Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 44

by Sarah Bailey

  I pulled back slightly, my hand drifting across her side as I eyed her back. It was clear someone had taken a belt to it. They hadn’t been gentle. Her skin must’ve broken in several places and they hadn’t let it heal properly at all.

  “They’re ugly,” she whispered.

  I hadn’t realised she was awake.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  She shivered. I stroked her side to try and soothe her. After a moment, she relaxed into my touch.

  “The cruel one… his name was Scott.”

  Scott Williams. Sentenced to six years for his involvement with the Daniels.

  I knew who they all were. After Ellie told me it was the Daniels, I looked up all the men and women who were arrested and imprisoned in connection with the sex trafficking ring. I wanted to make sure they were behind bars if and when Ellie ever told me their names.

  “He used to tie me up by my hands to this hook he had suspended from the ceiling. Then he’d hit me with his belt until my back was bloody. He left me like that for days. My skin never healed properly. It’s layer upon layer of scars. I can’t stand seeing it.”

  I understood why she would hate them. They represented something painful for her. Each one must be a reminder of the abuse.

  Leaning towards her, I kissed her shoulder again, then lower, my lips pressing against one of the deeper scars on her back. She shuddered, her hand clutching mine at her waist.

  “You’re beautiful,” I told her, my lips trailing across the damaged skin. “Inside and out.”

  “James…” she whispered, trembling.

  “Shh, sweetheart. This is a part of who you are. I’m going to kiss every scar, then when you think about them, you’ll remember my lips on your skin.”

  She didn’t object any further. Ellie allowed me to kiss each one down her back before she turned over and explained to me the scars on her torso. A silver tipped whip which Scott had used. The burn mark from the iron was from her first master, Adrian.

  Adrian Leon. Sentenced to four years for his involvement with the Daniels.

  On her thighs, there were more scars from the silver tipped whip. I kissed each one whilst I had her laid out on her back, watching me with those sky blue eyes of hers. As I got closer to her pussy, she trembled, her fingers curling around the bedsheets.

  “No one has touched you like this, have they?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Does it feel good?”

  I ran my fingertips up her inner thigh.


  I pressed her legs open for me and settled down in between them.

  “I want you to feel good, sweetheart.”

  I kissed her inner thigh and she let out a soft moan. She was so responsive. I wondered if it was just me who had this effect on her. She told me she’d never been wet for anyone before.

  Having Ellie splayed out like this for me was more than I could take. I’d imagined her naked so many times. Thought about all the things I wanted to do to her. The ways I wanted to touch her, kiss her, fuck her. Nothing compared to having her right here. Her skin against mine. Seeing all of her scars and how fucking beautiful she was.

  We both had work today, but it was early, or at least I assumed so because my alarm hadn’t gone off yet. I couldn’t leave without tasting her. I shifted higher and pressed my face between her thighs, tongue flicking over her soft folds and delving into her sweet little pussy. She bucked a little at the contact.

  My eyes met hers as I flicked my tongue over her clit. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth, sky blue eyes wide and filled with heat. I watched her as I teased her clit, loving the way she started to pant and the moans emitting from her throat. Sliding two fingers inside her, I felt her clench around me.

  Ellie arched up as I fucked her with my fingers and tongued her clit.

  “Oh, fuck, oh, oh, please… don’t stop, oh, don’t, oh, James, please.”

  Watching her slowly come apart was an incredible sight. Giving Ellie her first pleasurable experience with sex was what I’d wanted, but it wasn’t enough. I needed more of her. More of this. I didn’t want this to stop now it had started.

  I wanted her.

  And I wanted her mine completely.

  Her hands fisted in the covers. She cried out and the dam broke. The warm gush over my fingers, the way her pussy clenched around them again and again was magic. Ellie intoxicated me. And she tasted so fucking sweet.

  My cock throbbed, desperate for her sweet heat wrapped around it. Would she let me slide inside her again? Fuck her like I wanted to. I’d held back last night because I didn’t want to scare her. She needed gentle and sweet. But now, I wanted her on her hands and knees.

  I pulled my fingers from her and licked them clean before raising up on my knees.

  “Ellie, will you turn over for me?”

  She hesitated for a long moment.


  “I told you, sweetheart, you’re beautiful to me. Every part of you.”

  She sat up.

  “Will you kiss me first?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  She nodded, a flush appearing across her cheeks. Fuck she was adorable. I could understand her shyness when it came to her appearance. She’d likely been told her scars were ugly and something she should be ashamed of. They weren’t to me. Ellie was perfect the way she was.

  I leant towards her and claimed her mouth, my hand cupping the back of her head to keep her in place. When I released her, she smiled up at me before turning over and waiting for me on her hands and knees. I stroked a hand down her side, pulling her closer to me when I curled it around her hip.

  “I want to fuck you hard. Promise you’ll tell me if it’s too much, okay?”

  She looked back at me.

  “I promise.”

  There was a sense of trust and acceptance radiating from her blue eyes.

  “Good girl.”

