Lowell, Ivana (b. 1966), writer; burn accident and operations of
Lowell, James Russell (1819–1891), poet and diplomat
Lowell, Percival (1885–1916), astronomer
Lowell, Robert (1917–1977): acupuncture treatments of; Alfred’s letter to; alimony payments of; All Souls College fellowship of; Amsterdam trip of; ancestors of; Antabuse taken by; awards and honors of; “bear-character” world of; begins affair with Blackwood; Bidart’s letters to; birth of son Sheridan; Bishop’s letters to; Bishop’s visit to; on Blackwood; Blackwood reintroduced to; at Blackwood’s country house; Blackwood’s first meeting with; Blackwood’s letters to; Blackwood’s separation from; in Cambridge, Mass.; cancels return to New York and stays in England; car of; in car accident; Castine and; Castine boathouse of; on change; change in temperament; Clark’s letter to; considers returning to EH; cows and; death of; dental concerns of; disturbing behavior in London; and documentary or collage element in writing; dolphins and; drinking of; Edinburgh trip of; EH discovers his relationship with Blackwood; EH on his relationship with Blackwood; EH on marriage to; EH on writing of; EH requests his return, and his response; EH’s “Cal working, etc.” on; EH’s divorce agreement with; EH’s divorce from; EH sent gifts by; EH’s inability to reread her letters to; EH’s letters to (1970); EH’s letters to (1971–1972); EH’s letters to (1973); EH’s letters to (1974–1979); EH’s marriage to; EH’s plans to join him in England; EH’s saving of letters from; EH’s separation from; EH’s Sleepless Nights and; Essex University teaching position of; Faber & Faber party for; fainting episode of; falls in love with EH; fathers child with Blackwood; fears that EH would destroy her letters to RL; and Festschrift project for Tate; fifty-fifth birthday of; film about; folk saying made up by; at Fulbright symposium; funeral for; gets studio of his own, on urging of Blackwood; Harriet sent gifts by; Harriet’s letters to; Harriet visits in England (1972); Harriet visits in England (1973); Harriet visits in England (1974); Harriet visits in England (1976); Harvard salary of; Harvard teaching position of; heart failure of; honorary degrees awarded to; house problems of; income of; Ireland trip of; Italian trip and return; and Ivana’s burn accident and operations; “jokes” of; letters to Alfred; letters to Bidart; letters to Bishop; letters to Blackwood; letters to Clark; letters to EH (1970); letters to EH (1971–1972); letters to EH (1973); letters to EH (1974–1979) ; letters to Giroux; letters to Harriet; letters to Kunitz; letters to McCarthy; letters to Rich; letter to Ricks; as letter writer; lithium toxicity suffered by; lithium treatment of; love affairs of; at Maidstone house; manic depression of; manic depression hospitalizations of; manic depression treatments of; marriage to Blackwood; marriage to Blackwood considered; on marriage with EH; McCarthy on his relationship with Blackwood; McCarthy’s letter to; McCarthy’s visit to; miners’ strike and; moves into Blackwood’s house; moves to Brookline, Mass.; New York trip of; nickname of; Norway trip of; nosebleeds of; Orkney Islands trip of; painting bought by; papers of; pays Bishop for letters in sale of papers; pets of; and personal property at Castine; political engagement and views on current events; at Redcliffe Square house; returns to EH; on Rich; Rich’s letter to; Rome trip of; Russia trip planned; Russia trip with EH; sightseeing in London; sixtieth birthday of; stays at Bidart’s apartment; telegram to Silvers; thyroid condition of; virus contracted by; visits EH and Harriet over Christmas
