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The Dark Atoll

Page 13

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I washed every part of my body, just arm’s length from the black-haired beauty standing beside me, staring westward. When I was done, Allie looked in my direction and frowned.

  She said, “I guess I’m ready. Are you ready?”

  I didn’t know what she was ready for, but I told her that yes, I was ready. I’d be ready for whatever she was ready for.

  We walked back to the beach and I followed Allie as she continued south, along the sand.

  She said, “Florin, how old am I?”

  I could hear a distinct difference in the timber of her voice. It was deeper, more mature. More thoughtful and more present. It seemed like Allie the high-school cheerleader had grown up in the past few minutes.

  I said simply, “Allie, you are 36 years old.”

  She said, “I probably won’t remember a lot of what happened. I hope that I never do. I’m ready to start over. I crashed here what seems like yesterday, and I’ve been unconscious until now. Do you really love me? I’m better now. You don’t have to keep me.”

  I said, “Allie, as far as I’m concerned, I do. And the truth is that I do love you. I hardly know you, but I know that we are together and belong together.”

  Allie said, “That’s good. I guess I thought that if you didn’t, I’d just go away and leave you alone. But you know what? I’d be heartbroken. I know that now. If I left, I’d be a Vegetable again. I don’t want to be alone again.”

  We walked farther, finally coming to the southern tip of our little island. We stood on the point for a minute.

  Allie said solemnly, “Florin, if I left, I’d become a killer.”

  I held her hand and asked, “What do you mean?”

  She said, “Can you teach me to fight?”

  I gave it some thought and said, “No. I can’t.”

  The truth was that I could. I absolutely could. But I wouldn’t.

  She said, “If I left you, I’d live on my own, and when I found one of them and had the opportunity, I’d kill them. One by one. I’d set traps and dig pits like they do, and I’d let them die. Maybe not the women, except for a few that I know who deserve it as much as anyone. I’d change my name. I’d cut my hair off and make a spear. And one by one, they’d die. I’d leave their heads on sticks as a warning. I start at the south end of the atoll and I work my way north along the west side. Then I’d come back to the south end and leave a trail of death along the eastern side. It wouldn’t even be revenge. It would be extermination. The eradication of poisonous vermin, cleansing the land of an invasive species. Are you sure that you can’t teach me to fight?”

  I said softly, “It wouldn’t matter if I could. You aren’t leaving, so you don’t need to learn to do that. I will do our fighting for us. I know it sounds like a good idea to you right now, but the reality is harsher than you can imagine at the moment.”

  We were quiet for a few minutes. The thing was, Allie’s thoughts weren’t that far from what I’d been thinking about for the past two days. Mine weren’t quite as extreme, and I wasn’t planning to eradicate the entire population, but I was wondering about how we would live in peace and develop a more civilized society here. I didn’t have a plan yet. Allie’s plan wasn’t right, at least I didn’t think so, but she had some good points. How would this place survive given the current customs and governmental structures? Most of the “people” were beasts. At least they weren’t breeding.

  I said, “Allie, I don’t want you to fight. I don’t want you to kill anyone. If it looks like you might need to know how to fight, I will teach you, but I can’t teach you until you are ready, and we have a reason to do it.”

  Allie was thoughtful and said, “Then I guess there’s only one thing to do. If you won’t teach me to fight, teach me to make love.”

  I laughed and said, “We’re going to have to teach each other that.”

  We walked north along the east edge of our island, holding hands.

  Allie said, “I’m not stupid. I was probably going to be a doctor, or maybe a researcher. Florin, we have to do something about all of this. The whole thing is a smashed-up fish.”

  I said, “Allie, I think that we are going to fix it as best we can. We won’t let it stay this way.”

  She said, “We can’t. I won’t. Damn, I hope that I remember who you are in the morning. Look, we started already, right? We rescued each other and neither of us live under their rules now. And we rescued Christie. She is one of us. And Florin, there are a few more. At least I think that there are.”

