Cowboy's Cupid

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Cowboy's Cupid Page 11

by Niki Mitchell

  During cleanup, as she poured bacon grease into a can, her grip of the iron skillet slipped. Grease spilled down the front of her jeans and onto the toe of her boots. Her only consolation, if you could call it that, was little grease dripped on the kitchen tiles.

  Following her routine, she added a load of jeans into the washer. The machine gurgled, sputtered, groaned, and quit. “That’s it. I’m taking a break.” She stomped toward her apartment to change her clothes.

  Lori drove up, and she rolled down the truck’s window. “What happened to you?”

  “I wrestled a greased pig. It won.”

  Chuckles broke out from both women.

  “Need me to hose you down?” Lori motioned to a hose on the ground near the stables.

  “Not today. You here to see Rhett?” Cami asked.

  “Michael called. Buttercup’s showing signs of colic.”

  “Is that serious?” She knew nothing about diseases.

  “It can be if not treated properly. Anyway, I’d better run.”

  As Lori pulled away, Cami’s mind whirled. Rhett should be showing signs of love, a flickering love-light, or at least a radiating aura. Could his head be overruling his heart? She needed to hit him with another arrow.

  With Lori here, she’d could get the two of them together alone.

  Now for the magical dust. Inside her apartment, she grabbed a vial from her suitcase, slipped it into her pouch, and changed her grease-covered pants.

  Shooting stars. Rhett left a few hours ago to pick up a stallion from a neighboring town. He would be back before dark. What if she invited Lori to dinner and cooked them a romantic meal?

  She called into her communicator, “Foods to enhance romance.”

  A list appeared on the face of her smart watch. “Oysters?’


  “Cayenne pepper?”

  I’ll make Fried chicken coated with flour and a smidgen of cayenne.

  “Asparagus, garlic, olive oil.”

  Asparagus simmered in olive oil. Perfect.

  Chocolate, whip cream, cherries, liquor.”

  Dessert—chocolate with whipped cream and cherries. Layered mousse, sneaking in several shots of brandy from the bottle in the pantry. Brilliant.

  I can totally do this.

  Now to put her plan in action. She hurried toward the stables as Michael and Lori walked out.

  “Take the money.” Michael attempted to push bills in Lori’s hand. “You’ve more than earned it.”

  “Not necessary. If I ever become a certified vet, I’ll be sure to charge you double.”

  “Is Buttercup okay?” Cami asked as she walked up.

  “She seems fine, but I’m taking her stool sample to the lab to be certain.”

  Oh no. Lori’s not gonna stay for supper. “Is the lab far?”

  “In town near the bank.”

  “Since you won’t take a dime, at least stay for dinner. Come over about five.” Michael said.

  Cami wanted to hug the man.

  Lori’s face brightened. “I’ll be here.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Rhett spent the better part of his day picking up a stallion. He set the horse lose in his parent’s largest corral. Holy Terror snorted and kicked up dirt. The horse appeared to have an injured soul, but with nurturing he should come around.

  Dinnertime. He came through the front door. The delicious aroma of fried chicken made his stomach grumble. As he turned the corner to the dining room, he stopped.

  What the heck? Lori relaxed in a chair next to Michael.

  “Howdy,” he said, trying to cover his annoyance through clenched teeth.

  “Hey.” Lori eyed him with a sultry gaze.

  After supper, he’d cowboy up and again set her straight.

  Michael wore a sober stare. “Didn’t you get my text about Buttercup?”

  “Left my phone in my bedroom. Something wrong with our mare?” Bottle-feeding her since she was a foal, Rhett’s gut tied in knots.

  “Hope not. This morning she pawed the ground.” His brother said, “Her eyes seemed dull, listless. Thought it might be colic. Doc wasn’t in, so I called Lori.”

  “Good thinking.” Rhett would’ve done the same.

  “I’m sure she’s fine, but I took samples to be certain.” Lori fiddled with the top button on her blouse. “We’ll know by tomorrow if there’s a problem.”

  “Lori wouldn’t take a dime. Thought the least I could do was offer dinner,” Michael said.

  Rhett had come to an unfair conclusion about Lori, and he joked, “Should’ve taken the money.”