  She let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes momentarily as if she savoured my words. I cocked my head to the side.

  “Do you like it when I call you that?”

  “Praise… I like your praise.”

  She opened her eyes again. Her cheeks were bright red now. How did I manage to meet such a fucking beautiful and compliant girl? The beast roared and snapped. She fed that side of me, making me want to set it free. Her submissive nature was a drug, intoxicating me with an invitation to dominate her. Could I really give in to that part of me? The side I’d hated and despised for so long. Kept hidden and buried.

  “When you’re good for me, I’ll give you the praise you’ve earned.”

  Where the fuck did that just come from?

  “I’ll be a good girl for you.”

  Oh, fuck me.

  Whatever was happening between us, I didn’t want to stop and analyse it further.

  Shifting in between her legs, I lined my cock up with her entrance and thrust inside her, groaning at how hot, tight and wet she was. Pulling back, I thrust deeper, gripping hold of both her hips. Ellie moaned, her back arching a little. Now I could see the full extent of her damaged skin. I was sure a lot of men would be disgusted by the sight of it. It appalled me, the amount of pain she must’ve been in when this was done to her, but the scars themselves didn’t make me recoil.

  “So beautiful,” I murmured, releasing one of her hips and tracing my fingers down her back as I fucked her.

  “James,” she whimpered.

  “I’ve got you. You’re safe, sweetheart.”

  Her moans got louder when I pressed deeper and harder inside her. She didn’t tell me to stop. Her body trembled and quaked, just like I’d pictured so many times. This was better. She was perfect.

  I want you mine, Ellie. Mine. Mine to hold. Mine to touch. Mine to fuck.

  My pace increased. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I wanted her to feel what she did to me. How her pliant and submissive body called
out to me, begging me to claim her.

  “Such a good girl. Taking it so well. Do you like this? Like the way I’m fucking you? Love my cock inside your tight, wet pussy?”

  What am I saying?

  “Yes, please don’t stop.”

  My fingers dug into her hips. I buried myself up to the hilt, feeling her tense and contract around me.

  “I’m not going to stop until you make me come, sweetheart. You’re going to do that, aren’t you? Make me come in your sweet little pussy.”

  “I want to. Come inside me, please.”

  I’d never been much of a talker during sex but something about Ellie made me want to spill all my dirty thoughts to her.

  I was so close. Her words and mine sent me spiralling. Holding on would be next to impossible with the way her tight heat was gripping me.

  “Fuck, I’m going to…”

  I grunted, slamming into her one last time as I felt the first pulse rush through me. It was utter bliss. Letting go with Ellie. Allowing myself to give in to the side which haunted me for so long. The need to have this girl at my mercy. And she really was. Ellie had given me that power.

  I leant over her, pressing my forehead to her shoulder as I panted.

  We should’ve talked yesterday. Talked about why she ran out on me. Why she refused to speak to me for two and a half weeks. When I’d seen her the pull between us won out. I didn’t give a shit about the consequences. All I wanted was her. And I had her even when her memories threatened to drag her away from me. Ellie stayed in the present with me. Allowed me to replace her pain with pleasure.

  My alarm started blaring out of my phone which I’d popped on the bedside table before we fell asleep last night. I pulled away from her and got up off the bed so I could turn it off.

  “You have to go, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Hmm, yes.”

  She flopped down on the bed and stared up at me. We really needed a conversation about what just happened between us, but it would have to wait.

  I leant down and kissed her forehead.

  “We’ll talk when we can.”

  “I have to work late for the next couple of days.”

  “Then I’ll see you at the weekend. Is that okay?”

  She nodded, capturing me by the hand before I could straighten. She pressed her lips to mine, encouraging me to kiss her deeply. I pulled away, groaning.

  “Ellie… you’re making it hard for me to leave.”

  She smiled, releasing me as I straightened. As I walked away to the bathroom, I swore I heard her murmur, “That was the point.”

  I shook my head, cleaning myself up and going about my business. She was chucking tissues in the bin when I came out. She’d pulled a t-shirt on which only just covered her pussy from view. Probably a good thing. I could barely keep my hands off her as it was.

  I dressed quickly, sitting down to pull on my shoes. She leant her head on my shoulder from behind me, her hand curling around my waist.

  “You going to respond when I text you later?” I asked.

  “Yes… I’m sorry for running away.”

  “I’m sorry for making you feel like you had to.”

  Her hand tightened around my waist.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she whispered.

  I sighed heavily. Neither did I in all honesty. There were so many unspoken words between us. So many things I had to explain to her.

  “Come here.”

  She shifted, moving around me and I pulled her into my lap, staring up into her beautiful face.

  “I wish we had time to discuss everything, you know that right?”

  She nodded, her hands curling around my neck.

  “Just don’t think too much, sweetheart. I promise I’ll be here on Saturday night, okay? I have to finish some shit during the day, but after that, I’m all yours.”

  I tugged her towards me, claiming her mouth one last time. She pulled back and smiled at me before standing up and letting me go. I rose and stroked her cheek, smiling back at her.

