The Scars Of Life (The Working Girls Book 4)

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The Scars Of Life (The Working Girls Book 4) Page 3

by K. L. Humphreys

  I’m tempted not to go out tonight, but I’m thinking that it’ll be my last hurrah, I’ve enjoyed being here the past two years and I’m actually sad to leave.

  Walking past the hotel’s front desk, the receptionist wishes me a good evening and I smile at her as I hurry out the main door. I need to grab some food before walking the streets. I keep my head down as I move down the street, I want to go to Subway, it’s cheap and filling and will keep me going until I get back to the hotel and order some room service. I may as well treat myself today, I have the money and I can’t remember the last time I splurged on myself.

  Someone is watching me, I’ve had it happen before. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up as they did before. I turn around when I’m close to Subway, I don’t notice anything or anyone untoward. Maybe I’m imagining things? The last time I felt someone following me, there was; it was that weird woman Penelope, she wanted me to come with her. It was weird, she had just met me and wanted me to go live with her. It was bloody freaky and I got the hell away from her and moved around hoping that she wouldn’t find me again. She hasn’t, and I’d like to keep it that way.

  I order my sub and sit down by the window to eat, I like to observe people pass by me. I used to do it every day when I first lived on the street, I’d guess what their lives were like and what jobs they did. It helped me not think about what had happened in my life and why I was on the streets in the first place. It took a while for me to come to terms with it, but I did, I’m not completely over it, I doubt anyone would ever get over it, but I’ve managed to move on and sort out my life, well to the best of my ability. Everyone who goes by is in such a hurry, nobody taking their time to enjoy the lovely city we’re in. It has me realising that I’m just the same, I never appreciate my surroundings, I’m always in a rush to go somewhere, to do something. I think that should really change.

  As I take my last bite of my sub, my eyes are drawn to someone standing outside the shop, his arms crossed as he leans against the lamppost. The thing that has the hairs on the back of my neck standing up is revealed, his eyes are on me, it’s as though he’s waiting for me, but I have no idea who he is. I’ve never seen him before, I’d remember if I had, he’s in his mid-to-late forties and in a black suit, his hair is peppered grey. He’s good looking for an older guy, but he’s freaking me out, why is he staring so intently at me? I narrow my eyes at him and the weirdo smirks at me, yes, he is definitely here for me. The question is, what does he want?

  I throw my rubbish into the bin, and go to the exit, he’s still standing there, his eyes still on me. Placing my hand on the handle I inhale sharply, gathering every bit of courage that I own and walk outside to confront him. I hold my head high as I come face to face with the weirdo. “See something you like?” I ask bitchily coming to stand in front of him.

  He just smiles at me, probably thinking I’m a bitch but I’m not the one staring at a seventeen-year-old and waiting outside shops for her. I turn to walk away but his voice stops me cold. “You’re a hard woman to find.”

  I turn back and look at him, he’s standing there with his arms crossed and looking at me expectantly, my pulse is racing. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Uncrossing his arms, he walks towards me. “Just as I said, you’re a hard woman to find.”

  My nostrils flare with anger. “How long have you been looking for me?” My hands are shaking, why the hell has he been looking for me?

  “A few years. You’ve been the trickiest person I’ve had to find. You’ve done well to keep hidden.” Is that pride in his voice? There’s definitely respect in his eyes.

  “How did you find me?” I need to understand what I did wrong and come up with a plan to ensure it never happens again.

  He smiles, and he looks younger than I had presumed. “It was sheer luck. I was driving home with my son when I spotted you talking to some guy in the rain, you were soaked. I knew as soon as I drove past who you were. I dropped my son off and came back, my luck was that you and that guy had moved across the street to the cafe.”

  Shit, shit, shit. Fucking Richie! “So, you followed me!” I accuse outraged.

  He shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I followed you to your hotel and I’ve been checking in every day.” His voice takes a hard edge to it as his eyes drift to my cheek and then to my eye that’s hidden behind my sunglasses. “That arsehole has been taken care of.”

