Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 12

by Sarah Bailey

  “Come on, Dante, you know our fathers would be happy if we got together.”

  I swallowed back bile rising up my throat. There was no fucking way that was ever going to happen. The only girl I wanted was already in my possession.

  “You know nothing about my father.”

  “I’m sure he’d like to see you settle down with a wife.”

  I almost laughed in her face. Zach might want someone to take over his fashion empire, but he couldn’t care less about my happiness or finding me a woman. Besides, I already had one. She might drive me fucking crazy with pent up desire, but Liora was mine.

  “I’m only going to say this once, Hannah. I have never been and will never be interested in you.”

  She grabbed my arm again, her expression darkening as her other hand ran up my chest.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  Her touch made my skin crawl. I stepped back out of her grasp.

  “Stay away from me, and if you dare go anywhere near my girlfriend, I will make sure you wish you never laid eyes on her.”

  I didn’t wait for her to respond, striding off in the direction I’d seen Liora go. My fists clenched at my sides. I hadn’t meant to call Liora my girlfriend, but fuck, that little whiney bitch did my head in. I dug my phone out of my pocket and fired off a text to my driver telling him to bring the car around. I was fucking done.

  When I reached Liora, I took her by the hand.

  “We’re leaving.”

  Her eyes went wide.


  I didn’t answer. I nodded at James who looked bewildered and dragged Liora away towards the doors.

  “Dante… Why are we going?”

  In the middle of the lobby, I was stopped in my tracks by Angus Stewart and his wife. Liora’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. I’d told her she wasn’t allowed to speak to her parents. That didn’t account for them ambushing us.

  “Dante,” Angus said. “May I have a word with my daughter?”

  His wife looked confused, her eyes darting between me and her daughter.

  “Anything you wish to say to her, you can say in front of me.”

  Angus sighed before he looked at Liora. She edged towards me, her hand tightening in mine.

  “Lass, all I can say is I’m sorry. I hope one day you’ll understand.”

  Liora simply nodded at him. She knew if she said anything I’d punish her. I was more than a little surprised by her obedience. Her mother broke free of Angus’ hold and bundled her daughter up in her arms.

  “I’m going to kill your father,” she whispered, but it was loud enough for me to hear. “I’m so sorry, Liora.”

  Angus pried her off Liora and dragged her back.

  “Heather, stop it. I told you, it has to be this way,” he hissed.

  I could see tears welling in Liora’s eyes. Her bottom lip trembled.

  “She had her whole future ahead of her. You’ve ruined everything. I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Come on,” I said to Liora, pulling her away towards the doors.

  She looked back at her parents who barely noticed us leaving. They were still talking furiously to one another. The driver was waiting by the doors with Liora’s coat. I took it from him and slipped it over her shoulders. We followed him out to the car and got in.

  Liora didn’t say a word to me. She sat staring out the window whilst silent tears slipped down her cheeks. I picked up her purse from the seat and pulled out her tissues, handing one to her. She took it without looking at me, dabbing her eyes before she screwed it up in her fingers.


  “Don’t, Dante. Just don’t.”

  I wanted to punch my father in the face. He’d really fucked things up for me. Why the hell did he have to invite her fucking parents?

  The rest of the journey was silent. I sat seething whilst she continued to cry. This was an absolute mess. This charity gala was always going to be a challenge for the both of us, but I hadn’t anticipated it going quite so wrong.

  Brent was waiting in the hallway for us when we got back in the house. His grin dropped when he saw us. He took Liora’s coat from her. He looked like he was about to open his mouth when I stopped him.

  “Don’t fucking ask,” I grunted, taking Liora by the arm and leading her upstairs.

  When we were in my room, I sat her on the bed, kneeling down whilst I took her shoes off. She looked tired and dejected. I rubbed her knee to get her attention.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “I didn’t know they would be there.”

  “I don’t want to talk about them.”

  “Should I help you out of the dress?”

  Her eyes snapped to mine. I was taken aback by the anger in them.

  “No. Don’t touch me.”

  She batted my hand away, stood up and paced towards the wardrobes. I got to my feet, confused by her outburst.

  “I know tonight was difficult—”

  She turned on me.

  “Excuse me? I’d hardly call that fucking difficult. It was horrible. Christ, you expect me to just be okay with the fact that your father threatened me. How can I be okay with any of this? My dad fucking gave me to you for whatever reason and is acting like he feels bad about it when he’s clearly lied to my mum until now. And if that wasn’t fucking bad enough, you told me there was nothing going on between you and that girl and yet she had her hands all over you.”

  I stared at her. The first two things I understood but did she really think I’d lied to her about Hannah?

  “I’m telling you right fucking now, Dante. I won’t share you with another girl.”

  Chapter Eleven


  The moment the words left my mouth, I slapped my hand over it. Dante’s blue eyes widened. I couldn’t believe I’d just said those words to him. That I’d let myself get so worked up over a stupid girl. I was already angry with my dad, but the only thing I could focus on was that girl with her hand on Dante’s chest and how much it upset me. How I wanted to storm over and tear her stupid dyed blonde hair out by the roots.

