Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 58

by Sarah Bailey

  “I love you,” I whispered against his lips. “I love you so much.”

  I buried my face in his shoulder when I pulled away, breathing him in because I was a little embarrassed by my over-enthusiastic display of affection.

  “Thank you, James.”

  My words were muffled by his coat, but I knew he’d heard me.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  Even though this was the most ridiculously extravagant gift he could give me, I couldn’t refuse it. Not least because the moment I saw what he’d done, it’d filled me with so much joy I could barely contain it. I’d never had huge aspirations in life, but he was right, I had loved working in the bar at the hotel and I really did love this little jazz bar.

  I pulled away and looked up at him. His blue eyes were shining and my heart stopped in my chest. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have this man in my life. To have his love. To have his affection and most of all… his kind and considerate heart.

  “I can’t believe you bought me a bar.”

  “Not just any bar, the one where I first learnt how amazing you are and you gave me an introduction to Amaretto Sours. I blame you for my addiction.”

  I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. One of the things he’d bought me was a very expensive cocktail shaker a couple of weeks ago so I could make them at home.

  “Can I sign the papers then?” I asked.

  He let me go, his blue eyes twinkling. I could tell he’d been nervous I wouldn’t accept this, but James knew me better than I knew myself sometimes. I needed this. A project to work on and throw myself into after all the turmoil of my father’s arrest and upcoming trial. I’d been bored at home. And James’ flat really was home now. Last week, we’d moved all of my stuff out of my flat, getting rid of what we didn’t need as my notice period was finally up.

  I sat at the bar and Felix indicated where I needed to sign. It took some time as I had to sign a few copies, but once we were done, he handed me the keys to the bar and left us to it, saying he’d have all the rest of the necessary paperwork delivered to us within the week.

  I turned to James, the hugest smile on my face as I launched myself back into his arms and kissed him again now we were alone. This kiss wasn’t remotely innocent. My hands were under his t-shirt within moments, running across his bare skin as he groaned in my mouth.

  “Lock the door,” I told him as I shrugged my coat off and hung it up on the back of the stool.

  His eyebrow raised, but he soon got the message because he was jogging over to the front door and flipping the lock. The next half an hour was hands, tongues and bodies crashing together in a hot mess all over one of the tables in a booth at the back. Our booth. The one where I’d first revealed something about my past. James knew the whole story now. I’d opened up to him about it further and he’d told me more about his father. We’d promised to lay bare our true selves to each other one night when he’d taken me to dinner. We’d signed it on a napkin as usual and it was stuck on the fridge in our kitchen as a reminder.

  I lay on his chest, running my hand along his stomach. His eyes were closed and his breathing heavy.

  “I should buy you bars more often,” he said.


  He opened his eyes which were dark with lust.

  “Because that, sweetheart, was hot as fuck.”

  I laughed, shaking my head and kissing his chest.

  “Don’t even think about buying me another bar. I’ll have enough trouble working out how to run this one.”

  “The current manager is very experienced, I’m sure he can help you.”

  “And who would that be?”

  James’ eyes twinkled.

  “Your good friend, Sandro.”

  I groaned, hiding my face in his chest. Sandro the certifiable flirt. At least I knew him a little already so that might go some way to making this an easier transition for me.

  “I bet he was happy when he realised it was you buying the place.”

  “Maybe… I did have to tell him I didn’t bat for the other team.”

  I was shaking with laughter for the next five minutes because I couldn’t get over the thought of James having to have that conversation with Sandro.

  “It wasn’t funny, Ellie. Honestly, I feel like a piece of meat whenever he looks at me.”

  That set me off further and I almost fell off the table. Thankfully, James caught me in time. He was shaking his head at me when I’d calmed down again.

  “He can look but he can’t touch.” I ran a finger down the centre of his chest. “You’re all mine.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmmhmm, so don’t forget it.”

  “I’d never, sweetheart. You and I belong to each other.”

  I never thought I’d find happiness like this. Not with someone who understood me in ways no one else ever did. James and I were meant to be. I should’ve known that from the day I met him at his brother’s wedding. I’d felt something back then but I hadn’t realised what it was and from what James told me, the feeling was mutual.

  Suddenly realising something, I jumped up and ran over to the bar, grabbing a napkin and a pen, not caring I was completely naked. When I got back to the table, James was sitting up on it running a hand through his hair.

  “What’s this?” he asked, but I’m pretty sure he knew.

  “This, my sweet, kind and incredibly generous boyfriend who has given me the best birthday present in the world, is possibly the most important promise we’ll ever make to each other.”

  I wrote it down and showed it to him. It was so simple and yet it was the only promise I ever wanted to make to him. His smile was radiant as he took the pen from me and signed his name next to mine.