  “What?” I croak, I’m so confused, who is he?

  “That arsehole that beat you, he’s been taken care of. No man should ever put their hands on a woman in anger no matter what. I don’t give a shit if you’re the queen or a prostitute, you’re still a woman trying to do the best you can and you don’t need bastards like him.” He tenses his jaw. “You shouldn’t be out on the street, hell you probably should be in school.”

  “Why the hell have you been trying to find me?” He’s not my parent, so he shouldn’t have any input into what I should or shouldn’t be doing.

  His phone rings and the rude bastard puts his finger up to shush me before answering it. “Hello….” His eyes slide to me. “Yes, I have eyes on her… She’s not happy, you’d better hurry, she’s ready to bolt.”

  He’s talking about me! The cheeky fucker, what the hell is going on? Who is he talking to? I’m not standing around here any longer, it’s time to go, fuck working tonight, it’s time to leave the area. Thank God I’d decided where I was heading next otherwise, I’d be in a panic right now.

  “Don’t leave,” he commands, and I give him a ‘you must be joking’ look, he really thinks that by him saying don’t it’s going to stop me. “Look, wait until she comes and listen to what she has to say before making a decision.”

  She? My eyes narrow. “Penelope?” I ask in disgust and when he nods, I shake my head. “What is wrong with that woman? I told her to piss off the last time and I’ll say the exact same thing this time. Is she like some weird groomer or something?”

  He scoffs. “No, she just wants to help you, will you please listen to what she has to say? If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave.”

  “I’m free to leave anyway, what’s so special about her? I mean she looks like Kat Slater off of EastEnders. Besides who…?”

  “I’m not sure whether to take that as an insult or not.” The raspy voice says from behind me, I don’t need to turn to tell who it is. It’s Penelope. “Hello again.” She walks up beside me and gives me a warm smile. She may look like mutton dressed as lamb, but she has a soft face, although the harlot red lipstick doesn’t scream soft.

  “Penelope.” I say with a nod. “What do you want?” I don’t want to beat around the bush, I’d rather listen to what she has to say now and then get the hell away from this area and as far away from her as I can.

  That smile of hers turns into a smirk. “Thirsty for knowledge.” She looks to the man who was following me. “Thank you Charles, I can take it from here.”

  He nods. “Yes Ma’am.” His hand slides into his pocket and pulls out a card and he hands it to me, his face has a serious look on it. “Miss, if you ever need assistance, please don’t hesitate to call me.” He walks off not giving me a chance to say anything.

  “How about we go somewhere a little quieter and have a little chat?” She sounds so proper and posh, but also so sincere.

  “Where is it that you want to bring me?” I’m getting tired now, the Ibuprofen is wearing off and I was meant to go to the chemist and grab some more.

  “Somewhere we can talk freely without being overheard. I’ll have my driver bring you back to your hotel once we’re done.” She looks hopeful, something I don’t witness very often.

  “Okay,” I tell her and hope that it doesn’t take long, I’m waning, my energy is sapping out of me with every breath I take. She smiles and leads me to a waiting car that’s parked across the road. “You were so certain that I would come with you?” She’s been so sure that I would, never once looking as though I would say no.r />
  “Girl, you look bone tired. You look awful, you have no fight left in you. Come on let’s get you into the car, you can rest while Darius drives us.” She opens the back door and lets me climb in, I instantly notice that Darius is a huge fucker, he’s got to be at least six-foot-five. His head’s touching the roof of the car.

  I lean my head back against the headrest and close my eyes as Penelope climbs in beside me, I get a whiff of her perfume and it’s the same one that my mum used to wear, DKNY woman. It’s not something I’d expect her to wear, she screams elegance, I’d have put her down for Chanel No.5. “How long is the drive?” I ask, wondering if I’d have time for a cat nap, it’s not as though I can go anywhere, we’re in a locked car.

  “About an hour, rest up,” she tells me as my eyes droop. “Nothing will harm you.”