  You idiot. You fucking idiot.

  Minutes ticked by in complete silence. Since when had I got so enraptured by the man in front of me? Why the hell would I get jealous over a girl he’d told me he had no interest in? Why was I jealous at all? It made no sense. I didn’t like Dante, did I?

  You do like him. You want him. You need him.

  I told my brain to shut the fuck up, but the words rang in my ears. I’d liked dancing with Dante earlier, liked the way he felt against me. How he’d teased me and I’d flirted back. I’d forgotten for one moment I was his pet. I’d allowed myself to believe in the fantasy that we were something more.

  His sudden movement as he strode towards me made me freeze in place even though I should’ve backed away. He grabbed me roughly then his lips were on mine, devouring my mouth with ferocity. I surrendered, gripping his tux lapels. He backed us towards the bed as his fingers trailed down my bare back.

  “You’re mine,” he said between kisses. “Mine, Liora. I don’t fucking want anyone else.”

  He unzipped my dress before pulling away from me. His hands went to my shoulders, slipping under the dress.

  “Just you. Only you. I want you naked beneath me. I want to fuck you so hard you scream. I want to whip you until your back is raw. I want to chain you up and hurt you until you’re begging for a release. I should fucking punish you for even daring to tell me you won’t share me. News-fucking-flash, you live in my house, sleep in my bed and I fucking own you. You don’t get to dictate terms to me.”

  He tugged my dress off my shoulders and it fell to the floor in a puddle at my feet. I moved to cover myself, but he grabbed my arms and held me in place.


  “Shut up.”

  My heart pounded in my ears. He reached out, carefully pulling away the stick on bra and
tossing it aside. I’d been undressed in front of him before, but this felt different. Dante’s eyes roamed across me in a predatory way. I knew exactly what he wanted because he’d just told me. All of it should scare me. On some level, I was absolutely petrified by the thought of him hurting me further, but the other side of me grew wet from it.

  His hand went to his bowtie and he tugged it off, followed by his jacket. He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing that off too. He wore a plain white t-shirt underneath it. I could see the outline of his muscles. My mouth dried up. All the blood in my body felt like it was rushing to my core.

  He kicked off his shoes and unbuckled his belt. Then he took my hand and pulled me over to the bed. He made me bend over it, legs spread wide. I still had my lacy underwear on, so I wasn’t quite sure what he intended. I looked back at him as he looped the belt around his hand.

  “As much as I want to fuck you, you’ve misbehaved. There’ll be no pleasure this evening. Only punishment. Do you understand?”


  “Do you understand?”

  “Please don’t hit me with that,” I whispered.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself again.”

  I could feel my legs shaking. I gripped the sheets, horrified by what he was about to do to me.

  “I understand, but please… please don’t hit me with your belt.”

  His blue eyes darkened, his expression a mixture of anger and lust. I knew he was going to enjoy hurting me. He abruptly dropped the belt, advanced on me and ripped the underwear from my body. I winced as the lace tore across my skin.

  The first strike across my behind stung. I gritted my teeth against the pain as the next ones came in rapid succession. I gripped the sheets harder, so I wouldn’t dig my nails into my palms.

  I lost count of the number of times his palm met my skin. Tears ran down my cheeks. It had nothing to do with how much it hurt. It really did hurt like hell, but I wasn’t crying because of that. I was turned on by him hurting me. I tried not to squirm and alert him to the fact.

  It felt humiliating to be aroused by having Dante slap me so hard, he’d leave marks on my skin. Was this why I’d never really been that into sex before? I’d never managed an orgasm with Max or Harrison. I knew how to get myself off, but I rarely masturbated. Yet now, I ached for that release. I ached for Dante. I wanted him inside me. I desperately wanted him to make me come.

  Instead of a whimper or a cry tearing out of my lips, it was a moan. I didn’t dare look at him because I hadn’t meant it to come out at all. My face felt like it was on fire. Hell, my behind was on fire because of his spanking.

  He didn’t slap me again. Instead, I found his hands pressed on the bed next to me as he leant over me, panting.

  “You’re not supposed to enjoy this.”

  “I don’t,” I whimpered, even knowing it was a complete lie.

  “Shall I test that theory? Tell me, will I find you dry as a fucking bone if I touch you?”

  I trembled, my legs buckling underneath me. I was so turned on, I couldn’t hold myself up on the bed properly.


  “What are you begging for? Do you think you deserve my hands on you?”

  I shook my head. Even though I knew I’d broken the rules, I didn’t care. I couldn’t stand this. Too worked up to even string a sentence together. I didn’t recognise myself lying there at Dante’s mercy. I was completely undone.


  I felt the heat of his body above mine leave as he straightened. He kicked my legs open wider, exposing me to him completely. I should be embarrassed, but I wasn’t any longer. He wanted me. Dante thought I was beautiful. He’d wanted me since the moment he saw me. And I had to stop lying to myself. I wanted Dante too.

  “Dante… I’m sorry. I promised I’d be good and I wasn’t, but I meant what I said. I don’t want to share you.”

