Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2)

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Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2) Page 20

by Caitlin Taylor

  Hopefully Artiz would not tire of their presence. At the palace there had always been many nobles in residence or visiting, and evenings had been varied and entertaining. With so few of them here, Akoni hoped it wouldn't get boring for them. Especially Ignacio. Then again, he'd no doubt find the library and busy himself in Akoni's absence. His mother would likely struggle more, but her close bond to Valentin should help.

  Striding into the room, Akoni returned their greetings and sat on the couch beside Jeffrey, smiling at him.

  "You've been gone hours," Jeffrey observed, his hand rising to caress the back of Akoni's neck. Such a wonderful feeling, but with an audience?

  "I've been at the temple." He caught Jeffrey's eye and jerked his head in the direction of the others, all of them averting their eyes.

  Jeffrey let his gaze take them in then shrugged and smirked. He leaned closer, pressing his lips against Akoni's.

  "Please, children, I know you're newly in love, but let's keep this decent," Claudia spoke up, her head turned away.

  A flash crossed Jeffrey's eyes, a mere moment only until it disappeared. When Jeffrey pulled away, Akoni grabbed his hand and held it in his own, shaking his head.

  "Love is one of Gaia's most precious gifts to bestow, is it not? Why then should it be hidden?"

  "Decorum," Valentin said quietly, his gaze fleeting over their entwined hands.

  "Well, I disagree, and you shall all get used to it."

  "It scandalises the servants."

  Jeffrey laughed. "Oh, Val, the servants love nothing better than a good story of nobles behaving in ways they shouldn't. There is no better gossip."

  "I'm certain you'd know well."

  "Indeed." Ice laced Jeffrey's voice.

  "Enough," Akoni interrupted, not wanting things to escalate and become ugly. "There are more important matters to discuss. Valentin, you have a vast library, yes? Do you have scholars or researchers?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty. Not many at this time, but a few."

  "Good. The best way to beat an enemy is to know them well. I want to know everything there is to know about these rebels. The way they think, talk, pray. There was talk of a god they worship. I want to know if this is a new thing, if there are any references in the histories to anything remotely related. I want everyone you can spare on this research. Question soldiers who have fought rebels, follow every rumour and thread you find."

  "This is quite the undertaking, Your Majesty. It will take considerable time."

  "I understand there won't be answers tomorrow. The sooner the men begin, the sooner they'll find results."

  "Do you want me to talk to them now?"

  "That would be most kind, Valentin." Akoni kept his tone at an exaggerated pitch of kindness and knew his message to have been received when Valentin inclined his head and rose to leave. "One more thing... If you could also send for your best tailor. We're in dire need of some clothes that fit properly. If he could come tomorrow, that'd be excellent."

  "Certainly, Your Majesty." Valentin bowed stiffly and left.

  "Was that necessary, Akoni? We're his guests," Claudia spoke the moment the door closed.

  "Well then, he should be more careful how he speaks to us. Insulting guests is quite a breach of decorum, isn't it?" A squeeze of his hand brought Akoni's attention to Jeffrey's fingers tangled with his own. He loosened his hold and rubbed his thumb on Jeffrey's palm, letting his annoyance drain away. "I'm so tired of the pretentiousness in our circles, the intolerances. So much to change and so little time."

  "I believe I may have warned you about this," Ignacio said, his voice gentle. "And I don't mean that in an I-told-you-so way. There will be many like Valentin who are rooted in the past. But there are also many who think like you do, Ako. You build your own court. Be patient. Those who agree with you will step up, and it will become easier."

  "And those who disagree will lie and conspire behind my back. I know it well enough. No matter now. One step after another. In fact, I do need to speak with you alone, Nace. Sorry, Jeff. I won't be long." He leaned in to kiss Jeffrey's lips then disentangled their fingers and rose.

  "Sure, leave me alone with your mother, whom I've spoken to exactly once. Nothing could ever go wrong," Jeffrey said in exaggeration.

  "My mother already adores you. You've nothing to fear."

  "She's going to grill me."

  "A fierce warrior like you afraid of a little grilling?" Akoni cocked his head at Jeffrey, smirking.

  "There's no fiercer enemy than a love prospect's mother."

