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Stolen to Keep

Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  “You and food.” I shake my head, reaching for my ponytail holder and pulling my hair up and out of the way. I’m sure I look like a mess but I don’t care. “Did you see my kitchen?”

  It’s not really a question because he’s in my bedroom. He clearly saw my kitchen when he let himself inside my place. I’m not going to ask how he pulled that off, because he partially cleaned my room for Christ’s sake.

  I toss the blanket back and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Vaughn lets out a string of curses before he stands up and stomps from my room. He slams the door behind him and for once he’s actually pissed about something.

  “What is your problem? You broke into my place!” I yell at the closed door.

  “You need to put some clothes on, sweet thing.”

  I gasp and look down to see that I’m naked.

  This is how I normally sleep since I live alone. Except for the week I spent on the island and I wore pajamas. I hated it and it felt awkward. At the time I was in Vaughn’s house and I didn’t think it would be polite. It’s a place I’m missing right about now, but how could I not? It’s on an island where I didn't have a care in the world and my biggest worry was if I had enough sunscreen on.

  I put my hands on my face and groan at being seen naked. And the stupid name he calls me. I’m not sweet to him. I’m actually rude when all he’s been is nice. He took me to find my sister but I was so on edge that first day about getting to her and he just kept on with the smirks and small jokes. In the moment I couldn't find anything worth joking about so I got mad at him for nothing. It didn't help that my body had an instant attraction to him. That is not in my plan. Vaughn is not the kind of guy I’m going to fall for.

  I get up from my bed and find something to wear from the neatly stacked pile of clothes Vaughn made. I go to the bathroom to get myself together because as much as I tell myself Vaughn is not the man for me, I still don’t want to look like a hot mess with dragon breath.

  A few minutes later I walk out of my bathroom to find him in my kitchen. Cleaning.

  “What are you doing?” I lean up against the wall to watch him and he turns, handing me a coffee. It’s made how I like it, but he would know. I lived with him for a week and though Vaughn is laidback, he doesn’t miss a thing. “Wait. Why are you here?” That’s what I really should have asked the moment he almost gave me a heart attack.

  “It’s not safe.” I heard that song and dance already and I thought we got that all worked out.

  “Aren't there two guards outside my place?” I point toward the door.

  My sister’s new husband planted them there as part of our agreement for me to live in London until school finishes. She went off and got married and then bumped her head and lost her memory before being swept away to a fancy private island owned by her billionaire husband. Oh, and his two brothers. One of whom is standing in my kitchen doing dishes because I don’t have a dishwasher. I barely have a fridge since it’s such a tiny flat.

  “It’s better if someone is close and inside your home,” he says over his shoulder as he washes the one plate and two bowls in my sink. “Don’t even say it.”

  “What?” I defend, but we both know what I’m going to say.

  “One of them isn't hanging out in here with your naked ass running around.”

  “I can wear clothes.”

  He leans up against the counter to stare at me and his eyes roam over my body. I slid on shorts and now I’m thinking I should have gone with sweatpants. I don’t know how he does it but when he looks at me like that my whole body tingles.

  “I’ll get food.” He points toward the living room. “Study.” I glance over to my coffee table where all my books are scattered. “You’re almost there, sweet thing. I’m going to make sure you cross the finish line.”

  “I can cross it on my own.” I fold my arms over my chest, and it’s then I realize I didn't put on a bra. To keep the bottom floor of the complex warm, it means cranking up the heat, so us upstairs tenants bake and I’m used to wearing as little as possible to stay cool.

  “Fair point. I don't doubt that you can, but what’s wrong with a little help? Isn't that what families are for?” He gives me a soft smile and I guess he is kind of family now.

  “You’re worried about me?”

  My eyes flick toward the door and I’m still not sure what’s going on. My sister’s new husband Kade is a good man from what I saw, and though I was apprehensive at first, I saw how he treated her and I know he loves her the way she should be loved. I also know he can keep her safe from whatever it is that is going down.

  We haven't been given many details but some very bad men are after Kade and will use anyone to get at him. They went for my sister before and that’s how she ended up in the hospital and also the reason I couldn't find her. She was married with a new name and whisked off to their private island paradise where no one could touch a hair on her head. Kade still thinks I could be a target, but I don’t agree. I’m in London and these people likely don't even know about me. But the feeling of being followed before Vaughn showed up at my door had me agreeing to the security Kade wanted to send with me. My sister pushed, too, and I caved.

  “Yeah, I’m worried about you.”

  I bite my lip because I want to ask if he’s worried for his brother’s sanity and my sister’s peace of mind or if he’s worried about me personally. I know he always teases and flirts with me because it’s in his nature.

  “Besides, you can’t kick me out. I’m family now.” He shrugs and truthfully I don’t think I could move his giant ass if I wanted to. The man is a solid block of muscle.

  “You sure you can slum it?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  I wouldn't be opposed to Vaughn staying here while I finish my last few tests for school and I know I’d feel safer. Vaughn and I might bicker but he’s a good guy and he has this habit of taking care of me. He’s always cooking and cleaning up after me, so what girl in their right mind would turn that down? Oh right. One who knew he could break her heart because Vaughn has heartbreak written all over him. I think it’s why I’m so prickly with him—I’m trying to keep some space between us.