Lowell, Robert, writings of: Benito Cereno; “CARPACCIO’S CREATURES: Separation”; Day by Day; The Dolphin, see Dolphin, The; “For John Berryman,”; For Lizzie and Harriet; For the Union Dead; “George III”; History, see History; Imitations; “In the Ward (for Israel Citkowitz)”; “John Crowe Ransom, 1888–1974”; Land of Unlikeness; letters as device in; Life Studies; Lord Weary’s Castle; Notebook, see Notebook; The Old Glory; The Oresteia of Aeschylus; Phaedra; Prometheus Bound; “Robespierre and Mozart as Stage”; “The Scream,”; Selected Poems; “Soft Wood,”; suffering hero in; “Terminal Days in Beverly Farms”
Lowel, Robert Sheridan (called Sheridan; son of RL and Blackwood) (b. 1971), activist:; birth of; Castine property and; chickenpox of; conception and birth of, in The Dolphin
Lowell, Robert Traill Spence III (1887–1950) (father of RL), naval officer
Ludwig, Jack (1922–2018), writer
Lurie, Alison (b. 1926), writer
Lusardi, Lewis, librarian
Lyall, Alfred Comyn (1835–1911), poet
Macauley, Anne
Macauley, Robie (1919–1995), editor
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
MacCaig, Norman (1910–1996), poet
MacDiarmid, Hugh (1892–1978), poet
Macdonald, Dwight (1906–1982), editor and critic
Macedo, Rita (1925–1993), actor
Macedo Soares, Lota de (1910–1967), architect
Macedo Soares Regis, Flavio de (1943–1970), diplomat
MacIver, Loren (1909–1998), painter
Macomber, William (1933–2010), grocer
MacShane, Frank (1927–1999), biographer
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Madonia, Giovanna
Magny, Claude-Edmonde (1913–1966), writer and philosopher
Mahon, Derek (b. 1941), poet
Mailer, Norman (1923–2007), writer
Makarova, Natalia (b. 1940), dancer
Malraux, Florence (b. 1933), film director
Mandelstam, Nadezhda (1889–1980), writer
Mandelstam, Osip (1891–1938), poet
Mann, Thomas (1875–1955), novelist
Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923), writer
Marx, Patricia, see Ellsberg, Patricia Marx
Maysles, Albert (1926–2015), filmmaker
McCarthy, Eugene (1916–2005)
McCarthy, Kevin (1914–2010), actor
McCarthy, Mary (1912–1989), writer; and archive of RL’s papers; Birds of America; Cannibals and Missionaries; EH’s letters to; eye injury of; letter to RL; letters to EH; Medina; on memoirs; Memories of a Catholic Girlhood; RL and Blackwood visited by; RL’s letters to; on RL’s relationship with Blackwood; on Sleepless Nights; The Writing on the Wall
McCullers, Carson (1917–1967), writer
McCullough, Carolyn, filmmaker
McDonald, Dwight (1906–1982), writer and editor
McGee, Vincent, foundation executive
McGehee, Edward G. (1919–1983), literary scholar
McGovern, George (1922–2012)
Meade, Alice Winslow (1919–2006)
Meade, Mary Devereux “Devie” (b. 1945)
Meade, Everard K., Jr. (1919–2007), television executive
Medina (McCarthy)
Medina, Ernest (1936–2018), army officer
Meiners, R. K.: Everything to Be Endured: An Essay on Robert Lowell and Modern Poetry
Melville, Herman (1819–1891), writer; Moby Dick
Memories of a Catholic Girlhood (McCarthy)
Mendès France, Pierre (1907–1982)
Meredith, George (1828–1909), writer
Meredith, Kay
Meredith, William (1919–2007), poet
Mermaid Theatre
Merrill, James (1926–1995), poet
Merwin, W. S. (b. 1927), poet
Methfessel, Alice (1943–2009)
Metzdorf, Robert F. (1912–1975), archivist
Meyer, Agnes (1887–1970), journalist and philanthropist
Michelet, Jules (1798–1874)
Miles, Bernard (1907–1991), actor and theater manager
Milford, Johnny
Milford, Nancy (b. 1938), biographer
Miller, Arthur (1915–2005), playwright
Miller, Edward O. (1916–2000), minister
Miller, Jonathan (b. 1934), theatre director, writer, and doctor
Miller, Karl (1931–2014), literary critic and editor
Millett, Kate (1934–2017), writer and activist
Milton, John (1608–1674)
Mitchell, John (1913–1988)
> Mitchell, Juliet (b. 1940), psychoanalyst and writer
Mitchell, Martha Beall (1918–1976)
Moby-Dick (Melville)