  Akoni laughed. "Fair point, but I have no doubt you'll survive."

  Jeffrey pulled Akoni back for another kiss, then whispered, "No guarantees if you take too long."

  Akoni smiled and shook his head. Turning, he led Ignacio into an adjacent study, checking the doors were closed and they were alone.

  "You're merciless. She will grill him," Ignacio said with a half snicker.

  "They'll have to get used to each other." Akoni shrugged.

  "What did you need?"

  "An army."

  "Excuse me?" Ignacio's eyes opened wide.

  "I want you to plot a track through the realm, stopping at as many forts as possible. The men need someone to follow, and it needs to be in person, otherwise I won't achieve anything. So I need to go recruiting. It'll take forever, of course, but it must be done. The ten percent I requested from the east never came. I can't rely on messengers but I need an army to march against the rebels."

  Ignacio blew out a breath. "This won't be easy."

  "We've never done easy, handsome. I know you can organise this in the most effective way."

  "You may want to stop calling me that. I think Jeffrey will get jealous if he hears."

  "You may be right, but it'll remain true all the same."

  "Yes, I'm perfectly aware you've been lusting after me forever. You've Jeffrey now. Direct your lust at him." Ignacio rolled his eyes.

  Akoni stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Ignacio, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'll always need you, Nace. I wouldn't be here without you. You're my rock."

  "I know." Ignacio sighed, returning the embrace and pecking Akoni's cheek. "I'll always be here for you. It's good to see you happy. I like the new you."

  Akoni huffed out a breath. "He is changing me, isn't he?"

  "Only in good ways, far as I can tell." Taking Akoni's hand, Ignacio pulled him towards two armchairs and indicated for him to sit. "We haven't spoken since his return, not really. Tell me everything."

  "I adore him, I love him, I can't seem to stop smiling around him either," Akoni gushed, unable to help himself.

  "We've all noticed." Ignacio laughed. "He's different, too. You were always arguing in the past."

  "We still do a little, but not as much. We've both changed during the months we were apart. It's...different now. We're on more even ground, I think."

  "Will he stay?"

  Akoni sighed and shrugged. "I don't honestly know. A part of me still worries, but he says he won't leave, and the way he acts now, I think I believe him. Valentin's reactions aren't reassuring, though. Jeffrey loathes being noble again, and the discrimination isn't helping."

  "He's holding his own against him well, though. You should have heard them earlier. Jeffrey's tongue can be as sharp as his sword when he wants. I think he keeps himself in check a lot."

  "Probably a side effect of being unable to speak out against nobles as commoner. Maybe he'll overcome it in time, when he becomes more comfortable as noble."

  "This is all still new. He's really only been back in your life for a couple of days. Give yourselves time. Both of you."

  "I want to spend every minute of every day with him. I wish I could lock us in and forget the world for a while. Run away maybe."

  "You'd never abandon your people so easily. In the space of a week you'd be dying to know what's happening and wanting to fix the world again."

  "You know me too well." Akoni grinned but wondere
d what Ignacio would say when he found out what Akoni was planning. Would he understand?

  "Speaking of knowing you, how is your magic?"

  "Better. Calmer. Being around Jeffrey makes a world of difference. Not sure how or what sense it makes, but there's no pain now. The magic itself is still there, and I'm more aware of it than ever, but it's like...like a second heartbeat. It's part of me, a good and important part. That probably didn't make any sense!"

  "So long as you're doing all right, it doesn't need to make sense to me. Honestly, I haven't seen you like this in so long. I'm so happy for you."

  Chapter 21

  "I have come to rescue my handsome warrior. Please tell me he's still alive and I'm not too late!"

  "Thank the goddess, finally!" Jeffrey exclaimed and got to his feet, the smirk on his face belying his words.

  "Still alive then." Akoni wrapped his arms around Jeffrey's waist and pecked his cheek.

  "Well, breathing anyway, just about."

  "Thank you, Mother, for keeping him alive. Now we must bid our goodbyes."

  "Already? Will I ever get a chance for a private audience with my son, or are your new duties keeping you too busy?" She fixed her piercing gaze on Akoni.

  "How about lunch tomorrow? Only the two of us."

