The Scars Of Life (The Working Girls Book 4)

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The Scars Of Life (The Working Girls Book 4) Page 25

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Yes baby, Penelope and Grant are hosting Christmas this year,” I say and I’m so glad that I’m not the one cooking today, everyone is to be in attendance no matter what. Nineteen people under one roof, that’s a headache in itself. There will be me, Richie, and the kids along with Stef, James, and their kids, Jess, Hunter, their kids, Jess’ brothers Simon, Tony, as well as Owen, and Katy, obviously Penelope, and Grant will be there seeing as they’re hosting. We started this last year and I was the first one to host and this year I’m going to be sitting back and relaxing, as much as I can with three kids.

  I watch as Kayla opens her last present, her dog teddy bear and squeals with excitement and pulls it towards her body in a tight hug. “Wah-wah,” she cries, she can’t say dog, she always says wah-wah for a dog she hears them bark and copies it.

  “Okay, let’s go and have some breakfast and then you can open the rest of your presents,” Richie says, and I lift Kayla in my arms as Malachy runs ahead of us and out of the room. “Malachy, don’t even think of going near that gate.” It’s a constant battle in our house. If it’s not telling Malachy to not try to climb the gate, it’s telling Kayla not to bite her brother.

  When we get to the hall, Malachy’s patiently waiting for us. “I didn’t touch it Daddy,” he tells us with a straight face and I can just tell that he thought about it before Richie told him not to.

  Dinner was huge, I mean we were sitting down and eating for an hour; Pen and Grant went all out, they had everything; turkey, goose, beef, pork, and chicken. Not to mention all the vegetables; carrots, suede, broccoli, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, and roast potatoes. There was so much food leftover that they’ll be eating Christmas dinner for months.

  Kayla, Aiden, and Stef’s daughter Tracey are fast asleep in one of the rooms Pen’s set up as a nursery. Malachy, Emme, Carter, and Savannah are in the sitting room watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. They’re quietly sitting on the sofas, eyes glued to it, they all look tired; it’s a wonder they’re not in a food coma with all the food they’ve eaten. God, those kids are like bottomless pits.

  “Right, the kids have opened their presents, it’s only fair the adults open theirs now,” Grant tells us, we’re in the other sitting room. Grant and Penelope moved into a new house, well I should say mansion, they have eight bedrooms, two dining rooms and two sitting rooms; the sitting rooms are opposite each other so we can see the kids from where we are.

  "I'll go first,” Pen says and hands Grant a present first, she looks so nervous and it's making me nervous now too.

  We all watch Grant open his present, it's a picture frame. He frowns before he looks to Penelope; so much hope in those brown eyes of his. I've never seen Grant look so uncertain before. It's Penelope's face that makes my eyes water, her eyes are glassy, her hands shaking, but she has the most beautiful smile on her face.

  Grant swallows harshly, like he's trying to find his voice, "You're pregnant?"

  Pen nods, and I'm gone. My face breaks out into a smile as the tears roll down my face. God, I have so much happiness for them, this is what they've wanted for the past three years, and it's finally happening.

  "I fucking love you." Hoarseness paints his voice as he stares at the picture. I'm dying to see what it is, but I don't want to ask, to intrude on this special moment.

  "I love you too." Pen's crying. She’s happy, but I'm wondering how she reacted when she found out.

  "How far along are you?" Stef asks. She too is crying. In fact, all the women are crying, the men are all smiling.

  "Fifteen weeks," she answers, her voice tight, as she stares at Grant. " I should have told you sooner…"

  "You don't need to explain anything, I completely understand." Grant stands and pulls Pen into his arms, I love him even more than I did for understanding that Pen needed to work through her fears.

  "I can't believe you're pregnant!" Stef yells excitedly.

  My eyes fall to Saffron. She's smiling, but her eyes are on Damien, neither of them seem happy. They're the most private out of us all, while the rest of us are open and honest about our lives, Saff and Damien keep everything tight lipped. Jess has told me that Damien wants kids, but she's not sure that Saff does. Things between them at the moment don't seem great. They're both on edge all the time along with Saff being in tears a few times when she's arrived for girl’s night. The worst thing is, none of us can help because we’re not sure what's going on. Hopefully they'll be okay, and it's just one of those things some couples go through.

  "Right, no offence, no present is going to top that, but we may as well open them." Grant's proud as punch; he can't take that smile off his face and I doubt it will be gone anytime soon. They both deserve the happiness that this baby is going to bring. Their relationship is so strong, the love and mutual respect they have for one another is something special. They are the ultimate couple and both people that I admire immensely.