  Cami sauntered in carrying a platter of fried chicken in one hand, a bowl of green vegetables in the other, and placed the food on the table. Her sweater accented her tiny waist; her snug jeans stirred his desire.

  Damn, she looked good.

  “Be right back with the rest.” Cami returned with mashed potatoes and gravy. Dishes passed around. Rhett took generous portions of everything.

  Michael chomped into a drumstick. “This is spicy. Love the extra kick.”

  Cami waited beside Michael and glanced at Rhett as he bit into a thigh. His eyes watered. He reached for a glass of milk and guzzled it. “What the hell did you put in this?”

  “Just a pinch of cayenne pepper.” Cami gave him an innocent look, acting like it was perfectly natural to make his fried chicken spicy. “Too hot for you?”

  “Nope,” Rhett said, resisting the urge to lay into the sassy woman.

  “Join us.” Michael tapped the chair to his right.

  “Can’t. Have to finish making a triple layer mousse.”

  “It sounds yummy.” Lori smiled at Rhett. “My morning’s free tomorrow. I’ll check on the mare.” Lori eased her thigh against his. “We could go riding after I’m done.”

  “Busy.” He shoveled in mashed potatoes.

  “Too bad.” Her mouth quirked down for a fraction of a second.

  Cami delivered fancy glass bowls, layered with pudding and whipped cream. Topped it with a cherry. “Enjoy.” She raced back into the kitchen.

  Rhett ate a spoonful and tasted brandy. Odd, Cami had never spiked their dessert with liquor before. What’s up with her?

  Michael’s phone rang. “Gotta take this call.” He picked up his dessert and headed towards his bedroom.

  Lori savored her mousse and sighed. “This is delicious.” Her left hand landed on his knee.

  It’d be preferable to have a branding iron sear his butt. He grasped her hand. “Let’s go outside and talk.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Cami listened from the other side of the kitchen door and pictured electricity charging between Rhett and Lori. Another arrow would make their attraction stronger. The front door banged.

  Now’s my chance.

  She headed for the bathroom, stepped inside, and locked the door. The same bathroom where she’d seen Rhett naked. Remembering the man’s muscular build, her pulse ticked faster.

  She checked the vent above the toilet, the one she’d fallen through after the beer incident. Someone had secured the grill back in place. Edgy and frantic to get outside, she moved to the window and used the handle to roll it open. Thank the stars, it was screenless.

  Taking the pouch from her pocket, she emptied the contents on the counter by the sink and held her five-inch bow and golden arrow in her left hand. Unscrewing the vial, she sprinkled half the magical dust over her head, recapped it, and set it inside the pouch. Sparkles swirled in a mini dust devil. Her body shrank, her clothing dropped under the towel rack, a glittering rose-colored gown swirled around her, wings grew from her shoulders.

  It seemed odd to be fourteen-inches again. Her wings felt awkward and oppressive. She adjusted her bow on her shoulder and held her arrow, flew out the window, and headed toward the porch. The light on the opposite end illuminated Rhett and Lori sitting on a bench. She fluttered directly above them.

  “I like you,” Rhett spoke in a quiet, romantic tone.

y did his words bother Cami? Quit being sensitive and do your job.

  She hovered, held her bow, and checked her aim.

  “I like you, too.” Lori scooted closer and gave him an adoring smile.

  Take the shot. It’d better work this time. Cami released. The arrow hit Rhett’s heart.

  Yes! She’d done her duty.

  Why did she feel empty inside?

  Not caring to see the two kiss, she flew around the corner to the bathroom. Her hands shook as she held her human clothing, picked up the vial, and sprinkled the remaining dust over her. Her body grew. Her jean-clad legs were lean and muscular. Her pink cowgirl boots comfy.

  A sense of belonging hit. Tears trailed down her cheeks. She wiped them away, thinking about how comfortable she’d become in her human body. Tiptoeing through the kitchen, she went out the door behind the laundry room, and trudged along the dirt path. Her boots stomped up the stairs.

  Rhett and Lori belong together. This is a good thing. Her heart shouldn’t be beating slower at the idea.

