Cowboy's Cupid

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Cowboy's Cupid Page 22

by Niki Mitchell

  “Let me straighten out your thinking.” His grip tightened as his eyes narrowed. “We belong together.”

  “You can’t really believe that?”

  He frowned for a moment and replaced it with his practiced smile. “I do.”

  Holy Zeus, the Cupid’s unsound. “Zander. You deserve a Cupid who idolizes you, adores you, desires only you. That’s not me. It’ll never be me.”

  “You’re wrong. You love me. I can see it in your eyes.” If he squeezed her hands any harder, he’d break a bone.

  “You’re hurting me,” she cried out.

  He released his grasp. “Sorry.” He blinked a few times. “I love you. Have since we were little.”

  “We’re both different now.”

  “And you’re more beautiful than ever.” He smiled at her. “We’re destined to be together. Once we’re wed, our life will be perfect.”

  “No, it won’t.” She sucked in several deep breaths and counted silently to ten. Getting mad would fuel his desire for control.

  “Everyone in Cupid’s Corner has been waiting for the day we marry. Our children will have the blood of our powerful families. Think about how happy your father will be. He’s always approved of us.” His eyes shone when he mentioned her father’s approval. Her father always treated Zander as the son he’d never had.

  “You already know that ring didn’t bind us,” she said, since that had been one of the points he believed proved they belonged together.

  “How’d you get it off?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “I guess not.” The misguided Cupid seemed uncertain. “You have to love me.”

  “I’m in love with someone else.”

  “Who?” Zander gawked at her.

  “The rancher, Rhett.” Now that she said it, there was no backing down.

  He grimaced, and the veins in his necked stuck out. “The human. How could you?” His hands fisted.

  “I couldn’t help it. He’s my destiny.”

  “Did you lie to the council about giving the elixir?” he chuffed.

  “I tried to give it to him but couldn’t. Rhett would forget our special times together, while I’d cherish our memories.”

  “Don’t tell me that you’ve—”

  “Slept with Rhett, many times.” The words spilled out.

  “What’s wrong with you? We are supposed to be together.” His face turned ashen, and he stared at her as if she had suddenly sprouted horns. “You’ve ruined everything, ruined our lives.”

  “No, I haven’t. You’ll know when you find your soulmate.” Her heart ticked fast.

  “You’re crazier than Chaos,” he shouted. “Wait ’till I tell your father what you’ve done. He’ll disown you. You’ll never be welcomed in Cupid’s Corner again.”

  The thought of her father’s disdain made her shudder. “I wouldn’t be too hasty tattling to my dad. The fact that I don’t love you will make you look weak.”

  “Go to Hades.”

  Her insides shook, but she wouldn’t let him see fear. “Besides, my folks won’t believe you. They think I’m in the Forest of Enchantment restoring my psyche.”

  “You fooled them for now, but you can’t hide forever,” he said through clenched teeth. “You would’ve fooled me too if I hadn’t found your letter on your desk. The ring proved something was off, and I figured out you were here when I visited with Serenity and asked her a few questions.”

  He’d better not take revenge on her friend.

  “I’ll never forgive you.” Zander used his magical dust to change back to a Cupid.

  She watched him fly off to the north and almost felt sorry for him. He thought he loved her, thought she loved him, thought his life would be ideal once they married.

  What if Zander wrecked her wedding? She tried to calm her runaway pulse. After she wed Rhett, no Cupid could break their bond, not even her father.

  She went inside and sank into the couch.

  Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Rhett balanced on his crutches, his hair ruffled, his whiskey eyes teaming with love. “Hey, sugar.”

  “Ready to get your walking cast off?” They’d leave for the doctor in an hour.

  “Sure am.” He dropped his crutches and hopped next to her. “What’s wrong? You change your mind about marrying me?”

  “Never.” Still unsettled, she couldn’t look at him, but he gently took her hands in his.

  “You’re trembling.”

  “Zander just left a few minutes ago,” she said, her waning adrenaline making her weak.

