Gratitude first and foremost to the memory and the work of Elizabeth Hardwick and Robert Lowell, out of love and respect for which many hands have helped make this edition possible. Harriet Lowell and Sheridan Lowell supported its publication, alongside Evgenia Citkowitz and Ivana Lowell. Harriet Lowell and Evgenia Citkowitz gave generous and particular care to accuracy throughout, with spirit, candor, humor, and sensitivity.
For their generosity of time and knowledge with points of information or other matters large and small, my thanks to Bashir Abu-Manneh, Isabella Alimonti, Hilton Als, Alex Andriesse, Judith Aronson, Thomas Austenfeld, Steven Axelrod, Richard J. Bernstein, Bonnie Costello, Theo Cuffe, Christina Davis, Ronald Dworkin, Neal Earhart, Rachel Eisendrath, James Fenton, Jennifer Formichelli, Phillip Fry, Marilyn Gaull, Grey Gowrie, Neiti Gowrie, Jorie Graham, Eliza Griswold, Beth Gutierrez, Jeffrey Gutierrez, Robert Hass, Philip Horne, Madeline ter Horst-Mees, Michiel ter Horst, Fanny Howe, Janna Israel, Marina Klimova, Jerome Kohn, Jane Kramer, Sophie Lambrechtsen-ter Horst, Katy Lee, Jeremy Lever, Dale Loy, Frank Loy, Ben Mazer, Jim McCue, Anna Meister, Edward Mendelson, Warren Myers, Sophia Niehaus, Diederik Oostdijk, Katie Peterson, Paul Podolsky, Alice Quinn, Melissa Renn, Lloyd Schwartz, Robert Silvers, David Stang, Colm Tóibín, Thomas A. Traill, Thomas Travisano, Alyssa Valles, Allison Vanouse, Margo Viscusi, Dianne Wiest, and Fiona Wilson. Thanks also to Frank Bidart for his help, his friendship, and his devotion to Lowell’s work. Archie Burnett and the faculty, students, and staff of the Editorial Institute at Boston University helped provide the intellectual, textual, and bibliographic framework to address editorial questions raised by the letters. Kay Redfield Jamison lent her illuminating understanding of Lowell’s illness and character. Christina Ellsberg, Emily Kramer, and Madeleine Walker read the letters with special scrutiny and insight.
For their support of the time needed to work on the correspondence, my gratitude to Christopher Baswell, Linda A. Bell, Leslie Cawley, Lisa Gordis, Mary Gordon, Ross Hamilton, LaShawn Keyser, Emma Murdock, Sarah Pasadino, Rio Santisteban-Edwards, Timea Szell, and other colleagues at Barnard; and to Danielle Barry-Alicea, Lowry Bass, Yasmin Begum, Cheyenne Gleason, Sasha Guseynalieva, Katy Lee, and Georgia Stiponias. I am deeply grateful to all of my family, and wish to thank for their specific help with this edition Andrew Hamilton, Claudia Hamilton, Emma Hamilton, John Hamilton, Julia Hamilton, Claar Hugenholtz-Wiarda, Elise Hugenholtz, Paul Hugenholtz, Lycke Kagenaar, Francis O’Neill, Belinda Rathbone, Eliza Rathbone, Arent van Wassenaer, Alexander van Wassenaer, Diederick van Wassenaer, Geertruid van Wassenaer, Louise van Wassenaer-Wiarda, Elise Wiarda, and Just Wiarda. Also, absent friends.
Thanks to the librarians and staff of the Barnard Library and its archives (with particular gratitude to Jennifer Green, Vani Natarajan, and Martha Tenney); the Butler Library, Columbia University; the Catherine Pelton Durrell ’25 Archives and Special Collections at Vassar College (Dean M. Rogers and Ronald D. Patkus); the Cecil Beaton Studio Archive at Sotheby’s (Emma Nichols); the Firestone Library, Princeton University; the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin (Reid Echols and Richard B. Watson); the Houghton Library, Harvard University (Susan Halpert and Leslie A. Morris); the Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York Public Library (John Cordovez, Cara Dellatte, Nasima Hasnat, Thomas Lannon, Meredith Mann, Tal Nadan, Victor Ou, David Pedrero, Nikolas Swihart, Ted Teodoro, and Kyle Triplett); and the Mugar Memorial Library, Boston University (Brendan McDermott).