  She walked me to the door and kissed my cheek, giving my arm a squeeze before I walked out.

  “I’m working till six, so after that,” she told me when I turned back to her.

  “See you Saturday, sweetheart.”

  I winked before ambling off down the corridor towards the stairs. I seriously hoped she wouldn’t freak out on me between now and then. If only we’d talked properly last night instead of letting our bodies do the talking for us. Perhaps it would’ve saved us a whole lot of heartache and pain.


  I knew something was wrong when I walked into my office. A chill ran down my spine when I saw another fucking letter waiting on my desk. Not what I needed right after the perfect morning I’d had with Ellie.

  Pulling out my phone, I fired off a quick text to Dante.

  ME: He sent another.

  I walked over to my desk and picked up the offending article. Carefully, I opened the envelope and tugged out the letter. It was short this time.

  Dear James,

  You’re angry and rightly so. There were things I did to you and your brother and sisters that could be considered unorthodox. My only regret is you could not see the bigger picture. Life is a cruel and harsh taskmaster. It takes what you love and turns it into dust whenever it feels the need to teach you a lesson. Love is a wasted emotion.

  We’ll talk further when you come to see me.

  Think about it.

  Your father.

  Dante walked in and shut the door.

  “What fresh madness has he decided to sprout this time?”

  I handed him the letter when he reached me.

  “Apparently his methods were merely unorthodox.”

  He frowned, his eyes scanning the page. He shook his head.

  “He has no fucking morals or shame. Honestly, can you believe this bullshit? I swear to fucking god he thinks you’re stupid.”

  Or he thought I was still a scared little boy who did everything he said so I wouldn’t be punished. Either way, I was getting tired of his letters. They reminded me how manipulative and sick in the head our father was.

  “It makes me wonder why he treated us so differently. He only hurt me when I was actually bad. The rest of the time he just made me feel like shit with his words.”

  “Zach isn’t just some mindless monster. He’s cold and calculating. He studied us so he could hit us where it hurt the most. Don’t be fooled by anything he says.”

  Dante was right. I couldn’t let him get in my head again. It would only send me back into that pit of despair where I questioned everything I did. Back to the time where I relied on Avery in ways I shouldn’t have. Though, honestly, what happened between us was more about what she needed at the time than me. I let her take from me and she took far too much.

  “And let’s not forget what he did to the girls. That was just plain cruel. They can’t find out about these.”

  “We can’t find out about what?”

  Both of us looked up at the door where Jen and Fi were standing, eyebrows raised.


  Before either of us had a chance to put the letter somewhere they couldn’t see it, Jen strode towards us and snatched it out of Dante’s hand.

  “Jen…” Dante said, his tone laced with warning.

  “What the fuck? How long has this been going on?” Jen demanded, handing it off to Fi when she was finished.

  “A few weeks. That’s the third one,” I said.

  There was no point lying to them. We shouldn’t have hidden it but neither of us wanted to upset our sisters.

  “Where are the other two?”

  “I gave them to Dante to get rid of.”

  Jen turned to him.

  “Did you?”

  “Yes,” Dante replied. “His words are venom and James doesn’t need to be reminded of his shit. I’m not keeping this one either.”

sp; Both of them shook their heads as Fi shoved the letter back at Dante.

  “You two weren’t going to tell us. What happened to dealing with things as a family?” she asked.

  I looked at Dante whose expression was dark.

  “I told you two that until you get counselling, we are not discussing Zach further. This was for your own good.”

  Fi crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Oh so you know what’s best for us now, do you?”

  His expression darkened further.

  “No. Did you forget you called me two weeks ago in tears because you saw a story about some idiot trying to get permission to interview him?”

  The twins looked at their feet.

  “Right. I thought so. It’s been years since it happened, isn’t it time you got help? I’m here for you as is James but we can only do so much.”

  The next moment, they’d both thrown themselves at him and were sobbing on his chest whilst he held them. Dante had always been their source of comfort as strange as that sounds. He’d taken care of them after everything our father did, even during the years when he was seemingly in Dad’s pocket.

  “Shhh, it’s okay,” he murmured.

  I tugged Jen away from him and held her instead. Dante gave me a grateful look over Fi’s shoulder. I stroked my sister’s hair whilst she gripped me tightly.

  “You’re okay. He can’t get to you again,” I whispered.

  “I hate him,” she mumbled.

  “We all do.”

  She pulled away and stared up at me with tear filled eyes and wet cheeks. Her expression tugged at my heart. My sisters had suffered so much and there was nothing Dante or I could do to change it.

  “You’re not going to see him, are you?”

  “What? No, why the fuck would I do that?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “Just making sure.”

  I grabbed a box of tissues off my desk and handed them to Jen. Both the twins cleaned up their faces before they turned back to Dante and me.

  “You can’t keep things about Dad from us,” Fi said.

  “Are you going to find a counsellor then?” Dante asked.

  The girls looked at each other for a long moment before Fi spoke, “Yes, we will. Just give us time to find the right person.”


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