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Trusting Love (South Coast Brothers Book 3)

Page 12

by Kacey Hamford

  “It sure is.” I turned my head as he spoke and noticed that he was looking at me, not at the view. I blushed slightly and he strolled towards me. “What’s this?” he asked stroking my cheeks where I had blushed.

  “I’m just not use to getting compliments,” I quietly told him.

  “Let me show you the en-suite.”

  “It has an en-suite?” I asked excitedly. He nodded and pulled me towards the door in the far corner of the room.

  “Open it,” he told me and I pushed the door open. The room was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. There was a large corner bath at the far end of the room, a walk in shower and a set of his and hers sinks.

  “Oh, Mason, I love it.” I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on the underside of his jaw. We were moving again and I didn’t complain, I loved how he could move me so easily with his strength.

  “Here are the other two rooms.” He placed me back on my feet once again.

  “Two rooms? This house doesn’t look big enough outside to have three bedrooms.” He opened the doors up and they were both decent sizes. We could easily get a double bed in both, these rooms would be prefect for Heather and the kids when they wanted to stay.

  “Then we can extend over the garage if we need to.” Extend? Why would need to extend this house is plenty big enough for the two of us.

  “This is perfect for us two.” I wound my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

  “And perfect for when we decide to fill the rooms with babies, though if we have more than two then we will have to extend, eventually.”

  “What? Babies?” I was stunned, speechless. He wanted kids? Why did I let it get this far? I should have been upfront with him and told him that we didn’t have a future together if he was looking for a family. I couldn’t go through that again.

  “Mason, I didn’t know that you wanted a family. I… I can’t…” He cut me off.

  “Yeah, at least a couple. I know you’re too young at the minute. We have plenty of time. Want to see your other surprise?”

  A couple? He wants at least a couple of kids? My face flushed, my heart battered against my chest and my stomach dropped. I was going to have to give him up, I couldn’t move in here with him. We would be better if we parted ways now. How was I going to do that? Leave him? I stepped away from him, tears running down my face.

  “Cam, what’s wrong?” He palmed my face and looked into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Mason. I can’t live here with you.”

  “Don’t give me that, you love the house, I just watched you run about all excited. What’s going on?” I pulled out of his grasp and took another step away.

  “We’re not meant to be together, this won’t work. I don’t want children. I can’t give that to you Mason.”

  “Then we don’t have children…”

  “No, that’s not fair on you. You just said you wanted at least two. You’ll find that with someone else.” I unzipped my leather jacket and went to take it off, to give it back to him.

  “If you take that jacket off, so help me God, I will not be happy,” he growled at me. “You love me Cammie, I know you do.”

  “Yes, I do love you, Mason, more than anything…”

  “Shit.” He cut me off as he pulled his ringing phone out of his pocket. “What?” He barked into the phone. “Fuck, I’ll be right there.” After he hung up, he looked at me. “I need to get back to the club.” He grabbed hold of my hand as he walked past and I quietly followed him. Was this it? Were we going to part ways? My heart was breaking inside, would I actually be able to walk away from him? Could I have kids in order to keep him? The thought alone terrified me. I kept quiet as we rode back to the clubhouse, tears were silently streaming down my face. I looked up as we started to slow down, Drake started to open the gates for us to get through and the sight of the clubhouse, my home, made me cry even more. I was about to lose everything. As soon as the bike was parked, I jumped off and pulled my helmet off. As I walked by, I hung it on the handlebars and headed for the clubhouse doors.

  “Cammie, wait!” Mason shouted. I ignored him and carried on. Should I leave straight away? Did we need to talk more? “Cammie,” Mason growled as he gripped my forearm and spun me around. “Oh, baby.” He enveloped me in his arms and I cried even more, clutching onto him. “I don’t need to have a baby.”

  “Yes, you do…”

  “I need you more, Cammie,” he mumbled, cutting me off. I nuzzled my head into his chest and tried to memorise his smell, his touch and his love for me.