  “What’d he want?”

  “To take me back to Cupid’s Corner and marry him.”

  “Not happenin’.” Her macho cowboy tried to stand.

  “Relax. He’s gone.” She proceeded to tell him about Zander’s visit

  He hauled her onto his lap and kissed her.

  “Save some for the wedding night.” Michael strolled in from his bedroom.

  “No worries there.” The last time she had slept with Rhett had been the day she shattered the elixir bottle.

  “I’m getting myself a bowl of cereal. You two are on your own.” Michael waved his hand and strode toward the kitchen.

  “I’m starving for you,” Rhett whispered and nipped her ear.

  She shivered.

  “You’re blushing. Care to share what you’re thinking?” His deep voice stirred quivers through her core.

  Holy Aphrodite, she couldn’t wait to share his bed again.

  ~ ~ ~

  The Wedding Day

  Rhett waved from the porch as Cami rode off in Violet’s car. She was giving up her former life to be his wife. A tinge of guilt filled his mind, especially because she’d be severing family ties to stay with him.

  A fluttering noise above him couldn’t be moths, not at eight a.m.

  A middle-aged male Cupid floated in front of Rhett and transposed into a human with Cami’s eyes. “I'm looking for my daughter.”

  “Who’s your daughter?” Playing dumb seemed his best option.

  “Cami Calypso? Our neighbor, Zander, said she’s staying here. Just go get her for me.” For a short man, his wide stance made him look commanding. He cleared his throat. “Would you please get her for me?”

  Yesterday when Zander showed up, Cami couldn’t hide her agitation. If her father thought he’d bring her back to Cupid’s Corner, he was wrong. “She’s gone.”

  “Your soft blue aura reflects truthfulness. Mind telling me where she went?”

  “Yes, I mind. If she wanted to see you, she would have mentioned it.” Rhett fought the exasperation raging inside. Of all the days to show up, why’d it have to be on their wedding day?

  “Are you her boyfriend?” Her father adjusted the vest of his silvery suit.

  “Fiancé.” The word tumbled from his mouth.

  “It’s quite a sacrifice for her to be with you. And given your injury, what makes you the right male for her?” Her father eyed him.

  “The injury will heal.” Since her father was a Cupid, and his community promoted love matches, what did he have to lose by telling the truth? “More importantly, I love your daughter, sir. I’ve never met anyone like her. She challenges me to be a better person. She’s witty and fun—and gorgeous. Whenever I look into her eyes and see the love reflecting back at me, I know I’m a lucky guy.”

  “You have a strong love-light when you speak about my daughter.”

  “Cami says we’re soulmates. I know she’s giving up everything to be with me, but I promise to treat her well.” Rhett could see the frustration on his future father-in-law’s face. This was a man accustomed to calling the shots, to people catering to his wishes.

  “You are aware that if she marries—a human—she’ll lose the connection to the Cupid community, and the life she’s always known?”

  “That is her decision. As much as I love her, I’d never force her to wed. If she changed her mind to go back to Cupid’s Corner today, I’d be heartbroken but wouldn’t st
and in her way.”

  “This isn’t the future I saw for my daughter.”

  “True, but I’m the future she wants.” Rhett saw the Cupid’s eyes soften. The realization of Rhett’s deep love for his daughter must have hit.

  Her father stared at him for the longest time. His magic had the power to destroy his life with Cami.

  “If my daughter really wants to marry you, you have my blessing.” Her father reached out his hand, and they shook.

  “That means a lot to me, sir. I promise to treat her well.”

  “All I’ve ever wanted was for her to be happy. When’s the wedding?”

  “This afternoon.”

  “That doesn't give me much time to gather the family and bring them here. I’d like to walk her down the aisle. Do you think she’ll mind?”

  “No, sir. I think she’ll be happy to have her family’s support, but the decision is up to her.” He told her father the details about the ceremony. Rhett hoped he hadn’t fallen into a trap. A trap where her father stopped their marriage.