  She should text the council of her success. They’d be relieved and send Cami home. Zander would pressure her to be his steady. The idea churned her stomach. Zander was like a cousin to her. After meeting Rhett, she wanted someone who could cause her body to tingle with a single glance.

  Stronger and more independent now, she would explain to Zander that they were never destined to become soulmates. But that could wait. The council would contact her soon enough. No reason to expedite things yet.

  Mindless entertainment was what she needed, and she clicked on the television. An old black-and-white movie played. A handsome actor kissed a beautiful woman.

  Cupids assisted humans in finding love with their perfect soulmate. What about Cupids? Didn’t they deserve true love?

  Chapter Twelve

  Rhett and Michael attended a rancher’s meeting in town the following afternoon and would get dinner afterwards, leaving Cami with free time. Violet called, suggesting they shop. Cami could use a hiatus.

  The council hadn’t contacted her yet, but they’d most likely get ahold of her before the end of the day, thus, she left her communicator at her apartment on purpose. Why ruin her only chance to spend her salary? Instead, she shifted the strap of her pink leather purse and strutted next to her friend. Inside the Guilt City Boutique, music thumped a loud rhythmic beat.

  “This store’s badass,” Violet said.

  They passed a faceless mannequin donning a stretchy black mini-skirt. “You’d look good in that.”

  “Black’s not my color.” Cami preferred pink.

  “Honestly, girl, your blonde hair goes with any color.” She fingered a crimson colored blouse on a circular clothing rack. “Everything I like clashes with auburn.”

  “Not green or royal blue.” Cami eyed the colossal posters of voluptuous underwear models on the wall above the lingerie section. Interesting possibility.

  “Michael’s taking me to the movies tomorrow. Help me find a smokin’ dress.” Violet flipped through the size eight outfits and held up a peach colored gown with a modest neckline. “This would be cute on you.” The back swooped open to the waist.

  “I’m game.” How would Rhett react if she wore that outfit to work? It was a moot issue since he only had eyes for Lori. Besides, Cami’s job was done here. She’d be leaving soon.

  Violet fished through the rack of clothes and draped a pink blouse on top of the collection on her arm. “Is it hard working for two bachelors?”

  “I’m getting used to it. Michael treats me like his little sister. Did he tell you about the dishwasher fiasco?” Cami snagged a purple dress.

  “No, what happened?

  “I used regular dish soap.” She rolled her eyes. “Pretty lame.”

  “I can see it now.” Violet giggled. “Foot deep suds everywhere.”

  “And me falling on my rear.” Cami had been embarrassed at the time, but now the error seemed trivial. “Michael came to my rescue, said he didn’t want Rhett firing me on my first day.”

  “Rhett might have trust issues, but I’m sure he would’ve given you a chance.” Violet held up a frilly white skirt. “What do you think ’bout this?”

  “I like it.”

  Violet added the skirt to her growing stack.

  “Tell me about Rhett’s trust issues.” Cami folded a couple blouses and several pairs of jeans over her arm to try on.

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “Come on.” Cami’s curiosity bloomed.

  “Promise to never repeat any of this?” Worry washed through her friend’s dark eyes.


  “Alright,” Violet sighed. “Pinky swear.”

  “Sure.” Whatever that meant.

  Violet stuck out her little finger and looped it with Cami’s.

  “Rhett proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day and got rejected.”

  “Why would she turn down a great guy like Rhett?” This amazed Cami.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but I know it devastated him.”

  “How’d he meet her?” This might give her some insight to how his mind worked.

  “At a rodeo. They dated while she stayed with her cousin. First time I saw them together was at the Boot Scoot. It’s a great place to dance”

  “We should go.” She’d like to see where Rhett met his ex.

  “You bet. We’ll make it a girl’s night out with Lori.” Violet added another blouse to her stack. “Anyway, Rhett and Penny got serious quickly. It looked like she’d be making Cedar Springs her home.” Violet’s words spilled out faster than a chariot in hyper speed.

  “Why’d they break up?”

  “Rhett’s proposal must’ve surprised her. In front of everyone at the dance, she said she wasn’t cut out to be a rancher’s wife.”