  “No, you can’t say that. I can’t have you resenting me in the future because you never got the family you wanted.”

  “I don’t understand, why don’t you want children? You were great with Emily the other week?”

  “I just don’t. I love you, Mason, so much. It kills me to walk away from you but I’m not what you need or want.” I unwound myself from him, stepped on my tiptoes and kissed him briefly on the lips. “Goodbye.”

  “No, you don’t get to do that. You are everything to me, everything. I only want you in my life. I’m so in love with you, Cammie, I bought us a house to grow old in together…”

  “You bought it?” I was stunned, I thought we would be renting it.

  “Yes, because that’s how much I love you. I never wanted to leave the clubhouse before, but with you I want so much more.”

  “But children…” I started.

  “I don’t need them like I do you.”


  “Come with me.” He took hold of my hand once again and strolled towards the back of the clubhouse. I had to trot along to keep up with his long strides.

  “VP,” Titch said nodding his head at Mason.

  “Open the door,” Mason demanded. I saw Titch look over his shoulder at me. “I said open the damn door.” Titch jumped and his hands fiddled with the lock on the door before he pushed it open. Mason turned to me and placed his hands on my face.

  “There’s gonna be blood and shit in here, can you handle that?” I nodded, not taking my eyes off his. He turned on his heel and led me into the room, the smell was eye watering; it was musty and foul smelling. I had to reach up to cover my nose. Mason led me over to two men tied in the middle of the room.

  “Does this show you how much I love you? That I’d do anything for you?”

  “Is that… Preppy?” He didn’t look too good, his head was slumped forward and there was a pool of blood around him. “Is he dead?”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid he bled out before we could have any fun with him. You need to trust in our love.”

  “Who’s that?” I pointed to the other guy who was watching us. I stepped closer to him and recognised him instantly. “Screw.” I remember him from the clubhouse, my stomach rolled and I thought I was going to throw up. He was always the guy that loved to tie us to a table so we couldn’t move and then rape us.

  “No, sweetheart, that’s switch.” I whipped my head around to look at him.

  “That’s not Switch, that’s Screw. He’s a Satan club member.”

  “What the fuck!” he roared. “Titch get in here, tell the Prez I need to call church, now!” While Mason’s back was turned to me, I looked around for something I could use as a weapon, I wanted to hurt this man, inflict pain on him. There was a table nearby with some knives on it. Perfect. I grabbed one and threw it at Screw quickly before Mason saw what I was doing. I threw one after another until I got the area I was aiming for. He screamed out and Mason looked over his shoulder, he started laughing when he saw what I had done. There was a knife sticking out from Screw’s crotch.

  “He won’t be using that again.” I wiped my hands on my jeans trying to get rid of the grime that was on the knives but it didn’t work.

  “Let’s get you out of here, sweetheart.” He slung his arm over my shoulder and we walked away listening to Screw screaming about leaving the knife in his junk.

  Chapter 22

  We had a new plan, Titch and Toes were going to use their torture techniques to try and get Screw to talk and I was going to be heading over to the Pirates MC to find out why we were given the wrong Intel. That sick bastard that tortured my Cammie was still out there and he needed to be dead.

  A drink was definitely needed and the Prez called a last minute party, he could see that we all needed to unwind; it was a party for the locals too. I didn’t know what the situation between me and Cammie was; would she stay? Had she already left?

  I walked into the bar and searched for Cammie, she was nowhere to be seen. I turned on my heel and headed for our room. If she had left, I would be tracking her down and dragging her here kicking and screaming if I needed to.

  “Cam?” I called out as I entered the room to see she wasn’t there.

  “Yeah?” She was in the bathroom, I pushed the door open and she was looking in the mirror putting make-up on. I stood still and just watched her. After a couple of minutes of not talking, she stopped what she was doing and angled her head towards me. “You ok?”

  “You didn’t leave?” I exhaled, relief coursing through my body.

  “No, should I have?” She frowned.