  ~ ~ ~

  “We have to go back. I forgot my shoes,” Cami said as Violet reached the ranch’s front entrance about to turn onto the street.

  “I’ll text Michael.”

  “He’ll probably grab the wrong ones.” Cami wanted this day to go by without a hitch.

  Violet turned the car and drove. “You having doubts?”

  “Never. I love Rhett.” Within a few hours, she’d be his wife. Giddiness filled her heart.

  They pulled up in front of the house. “Who’s the guy in the silver suit?” Violet asked.

  It was as if someone smothered the breath from her lungs. Chills crept up her spine. Her stomach twisted. She remained frozen, unable to move. “My father. This can’t be good.”

  Violet opened her car door. “Come on. I won’t let him ruin your day.”

  “You’re right.” If he thought he’d take her back to Cupid’s Corner, he’d have a fight on his hands.

  They walked up the steps.

  “Hello, father.” Cami sat next to Rhett and took his hand. “Why are you here?”

  “To meet your fiancé.” His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “I gave him my blessing to marry you.”

  Cami looked at Rhett and noticed his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I invited him to the wedding.”

  “What?” She pictured her father using magic to wreck her plans.

  “Can we talk alone? I have some things to say. I promise to be quick.” Her father’s brows drew together as he fidgeted with a button on his vest. Something was making him nervous.

  “Not without Rhett.”

  “I wouldn’t expect it any other way.”

  “Michael’s in the stables.” Rhett said to Violet. “Why don’t you go see him while we settle a few things? We won’t be long.”

  “Sure.” Violet rushed off.

  “Okay, say your piece and leave.” Cami’s voice came out squeaky as she pointed at him. Defiance didn’t come naturally, and she cringed inside.

  “When Zander visited me last night, I realized he didn’t really love you. He was in love with the idea of being the Golden Archers.”

  “I said that to him. He didn’t take it well.” Cami couldn’t believe her father saw that Zander had flaws.

  “Don’t know why it took me so long.” He sat in the chair next to her, his suit glimmering in the sunshine.

  This didn’t sound like her father. Could this be some kind of trick?

  “You need a strong man who adores you, the way I adore your mother. I love you and want you to be happy.”

  “You do?” She eyed him and swallowed hard.

  “Your mother mentioned you thought I was disappointed in you. That’s not true. Do you know why I stopped going to your meets?” He tapped his hand against his leg.

  “You didn’t want to see me lose again. It is always about being the best with you.”

  “I couldn’t take the pressure of watching. When you lost that first match, my heart tore in half seeing you cry.” His eyes misted. “Guess I should’ve told you that at the time. You’ve always had my heart in your hands. I love you.”

  Her father loved her.

  “I know you’ve got a big day ahead of you. This isn’t the marriage I planned for you—it’s better. It’s the marriage you want, and that makes it perfect because you’ve found your soulmate. We can talk about building a relationship later.”

  “I ...I’d like that.”

  “I’d better hurry home and get the family, otherwise we’ll miss your wedding.” He stood and held out his arms. “Nothing will keep us from sharing this day with you.”

  She got up and walked into his warm embrace, feeling his love wrap around her. He wanted to bring her family here, despite the fact that she was doing something forbidden—marrying a mortal.

  “Think you’d allow this old Cupid to walk you down the aisle?”

  “Of course, daddy.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “See you at two.” He kissed her forehead and brushed the tears from her cheeks. With that he transformed into his Cupid form and fluttered off.

  She turned to Rhett. “After meeting my father, do you still want to marry me?”

  “More than ever.” He stood, wrapped his arms around her, and his fiery kiss proved he hadn’t changed his mind.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rhett anxiously eyed the dirt road. He stood beneath the wooden arches adorned with blue Cupid Dart flowers and red roses. For the tenth time, he adjusted the cinch around his waist.

  Michael and Jason escorted family, friends, and neighbors to seats lined up on both sides of the aisle. The guests’ din became louder as they anxiously awaited the ceremony.

  Rhett took off his white Stetson, put it back on, and played with his bowtie.