  I’m roused from my sleep when we come to a stop, I don’t open my eyes as I try to gather my bearings. “Ma’am, we’re here,” The deep tone has my eyes opening, and I spot the back of Darius’ head.

  “Thank you, Darius, she’s awake now so we can go in,” Penelope says with a touch of amusement.

  I sit up straight and turn to face her. “You’re weird,” I announce as the passenger side door opens. Her laughter follows me as I exit the car, I ignore it and look up at this enormous house. “You said you were bringing me somewhere we could talk, I thought you meant like a coffee shop or something, not your bloody house.”

  Again, with her laughter, she doesn’t respond to me and instead she walks up the steps to the house her heels clinking against the pavement as she does. I dutifully follow behind her, with each step I take pain rips through my body, I need medical attention, but I won’t go. I won’t go to a doctor because I’m not an adult and that will result in them calling my stepdad. I’d rather be in pain for weeks or months than have to face that arsehole again.

  This house is beyond amazing, it’s so beautiful, we must have driven longer than an hour. Penelope walks through the place with ease, her stride is purposeful

  “This is yours?” I ask her as she leads us into a room that’s truly remarkable, it’s a massive library, one that has books covering every inch of the walls. The view though takes my breath away, it’s spectacular, there’s green everywhere, I’m in awe of how amazing it looks.

  “You’re smart,” she quips, and I roll my eyes at her lame attempt at sarcasm. “Yes, this is mine, I think of it as my country escape. It was run down and pitiful when I purchased it. I actually bought it for my daughter as a present, I had it restored. It cost a bomb, but my ex-husband paid for it.” She has a sinister smile as she says it. “Unfortunately my daughter wasn’t able to see it, she died before I could show her it. I come here to be closer to her.” The pain etched on her face is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

  “I’m sorry about your daughter.” I can't imagine the pain she endured.

  “Thank you,” she tells me as we take a seat just as someone enters the room with a pot of what smells like coffee. “Maria, could you also bring in a jug of water and a couple of glasses.”

  “Yes Ma'am,” The waitress responds before hurrying out of the room.

  Penelope turns to me as she pours out two cups of coffee. “Are you going to tell me your name?” She looks at me questioningly, she’s daring me to defy her.

  “I don’t think there’s any need at this point, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” Her eyebrows shoot up at my tone. “Look Penelope, I don’t mean to be bitchy, I’m tired, I’m sore and I’m being as patient as I can be waiting for you to get to the point, I understand that you’re trying to be nice and I’m grateful, but please can we speed this up, I’m absolutely knackered.” I’m surprised she can’t hear in my voice how tired I truly am.

  Tilting her head to the side she studies me before nodding. “Okay, so my proposition. I am Madam Penelope. After my daughter died, I became a madam, and in doing so I became the most sought-after madam in London, if not England.”

  My eyes widen, she was a prossie too?

  “I was an escort,” she explains. “I’m no longer one but I do own an escort agency. Midnight Lovers. My proposition is that I want you to come and work for me in return you’ll have a roof over your head and stability.” She leans forward in her chair and clasps her hands together. “I have someone who works for me that doesn’t sleep with her clients, she earns two thousand per date.” A smug smile forms on her lips, like she thinks she’s won.

  “Two grand?” If that’s how much she gets for not sleeping with them, how much do those that do sleep with the clients get?

  “Not only will you be making ten times more than you already are, you’ll also be safe, I check all potential clients out before taking them on, not only that, all clients must have check-ups every month it’s the rules. You’ll never have money on you, the company is paid, and I’ll then give you the money. It’s so that you’re safe and can’t be robbed. You don’t need to decide now, but I’d like it if you were to come with me, I’ll put you up in a house that I own but do not live in, you’ll have peace but also somewhere that I can check in on you. I’ll also call a doctor, one that will not talk to anyone to check you over.” It sounds so easy, just come with her and everything will be okay. That I should trust her, and everything will be okay.

  “Let the doctor look over you, and after that if you want to leave, you can. I won’t stop you.”

  “Okay,” I whisper. Hopefully the doctor will be able to end this pain that I’m in.

