Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 25

by Sarah Bailey

  “Tell me, Liora, what is it you were hoping for when you made me bring you in here?”

  She looked up at me.

  “I want you to let go. Show me who you are. Hurt me in the ways you need. Don’t hold back with me, Dante. I can take it. All of it. Everything you have. I’m not fragile. I won’t break.”

  My heart pounded in my chest. My cock was so hard it hurt as it strained against the confines of my jeans. I fought against the urge to touch it just to relieve the pressure.

  Walking over to the wall, I selected a short riding crop. She asked for this. I hoped she remembered that before the end. I stood behind her, looking at her beautiful pale skin and her pussy on full display for me. Reaching over, I grabbed both of her hips and tugged her back so she was at the edge of the bed.

  I released her and trailed the crop up her leg.

  “You want my pain, hmm? You want it to hurt?”

  “I want it. I crave it.”

  The first strike across her arse made her yelp, but she didn’t cower from me. She arched her back and offered herself up to me.

  “Normal girls don’t ask to be punished, Liora.”


  “Normal girls don’t want to be hurt.”


  “I’m not normal,” she hissed.


  Fuck. Her skin was beginning to turn red. Several more strikes had her crying out, but not once did she say stop. Trailing the crop up her pussy, it came away glistening. I struck her again.

  “You’re so wet. Wet for me. Wet for my pain. You want it to hurt so you can feel again, isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, please. I want more, Dante, please.”

  There was a certain stillness in the air as I struck her. Only the hiss of the leather sailing through the air and hitting her skin pierced the silence, followed by her cries of pain. Pain she wanted. Pain she craved.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about punishing you. Pushing you to your absolute limit until you can’t take it any longer.”


  “You’ve defied me so many times, Liora.”


  “You’ve run from me.”


  I dropped the crop, needing to feel her skin on mine and the sting my palm would bring. Her yelp as the first strike came was like music to my ears.

  “You’ve torn down all my walls.”

  I wasn’t careful with my strikes. My palm found all the sensitive areas I’d hit with the crop.

  “You’ve made it impossible for me to be without you.”

  Her cries got louder, but still she didn’t say stop. She didn’t use the safe word. Liora told me she could take it and she was. I didn’t think I could love her more right then, but I did. I loved how strong she was. How she’d become the girl she was always meant to be. And I loved all the power she had over me even if I’d hated it before.

  “Promise me you’re in this with me. Promise me you want this as much as I do.”

  “I do,” she moaned. “Fuck, I do. Please, don’t stop. I need it. I promise, Dante. I’m yours. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I couldn’t take it any longer. My hand went to my jeans and I tore them open just so they weren’t pressing against my cock. It hurt too fucking much. Being this hard and seeing her skin so red and raw for me.

  My chest was heaving as I stared down at her. Then I reached down and gripped two of the ropes, tugging on them. They ripped her arms out from underneath her. I tugged the other two ropes tight so her legs were equally spread out but she could still stay on her knees for me. I secured the ropes so they wouldn’t come loose. Her cheek was pressed against the bed, her green eyes wide.

  I grabbed a whip off the rack and walked around the bed. Her back was perfectly arched and ready for me. I struck, the whip hissing through the air until it met skin. The line along her back it left made my cock twitch.

  Her cry echoed around the room. I knew this position was uncomfortable for her. It was stretching her arms at an awkward angle.


  I was almost startled by her voice, but I obliged, sending the whip hissing through the air.

  “Please, again.”

  The next three strikes left deeper marks as I put more force behind the flick of my wrist.

  “Please, Dante, I want you so much.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  She whimpered as the whip landed another strike.

  “I’m so wet. I want your cock inside me. I want to feel your skin against me. I want to feel the burn of each lash. Please.”

  “Do you think you deserve my cock, Liora?”

  I struck her again, needing to see more marks on her back.

  “Please, I’ve done everything you’ve said. I’ve taken your punishment. I wanted it. Please give me your cock. Please fuck me.”

  “Are you sure you’ve taken enough punishment? Are you holding back on me? Are you keeping shit from me?”

  “N… no,” she whimpered as the whip struck her.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  It sailed through the air, hissing and she bucked when it met her skin.

  “I’m telling you the truth.”

  “Only good girls get fucked.”

  I struck her twice more before her next words made me freeze entirely.

  “Damn it, Dante. You want the truth? The whole truth? The truth is I love you. I’m in love with you. Please, please stop punishing me and fuck me.”

  The whip clattered on the floor as it slipped out of my hand.

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said I love you.”

  I was around at her side and kneeling beside the bed so I could look at her face. Look into her eyes.

  “Say it again,” I whispered, barely able to get the words out.

  Her eyes softened.

  “I love you, Dante.”

  I’d known deep down she felt that way but hearing her say it was something else. Hearing her admit those words out loud made my heart squeeze painfully in my chest. I no longer wanted to play this game. I just wanted her.