  “You threatened too.” I reached up and grabbed the door frame of the bathroom, causing my cut and t-shirt to rise up. I could see her eyes zone in on that part of my body almost instantly.

  “I don’t want to leave you, Mason.” She sighed. “Maybe I’ll feel differently about a baby in the future, I don’t know. But at the moment, I can’t promise you we’ll have one. I’m sorry.” She looked down at her hands fiddling with her make-up. I stalked into the room and stood in front of her. I waited until her eyes met mine.

  “I’ll be happy if it’s just me and you, forever. Oh and a dog.”

  “A dog? We’re getting a dog?” Her eyes lit up and I loved that I could do that to her.

  “Yes. Company for you when we’re on runs. What puppy would you like?”

  “Oh, can we go to the rescue home and get one? I hate that the dogs are living in there.”

  “For you, anything. Shall I wait for you? Or meet you in the bar?”

  “I’ll be out in a little minute. I think I’ll have rum and coke tonight please.”

  “You got it.” I saluted her, she giggled and then I kissed her until we were both breathless. “Or we could just stay here?” I mumbled, not wanting to take my lips off of hers.

  “You’re the VP you have to show your face.” I rolled my eyes, straightened my t-shirt and walked out of the bathroom. “A change of shirt wouldn’t hurt either!” she shouted after me. I laughed out loud at her subtle way of telling me to change. I stripped off my cut and t-shirt and stood bare chested in front of the wardrobe deciding which shirt to wear; I went to grab the black one.

  “The blue one would look better,” she murmured behind me, then her lips touched my bare skin and she trailed kisses down my spine. My body shivered under her touch and my cock started coming to life. I looked at her over my shoulder and she was standing there in a pair of black skinny jeans, sparkly heels, a tight red top, her leather jacket and bright red lips.

  “Is that stuff on my back now?” I ran the tip of my finger over her bottom lip and her tongue darted out.

  “Yes. Just think of it as my mark on you.”

  “I like that.” I slipped the shirt on over my head and proceeded to button it up. Pulling my jacket back on, we walked towards the party hand in hand. “I’ll get us a drink.” I leant down to kiss her and she threaded her fingers into my hair and deepened the kiss, if no one saw that she was wearing my properties they would soon know she was mine. My fingers bit into the skin on her hips and I wanted to be driving myself deep inside of her. I groaned once we separated.

  “You’ve woken the beast now.”

  “Oh good, maybe he can come out and play tonight?” She licked her bottom lip and I had visions of my rock hard cock slipping through them.

  “You can count on it.” I slapped her ass gently as I walked away.


  I walked further into the room, saying hi to the members and the locals. I looked for somewhere to sit so Mason and I could enjoy an evening together without a care in the world. I stopped dead in my tracks when a familiar face was in front of me. What was he doing here?

  “Dad?” I asked, unsure if I was seeing things correctly.

  “Oh my God, Cammie, you’re here.” He stormed towards me and pulled me in tight to his chest. Not once in the last fifteen years had my dad had a reaction to me like this. I stepped out of his hold and looked at him. He had stubble covering his face and his clothes looked dirty and worn.

  “What are you doing here? Where’s mum?” I found myself looking around for her, was she here?

  “She’s not here. We’ve come to take you home.” We’ve? Who the hell was he talking about?

  “We?” I frowned, confused. “I am home. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Cammie,” his gravelly voice said and I froze. I turned my head to the right where he had spoken from. Was this really happening? Was he really here?

  “W… What are you doing here?” I stuttered. I flinched as he moved closer towards me.

  “Now, is that anyway to greet your boyfriend?” Dad said.

  “Boyfriend? I haven’t seen him for three years. He left me alone when I needed him the most!” I shouted.

  “We’re here to take you home,” Jack said as he placed his hand high on my arm and gripped me.