  I promise to love you


  Eleanor Kirkwood and James Benson


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book.

  What a journey James and Ellie have taken me on. I hadn’t planned on writing any further stories in this universe until one of my readers, the lovely Petra, suggested she would love to read James’ story as well as perhaps the twins too. What’s a writer to do when her characters start talking her ear off? Write them of course. I just wasn’t anticipating quite how emotional this story would be for me.

  James was never going to be an antihero like Aiden and Dante were. He’s far too sweet and kind for that, but he did end up surprising me at every turn. I especially wanted to explore his relationship with his father because Zach was a huge part of the siblings lives for so long. He might be behind bars, but the past has a way of catching up with you no matter how hard you try to bury it. James’ story needed telling and I’m so glad I got to meet his love interest, Ellie. Writing her backstory was heartbreaking for me, especially since I’ve never really gotten to tell the stories of the women who were affected by the Daniels from the Corrupt Empire trilogy. Whilst Ellie’s circumstances were unique to her, we also got a wider insight into how the Daniels preyed on young women and what they managed to get away with for so long. I just hope this story was worth the wait and that you’ve loved these two characters just as much as I have writing them.

  A huge thank you to all my readers for sticking with the Corrupt Empire universe. Your enthusiasm for these characters and their stories has kept me going. And don’t worry, there’s more to come! The twins are next.

  Thank you to my writing family. All of you give me life. My besties, Sabrina and Sean, you’ve always got my back and never fail to support me in my hour of need. You know just how hard I work to get these books written and how much my characters drive me crazy at every turn. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

  I dedicated this book to Elle, but she has been my lifeline this year. From listening to me rant about my characters, getting excited about James’ story with me and knowing exactly how hard
the life of an author is when you’re constantly bombarded with new ideas. You never fail to inspire me. I’m so glad I have a fellow author who understands my writing process and is on the same page as me.

  Thank you to my family who give me their complete support despite the hard times we’ve had over the past couple of months. Especially thank you to my mother for proofreading James’ story and loving the journey the characters have been on.

  And last, but not least, thank you to my husband. He’s my rock and the person I turn to when things get tough. He’s the one who gave me the opportunity to write full time and I cannot thank him enough. I love you so much. You are my soulmate even if you drive me crazy most of the time. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you.


  Benson Siblings

  Book Three

  Sarah Bailey

  Prohibit Copyright © 2019 by Sarah Bailey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Please note the spelling throughout is British English.

  Cover Art by V Designs

  Published by Twisted Tree Publications

  [email protected]

  To Fiona and Jensen

  Sometimes soulmates appear in the strangest of places

  Sometimes you find love in the dark

  And sometimes you just need a little push to learn how to live again

  Chapter One


  Some days I just wanted to forget all the bullshit in my life which had brought me up to this moment. In all honesty, it was my own fault. I should take responsibility for my actions. I was closer to forty than I liked to admit. So really, it was up to me to sort out the shitshow that happened to be my life. On the outside, I might look like I’m this successful and well put together man, but it was all a façade. Lurking underneath was someone I rarely showed to anyone else. Someone dark and destructive. Who took what he wanted without a single thought for what his actions might cause. That man was responsible for this predicament.

  Should I be sat in a bar nursing a glass of scotch after yet another full-blown argument with my younger brother?

  Not really.

  Did I care right then?

  Again. Not really.

  I liked this place. Never ridiculously busy like some bars. One of London’s many hidden gems. Frankie’s had changed hands a couple of months ago. There were subtle changes to the interior which you’d only notice if you visited frequently. All the seating had been reupholstered in a lighter blue velvet than before and the light fixtures had been changed from art deco to a more modern brushed steel. I liked the new look. It made the place seem a little less dated.

  The best change of all happened to be the new musicians the owner had brought in. Some of them were out of this world. I enjoyed jazz so this little bar was the perfect place for me to relax after a long day. It wasn’t like I had anyone to go home to. My penthouse flat might be immaculate with expensive furnishings and appliances, but it was lonely too. Again, my own fault for ruining my relationship with my family.

  Shaking myself out of those dangerous thoughts, I sipped my whisky, hoping the alcohol would dull my senses enough so I could sleep tonight. That was the other problem. Insomnia. A complete bitch to deal with. I had only one without fail solution. Pity I wasn’t getting any tonight.

  It had been a couple of months and honestly, I should find a willing pussy. It would save me a fuck load of hassle if I got this shit out of my system. It’s not like I couldn’t. Most women took one look at me and dropped their knickers without a second thought. But I wasn’t some arrogant fuck who thought he was god’s gift to women. Far from it. I knew my way around women, sure, but the things I really liked, the majority of them couldn’t handle.