At Farrar, Straus and Giroux, my thanks to Scott Auerbach, Carolina Baizan, Maureen Bishop, David Emcke, Victoria Fox, Robin Gold, Susan Goldfarb, Debra Helfand, Logan Hill, Spenser Lee, Jonathan D. Lippincott, Katie Liptak, Devon Mazzone, Pauline Post, Lauren Roberts, Jeff Seroy, Ian Van Wye, and Molly Walls—and especially to Jonathan Galassi, whose quickness of perception and deep sense of the past in the present guided the book through production with grace, wit, and precision.
The editors of the OED note in their definition of thanks that the feeling of gratitude and its expression pass so naturally into one another that it “is not easy to separate them.” So it is with my gratitude during this editorial work for the exceptional understanding, accompaniment, and brightness of genius given by Catherine Barnett, James Fenton, Paul Keegan, Darryl Pinckney, Christopher Ricks, Claudia Rankine, John Ryle, Meg Tyler, and—most of all—Lucien Hamilton.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Note: In subheadings, Robert Lowell is referred to as RL and Elizabeth Hardwick as EH.
Abbot Academy
Academy of American Poets
“Accepting the Dare: Maine” (Hardwick)
Adams, Henry (1838–1918), historian
Aeneid, The (Virgil)
Agnew, Spiro (1918–1996)
Alcestis (Euripides)
Alfred, Thomas Allfrey
Alfred, Mary Bunyan
Alfred, William (1922–1999), playwright and literary scholar; The Dolphin and; letter to RL; in London with EH; RL’s letters to
All Souls College, Oxford
Alvarez, Alfred (b. 1929), writer and poet; The Savage God
American Ballet Theatre
American Embassy
American Place Theater
American Poetry Review
American School in London
Ames, Lois, editor
Ammons, A. R., (1926–2001), poet
Anderson, Quentin (1912–2003), literary scholar
Angleton, Carmen (1921–2001), editor
Annensky, Innokentii (1855–1909), poet
Annual Writers Forum at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Anthology of Twentieth Century Brazilian Poetry, An (Bishop and Brasil, eds.)
Anzilotti, Rolando (1919–1982), literary critic
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880–1918), poet
Arden, Jane (1927–1982), director and writer
Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975), political philosopher; death of; heart attack of
Ariel (Plath)
Armstrong, Anne (b. 1927), diplomat
Arnold, Matthew (1822–1888), poet and critic
Arts Conference
As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964–1980 (Sontag)
Ashbery, John (1927–2017), poet
Asher, Elise (1912–2004), painter
Aspern Papers, The (James)
Atlantic, The
Atlas, James (b. 1949), writer and publisher
Attlee, Clement (1883–1967)
Auden, W. H. (1907–1973), poet and critic
Austin, Helen Goodwin (1898–1986)
Austin, Sarah “Sally” Goodwin (1935–1994), artist
Bacon, Francis (1909–1992), painter
Bagehot, Walter (1826–1877), political commentator and economist
Balcon, Jill (1925–2009), actress
Baldick, Robert (1927–1972), literary scholar: Dinner at Magny’s
Barnard College; EH’s teaching position at; Harriet as student at
Barnes, Clive (1927–2008), dance and theater critic
Barrett, Juliet Bigney (b. 1916), translator
Barrett, William (1913–1992), philosopher
Baryshnikov, Mikhail (b. 1948), dancer
Bate, Walter Jackson (1918–1999), literary scholar
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867)
Baumann, Anny (1905–1983), physician
Bayley, John (1925–2015), literary scholar
Beaton, Cecil (1904–1980), photographer
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908–1986), writer; Le Deuxième Sexe
Beer, Patricia (1919–1999), poet
Bell, Quentin (1910–1996), art historian
Bell Jar,
The (Plath)
Bellow, Adam (b. 1957), editor
Bellow, Saul (1915–2005), novelist; Herzog
Benito Cereno (Lowell)
Bentley, Eric (b. 1916), writer and translator
Berg, Stephen (1934–2014), poet
Berlin, Aline (1915–2014)
Berlin, Isaiah (1909–1997), philosopher
Bernard, Viola W. (1907–1998), psychiatrist
Bernstein, Ann (b. 1927), writer
Berrigan, Daniel (1921–2016), priest, activist, and poet
Berrigan, Philip (1923–2002), priest and activist