  "I guess it'll have to do for now."

  "Your Majesty, it's been a most interesting experience." Jeffrey bowed to Claudia and headed towards the door.

  Akoni gave her a nod and followed. Out in the hallway, he took Jeffrey's hand as they walked. "So, how bad was it really?"

  "Oh, excruciating. Her threats were mostly veiled behind a ton of kindness. I like her."

  "She has no need to threaten you, surely."

  "She's your mother. It's practically part of the job to threaten what she will do to me if I hurt you."

  "I've no doubt you assured her in a dozen ways that you have no intention of hurting me."

  "Actually," Jeffrey paused to look at Akoni, "I told her I was planning to inflict a great deal of pain, to make sure you stay in control and all."

  Akoni groaned, then rolled his eyes at the glint in Jeffrey's eyes. "I can see that conversation going well."

  "She's charming. Exquisitely perceptive, of course, and so direct in her indirectness it's startling. I do like her. I'm also terrified of her. Try not to leave me alone with her again, will you?"

  Akoni laughed. "I'll try. No promises, though."

  After a moment's silence, Jeffrey said more seriously, "Thank you for standing up to Val earlier."

  "I hear you've been holding your own against him."

  Jeffrey snorted. "He's quite aware of my status as your partner and perfectly careful how he talks to me. More so when there are others around. He's changed a lot."

  "Did you talk to him on your own?"

  "Yes, I sought him out earlier in the day. Figured if we had a one-on-one chat maybe we could rekindle our lost friendship. It doesn't appear that will be happening. Though, as I said, he'll be utterly courteous. Perfect decorum and all."

  "I'm sorry, Jeff." Akoni tightened his hold on Jeffrey's hand.

  Jeffrey shrugged. "It's not your fault. I'm grateful you stood up to him. Maybe he'll come around in time."

  "Nace is right. There will be others like him, but there will also be those who support us. And accept you exactly as you are."

  "I had my reasons for resisting you so long. This is a fraction of it. I will find a way to deal with it."

  "We'll make this a better world yet. Together."

  "You're a sap. Haven't even had a second date yet."

  "Speaking of which..." Akoni grinned.


  Akoni continued to lead Jeffrey down one corridor after another. Even when Jeffrey asked where they were going, Akoni remained silent.

  They stopped at a stone staircase curving upwards, Ryan standing nearby, as though on guard duty.

  "All is ready, Your Majesty. I've left it a few steps up, out of sight. I'll make sure you remain undisturbed."

  "Thank you, Ryan, truly," Akoni said and nodded at the man. Jeffrey's hand still linked with his own, Akoni led him up the stairs, ignoring the way his gaze moved between them.

  As promised, Ryan had left a basket with a blanket folded over the top, and Akoni picked it up as he continued up the stairs.

  "You do know I'm somewhat familiar with this keep, right? I know where you're taking me. It's rather cliché."

  Akoni looked over his shoulder at Jeffrey, one eyebrow raised. "And why is that?"

  "Because everyone living in Pyros has their first date there, and any anniversary or half important other date."

  "Does that include you?"

  "It might." Jeffrey shrugged.

  Akoni had a suspicion it did not.

  The staircase spiralled ever higher, but at last they arrived at a sturdy wooden door. Akoni pushed it open, and they came out on a ledge not unlike the temple he'd been to earlier. Grass covered the ground, and sheer rock walls climbed into the sky on two sides, the rest opening out to a view of the keep and the surrounding mountains. They were far higher than any other buildings. No one would be able to see them.

  Stepping outside, Akoni walked to a place near the wall, far from any edges, and laid out the blanket, then proceeded to empty the contents of the basket onto it.

  "Do you think this will do for a second date?" Akoni asked, raising his hands to gesture at the picnic and their surroundings.

  Jeffrey sneered, but his eyes shone with pleasure. "The location and setup is nice. We'll see about the company."

  Grinning, Akoni shook his head and dragged Jeffrey down onto the blanket with him. He poured each of them a glass of wine, surprised when Jeffrey downed half of his in one go.

  "Didn't peg you for the romantic kind," Jeffrey noted before he popped a piece of cheese into his mouth.