  When he didn’t say anything, I dared look behind me. He wasn’t there. I whipped my head around and found him standing next to the bedside table. He picked something up and brought it back around before kneeling behind me. A moment later, I felt the soothing cream on my skin and his warm hand as he gently applied it.

  “I know you don’t,” he told me. “And you won’t. I don’t claim to be a good guy, but even I’m not that much of a bastard. Do you really believe I’d fuck another girl when I have you?”

  “No… I guess not.”

  His touch soothed my aching skin but did nothing to end the raging inferno inside me.

  “Good because I wouldn’t. I’ve told you enough times, I only want you. You’re mine.”

  My heart soared and my chest felt tight. I tried to hold back the things I needed to say, but it came out as verbal diarrhoea anyway.

  “I want you too. So much. I’m aching. I don’t know why you hurting me turns me on, but it does. I’m so done with this game we’re playing. I’m tired of lying to myself. I’m tired of pretending I don’t want to sleep with you. I do. I really, really do. I want you. I want you so much it hurts.”

  I turned my face into the sheets. I didn’t have it in me to look at him any longer. Not after I’d just blurted all that shit out. His hands stilled. For a moment, nothing happened, then I felt his fingers trailing up my inner thigh until they met my pussy. And there was his confirmation my words were true.

  He leant his forehead against my sore behind.

  “Fuck,” he whispered against my skin. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.”

  I didn’t dare move, unsure of what he’d do next.

  “You can’t have a reward tonight, Liora. You know that and yet… you’re offering yourself to me anyway.”

  Whether or not I deserved a reward was inconsequential. Dante wanted to fuck me and I wanted to fuck him. Didn’t that surpass the stupid rules? Couldn’t he just cast them aside for one damn night and let this thing between us take over?

  He moved away from me. My heart cracked. I finally looked at him. He shucked his trousers and took a step towards me. His hands went to my waist and he flipped me over, pushing me up onto the bed properly. I barely felt the pain from the covers pressing into my skin.

  Dante crawled over me and I could hardly breathe.

  “Are you on anything?” he asked.

  It took a second for me to comprehend his meaning.

  “Oh… Um, no. I should’ve told you before. I just…”

  “You didn’t expect to want it.”

  I nodded. No point hiding the truth from him any longer.

  “Do you want me to have my doctor come and discuss options with you?”

  If I was going to be sleeping with him regularly, then it made sense. There was no kidding myself into believing this would only happen once. And he was asking me rather than demanding it.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I’ll have Brent call him tomorrow.”

  His eyes roamed down my body. His gaze burning into my already heated skin.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. I’ve pictured this moment so many times, but nothing compares to having you here beneath me.”

  I wanted to touch him. My fingers itched to be on his skin. I wanted to see Dante. I needed it.

  “Dante… I want…”

  “You want what?”

  “I want to see all of you.”

  He gave me a strange look which cleared after a moment. He sat up on his knees.

  “I have a stipulation about that.”

  I frowned.


  “I don’t like having my chest or back touched. At least not skin on skin. If you can promise to keep your hands away, then I’ll show you.”

  So many questions entered my mind. I squashed them all down immediately. If Dante had reasons for it and he wasn’t ready to share those with me, I’d have to suck it up.

  “I promise. Where can I touch you?”

  “My arms, my sho
ulders, my face, my neck and below the belt.”


  His fingers went to the hem of his t-shirt. He tossed it aside. All my senses tingled at the sight of him bare chested.

  Holy fuck, he’s so beautiful.

  Even though I wanted to run my fingers across his abs, I resisted the urge. I promised him and I intended to keep to my word. But he said I was allowed to touch him in other places.

  I half sat up, reached over and hooked my fingers in the waistband of his boxers. I’d never been forward like this before, but with Dante, everything was different. I looked up to find him with a mischievous smile on his face.

  I decided to be a little braver. I sat up properly and tugged them down, freeing his cock which slapped against his stomach. He kicked them away. Seeing him with nothing on made my heart thump uncontrollably in my chest.

  I ran my fingers down his shaft. He shuddered, leaning into my touch. He was already rock hard and pulsating against my hand. I knew the spanking he gave me turned him on just as it had done me.

  “Dante… please… please fuck me.”

  He took my hands and pinned me down on the bed. His lips brushed over my jaw.

  “Beg me, Liora. Make it impossible for me to resist you.”

  His lips trailed lower, brushing down my chest until he met my breasts.

  “Please, I want you so much.”


  His teeth grazed over my nipple before he bit down.

  “Ahh, please. I’m so wet for you.”

  He kept my hands on the bed as he licked, sucked and bit my nipples. I writhed beneath him, desperate to feel him.

  “Please, please. I want you. Fuck. I want your cock in me.”

  I’d never told a man I wanted such a thing before.

  “Please fuck me, Dante. I can’t take it anymore.”

  He raised his head, staring at me with lust filled eyes. He let go of my hands, leant over to the side and pulled open the bedside drawer.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, pulling out a small foil packet.


  He tore it open and sat up.

  “Me? What part of me?”

  “I want… I want your body against mine and…”


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