  I said, “Allie, I’ll need your help, but for now, can you leave the plans for that to me? Can you help me focus on getting our house fixed up and making it a good place for us to live? I know that you aren’t stupid, and I will need your help but we need to go a step at a time. Yesterday, we couldn’t have this conversation, and tomorrow we will have conversations that we can’t have today. Help me with one thing at a time. Help me make a home for us here.”

  Allie squeezed my hand and said, “I can do that. Hey, wasn’t I wearing your T-shirt?”

  I said, “You were. You took it off before you went fishing. It’s probably lying on the sand somewhere behind us.”

  She said sadly, “I don’t feel like making love yet.”

  I said, “Me too.”

  She said, “It isn’t raining that much. I think that the house is that way. Do you want to go back? What do we need to do first?”

  I said, “We need to stack firewood under the house. We need to take some knives and cut palm leaves and start weaving mats. We need mats to sleep on and for insulation.”

  We started westward across the island in the direction that Allie thought would lead to the house.

  She asked, “Insulation?”

  I said, “We need to deaden the sound in the house. The rain is really loud, and we can’t even stay indoors during a storm. If we weave mats, or even just hang a lot of palm leaves from the ceiling, it will make it quieter. The denser the coverage, the quieter it will be. We can just take palm branches and rig up a way to make a ceiling. It will help a lot. Then we can sleep indoors, not on the sand.”

  She said, “Christie and I can do that. I can climb easily enough. Why not just put the branches outside on the roof?”

  I said, “There are solar tiles on the roof for electricity. I don’t want to cover them up. Maybe we need to do that though, at least to start with.”

  She said, “Electricity? Can you get it working?”

  I said, “It’s pretty much working now. It’s just that the collectors are too dirty, and the cloud cover is too thick for much sunlight to get through. If I clean the tiles, we could have enough for some electricity.”

  She smiled and said, “Does that mean hot water?”

  I said, “Yeah, I guess so.”

  She said, “So, warm showers? That sounds great. Wow. That would be amazing! Um, do you think that we’ll really be able to love each other? I mean, will we be able to make love? And…stuff?”

  I said, “Allie, we had a good time when we did what we did before. I am concerned about how much baggage all of us have but it seems like when we are safe and happy that the lovemaking comes easily enough. We just have to make things safe and comfortable. My plan is: first physical safety, then emotional security, then a stable interaction with the locals, then a more civil society.”

  Allie said, “OK. Our safety, our relationships, our outside interactions, then a new form of governance. That makes sense. One thing at a time. In school, I was part of a club of kids who played old-time strategy games. Even what we called chess. It’s like that. Florin, this is good. I understand. We did this already. You and I got to safety. Then we worked on finding out what our relationship was. Then we established how we would relate to the others. Then we took Christie and started again.”

  I said, “Yeah, it’s a cycle. There’s the house.”

  Our new home was about 150 feet away through the trees as we approached from the east side. There wasn’t much of a path
, but the vegetation was sparse enough to make our way without much trouble. We’d probably want to clear some better walkways. That was assuming that we would stay here long-term. We would stay here for a while, but Allie had put me on an idea that we might need to split up the territories a bit and that “my tribe” might want more land and a larger buffer zone between us and the other tribes. We wouldn’t spend too much time on clearing paths until we needed to or had a lot more time on our hands and just needed work to do.

  As Allie and I walked out of our little jungle, Christie spotted us and ran to greet us. She took one puzzled look, and then smiled and threw herself into my arms, hugging me fiercely.

  Putting her lips to me ear, she whispered, “You guys didn’t make love. We need to fix this. Follow my lead. I remember a lot now. I know Allie,” and Christie reach down and hugged my penis with her hand.

  She said loudly, “I missed you guys so much!” and she kissed me hard.

