‘Shit. I’m sorry. Fuck…’ He gives me a rueful shake of his head. ‘Nice to meet you too Pearl – see you around soon, hopefully…’
He hurries from the room, closing the door quietly behind him and I turn immediately to Carter. I don’t give a damn about his fit housemate seeing me half naked, all that’s in my head are his words.
I’m in bed, naked, with my girlfriend…
Girlfriend. I suddenly grin at him.
‘Is that what I am, then? Your girlfriend?’
He tugs me sideways, onto his lap and I straddle him, placing my hands on his shoulders. I feel a gentle twitch from my naked undercarriage as his cock comes to life as he holds me, brushing his mouth against mine again.
‘Do you want to be?’ he breathes and I don’t hesitate.
‘I suppose so.’ I roll my eyes like it’s the world’s greatest chore and he snorts with laughter, tipping me sideways from his lap now and digging his fingers into my armpits.
‘Shit! Carter, stop! Stop!’ I beg and now I’m underneath him. He strokes my face, as he gazes down at me.
‘You’re mine,’ he whispers.
I am?
My subconscious is doing a cheer routine and I wonder again if I’m dreaming all this. I stare up at Carter, just his words and what they mean igniting my blood and my pulse quickens, my breathing shallowing. I’m his. Does that mean he’s mine?
Of course it does, you fool. What else it is supposed to mean? He doesn’t own you – if you’re his then he’s yours. Simples.
Our eyes are locked for long seconds and my stomach rolls three sixty at the look he’s giving me. I can’t fathom it, there’s so many different emotions, but they’re changing every few seconds and it’s impossible to identify them, they’re swept away like smoke on the breeze as soon as they arrive. Something dark creeps into his eyes now though.
‘There’s something that you should know, Pearl. If I’m in a relationship, then I’m fiercely monogamous. Please, don’t cheat on me. There’d be no way back for us if you do.’
I snort inappropriately. ‘Cheat on you, Carter? Any woman tempted to cheat on you would need a mental health assessment!’
His face breaks out into his blinding smile and he throws back his head and laughs. Really laughs and he’s suddenly so carefree. He looks heartbreakingly young for a few moments and now there’s warm toffee, not blood, pumping thickly through my veins.
‘That tells me everything I need to know,’ he says, laughter gone now and his lips are back on mine. I plaster myself to him, wrapping my legs around his back and we melt into each other, so tightly, not an inch of space between us anywhere. We’re like a pair of desperate octopi and within a minute of the deepest kisses two human beings can share, we’re both panting, hands running feverishly over the other’s naked body.
‘Do you want me to make you come again, baby?’ he breathes into my face, his eyes smoked out and so goddamned sexy I can do nothing but nod wordlessly. I can feel the solid length of him now and I ache for him. I suddenly don’t care if it’s going to hurt, I want him inside me, but I’m not going to demand anything. Carter Jackson is taking me on a journey, a sweat-soaked, toe-curling pleasure trip that will ultimately make me a woman and I don’t want to rush a thing. I want to enjoy this one sweet, perfect step at a time.
‘You’re starting to blow my mind, I swear to God,’ he mutters. I can’t let go of him, my skin feels welded to his and I never want the feeling to stop. My heart’s thumping, shooting hot velvet sparks through my tissues with each laboured beat. His green eyes drown me.
‘This position isn’t helping me much,’ he says, giving me a rueful smile, ‘but one thing I am is patient and I’m also a master of self-control, as you’ll eventually find out,’ he says silkily and my heart and stomach collide for a moment. Oh God. What the hell does that mean?
Probably that he’s a master at withholding an orgasm until he’s ready to let it go. Which won’t be until he’s wiped the floor with you.
Shit. I’d better relish these early intimacies, I’ve a feeling that when Carter finally shoves me off the virginity cliff at a thousand miles an hour, I’m never going to be the same person again.
He shifts suddenly, sliding to the side of me and we once more mirror each other. He’s promised me an orgasm and I wonder how he’s going to deliver it this time. I’m actually relieved he’s no longer lying between my legs. The way I’m feeling now, I’d quite easily get carried away, forcibly drag him into me and risk an unwanted pregnancy as a result. I’m glad he’s sensible, I clearly no longer have the ability when I’m around him.