Modern Love (Meredith)
Modern Occasions
Moldon, Peter L. (1937–2014), book designer
Montaigne, Michel de (1533–1592)
Montale, Eugenio (1896–1981), poet
Monteith, Charles (1921–1995), publisher; on Blackwood; Giroux’s letters and telegram to; letters and telegram to Giroux
Moore, Marianne (1887–1972), poet; Bishop’s memoir of; death of; EH on
Moore, Merrill (1903–1957), psychiatrist and poet
Moore, Paul, Jr. (1919–2003), bishop
“Moose, The” (Bishop)
Morath, Inge (1923–2002), photographer
Morse, Mary Stearns, dancer
“Moses of Michelangelo, The” (Freud)
Mostyn-Owen, Gaia: see Servadio, Gaia
Mostyn-Owen, Robert (1929–2011), art historian
Mothersill, Mary (1924–2008), philosopher
Motherwell, Robert (1915–1991), artist
Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–1791)
Murdoch, Iris (1919–1999), novelist and philosopher
Murphy, Richard (1927–2018), poet
Murry, John Middleton (1889–1957), writer and journal editor
Myers, Mordecai (1776–1871)
Myers, Myer (1723–1795)
Nabokov, Dominique, photographer
Nabokov, Nicolas (1903–1978), composer
Nabokov, Véra (1902–1991), translator
Nabokov, Vladimir (1899–1977), writer
Naipaul, V. S. (1932–2018), writer
Nardi, Marcia (1901–1990), poet
New Communion for Freaks, Prophets, and Witches, A (Arden)
New Hampshire Historical Society
Newlove, Donald (b. 1928), writer
New Republic, The
New Yorker, The
New York Psychiatric Institute
New York Review of Books, The; Harriet at; “In Maine” (Hardwick); “Philip Rahv (1908–1973)” (Hardwick); and RL’s telegram to Silvers; “Sad Brazil” (Hardwick); “Seduction and Betrayal” (Hardwick); “A Useful Critic” (Hardwick); “Working Girls: The Brontës” (Hardwick); “Writing a Novel” (Hardwick)
New York Times, The
New York Times Book Review
Nicolson, Nigel (1917–2004), writer and publisher
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900)
“Night City (from a Plane)” (Bishop)
Nixon, Richard M. (1913–1994)
Nolan, Cynthia (1908–1976), writer
Nolan, Sidney (1917–1992), painter
“North Haven (In Memoriam: Robert Lowell)” (Bishop)
Norwich, Anne Clifford (b. 1929)
Norwich, John Julius (1928–2018), writer
Notebook (Lowell); Bishop letter used in; galleys for; “Robespierre and Mozart as Stage”; sequences in; “Wall-Mirror,”
Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, The (Rilke)
Novikoff, Olga (1840–1925)
O’Brien, Edna (b. 1930), writer
O’Connor, Flannery (1925–1964), writer
Of the Farm (Updike)
Old Glory, The (Lowell)
“On Becoming a Person” (Shapiro)
Orcagna (c. 1308–1368)
Oresteia of Aeschylus, The (Lowell)
Orpheo (Glück)
Ortman, George Earl (1926–2015), artist
Orwell, George (1903–1950), writer
Orwell, Sonia (1918–1980), editor and writer
O’Sullivan, Benjamin C. (1915–1998), lawyer
Othello (Shakespeare)
Ottinger, Richard (b. 1929)
Ovid (43 BCE—17 CE)
Page-Turner, The (Shapiro)
Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824–1897)
Parker, Francis S. (1917–2005), painter
Parker, Judith (b. 1933)
Parker, Violet (1892–1990), mother of Francis S. Parker
Partisan Review
Pasternak, Boris (1890–1960), poet
Pater, Walter (1839–1894)
Paterson (Williams)
Paz, Marie-José Tramini (1934–2018), artist
Paz, Octavio (1914–1998), poet
Pears, Peter (1910–1986), singer
Pearson, Olivia
Pendleton, Austin (b. 1940), director
PEN International
Percy, Walker (1916–1990), writer
Perloff, Marjorie (b. 1931), literary scholar
Perron-de Roos, Elisabeth du (1903–1981), writer
Pétain, Philippe (1856–1951)
Phaedra (Lowell)
Phillips, William (1907–2002), critic and editor
Pinckney, Darryl (b. 1953), novelist and critic
Pirandello, Luigi (1867–1932), playwright
Pitt-Rivers, Michael Augustus Lane Fox
Plath, Sylvia (1932–1963), poet; Ariel; “Daddy”
Platman, Dr. Stanley R. (1935–2014), psychiatrist
Podhoretz, Norman (b. 1930), editor
“Poem” (Bishop)