  The kiss went on and on, Christie holding my head between her hands and pulling me to her face. She started to stroke first my back, and then my buttocks with her right hand as the kiss continued. Both of our bodies responded with arousal and soon I was pulling her tight against my body where I could feel her hardening nipples and she could certainly feel my erection pressing into her groin. Within seconds, we were ready to do a lot more than kiss. In fact, I was ready to do more than I had ever done. I think that I’d only had sex twice so far; once with Allie, and once with Christie, while Allie was there with us on the sand.

  I had never felt a girl so obviously passionate toward me. Not even close. Those first times were just a little hesitant and tentative; this was rampant.

  We were standing near the front of the house and Christie suddenly broke our kiss and pulled away slightly.

  She exclaimed, “Look! I got us a bunch of wood and stacked it under the house! Isn’t that great! Look!” and she pointed at the piles of sticks that she had gathered.

  Stepping in front of me with her back to me, grabbing my right hand in hers, she pulled my arm around her waist and simultaneously leaned back into me, pushing her rear firmly against my hips with the result that my penis rested between her cheeks. Well, it didn’t actually rest there. As soon as she made contact, I couldn’t help myself as I pushed my shaft downward so that it sat between her thighs with the length of it riding up against her slit. My left hand instinctively found its way to her left hip and held her tightly as she began grinding her butt into my groin.

  Christie leaned her head back on my shoulder and whispered, “Don ‘t come. I want you so bad but don’t come. You’ll fuck me soon but just follow me for now. Trust me.”

  She took hold of my left hand and raised it to her breasts and encouraged me to fondle her lovely orbs with the raspberry-like nipples. Oh man! This was going to take more control than I was used to. Of course, I wasn’t really used to anything but the idea of holding back from my climax, while a familiar enough concept, wasn’t something that I had any practice with at all. I knew the theory, but this was a field test. A test that I wanted to take over and over. I didn’t know what Christie was planning but couldn’t we both just orgasm and then do whatever she wanted a few minutes later? Based on how aroused I was, I thought that I’d probably be ready for whatever she had in mind very quickly if she’d just spread her legs a little and let me relieve a little pressure. She didn’t even have to spread her legs; I was so close to climax that I could easily finish right here, rubbing against her like this. But if she’d just tilt this way a tiny bit, I’d be shoved up inside her and um, oh wow, come on!

  I tried to think. No, calm down. No, on second thought, don’t. We’d learn some kind of tantric lovemaking later. Right now, I needed to cum!

  Christie sensed my urgency and said, “It’s OK. Go ahead,” and she bent at the waist so that on the next stroke, I entered her naturally, sliding all the way in, as far as I could go.

  Christie wailed, “Oh fucking yeah!” and I squeezed her breast as she climaxed.

  I did too. I crushed myself against her and let go of my seed.

  As soon as Christie’s orgasm was finished enough for her to move again, she jumped away from me and spun around, leaving me literally hanging there, the last spurts on my own climax falling to the sand in front of me. I groaned loudly in frustration but there was nothing that I could do.

  Christie shouted, “Allie, come here!”

  Allie stepped forward in a daze and Christie grabbed her from behind. She must have been stronger than I had realized because a second later, Christie was holding Allie up in the air with her hands under Allie’s knees, spreading her widely. I didn’t need any more invitation than that right now. I stepped up between Allie’s legs and inserted myself into her sex.

  Allie’s labia were slick, and my penis was still coated with juices from both Christie and I, and I slid in with only a small amount of effort. Hooking my arms under Allie’s thighs, Christie and I sandwiched the girl between us and held her completely off the ground. I was still so hard that she might have been supported entirely by my cock. Not really but it did seem that way. I hadn’t lost my erection at all, and I wasn’t satisfied or spent, so there was no pause in my thrusts as I transitioned from having Christie from behind to now being in Allie with her suspended in the air as if seated on an invisible throne. I had only been in Christie for a few seconds, but now I sawed in an out of Allie, releasing the passion that I had for both of them.

  Allie’s head was on my shoulder and her arms were pulled hard around my neck, trying to force me even closer to her.

  Christie growled, “Do you love it, Allie?”

  Allie made a gurgling noise and gasped, “Yes! Oh yes!”