‘Do you think I could make you come just by kissing you, baby?’ he whispers, his fingers stroking around the underside of my breast so gently that I begin to dissolve slowly in front of him. Without a flaming doubt, he could. He could make me come just by tracing his fingers over my body. I’m on fire already and having to keep a lid on it, otherwise I’m not going to last two minutes.
This is insane. I’m no longer the Pearl Harrison I knew. There’s a stranger in my head, and her arrival has triggered such a raft of wonderful unknown feelings and emotions, I feel I could burst into tears. I’m almost overwhelmed, too much too soon, but I can’t stop a second of it.
Carter hasn’t started kissing me yet, but his mouth is a fraction away from mine. I focus on it, the curve of his lower lip, the line of his upper cupid’s bow, so perfect, so soft, so…
‘Without a doubt you could,’ I breathe, before brushing my lips against his, my tongue sweeping out to meet his as soon as we connect. I start to shake as Carter runs a hand down my body, stroking the contours and the curve of my hip, before it dips, and a second later I feel his fingers brush my mons.
I gasp into his mouth and groan his name, which just inflames him badly. He wrenches my body to his, tugging my thigh and hauling it over his hip as he soul kisses me again and again and again. As his mouth breaks away and he turns his attention to my neck he laughs quietly as he feels my jugular vein pounding out of control. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.
I want to reach down and take hold of his cock again, I want to see his face twist in sweet agony when I touch him but our bodies are plastered so tightly together I’ve got no chance. This was supposed to be about me, anyway and another thirty seconds of his kissing is going to wipe me out. I lie in his arms, eyes screwed shut, gasping for precious oxygen but I can’t help the tortured moan that drags itself from my throat when I feel his lips on my hardened nipple.
Like a flash of lightning, a bolt of pleasure hits me straight between the legs and I twitch in his hold, the delicious pressure that I’m beginning to know and love starting deep in my gut. Carter feels it, the tension in my body, my muscles starting to jerk and contract in his hold and he releases my breast, bringing his face back up to mine. His face is flushed and he takes his lip between his teeth for a moment as he gazes down at me, finally shaking his head slightly, as if he can’t quite believe what he has underneath him.
The hot pulses from my core intensify when he starts to kiss me again, breaking away every few seconds to gasp at me.
‘Jesus… you’re so sweet… you taste incredible, oh baby…’
Incredibly, his kisses get hotter, harder, his lips almost bruising mine with the force he’s applying and his sensual tongue is relentless.
‘Oh fuck, Pearl… baby are you close yet?’ he gasps, breaking away and searching my eyes desperately. ‘If you’re hanging onto it, let it go, otherwise I’m going to make a mess again!’
‘Shut up and kiss me,’ I demand. He laughs, complying immediately and I lose myself in his mouth. As soon as he starts groaning, however, it’s all over for me. It’s the most incredible sound in the world, I want to record him and have it as my ring-tone. I grind myself against his leg and explode like a bomb.
I throw back my head and cry out wordlessly, clutching him to me, wrenching his damp head into my neck where he continues to kiss me urgently. I
’m throbbing, my whole body’s on fire and as he squeezes me to him I spasm into his warm skin, my clitoris twitching again and again. My breath is coming in gasps, and I bury my face in his neck now, minutes passing as we hold each other.
He eventually pulls away and his eyes are languid. I’ve no idea why, he hasn’t come. Has he?
No. I’d have felt it, we’re stuck together. He hasn’t and that means I owe him one. As I’m about to suggest step two in my sexual education, the art of blow-jobs, I suddenly wonder what the time is.
The light in the room has changed, softened to honey and at a guess, it’s nearing tea-time. We’ve also been asleep, although I’ve no idea for how long. I remember Ellen’s cooking tonight, and as much as I’d love to stay here, I can’t bail on her now when she’s probably prepared everything.
Carter can see the thoughts tumbling through my mind, his eyes watchful and then he smiles.
‘Penny for them?’ he says, kissing me softly.