  “Trust me, sweet thing. This is far from slumming it.”

  Chapter Three



  The librarian makes the sound a little too aggressively if you ask me, but I press my lips together and try to be good.

  “I told you this wasn’t a good idea,” Berkley whispers without looking up from her textbook.

  I’m sitting across from her because sitting beside her felt like too much of a temptation. How could I let her work while staring down at her bare legs and thinking about all the ways I want to defile her?

  The campus library is big and old, but Berkley says she likes the way it smells. I don’t understand it, but seeing a calm come over her as she inhaled made me keep my judgments to myself.

  Berkley walked in like she knew this place up one side and down the other. She beelined for a back staircase and we walked up three flights to a nook in the far corner. This part of the library has no windows and is insulated by rows and rows of old textbooks. But it’s peaceful and I understood why she likes this spot so much.

  “I can’t sit at your place all day.” I lean back in my chair and give her a cocky smile. “Besides, who would bring you food?”

  “There’s no food allowed in here.” This time she looks up in time to see me tuck my candy bar back in my jacket.

  “Okay then.” I roll my eyes as she tries to hide her smile and goes back to scribbling.

  We’ve been up here for hours and she hasn’t taken a break yet. I admire her work ethic and the way she focuses. I went to college but took easy courses and partied my way through it. I had the luck of not really studying and coasting through with enough of a passing grade to get my diploma. I should’ve been like Berkley. She’s so smart and part of me wonders if she thinks I’m not. I run our company’s marketing a
nd social media and I’m really good at it. I’ve put us on the map digitally but now I wonder if all that seems vapid to Berkley. Suddenly I wish I had better credentials to impress her with, but maybe she wouldn’t even want to hear them. Most of the time she seems utterly annoyed with me, but then again, I like that too.

  There’s not much about her I don’t like.

  The librarian walks by us again and I know it has to be intentional. It’s not like there’s anything to do up here for her other than glare at me and make sure I’m being quiet. I guess she’s the snack police too, but I try to ignore my stomach as it complains.

  “You’re taking a break in twenty minutes,” I whisper to Berkley and she doesn’t look up. “No negotiating.”

  “Fine,” she says sharply, but I see the edge of her lips curl just slightly.

  Just then my phone vibrates. I take it out and see Xander’s name on the screen. I look up to see Nosy Librarian has left the floor and then glance back at Berkley.

  “I’m going to take this.” I push away from the table and as soon as I walk to the other corner, I feel her eyes on my back.

  I answer the phone. “How’s paradise?”

  “Not great,” X complains, and I have to hold back my laugh.

  “How’s Lula?” I can’t resist the jab and then I hear a growl on the other end of the line.

  “I’m calling for a reason.” He ignores the question as I glance over to Berkley. She cuts her eyes away quickly and goes back to writing in her notes.

  “Let me have it.”

  “I looked into the files and found out who the guys were that Kade got tangled up with.” He sighs and I can hear him pacing in what’s most likely his office. “It’s a guy named Peter Guzik.”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “Yeah, me either. But apparently he reached out to Kade with some business idea and Kade thought it would be a good opportunity for us.” X sighs and I know he’s trying to control his anger.

  “He only wants what’s best for us,” I remind him and there’s a long pause. “Tell me the rest of it.”

  “From what I found out, Peter threatened Kade after he pulled out of the deal and then Kade kept digging. The feds got involved and Peter tried to have Kade silenced with the car accident.”

  “Damn.” It’s all the stuff we knew, but hearing it again this way makes my chest ache. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I had lost my brother.

  “Since the accident Peter has gone underground. But one of the contacts at the FBI messaged Kade and told him that there’s been a price put on his head. On the head of any Warsaw family member.”

  “Fuck,” I whisper, glancing over at Berkley again.

  “Vaughn.” Xander’s voice is soft, and for some reason it grabs all of my attention.


  “They know you’re in London.”

  “What?” My voice is too loud for the quiet space and Berkley looks around like she’s checking for the librarian.

  “It was on the FBI report. They know about you, and they know about Berkley.”

  “Oh God.” My stomach drops and my heartbeat speeds up.

  “I don’t know how much time you have, Vaughn, but you’ve got the best of our security there with you and I know you’ll keep her safe.”

  I swallow, unable to form words.

  “Just get back to the island as soon as you can. They still don’t know about it.”

  I find comfort in knowing that my family is protected, but the fact that Berkley is so exposed here is making me anxious. I need to get her to a safer place and not one with so many access points. She’s only got to take her exams at the end of the week, so it’s just a few more days before we can be out of here and on the island.

  I take a deep breath and nod to myself. We can do this. I can do this. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to either of us.”

  “Just keep your eyes sharp, baby brother.”

  “You can say you miss me,” I tease, needing to lighten the mood. It may not be the safest place for us here, but we’ve got security, and Berkley has me.

  “Like a kick in the balls,” he says, and I can almost hear a smile in his voice.