  "People know what you let them see. I've not had anyone to be romantic with in a long time, nor desire to be. Until you came along. I want to spoil you."

  "Well then." Jeffrey picked up a strawberry and placed it between his teeth, leaning a little closer to Akoni.

  His heart fluttering, Akoni leaned in, too, taking his share of the strawberry as he pressed his lips against Jeffrey's, loving the mix of tastes. He lingered, letting his tongue taste Jeffrey's lips. Sneaking one hand behind Jeffrey's neck, Akoni pulled him into a proper kiss, putting everything he felt into it.

  They were both breathless when they parted. Akoni's cheeks were flushed, and he was pleased to see a similar reaction on Jeffrey. He sipped his wine while Jeffrey downed the rest of his own.

  "So how did you rope Ryan into this?"

  "No roping required. When I asked for his help, he was happy to give it. I'll find a way to thank him properly yet, though I imagine he is delighted enough that his sisters are both safe here and he's near them..." Akoni creased his brow when Jeffrey looked distracted. "Is something wrong, Jeffrey? If you don't like this, we don't have to stay. I thought you'd approve..."

  "I do, it's not that." Jeffrey groaned and swiped a hand over his face in agitation. "It's been a strange day, I'm sorry. I'm probably not in the best frame of mind for this."

  Akoni hesitated for a moment, then moved closer. Sitting beside Jeffrey, he hooked his legs around him, careful of his injuries, and drew their bodies together. "Forget everyone else, it's just us now."

  Jeffrey remained tense, even when laying his head on Akoni's shoulder. "Why are you so nice?" Jeffrey said so quietly, Akoni strained to hear.

  "Hmm? I don't think I caught that."

  "Nothing," Jeffrey muttered, his hand reaching up to clasp Akoni's robe.

  With one hand, Akoni held Jeffrey close while combing the other through his blond hair. Something didn't seem right, but he didn't know how to work out what. Too afraid to ask, Akoni held him, trying to give strength the way Jeffrey had done for him only one day earlier on the way to see his father.

  "We should eat," Jeffrey said, breakin
g the silence between them and trying to sit up.

  "Stay," Akoni murmured and picked up a piece of cheese to feed to Jeffrey. When Jeffrey's lips wrapped around his fingers, an agile tongue teasing him, Akoni couldn't suppress a moan.

  "That'll lead into terrible distraction," Jeffrey whispered.

  Akoni found himself agreeing and reluctantly let go of Jeffrey. "You don't usually seem to mind."

  "Wouldn't want to waste the food, though. It'd be too much of a shame considering Ryan probably went through a lot of trouble." Sitting up straight, Jeffrey leaned forward to reach for the food, shuffling and putting a small amount of distance between them.

  Akoni eyed him with concern. Jeffrey's voice sounded carefree, but his shoulders held an unusual tension, his hands and fingers awkward in their movements. Jeffrey picked up another piece of fruit, and Akoni wrapped his hand around Jeffrey's wrist in a gentle but tight hold. He leaned in at the same time as he lifted Jeffrey's hand. Their eyes locked, Akoni plucked the morsel from Jeffrey's fingers with his mouth, letting his tongue linger.

  Jeffrey's eyes darkened, his tongue coming out to wet dry lips. Relief washed through Akoni. He chewed slowly while keeping his hold on Jeffrey's wrist, his thumb drawing circles on the tanned skin.

  Keeping his voice low and coaxing, he asked, "What has you so troubled?"

  Jeffrey closed his eyes and jerked his hand away. After he opened his eyes again, he sought out the moon and fixed his gaze there.

  Night always came early in the mountains, more so in spring with the sun still hanging low and vanishing behind the distant peaks well before nighttime. The moon had risen early this night, nearly at its zenith, maybe another three days for it to be full.

  The moon's light reflected off Jeffrey's skin, tracing lines that shouldn't be there.

  "Everything I throw at you, you just...handle it," Jeffrey whispered, his gaze fixed in the distance. "You take it and turn it into something good. I don't understand it."

  Shock coursed through Akoni like a slap to his face. "What are you saying?"

  "This is too good; it can't last." Jeffrey shook his head, picking at the hem of the blanket.

  "Says who?" Akoni demanded.


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