‘I was just wondering what the time was. I told Ellen I’d be in for dinner tonight,’ I say and he pulls back a little from me, our sweaty skin peeling apart reluctantly. He looks at his watch.
‘It’s half six,’ he says and I chew my lip. I need to go, Ellen and Justin usually eat at around half seven, but I need to go home and get showered. I stink of sex, even though the act itself hasn’t been consummated yet. We’ve both come.
But I don’t want to leave him. I’m actually not sure if I’m capable of it, despite Ellen’s rack of lamb that will be wasted if I don’t show.
Ask him if he wants to join you, moron?
Of course! Carter’s intimate adoration of my body, gently bringing me to a mind-bending orgasm with just his kiss has wiped everything else from my mind and I grin up at him.
‘Would you like to come for dinner tonight?’
I chew my lip as I look up at him.
Oh please say yes… say yes…?
His face breaks out into a wide smile and I have my answer.
‘Really?’ He looks delighted and I nod, delighted now too.
Perfect solution! Dinner with Ellen and Jus, so they can start to get to know him, then up to your little attic apartment for more of his hot, hard body.
Yeah. I’m going to try and up the pace a little, without overdoing it. I know he wants to take it a step at the time and I love him for it, but I’m getting a little impatient. I keep wondering what it will feel like, having his cock inside me, bringing me to orgasm instead of his fingers or his mouth?
‘Do you like lamb?’ I ask and he nods.
‘I’ll eat pretty much anything,’ he says easily, pulling me to him for another sweet kiss before he throws the covers back. He stands, stretching and I lie there and gaze at him as he reaches his joined hands up to the ceiling and then pushes back. I gulp as all the muscles in his broad back and shoulders bunch and it’s so hot something clenches inside me. He turns.
‘Do you want to freshen up? You can get a quick shower if you want?’
I nod, thanking him. I’m a sweaty mess, parts of me covered with my own arousal and a shower sounds just the ticket. I climb out of the bed, kissing him lightly and heading for the bathroom. I’m in and out in five minutes and I tug my clothes on as Carter comes back into the room fully clothed and with damp hair. He’s obviously got a shower in Rupert’s room, or maybe they’ve a freestanding bathroom here as well. It’s a lovely house and I remind myself I need to ask him more about his life, his circumstances. His hobbies, his interests. I can’t wait and I beam at him as I tie my hair back into a large bun.
‘What’s Rupert doing?’ I ask as Carter comes over to the bed, straightening the duvet and collecting his phone from the bedside cabinet. He checks it discreetly, evidently making sure that Toria has kept her word and left him alone. He looks up.
‘Watching shite on the tele. Jase is with him, they’ll end up ordering a pizza and getting slowly smashed,’ he says with a grin.
‘Who’s Jase?’ I ask, Carter coming over to me as I stand after lacing my boots.
‘Friend of Rupe’s from work.’
‘Is Rupert single?’ I ask and Carter takes hold of my shoulders, then tipping my face up to meet his. His expressive eyes hold a trace of unease.
‘Why?’ he asks cautiously and I roll my eyes.
‘I’ve got a close friend he’d be perfect for, if he’s available,’ I say, leaning up to kiss Carter’s chin. He closes his eyes as if in relief and I marvel again that I made him jealous. I remember his words on monogamy, he evidently does take it extremely seriously. Strikes me as the sort of man that would consider a drunken snog a terminal event. I’ll never put him to the test.
‘Yeah, he is,’ Carter replies, his smile confident now that I’ve put his mind at rest. ‘What’s Gemma like?’ he asks and I describe my friend, his smile growing wider.
‘Hell yeah, he’ll be up for that.’ He shakes his head sadly. ‘He had his heart broken about a year ago, he’s been very wary since then, but he needs a leg up. We’ll have to get them together,’ he says thoughtfully as he takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom.
As we reach the stairs at the bottom I hear gunfire and swearing coming from the lounge. They’ve obviously sacked the tele off and have moved onto the console. Carter hesitates, as if he’s not sure whether to take me in and introduce me to Jase or just leave. His good manners win as he pushes the door open and I see Rupert and another man lounging on the couch, fingers paddling quickly at the wireless controllers held in their hands.