  If it’s nothing like she’s promised, I’ll flee, and she’ll never find me again, I’ll make sure of it.

  Chapter 4

  Five Days Later

  All I’ve been doing is sleeping. My body needed to recuperate, I have severely bruised ribs, it’s why my body has been hurting like a bitch. My nose is broken, and the doctor said I didn’t notice because my face has so much swelling, so he reset it. I passed out after that, thankfully I did, I’m not sure what else he did and I’m grateful for that. Before I conked, the doctor told me that I should be fully recovered in about six to eight weeks, and that I should try to take it easy until then. My vision has returned to both eyes now that my swollen eye has reopened, it's bloodshot and bruised but it’s open and I can see out of it, that is the main thing.

  Penelope turns up every day, she’ll come in with some food and place it down beside me, she will sit with me for a while, she always says “hello, how are you?”

  My reply is always the same. “I’m alive.”

  She’ll laugh and sit down beside the bed not saying another word, I’m wondering if she’s waiting for me to crack first and say something. No matter why she’s not saying anything, it’s bloody unnerving. Although I’m grateful that I’m not alone and that she’s checking in on me, I’ve not had someone care in a very long time.

  I haven’t had a shower in five days and I’m disgusting, although that’s nothing new. No matter how hard I scrub myself in the shower I’ll never truly be clean. Today though I’m better, once I have a shower, I’ll be million times better even if it does take away a lot of the energy that I’ve gained. Sitting up, my hands grab for the remote control and I turn the TV on. This Morning comes on. God, I love Phillip and Holly; those two are so enjoyable to watch, they always have so much fun. I get up off of the bed and strip it, I’m going to have to find some new sheets to put on after my shower. There’s nothing worse than having a clean body and not having clean sheets.

  I take my time in stripping the bed not wanting to hurt myself, it takes a while, but I manage to get it down and I throw them into a heap on the floor by the door. I grab one of the nightgowns that Penelope got me the first night she brought me here, and go into the main bathroom. I’ve been using the en-suite and it does have a shower, but I wanted to go elsewhere other than the bedroom and that en-suite. Opening the door to the main bathroom my eyes widen, it’s huge, and I mean bloody huge, you could fit a football team in here and still have plent
y of space. Penelope has this place stocked, there’s shampoo and conditioner in here along with body wash and razors. Everything and anything anyone could need she has got.

  Halfway through washing my hair my energy dwindles and I have to hurry up and get out of here, the last thing I need to do is collapse while naked and in the shower, that would be humiliating. I don’t bother shaving, although I’m in dire need of it. I just scrub myself quickly and rinse off, I’m so tired again, I need to have another nap. Although they can’t be classed as naps, every time I’ve thought about taking a nap, I’ve ended up falling asleep for over six hours. I gently step out of the shower and grab the towels on the side, I wrap one around my body and the other I use to wrap my hair up. I’m going to have to go to bed with wet hair because there is no way I can use a hairdryer.

  I bite my lip trying not to cry as I bend over to dry, it’s bloody painful and I’m going to need to take some more of those tablets the doctor prescribed. I bring myself to sit on the edge of the bath and take a few deep breaths waiting for the pain to pass. It doesn’t help, in fact my ribs are getting even worse, I sit and finish drying myself off. Once I’m dried, I grab the nightgown and pull it on over my head, the towel holding my hair falls down as I do so, and I leave it be, I can’t be bothered picking it up, the same way I can’t be bothered in picking up the dirty clothes and towels.

  By the time I’m back into the bedroom This Morning is finished. I stop dead in my tracks when I notice that the bed has been made, how the hell did that happen? Who made it? Then I spot a phone, laptop, and a sandwich sitting on the table beside the bed. Penelope’s been by, I have no idea what’s in that sandwich but whatever it is, I’ll eat it. I’m starving. I’ll have it and then go to sleep. Grabbing the sandwich, I move over to the sofa on the other side of the room, one thing is for sure, Penelope loves her massive rooms, you could fit three normal sized rooms into this one room.


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