“Poem (About the size of an old-style dollar bill)” (Bishop)
Poirier, Richard (1925–2009), literary critic
Pollinger, Gerald
Pope, Alexander (1688–1744): The Rape of the Lock
Porter, Katherine Anne (1890–1980), writer
Pound, Dorothy Shakespear (1886–1973), painter
Pound, Ezra (1885–1972), poet; death of
Pound, Omar (1926–2010), poet and editor
Powers, J. F. (1917–1999), writer
Presley, Elvis (1935–1977)
Princeton University; Christian Gauss lectures at
Pritchett, V. S. (1900–1997), writer and critic
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, The (Hogg)
Prometheus Bound (Lowell)
Pushkin, Aleksander (1799–1837): Eugene Onegin
Putney School
Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937), novelist
Raban, Jonathan (b. 1942), writer
Radcliffe College
Rahv, Philip (1908–1973), literary critic; death of; Hardwick’s piece on
Rahv, Theodora Jay (1918–1968)
Rainbow Press
Randal, Jonathan (b. 1933), journalist
Ransom, John Crowe (1888–1974), poet and literary critic
Rape of the Lock, The (Pope)
Raveau, Alice (fl. 1888–1951), contralto
Rawls, John (1921–2002), philosopher
“Reflections on Simone Weil” (Hardwick)
Resnais, Alain (1922–2014), film director
Rethberg, Elisabeth (1894–1976), soprano
Revel, Jean-François (1924–2006), philosopher
Review, the
Rich, Adrienne (1929–2012), poet; Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971–1972; The Dolphin and; on History, For Lizzie and Harriet, and The Dolphin; letter to EH; letter to RL; RL on; RL’s letters to; Sontag on; The Will to Change: Poems 1968–70
Richards, Dorothea (1894–1986), mountaineer
Richards, I. A. (1893–1979), poet and literary critic
Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761)
Ricks, Christopher (b. 1933), literary scholar; The Dolphin and; RL’s letter to
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926), poet; The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Rimbaud, Arthur (1854–1891)
Rizza, Margaret: see Ellsberg, Margaret “Peggy” Rizza
Robert Lowell (McCullough film)
Roberts, Janet (1927–1995), theatrical agent
Robespierre, Maximilien de (1758–1794)
“Robespierre and Mozart as Stage” (Lowell)
Roethke, Theodore (1908–1963), poet
Rosen, Charles (1927–2012), pianist and writer
Rosenbach Foundation
osenthal, M. L. “Mack” (1917–1996), poet
Rosenthal, Victoria (1918–2001)
Rostropovich, Mstislav Leopoldovich (1927–2007), cellist and conductor
Rostropowicz, Joanna: see Clark, Joanna Rostropowicz
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1778)
Rowley, Hazel (1951–2011), writer
Rowse, A. L. (1903–1997), historian
Rubinstein, Michael (1920–2001), lawyer
Rudge, Olga (1895–1996), violinist
Russell, Robert F. (1921–1999), physician
Sackville-West, Vita (1892–1962), writer
“Sad Brazil” (Hardwick)
Safe Conduct: An Autobiography and Other Writings (Pasternak)
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–1869)
St. Mark’s School
Sand, George (1804–1876)
Santayana, George (1863–1952), philosopher
Sappho (c. 610–570 BCE)
Sarraute, Nathalie (1900–1999), writer
Savage God, The (Alvarez)
Sawyer, Leonard “Link” (1907–1985)
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne)
Scarlett, Bishop William (1883–1973), bishop
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. (1917–2007), historian
Schlesinger, Marian (1912–2017), writer
Schneider, Alexander (1908–1993), violinist
Schoenberger, Nancy
Schulberg, Budd (1914–2009), writer
Schwartz, Delmore (1913–1966), poet and writer
Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth (1915–2006), soprano
Scotus, Duns (1266–1308)
“Scream, The” (Lowell)
“Seduction and Betrayal” (Hardwick)
Seduction and Betrayal: Women and Literature (Hardwick)
Seidel, Frederick (b. 1936), poet
Seidel, Phyllis
The Dolphin Letters, 1970-1979 Page 64