‘Fuck’s sake, Rupert, get out of the fucking way, you moron!’ Jase shouts and then there’s an explosion from the television, body parts flying everywhere. Jase groans, throwing the controller to the seat next to him in disgust as he picks up a bottle of Bud from the table in front of him. His eyes alight on me and the hand with the bottle in it freezes on its way to his mouth.
He’d be a good looking guy if he wasn’t about three stone overweight, but he has a nice smile and I give him one back. He’s not taken his eyes off me though and Carter takes hold of my hand, pulling me into his body, wrapping his arms around me. Everyone in the room gets the message.
‘I’m going for dinner at Pearl’s,’ Carter tells Rupert, nodding a greeting at Jase and Rupert stands.
‘Good to meet you again, Pearl. Hope to see you again soon,’ he says easily and I beam at him.
Count on it, Rupe. I’ve got a big surprise for you!
We leave the house, sliding into the car and within fifteen minutes I’m pulling up outside the garage. Carter’s house is in a reasonably affluent area and not all that far from Justin and Ellen. Dan and Holly are only another fifteen miles up the road, despite the size of the city, we’re all pretty close.
I switch off the engine and turn to look at Carter. He looks uneasy for a moment.
‘Will they not mind me rocking up uninvited?’ he asks and I shake my head.
‘No chance and anyway – you are invited,’ I reassure him. Any friend of mine is a friend of theirs. They’re warm and wonderful people and I love them dearly, so much it’s painful sometimes. Not just because of the things they’ve given to me, but their love and protection. I owe them everything and I will never forget that.
We climb out of the Mini and head into the house. I stand and hang my bag and fleece up, sniffing appreciatively at the smell of mint and garlic and my mouth waters. It’s not surprising, really – all I’ve had is two slices of toast and I’ve probably lost two thousand calories in sweat and heartrate alone.
Taking Carter by the hand, I walk into the kitchen. Ellen is shoving something back into the oven, but there’s no sign of Justin or Jared. He’s probably putting him to bed.
Ellen turns as she sees me, her gaze lingering on Carter and then she sweeps it back to me, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. I smile brightly as I wander over to her, my fingers still linked in Carter’s.
‘Have you got enough lamb for a guest?’ I ask.
‘Sure!’ she looks delighted. ‘Dauphinoise potatoes and steamed asparagus too?’
Carter steps forward now, holding out his hand. ‘Sorry Ellen, I’ve just realised that I didn’t introduce myself to you earlier. I’m Carter Jackson. It’s wonderful to meet you.’
Ellen’s eyes look almost glazed as she takes his hand and I swallow a giggle. She stumbles over her words as she replies, finally letting go of his hand, her face flushed and it’s not just the heat of the oven. Justin comes into the room, just as Carter’s phone starts to sing at him from his pocket and he takes a step away from me, excusing himself as he pulls it free. He wanders a few feet away to take the call, as Justin goes over to Ellen, planting a soft kiss on her neck.
‘Rupert, what’s up?’ Carter looks down at his feet for a moment, before throwing his head up and raking a hand through his hair in agitation.
‘What? What the hell for? Why hasn’t he tried to ring me? Christ…’
He turns now and starts to pace, I can feel the tension in him and so can Justin, who turns to me, raising his eyebrows. I shrug, I’ve no idea what’s going down, but whatever it is, it doesn’t look like good news and I’ve a sinking feeling that my night with him isn’t going to happen at all.
‘I don’t believe this! Shit! Alright, I’m on my way. Thanks, man.’ He disconnects the call and turns to me, shoving his phone into his pocket, his eyes regretful.
‘I’m really sorry, but my father has just arrived at my place, unannounced. He’s driven up from Dorset. I’m going to have to go.’
I see his jaw clench for a moment and then he’s over to me, taking me gently into his arms. ‘I’m sorry,’ he murmurs. ‘It seems that those papers I swerved signing are more important than I thought.’ He gives me a sad smile. ‘Can we do this another time?’
I force myself to nod and smile brightly. He has to go. He’s in deep shit because he made the decision last night not to drive home and that’s basically my fault. If he’d never met me he wouldn’t be in this mess.
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