  I crawled onto the bed and uncuffed her, fumbling in my haste to free her. Her eyes were questioning as she sat up and stretched her arms out. I didn’t let her speak. Grabbing her face, I kissed her and crushed her to me. Her hands found their way into my hair, tugging at the short strands.

  I needed her. Needed her encasing me. I dropped my hands from her face and tugged at my jeans and boxers. She released my mouth, reaching down to help me. They were off in the next instant. I pressed her down, sinking between her legs. She didn’t make any complaints about being on her back. Just opened herself up to me. Her pussy was so wet as my cock ran along the length of it. I groaned, capturing her mouth again.

  Reaching in between us, I gripped my cock pressing it to her before one sharp thrust of my hips had me buried halfway inside her pussy. I pulled back and thrust inside her again, gaining another inch. She was so wet; it was almost effortless.

  “Liora,” I murmured against her mouth. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  One more thrust and I was buried up to the hilt. She pulsed around me. It was fucking heaven. Everything about the lead up to this had been bliss. Inflicting the pain she adored so much, having her call me by my name rather than Master and her admitting she loved me. All of it bound itself around my heart.

  “You’re my everything,” I told her, pulling away so I could look into her eyes. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  I cupped her face, brushing her hair out of it as I leant on my elbows.

  “My heart. My most beautiful and precious heart.”

  She reached up, wrapping her hand around my neck and the other laid on my chest. Her smile lit my whole damn world on fire.

  “I’m yours and you’re mine,” she said.

  “I’m never letting go. I hope you’re p
repared to have me for life.”

  Her smile widened, green eyes twinkling.

  “I am, Dante. I love you.”

  Those words. They wrecked me. Destroyed me. And made me whole again.

  I took her with long, hard strokes, staring down at her like she was the most precious thing in the world to me. Because she was.

  Our breathing became heavier and movements erratic. Liora practically clawed at my back and curled both legs around me, allowing me deeper access.

  “Harder,” she breathed. “Please, I’m so close.”

  I was brushing up against her clit the way I was angled. Her body was taut beneath me as she began to crest the wave. I wanted to see her come apart. I needed it.

  There was a pounding at the door which startled both of us. I didn’t stop fucking her, but I looked over at it.

  “Dante,” a voice called through it as the handle rattled.

  Who the fuck was that? I didn’t quite recognise the voice muffled by the door.

  Turning back to Liora, her eyes were wide. I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin this moment because we were both so close.

  “Ignore it,” I told her.

  The pounding got louder.

  “Dante—” she began to say.

  “No, you’re going to come for me. I don’t give a shit who it is.”

  She stared up at me. Her eyes told me she could do that. I thrust harder as her body tensed further and her lips parted on a silent moan.

  “Dante, open the fucking door.”

  Now I recognised the voice. That was just fucking great. We were going to deal with a hell of a lot of shit when we got out of here, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care. I was so wrapped up in my girl. In the way her pussy clamped down on my cock, signalling she was close. So fucking close.

  “I want you to listen to me carefully,” I told her. “No matter what happens, remember what I’m about to say.”

  I didn’t have much time to explain, but I had to say this.

  “O… Okay.”

  “I’m going to destroy my father. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t hurt any of us ever again. What he did to me, James, the girls and our mother when we were kids was awful. He’s the reason I hate people touching me. I need you to trust me. Trust what I’m going to do and why.”

  Her hand around my neck tightened.

  “I do trust you.”

  “Good because I love you, Liora, and I can’t live without you.”

  “You do?”

  Her expression was so hopeful. So adoring.

  “Yes, I love you so much.”

  I leant down and kissed her. I wasn’t lying. I was in love with her and that wasn’t going to change. And she needed to know that because what came next wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “Dante, open this door right fucking now,” came the voice again.

  Go to fucking hell.

  “Come for me,” I whispered against her lips. “Please, my heart. I need it.”

  If I was going to go through with the next step, I had to have something to hold onto. I needed this to keep me sane.

  “Please, Liora.”

  She bucked and her pussy clamped down on my cock, pulsing. She turned her face from mine and cried out.

  “Dante, oh, god, Dante.”

  She came so hard I couldn’t hold back. I tried to fight it, but she was like a fucking vice and my cock erupted. I grunted, feeling the warmth of her cum and mine surrounding me as I spurted inside her.

  “Fuck,” I groaned.

  I tried not to collapse on top of her. Her back must be raw from my treatment as well as me fucking her into oblivion. I wanted desperately to take care of it for her, but we didn’t have time.

  I heard a body slam into the door.

  “You will open this fucking door right this instant.”

  I kissed Liora’s forehead and pulled away. She lay there for a long moment as I got off the bed and dug through the drawers, tossing her some wipes after grabbing a couple for myself. I cleaned myself up and tugged on my clothes.

  “I need you to get dressed,” I said.

  She’d just finished cleaning herself up. She got off the bed gingerly and I helped her into her clothes.

  “Open the fucking door!”