  Climbing into bed, I'm so tired, but today has been such a happy day. We also found out that Richie's mum will be over next week, Mary-Anne had her son Colm last week, and their mum didn't want to leave her alone. She wanted to be there to help in any way she could. It's something I had no problem with, I know first-hand how tough the first couple of weeks are with a newborn, and getting as much help as possible is nothing to be ashamed of.

  "You're happy,” Richie muses, turning to face me.

  "I'm so happy for Pen and Grant, are you excited? Your mum's coming over next week, you know how much I love her." It's true, his mum is so sweet, and we got along great when she's visited, she calls me once a week and we have a catch up.

  “Yes, I am, she’s excited to see the kids.” He places a soft kiss against my lips. “I didn’t think it would happen for Penelope and Grant, seeing them today just shows us how lucky we are.”

  I sigh leaning my head against his shoulder. "They've done so much for me, there were so many times that I wished there was something I could have done to help. I’m so glad it all worked out for them. They deserve this happiness.”

  He smiles. "Yeah baby they do, and it showed just how much Penelope and Grant think of us all as family for them to share that moment with us."

  "Yeah, Grant's face was a picture." I'm not going to forget it.

  "Next year is going to be a good year for everyone. Penelope and Stefanie are having babies, and you're starting a new job after the New Year." He talks about my new job a lot, always sounding enthusiastic. I'm wondering who's more excited for my new job, me or him.

  Margaret died three months ago. She left the business to her daughter, who has sold it, it didn't take long for her to do so either; as soon as she found out Margaret left it to her, she put it up for sale. Penelope told me to get it, that I would have a great client base from it, that Margaret really rated me, and all of her clients would come to me.

  But I couldn't do that. I couldn't buy it or have Penelope buy it. I couldn't take that risk that it would all go wrong. So, when Katy and Bailey asked me again if I wanted to come and work in their salon, I couldn't turn it down. And, on January fifth I start working in The Beauty Palace. Damien is the silent partner and apparently, he's foaming at the mouth to have me there because he's heard that I have a good reputation. He's not wrong, I have a lot of clients coming with me, and that means I'm booked for the next three months.

  It's funny, Katy was a stripper and Bailey a lap dancer, our clients are the wives of the men we danced for, that I slept with. I'm not complaining as our clients have expensive taste. They have money to throw away. Katy and Bailey's salon is on everyone's list. The who's who go there, and I'm hoping they will also become my clients and my clients become theirs. It’ll be a win-win for us all.

  "Next year is going to be busy but it's going to be worth it."

  "You're living your dream, baby, and that's all that you wanted. I'm so proud of you." He kisses my cheek. "I love you is too tame for what I feel for you. I love you more than life itself."

warms through me upon hearing those words "Love you so much, Richie. Thank you for being a part of this beautiful life we have."

  He rolls on top of me and begins to kiss the hell out of me. "You made this life, I'm glad to be along for the ride." Looking down at me, he murmurs, "Speaking of rides..." He smirks, and I gasp. "Love you so much, baby. I'm going to love you for the rest of our lives." His lips find mine, and I wrap my arms around his neck as his tongue sweeps into my mouth. And then I'm lost as I am every time we kiss.

  We get undressed, and as he enters me everything feels right. Home resonates in my mind.


  Darren and Alannah: You both mean the world to me and thank you so much for putting up with my crazy. I love you both more than words could ever say. You make both put a smile on my face on a daily basis!

  Wendy Porter: I love you! You are seriously amazing. You’re there to offer encouragement and support not only that, you’ve become such an important person in my life, you’ve become an amazing friend. Thank you so much.

  Tammy Clarke: Thank you so much for formatting for me, I gave you such sort notice but you made this book so pretty! I’m in awe of how amazing you are.

  Kay Springsteen Tate: I must have drove you crazy when you were doing the edits but you took my book and made it into this beautiful story! Thank you!!!!!

  Gemma Woolley: Thank you for proof reading this book, you are amazing and I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without your friendship and support.

  My Beta Readers: Stefanie Carney, Julie Tinkler, Nancy George, Kim Jones, Katy Birch, Jessica Davey, Cynthia Carpenter, Sherry Haynes, Stephanie Holmberg, and Nicole Nixon. Ladies you are the best, Thank you so much for your input, this book wouldn’t be what it was if it wasn’t for each and every one of you!

  Lee Ching: As always, not only are you here for me professionally but personally too. You are an amazing woman and I’m grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for designing this gorgeous cover!!

  My Brazen Bitches you and that group are my sanctuary, Thank you each and every one of you for being a part of this process.

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  Other books by K.L. Humphreys

  The Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter

  Deadly Mistake

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets of Life

  The Scandals of Life

  The Scars Of Life


  Finding Home




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