brody said before the bed dipped behind Noah. “Technically it’s used for something else…”

  “What?” Noah asked, curious.

  “Ever heard of watersports?” Brody asked.

  “Is that why you have it?” Noah asked over his shoulder, surprised. He’d run across a lot of different things searching online—some wilder than others. The thought of piss-play didn’t really do anything for him, so he was curious if Brody liked it.

  “It was a gift one birthday, but that’s not my scene,” Brody replied. “I found a better way to use it.”

  Noah sighed with relief.

  “Unless you’re into that?” Brody asked.

  “Not really.”

  Brody whispered, “Good” beside his ear seconds before the slick head of his daddy’s cock pressed against his hole.

  A pleasured cry escaped him.

  “Ready for me, baby?”

  “Yeah,” he whispered.

  Brody gripped his hips before slowly sliding into him. Already stretched wide, he sensed a hint of pain at first… but it slowly ebbed the deeper Brody drove. Inch by inch Brody filled him, pressing the plug wider inside. The moment Brody was deeply rooted in him, he came with a scream. Cum leaked from his manties onto the wedge—but this was like no orgasm he’d had before. It was stronger—and the sensations had built in his ass, not the base of his cock.

  There’d been no shooting off. Cum had rushed from his balls and leaked all over. Whatever it was, it was ten times better than any orgasm he�
�d had before.

  “Oh baby… you ever have an anal orgasm before?”

  “Is that… is that what that was?” he asked breathless.

  “I think so,” Brody murmured. “Was it good?”

  “I’ll let you know when I stop dying,” Noah muttered.

  Brody chuckled before pressing gentle kisses over his neck and shoulders.

  “I want another one of those,” Noah said on a sigh.

  “I’ll do my best,” Brody said before lifting some and drawing his cock out a bit. He thrust back in slowly, forcing a cry from Noah’s lips.

  Every thrust to come after drew whimpers and sobs from his lips. He was impaled…stretched so wide…and Noah loved every second of it. In time, his daddy quickened his pace—as his body opened to accommodate the plug. The pleasure was more than he’d ever experienced—riding the ridge of pain. It felt so damned good.

  Soon, Brody tightened his hold on Noah’s hips. His daddy’s fingertip bruised his flesh, and alerted him to what was coming. In a few more strokes, Brody roared, coming deep inside him. The hard thrusts slowed… and stopped.

  “You okay, baby? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No more than I wanted,” Noah murmured happily.

  Brody kissed his back, shoulders, and neck before withdrawing slowly. He slowly withdrew the plug, leaving Noah’s ass gaped.

  Noah stared over one shoulder. “Am I ready for your fist now?”

  Brody chuckled. “I think we pushed the edge enough today, baby. Maybe next time.”

  “No,” Noah moaned. “I want to see if you can do it.” He wiggled his ass. “Please.”

  His daddy eyed him a moment before shaking his head. “Okay, give me a minute.”

  After discarding the condom he wore, Brody pulled on a black latex glove. After lubing his hand, he returned to the bed. It dipped as he knelt behind Noah.

  Brody’s fingers circled his open hole before three slid inside him. Noah pressed his face against the latex-covered mattress, the sensation damned good. A fourth finger was added… seconds before the widest part of Brody’s hand pressed against his hole.

  “You okay?” Brody asked quietly.


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