  I cupped her face, staring down at her.

  “There are two things I need you to do for me when we get out there, my heart.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  I could see the nervousness in her expression. I dropped one of my hands and pulled something out of my pocket.

  “I’m going to ask Brent to take you downstairs. Make him give you his phone and then call the police for me. I don’t care what you tell them, just make sure they get here fast. Secondly, I need you to give them this.”

  I pressed something into her palm, curling her fingers around it.

  “Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, but what’s going on, Dante?”

  “Just trust me. You’re not going to like what I’m going to do, but I have to. It’s the only way to keep us safe.”

  I kissed her before she could open her mouth.

  “I love you,” I told her when I pulled away.

  “I love you too.”

  Taking her hand, I pulled her over to the door and unlocked it. I opened it finding Zach outside, his face a picture of irritation and Brent hovering in the background.

  “About fucking time,” Zach growled.

  I stepped out, keeping Liora’s hand held tightly in mine.

  “Well I’m sorry I was busy.”

  Zach’s eyes flashed before they fell on Liora and narrowed.

  “What do you want, Zach?” I continued.

  He took a step towards me, reaching out like he was going to take Liora from me. I pushed her behind my back.

  “She’s coming with me.”

  “Like fuck she is.”

  Zach’s eyes were wild. They held that hard edge to them which told me he was close to losing his temper. And I knew what would happen when he did.

  “We had a fucking agreement and as far as I’m concerned you’ve broken it.”

  I moved away from him, taking Liora with me to try put some distance between us. I needed to get her to Brent before Zach got his hands on her.

  “And how do you think I did that?”

  Zach pointed at me.

  “Don’t think I was fooled by your little act. You can’t hide it from me. She’s got you wound around her little finger, turning you against me.”

  I almost laughed as I moved closer to Brent. Liora’s hands were buried in the back of my t-shirt as she moved with me.

  “You’ve done that just fine all by yourself. Did you really think I’d forgotten about what you did to me? To them? Did you think just because I fell in line that I didn’t still hate the very sight of you?”

  He was a fucking idiot if he thought I’d ever let go of it. I’d done all of this so he wouldn’t hurt my brother and sisters anymore. So they could live without all that pain in their lives. The pain which haunted them, especially Jen and Fi.

  Brent skirted closer to us, as if realising what I was trying to do.

  “Oh, I knew, Son. I’ve always known how weak you are. How love has turned you into a fucking pussy. That’s your problem. You care about others too much.”

  “Yeah? Well at least I’m not a fucking sick fuck who doesn’t give a shit about his own children. At least I didn’t use my fists to take out my own anger and frustration on other people. You make me sick; you know that? You were never fucking fit to be our father. That’s why I took them away from you. Made sure you couldn’t hurt them anymore.”

  I’d rather be a pussy than be like him. I’d rather love freely and deeply than be twisted by anger and hatred.

  Zach started towards me and I shoved Liora at Brent, who caught her up in his arms and took her towards the stairs. I looked at him.
  “Take her downstairs and don’t come back up here.”

  He gave me a sharp nod.

  “You give her to me, Brent, right fucking now,” Zach seethed.

  “No, Zach,” I said. “You’re not having her. You’re never getting your hands on her.”

  Brent picked Liora up who started struggling.

  “You broke the fucking agreement. She is mine.”

  He started towards Brent and Liora, but I moved into his path, stopping him in his tracks.

  “You’re not touching her. Take your shit out on me if you want a fucking punching bag, but she is not your plaything.”

  “What? Dante, no, what are you doing?” Liora cried out.

  Zach’s eyes widened a fraction as he stared at me. I was slightly taller than him, but that didn’t mean I was any less intimidated by him. I always had been. The number of times he hurt me guaranteed that. Made me feel weak and helpless with his fists.

  “Take her downstairs, Brent.”

  “Dante, don’t. Please, don’t.”

  I didn’t look back at her. I couldn’t because I would fucking break. Sacrificing myself for her was the only way. I hoped she’d call the police. I hoped she would get them to come here in time because otherwise, my gamble wouldn’t pay off.

  “Dante!” I heard her screams echoing off the walls. “Let go of me. Dante!”

  I love you, Liora. Please, my heart, save me.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Zach asked.

  “Do your fucking worst.”

  He raised his hand and I stood there, waiting for the first strike to come.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  I struggled in Brent’s grasp as he pulled me down the second flight of stairs to the ground floor. What the hell was Dante doing? Was he crazy? He couldn’t do this. Couldn’t let Zach hurt him in place of me.

  “Let go.”

  “No. You need to calm down,” Brent told me as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “He’s going to hurt him.”

  “I know he is.”

  “We have to stop him.”

  “You heard what he said. Told us to stay down here.”

  I had, but it didn’t matter. We had to stop Zach hurting him. Dante didn’t need to go through that again. He might not have told me everything, but I knew Zach had beat them all as children. And I was relatively sure Dante suffered the worst of it.


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