  Michael stepped next to him wearing an identical black tuxedo. “You sure you want to go through with the wedding? It’s not too late to back out.”

  “Not gonna happen.” Rhett thought about his soon-to-be-bride. His little beauty brightened his days. Challenged him. Made him happy. He couldn’t wait to wed Cami in the same location as generations of Holloways had said their vows. This spot had a spectacular view of the valley. The river meandered through their property and continued south. Horses and cattle grazed on the hillsides plush with grass and wildflowers. The ranch was rich with history. The weather cooperated with blue skies and only a scattering of thin, wispy clouds.

  Cami’s father arrived with three women in a glimmering horse-drawn carriage and dropped them off at the entrance. His brother escorted the women to the front row of the bride’s side. He figured her mother was the one pressing a silky handkerchief to her eyes.

  Her younger sister batted her eyelashes at Michael. Her older sister stared at Rhett. Obviously sizing up her future brother-in-law. He smiled at her. At the reception, he’d finally get to meet Cami’s family.

  The distant clippity-clop of the ranch’s horse-drawn carriage indicated Rhett’s dad would soon deliver his future wife. The carriage looped around the last corner and slowed to a stop in front of the white silk aisle.

  “I’d better get Mom.” Michael sprinted to the carriage and helped his mother out first, then Violet, Serenity, his sister, and the twins.

  Leaning on a cane, at least he’d have a free hand to hold Cami’s. A friend of the family sang, “When I Fall in Love.” Recalling how hard he’d fallen for his very own Cupid, he blinked to stop his eyes from watering.

  His brother-in-law, Jason, scooted in to his right. “Seems like only yesterday I married your sister. Best day of my life.”

  “Marrying Heather?” Rhett teased.

  Jason shook his head.

  The voices ceased.

  The bridesmaids blocked his view of Cami, and he longed to see her.

  The band performed, “Over the Rainbow.” From now on, her home was with him.

  His twin nieces strolled up the aisle throwing rose pedals, adorable in t
heir tiny turquoise dresses. Serenity, Violet, and his sister followed in matching turquoise gowns.

  Then he saw Cami, stunning in a long strapless dress. Her hair cascaded down past her shoulders to her waist in spiraling curls. His heart stopped.

  She beamed as she took her father’s arm.

  “The Wedding March” played and everyone stood. His pulse quickened as he gazed at his radiant bride. Her eyes met Rhett’s, and she gave him an impish grin.

  Her father brought her under the arches and placed her hands in Rhett’s. “Take care of my little girl.”

  “Always.” Rhett drew her closer.

  “You sure look handsome, cowboy,” Cami faced him speaking in a whispery tone.

  In a few minutes, this remarkable woman would be his wife. “Why thank you.”

  The pastor droned out words. Rhett struggled to listen. His eyes fixed on Cami. She’d always been beautiful, but today her cheeks rosy, her eyes sparkled, and she gazed at him with such warmth his heart melted.

  A woodpecker tapped on a nearby eucalyptus tree. The preacher whispered, “Say I do.”

  “I do,” his loud voice boomed.

  When it was her turn, there was no hesitation in her melodic voice. Only Cami would think to curtsy.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the preacher said, “you may kiss the bride.”

  She got up on her tiptoes and brought her lips to his. They kissed until the preacher cleared his throat.

  “I’d like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Holloway.

  The crowd hooted and hollered.

  “We did it,” she whispered, as they walked up the aisle. “I’m officially the cowboy’s Cupid.”

  He stopped at the carriage, his heart brimming with love. “Guess that makes me the Cupid’s cowboy?”

  The End

  Newly Released in NOVEMBER 2018


  The Cowboy Doesn’t Deserve to HANG

  Captivated by the story of a cowboy hanged as a horse thief in 1890, Mia Kellogg travels back in time with only thirty days to save an innocent man.

  Dusty Mann is determined to buy his own ranch.

  He doesn’t need a modern, straightforward woman to barrel into his life or knock his plans off track.


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