  I couldn’t be bothered moving from the booth to go in search of a woman. What would be the point when it’d be a one and done sort of thing? No one stuck around long enough. I pushed them all away before they got a chance to see the real me. And the ones who tried, they ran for the hills when they realised who they’d got involved with.

  So there was no fucking point to any of it.

  None at all.

  I’d just lifted my glass when the door swinging back on its hinges had my head turning. Normally I paid no mind to the people who came in and out, but my skin prickled all over.

  What the fuck?

  A lone girl walked in. She had a long, well-tailored dark coat with a belt and sky high black court heels on. When she swung in my direction, I could see she was wearing a figure hugging black pencil skirt and a dark red blouse underneath which matched her lipstick. Her dark hair curled around her shoulders and piercing blue eyes scanned the room with an air of disinterest. Her gaze barely brushed over me before she turned away and walked over to the bar, settling herself on one of the stools.

  I stared at her back, itching to reach out and touch that pearlescent white skin. Wrap my hand around that slender neck and squeeze a little. To curl her dark hair in my fist and drive into her like a man possessed.

  I looked down when I realised my cock was pressing against my trousers and it was getting distinctly uncomfortable. What the hell was wrong with me? She looked young. Way too young for me to even consider going there, but hell, this girl had made an impression if the ache in my dick was anything to go by. And she was just a girl so this reaction wasn’t welcome. Most fucking unwelcome.

  Slow the fuck down!

  This was inappropriate, not to mention ridiculous. She wouldn’t have any interest in me. I had to be at least ten years older than her if not more. I felt like a fucking teenage boy rather than a man. Lusting over some girl who was way out of my league. Except this girl wasn’t. She was beautiful as fuck, but I was confident in my own looks department. That did not mean I’d walk over there and talk to her.

  So why was I still watching her as she ordered a drink and twirled around the little plastic stick in it when the bartender popped it down in front of her? Why did I want to know what she was doing in this place? And why the hell was I up and out of my seat the moment the bartender brought over the card machine?

  She was rifling for her purse in her bag when I reached her and leant over with my arm outstretched having pulled my credit card from my wallet on the way over.

  “Allow me,” I said in her ear as I waved my card over the little machine.

  She jumped, almost smacking into me. Her head whipped around when I straightened, her blue eyes catching mine. The shock in them made me wonder what the hell I’d been thinking. Except I knew I hadn’t. I’d acted on instinct. Needing an excuse to talk to her. To be close to her.

  “I’m perfectly capable of buying my own drinks, thank you very much,” were the first words out of her mouth and fuck if that didn’t make my already painful cock throb. I liked it when a woman spoke her mind. That feistiness fed me. Made me want to do things to her slender little body she’d likely faint over if she knew.

  Her eyes roamed across me, taking in every aspect of my dark grey suit, white shirt and black tie as I leant against the bar next to her.

  “You have expensive taste,” was the second thing out of her mouth. “Armani if I’m not mistaken.”

  I frowned. In my experience, my attire was not the first thing a woman looked at. I liked to make an impression with my clothes, but I’d rather they take in the athletic body which I worked hard to maintain despite my age.

  “Do you oft
en comment on what brands a man is wearing within moments of meeting him?”

  “No, but I don’t often get strange men paying for my drinks without so much as a hello first. Is this a habit of yours?”


  She arched a sceptical eyebrow but didn’t comment. Usually, I let women come to me, but this one was different. This one I wanted more than I’d ever wanted another woman in my life.

  She’s too young for you. Way too young.

  Playing with fire usually meant you ended up burnt, but I’d already gone to hell and back more than once in my life.

  “Well, thank you for the drink.”

  She turned back to it and took a sip, effectively telling me to leave. It’s what I should’ve done. Except this girl made the dark side of me come out to play. He took what he wanted and he wanted her. So I leant towards her, watching her skin prickle as my breath dusted over it. I didn’t quite touch her even though I wanted to bite down on her earlobe.

  “When I see something I want, I have very little patience,” I told her, my voice low. “Make no mistake, I want you. Meet me by the toilets in five minutes. No introductions. No names. Just your body and mine.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to respond as I walked away. Fighting with my urge to look back, I made my way over to my table, picked up my scotch and downed it in one, grimacing as hot fire burnt its way down my throat.

  I’d lost the fucking plot. Well and truly. I’d just propositioned a girl I had no business speaking to. Whilst I hadn’t exactly outright said I wanted to fuck her, that was the gist of it. And I had absolutely no idea what she thought about it. Probably that I was some dirty old creep and to be honest, right now, that’s exactly what I was.


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