Berryman, John (1914–1972), poet; death of; Delusions, Etc. of John Berryman; “For John Berryman” (Lowell)
Betts, Darby (1912–1998), minister
Bicks, Patricia Hughes (1927–1996)
Bicks, Robert A. (1927–2002), lawyer
Bidart, Frank (b. 1939), poet; The Dolphin and; EH’s letters and; Golden State; History dedicated to Kunitz and; letters to RL; Notebook and; on Oresteia; RL’s letters to; RL’s stay at apartment of
Bing, Rudolf (1902–1997), opera manager
Bingley, Xandra (b. 1942), writer
Birds of America (McCarthy)
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911–1979), poet; appears in poet’s “dream”; asthma of; Brazilian poetry anthology of; “Casabianca”; comments and suggestions for The Dolphin; and documentary or collage element in writing; The Dolphin and; EH on; EH’s letters to; “The Fish”; Geography III; Harvard position of; “In the Village,”; “In the Waiting Room”; letters to EH; letters to RL; Moore’s recollections of; “The Moose”; “Night City (from a Plane)”; “North Haven (In Memoriam: Robert Lowell)”; “Poem”; “Poem (About the size of an old-style dollar bill)”; RL on poems of; and RL’s Harvard position; RL’s letters to; on RL’s use of EH’s letters in The Dolphin, and mixing fact and fiction; RL visited by; and sale of RL’s papers to Harvard; “12 O’Clock News”; on Williams
Blackmur, R. P. (1904–1965), critic and poet
Blackwood, Caroline (1931–1996), novelist: begins affair with RL; Castine property and; Citkowitz’s divorce from; Citkowitz’s marriage to; daughters of (see also Lowell, Ivana); depressions and breakdowns of; EH on; EH on RL’s relationship with; EH’s discovery of RL’s relationship with; EH’s letter to; and EH’s letters to RL; EH’s plans to bring Harriet to London to meet; For All That I Found There; Freud’s marriage and divorce from; Freud’s portrait of; Great Granny Webster; Harriet and; Harriet visits in England (1972); Harriet visits in England (1973); Harriet visits in England (1974); Harriet visits in England (1976); health problems of; in Ireland; insists RL get his own studio; letters to RL; marriage as viewed by; Maidstone house of; McCarthy and West’s visit to; McCarthy on RL’s relationship with; Milgate Park house of; Milgate Park house sold by; Monteith on; moves to Brookline, Mass.; Notebook and; passing-out episode of; pets of; pregnant with RL’s child; Redcliffe Square house of; RL on; RL considers marriage to; RL moves into house of; RL reintroduced to; and RL’s Christmas visit to EH; and RL’s divorce settlement with EH; RL’s first meeting of; RL’s illness and; RL’s letters to; RL’s marriage to; RL’s memorial service and; RL’s separation from; Sheridan born to; Silvers and; The Stepdaughter
Blake, William (1757–1827); Visions of the Daughters of Albion
Bland, Robert
Bleak House (Dickens)
Bloom, Claire (b. 1931), actress
Bloomfield, Morton W. (1913–1987), literary scholar
Blücher, Heinrich (1899–1970), intellectual
Bly, Robert
Bogan, Louise (1897–1970), poet
Bonaparte, Napoléon (1769–1821)
Bond, Edward
Bond, William H. (1915–2005), librarian
Booth, Margaret (b. 1924?)
Booth, Margot (b. 1951)
Booth, Philip (1925–2007), poet
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986), poet and writer
Bostonians, The (James)
Boston University
Botsford, Keith (b. 1928), writer
Bourasa, Donald
Bowra, Maurice (1898–1971), classical scholar
Boyers, Robert (b. 1942), writer and editor
Brandt, Willy (1913–1992)
Bray, Malcolm
Bray, Thea Crooks
Brecht, Bertolt (1898–1956), playwright: Threepenny Opera
Brewster, Kingman, Jr. (1919–1988), Yale president 1963–1977
Bridges, Robert (1844–1930), poet
Britten, Benjamin (1913–1976), composer
Broadwater, Bowden (1920–2005), writer and educator
Brodsky, Joseph (1940–1996), poet
Brontë, Charlotte (1816–1855); Villette
Brontë, Emily (1818–1848)
Brook, Peter (b. 1925), director
Brooks, Dixey (b. 1952), dancer and artist
Brooks, Esther (b. 1926), dancer and writer
Brooks, Gwendolyn (1917–2000), poet
Brooks, Melanie (b. 1954), book designer
Brooks, Peter C. (1918–2000), writer; in car accident