  “Speaking of balls, how’s Lula again?”

  “Goodbye, Vaughn,” X says right before hanging up.

  I end the call and the heavy cloud comes over me as I tuck the phone in my pocket and go back to the desk. Just then the librarian walks over to our table and opens her mouth with what I know is going to be a scold.

  “Save it, we’re leaving,” I tell her, holding up my hand. “I’m hungry.”

  Berkley hides her smile as the old librarian huffs away from us, seemingly upset she didn’t have the chance to kick me out.

  “I’ve never seen Mildred so worked up,” Berkley says as I take her bag from her and then grab her hand.

  “Normally old ladies like me, but it’s hard to charm them when I can’t talk.”

  “Funny, because it’s usually your mouth that gets you into trouble,” she chides, and without thinking I swat her playfully on the ass as we exit the library.

  She squeals as I pull her to me and I see our security there out of the corner of my eye. There’s not a moment we can have without the threat looming over us, now more than ever.

  I just need a little longer and then we’ll both be safe.

  Chapter Four


  Vaughn drops things in the cart as we move down the aisle. When he’s not looking I grab some items and put them back. We aren't on the island anymore and he isn't feeding a small army of people like he’s used to. Though as I watch his giant form move about the small grocery store I’m sure it takes a lot of food to keep him built as he is.

  I can’t help but notice the women who openly stare at him. I know it’s because he’s not only hard to miss with his size but he’s way too good-looking not to. I know the feeling all too well because it’s hard to keep my own eyes on my textbooks with him sitting across from me. Somehow I pulled it off and I’m closing in on my studies. I can see the finish line, but it’s too bad I don’t know what I’m going to do after I cross it.

  I thought Vaughn was going to be a distraction when he first showed up but he’s actually putting me at ease. I don’t feel so tense and the worry about a mystery person after me fades to the back of my mind. That feeling of being followed is gone with Vaughn so close and I know no one is going to get near me unless he lets them.

  “You know my kitchen is small,” I remind him when he goes to drop four steaks into the cart. “And it’s only you and me.” He looks down at the steaks and puts one back.

  “Green beans or asparagus?” he asks when we make it to the produce section.

  “Neither.” I scrunch my nose. “The only vegetable I like is a potato.”

  “You’ve never had mine.” He drops a pack of asparagus into the cart. “I cover mine in bacon and butter.” He winks at me before he goes back to cruising the aisles again.

  Okay, that doesn't sound half bad. I watch him as he stops to inspect different things but I notice he’s always alert. He’s been that way since he got that phone call in the library. He’s trying to hide it but he’s more tense than he was before. But to be fair, I tend to notice everything about Vaughn. My crush on him is growing no matter how hard I try and fight it.

  “I think we’re good.” He places his hand on my back as I push the cart toward the checkout. I can see two guards trying to blend in, but like Vaughn, they stand out because of their size. They aren't as big as him, but you can’t miss them either.

  “Has something changed?” I ask as we unload the cart for the cashier to ring us up. His eyes move to the guy scanning our items and I know he doesn't want to talk about it in front of him. He probably doesn't want to talk about it at all, so I stay focused on school and let him deal with other things, as he keeps calling it.

  I nod in understanding and change the subject. “I don’t know how you’re going to
cook all this in my kitchen but you better make it happen. I’m starving.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the candy bar I saw him hiding in the library. He hands it to me and I smile. “You’re giving it to me?”

  As I take it, his fingers brush against mine and the graze of his touch against me sends heat through my whole body.

  “For you? I'd give you my only candy bar.” Our eyes lock and it’s silly, but it makes my insides turn to mush.

  “There’s a whole rack of candy behind you,” the cashier says, breaking into our moment.

  “Thanks, Colin,” Vaughn says dryly.

  “No problem.” The young kid beams at Vaughn, not understanding his sarcastic tone. Vaughn turns around and grabs an assortment of candy, then drops it to our already giant grocery pile.

  “We have enough food to last us a month,” I sigh. I don’t think it’s going to fit in my kitchen.

  “You’d be surprised.”

  “Well, don’t be surprised when it all goes to my ass,” I tease, and Vaughn’s eyes travel down my body.

  “I think I could handle more of you.” He smirks.

  I roll my eyes but turn my head so he doesn’t see me blush. He’s such a flirt and I’m a sucker for it too. I’m sure it’s how he is with everyone but I can’t help but enjoy it more than I should.

  “How are we going to get all this back to my place?” I hadn't thought that far ahead when Vaughn was filling the cart, but we’re only a few blocks away.

  “I got it.” Vaughn gives the cashier the money for the groceries before picking them up all in one swoop.

  They dangle off one of his giant arms as the other comes around and guides me out of the store. He gives the guards a chin lift before I see his eyes glance around. I could be wrong but I think there are more guards than I realized and I wouldn't put it past the Warsaw men to have a dozen of them on me. My sister’s husband would do anything for her, and if that means having an army watch me then so be it. I’d be concerned with what something like that cost, but after talking to my sister and doing some digging I discovered none of them are ever going to be hurting for money. If they want to hand out jobs to people, who am I to stop them?


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