  “Holy Aphrodite. Didn’t he see it coming?”

  “Unfortunately, no. It explains why he’s determined to remain a bachelor.” Violet took in a deep breath. “Please don’t say I told you.”

  “I won’t. His broken heart will heal eventually.”

  “He seems happier since you arrive. These are getting heavy.” Violet had at least a dozen outfits over her arm. “I’m going to the dressing rooms. You comin’.”

  “Of course.” Cami followed her friend, took the second room, and secured the clothes on a hook. She stripped to her underwear and stepped into a slinky red dress. The hem barely covered her thighs, and she quickly removed it. Unzipping the back of a black dress, she slipped it on. The attached silver inlayed skirt billowed six inches above her knees.

  “Tell me what you think,” Violet called from outside.

  Cami came out of her room.

  Her friend modeled a knee-length hunter-green dress.

  “That’ll get Michael’s attention.”

  “I hope so. He’s taking things slow. Does he ever talk to you about his ex?”

  “No.” When Cami first arrived, she’d noted a fading love-light. “How long has it been since they divorced?”

  “About a year. I hate being the rebound girl.” Violet plunked onto a cushioned bench.

  “He must like you, or he wouldn’t have asked you out.”

  “Hope you’re right. Let me see your dress.” Her friend twirled her finger. “Turn around.”

  Cami pivoted. Her skirt belled.

  “That’s the one.” Violet checked the price tag. “Forty dollars is a steal. You have to buy it. Wear it when we go dancing.”

  “Okay.” She doubted that would happen. The arrow hit Rhett directly. He must be hopelessly in love with Lori by now.

  And she could head back to her life in Cupid’s Corner.

  ~ ~ ~

  A month into her assignment, the council had sent a text saying Cami had only thirty days left to resolve her issue. She hadn’t seen Lori and Rhett together but assumed they were head-over-heels-in-love.

  Cami eased into the passenger seat of Violet’s compact car. Her dress crept up, and she tugge
d at the bottom of her skirt to cover her knees. She looked behind her. No one sat in the back seat. “Where’s Lori?” Rhett must’ve asked her out. Sadness pinged in Cami’s heart,

  “You heard Lori was accepted into vet school?”

  “No, I didn’t.” Cami breathed in and out slowly. “Is her school nearby?”

  “Colorado. She starts fall semester.”

  “At least she’ll be here for the summer.”

  “That’s what I thought. Then a ranch in Wyoming offered her a job. They needed her right away. Pay’s too good to pass up.”

  Cami’s pulse revved fast. Please say Lori declined.

  “I helped Lori pack yesterday morning. She was on the road by noon.”

  “She’s gone?” No, no, no! This couldn’t be happening. She must have heard it wrong.

  “Can’t believe it myself. I already miss her,” Violet choked out her words.

  Lori must stay with Rhett and allow their romance to blossom. Panic surged through Cami’s veins, her world spiraling into Hades. She had to do something to stop Lori. “What about her and Rhett?” Cami shot him with enough love potion to work on an elephant.

  “They dated a few times. Nothing serious.”

  Holy Hogwash! Cami had to find him a different soulmate—if that were even possible.

  “Let’s get a drink at the Last Call Saloon. You’ve gotta experience the famous cowboy hangout.”

  Cami couldn’t go to the same bar where she’d accidentally shot Rhett with her arrow. “What about dancing?” She glanced out the window and spotted the Ralphs’ Shopping Center where Rhett bought her ice cream.

  Violet stopped at a signal “The Boot Scoot’s down the street. One or two drinks, and then we’ll head there.” She made a quick right into the parking lot. They pulled into the space next to a familiar truck. “Rhett’s here. Wonder if Michael’s with him?”

  Cami pressed her lips together.

  “Might as well find out.” Violet held open the Last Chance Saloon’s door. Cami’s ears buzzed, and she struggled to breathe.

  Violet uh-hummed and tapped her foot.

  “Sure it’s safe in there?”


  The smoky room made Cami cough. Her friend approached a mahogany bar and slipped in between two cowboys. Men outnumbered women four to one. Wearing the stilettos she’d bought while shopping, Cami wobbled next to her friend.


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