  “Here to take you away from these men. You don’t need to be scared, they won’t stop us.” I tried to yank my arm away from Jack and his grip tightened. I screamed out and before I knew it Mason was flying across the room and Jack was laying on the floor. He pulled me into his chest and I gripped his back tightly, I didn’t want him to let me go.

  “Get your hands off her. She’s mine!” Jack shouted at Mason. Mason’s arms tensed and I kissed him on the chest, trying to soothe him. I wiggled my way out of his grip and turned to face my dad and Jack. With the back-up of Mason behind me, I found my strength.

  “I’m not yours,” I sneered at him. “I haven’t been yours since you left me bleeding at the bottom of those steps three years ago.” Mason placed his hands on my hips and his warmth made me feel safe and secure. I hadn’t told him about this yet.

  “And dad, I am home. All of these people care about me, I’m not just someone who is in the way. I’m in love with Mason and won’t be leaving him. You’re not welcome here, please leave.”

  “What about us, Cammie? What about Noah?” Jack said.

  “Don’t you dare!” I screamed. “You have no right to say his name.” I lunged for him and Mason held me back. Tears were clogging my eyes and when I blinked they began a trail down my face.

  “He was my son too!” he snapped. The clubhouse went quiet and all eyes were on us. Solar, Tat, Drake and Ashlyn walked closer towards us. These were my closest friends and they were about to find out about my past.

  “No! No, you don’t get to call him that. You left us, you wasn’t there when I had to give birth to him even though he was already dead. He wasn’t breathing, Jack, it was because of the trauma I suffered when you let me fall down those stairs. I had to bury him, you were nowhere to be found.”

  “Cammie, I thought you hated me. Your dad contacted me and told me about Noah. I didn’t know.”

  “I do hate you, Jack. I hate that you left me at the bottom of those stairs, I hate the fact that I had to bury my son alone. I hate the fact that I don’t hate you for getting me pregnant. I had a couple hours with him to say goodbye and he was the best thing that ever happened to me. He was perfect.” My crying had become frantic sobs as I fell to the floor, my heart was breaking all over again. I was losing him all over again, I couldn’t cope with the pain. Darkness would find me and this time I wouldn’t be strong enough to pull myself out of it.

  “Get them out of here!” Mason yelled. “If you come back, I’ll kil
l you myself,” he threatened. My tears were coming thick and fast and I couldn’t see anything.

  “Cammie,” Ashlyn said.

  “I’ve got her.” Mason picked me up off the floor and I curled into him. My head was banging from the crying but I couldn’t seem to stop them falling. “It’s ok baby, I’ve got you.”

  Chapter 23


  I kept Cammie close to me, I obviously didn’t know the shit she had gone through at such a young age. She’d had a baby, maybe that was why she was so adamant she didn’t want kids now. I could never imagine having to say goodbye to a baby. Once I was in our room, I kicked the door closed behind me and sat down on the sofa with Cammie still clutched to me. I didn’t want to let her go but I needed to talk to her about what was going on.

  “Cam?” She shook her head and buried her face into my chest, her crying had eased but her body was still trembling. “Please, talk to me.”

  “I… I can’t.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” She all of a sudden sat up and looked at me.

  “Can we go to our house? Please?”

  “There’s no furniture there, no electric, no heating.”

  “I just want it to be me and you, in our home.”

  “Ok, let me grab some supplies and we’ll head over there.” I went to lift her off my lap and she placed her hand on the side of my face.

  “Thank you. I love you, I hope you know that.”

  “I love you too.”

  I searched through the storage cupboard in the hall for the blow up bed, sleeping bag, wind up torch and a battery operated heater. I was lucky that I found it as it was all in the back of the cupboard. I checked it all and it was working perfectly. I also found a box of tea light candles. I headed back to our room and heard that Cammie was in the shower, I left her to it and headed back into the bar to find Ashlyn. I dropped all of the stuff I needed by the front door, I needed to borrow her car.

  “Holes,” Ashlyn said behind me. I spun around and she had a trail of mascara on her cheek, I reached over and wiped it away. “How is she?”


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