  Christie said, “Enough that you’re ready to give up our stupid past and be a real woman again?”

  Allie cried out, “Oh, yes! Please! Please yes!”

  Christie asked, “What’s his name?”

  Allie said, “What?”

  Christie said forcefully, “His name! What’s his name? What is our husband’s name?”

  Allie’s eyes were closed tightly as she had what seemed to be a fairly strong orgasm and she exclaimed, “Florin! It’s Florin!”

  Christie demanded, “Who’s Florin?”

  Allie shouted, “Our husband! Florin is our husband! Oh, keep going! Please! Oh, keep going.”

  Christie said, “I’m Florin’s wife!”

  Allie said, “Me too! For all’s sake, me too! I’m his!”

  Christie said, “His what?”

  Allie’s head fell forward as her spasms continued and she said, “His. His wife. His thing. I’m his belonger. I belong to him.”

  Christie shouted, “I love him!”

  Allie cried out, “I love him!”

  Christie said, “I need him!”

  Allie said, “I need him too!”

  Christie said, “I need to be loved.”

  Allie said, “Me too! Florin, please love me!”

  Christie said, “He does love us. He proved it. He fought for us. He rescued us. He took us away. He saved us.”

  Allie yelled, “Yes, yes, yes!”

  Christie yelled in response, “And whose tribe are we?”

  Allie said, “Florin!”

  Christie said, “Not Others?”

  Allie said, “No!”

  Christie asked, “Not Them?”

  Allie said, “No! Not Them. Not Vegetables. Not Mushed!”

  Christie said, “Not Breeders?”

  Allie screamed in another climax, saying, “No! Not breeders! Lovers. Family. Wives! Lovers!”

  Christie said, “His Pussies?”

  Allie said, “Yes! Pussies! Fuck pussies! Wait…what?” and she slowed her thrashing but continued to ride me to small orgasms every minute or so.

  Christie smiled and answered more quietly, “I just threw that in because I thought that it would be fun. Allie, we need fun. We haven’t had fun since we died in the plane crash. It’s time
for some fun. And now that I’ve had a taste of it, I think having our husband in our pussies and having his hands on our tits is the most fun that I can imagine. Get off.”

  Allie asked, “What? Get off? What do you mean?”

  Christie said, “I mean what I said. Get off. I hardly got any and you’ve been going at him for quite a while and it’s my turn again. Get down,” and she started to lower Allie to the sand so that she slipped off my cock.

  Allie and I both tried to hold her in place, but Christie ripped Allie away and said, “No. It’s my turn. Don’t be a greedy bitch. You’ve had at least half a dozen orgasms and it’s my turn again.”

  Allie tried to protest, saying, “But…”

  Christie pulled Allie away and said, “Yeah, you have a nice butt and so does he, but you have to share. I gave up my turn way too early and you need to let me play.”

  Allie said, “But he came inside you already. I saw it. He didn’t come in me yet.”

  Christie said, “That’s a fair point. OK, tell you what. You give me a turn and I’ll let you have his next orgasm. Fair?”

  Allie whimpered, “I guess so.”

  Christie said harshly, “Oh grow up! You know what? From now on, Florin fucks me whenever he wants to. I’m his wife. Florin, you hear that? You want me, just say so. But right now, I want you and I need you!”

  Christie inserted herself between Allie and me and grabbed my cock and pushed it between her legs. She raised her left leg and pushed me in, standing on one foot.

  I was ready to keep going but standing like this was hard. Fine, if that was the only way, then I’d keep it up, since I couldn’t really stop now, and I’d gladly keep going until I fell over, unable to stand any longer but maybe adjusting our position would be a good idea. I grabbed Christie by the knees and put her legs around my waist and lowered myself to my own knees on the sand. Then I lay her backward, with her feet in the air, with me on top.

  Lowering my head to her shoulder, thrusting firmly, I whispered, “Christie, there’s no way I’m going to be able to stop before my ugh, my orgasm…and switch to Allie again.”


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