Brown, Melissa
Browne, Roscoe Lee (1922–2007), actor and director
Browning, Robert (1812–1889)
Broyard, Anatole (1920–1990), writer
Brustein, Robert (b. 1927), writer and theater director
Büchner, Georg (1813–1837)
Buckley, James L. (b. 1923), politician
Buckman, Gertrude, writer and editor
Buffalo, State University of New York at
Bundy, William (1917–2000)
Bunting, Basil (1900–1985), poet
Burke, Helen Keeler “Dilly” (1919–2004), artist
Burnett, Ivy Compton (1884–1969), novelist
Burroughs, William (1914–1997), writer
Cadwalader, Elizabeth
Calley, William L., Jr. (b. 1943), army officer
“Cal working, etc.” (Hardwick)
Cannibals and Missionaries (McCarthy)
Carey, John (b. 1934), literary scholar
Carlisle, Henry (1926–2011), novelist and translator
Carlisle, Olga Andreyeva (b. 1930), translator
Carlyle, Jane Welsh (1801–1866)
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881)
“CARPACCIO’S CREATURES: Separation” (Lowell)
Carrington, Dora (1893–1932), painter
Carruth, Hayden (1921–2008), poet and critic
Carter, Elliott (1908–2012), composer
Carter, Jimmy (b. 1924)
Carter, Lillian (1898–1983)
“Casabianca” (Bishop)
Cecil, David (1902–1986), literary scholar
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547–1616): Don Quixote
Chandler, Raymond (1888–1959), writer
Chiaromonte, Nicola (1905–1972), writer
Choate School
Chubb, Thomas Caldecott (1899–1972), critic
Churchill, Winston (1874–1965)
“Cimetière marin, Le” (Valéry)
Citkowitz, Caroline: see Blackwood, Caroline
Citkowitz, Evgenia “Genia” (b. 1964), writer
Citkowitz, Israel (1909–1974), composer and pianist; Caroline’s divorce from; Caroline’s marriage to; death of; RL’s poem about
Citkowitz, Ivana: see Lowell, Ivana
Citkowitz, Natalya (1960–1978)
City College of the City University of New York
Clarissa (Richardson)
Clark, Alfred Corning (1916–1961)
Clark, Blair (1917–2000), journalist; The Dolphin and; EH’s letter to; letter to RL; RL’s letters to
Clark, Ian (born 1973)
Clark, Joanna Rostropowicz (b. 1943), critic
Clark, Kenneth (1903–1983), art historian
Cleaver, Eldridge (1935–1998), writer and activist
Clemons, Walter (1930–1994), critic
Coffin, Harriet
Coffin, William Sloane (1
924–2006), minister and activist
Cohen, Hermann
Cohen, Marshall (b. 1929), philosopher
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834)
Columbia University
Confessions (Rousseau)
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Connolly, Cyril (1903–1974), critic
Conrad, Alfred H. (1924–1970), economist
Conrad, Pablo (b. 1957), teacher and editor
Corbière, Tristan (1845–1875)
Cori, Anne Fitz-Gerald Jones (1909–2006)
Cori, Carl Ferdinand (1896–1984), biochemist
Corso, Gregory (1930–2001), poet
Cotting, Charles (1889–1985), investment banker and philanthropist
Cotting, Sarah Winslow (1893–1992)
Cowley, Malcolm (1898–1989), writer
Cowley, Muriel
Craft, Rita
Craft, Robert (1923–2015), conductor and writer; EH’s letter to
Crane, Hart (1899–1932), poet
Crane, Louise (1913–1997), philanthropist
Crane, Stephen (1871–1900), writer
Crapanzano, Vincent (b. 1939), anthropologist
Crooks, Thomas E. (1917–1998), Harvard administrator
Crow (Hughes)
Cummings, E. E. (1894–1962), poet
Cummington Press
“Daddy” (Plath)
Dalton School
Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321)
Darwin, Charles (1809–1882)
Davie, Donald (1922–1995), poet
Davis, Rennie (b. 1941), activist
Day by Day (Lowell)
Day-Lewis, Cecil (1904–1972), poet
Dellinger, David (1915–2004), activist
Delusions, Etc. of John Berryman (Berryman)
Dennis, Rodney G. (1930–2006), librarian
Deuxième Sexe, Le (Beauvoir)
Devereux, Margaret (1825–1910), writer
Dewey, Jane M. (1900–1976), physicist
Dewey, John (1859–1952), philosopher
(Diblos) Notebook, The (Merrill)
di Capua, Michael, editor
Dickens, Charles (1812–1870); Dombey and Son
Dickey, James (1923–1997), poet
Dinnage, Rosemary (1928–2015), writer
Dinner at Magny’s (Baldick)
Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971–1972 (Rich)
Doll’s House, A (Ibsen)
The Dolphin Letters, 1970-1979 Page 62