Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 60

by Sarah Bailey

  “Might I ask who is who?” he said as he stepped back.

  Jen looked at me. Normally I was the one who led the two of us, but I was too busy staring at him and remembering what he’d said to me last night.

  “You feel something you like, little one?”

  “We’ve barely shared a few words and here I am, balls deep in your tight pussy.”

  She put a hand on my arm. I couldn’t move or bring myself to open my mouth.

  “I’m Jennifer and that’s Fiona.”

  “Did you want to take a seat then?” he replied, gesturing to the sofa next to us.

  How on earth could he be so calm? Was this even ethical? We’d had sex with each other. He’d been inside me.

  As Jen dragged me over to the sofa, giving me one of those looks I knew I could never tell her about this. I could imagine how that conversation would go.

  Oh, by the way, I let some guy I didn’t know screw me in the toilets of Frankie’s and you know I was acting weird in therapy? Well yeah, that’s because it was our therapist’s dick which got caught inside me last night and I was in shock over seeing him again.

  I had to come up with an excuse. Any excuse for my odd behaviour. And I had to get it together. If he could act like nothing happened then so could I… I hoped.

  I fidgeted next to Jen on the sofa as he sat down in the armchair opposite us. His office was modern but homely. I supposed as a therapist, he wanted his clients to relax so the right setting was key. I didn’t feel relaxed at all, but it had nothing to do with talking about my trauma. It had everything to do with the way my skin prickled as his eyes fell on me and the memory of the brutal pounding he’d given me. My pussy clenched, reminding me of exactly how much I’d enjoyed it.

  “So, Jennifer and Fiona,” he started. The way he said my name sent a wave of hot desire shooting right down to my core. “I don’t usually see clients together, but I understand from Tracy the two of you have a shared incident which has brought you here today.”

  Jen glanced at me as if asking me to answer him. I opened my mouth but the words wouldn’t come out. I hadn’t bloody said anything the whole time and it was beginning to make me look like a complete fool.

  “Yes,” she said when I snapped my jaw shut again. “I mean, honestly, neither of us wanted to do this, but Dante insisted and I suppose he’s right.”

  “And Dante is your brother?”

  “Yeah, I mean, you must know about our family.”

  He nodded slowly.

  “I do, but I don’t like to make assumptions. During these sessions, I prefer my clients to tell me things in their own words.”

  So that’s what we were now. His clients. I wasn’t the girl he’d bent over the sink, pulled her underwear down and pounded without any mercy at all. The girl he’d almost suffocated whilst we both chased our orgasms. I squirmed a little at the memory. Jen gave me a sharp look. I was not looking forward to the end of this session since she would demand to know what the hell was wrong with me.

  “Well, okay, Dante is our older brother and we have a younger brother, James. We were twelve when our mother, Margo, died and our father, Zach, is in prison for her murder as well as other… things.”

  I hadn’t really expected Jen to come out with all of that, but I supposed it was better to be upfront with it.

  “Would you care to elaborate on the other things?”

  Jen looked at me yet again.

  Just bloody say something, Fiona.

  “The reason we’re here is because our father raped us and took our virginity when we were fifteen and we freak out every time we see him or hear his voice,” the words fell out of my mouth in a rush and I almost slapped myself for it because Jen’s sharp intake of breath said it all.

  His expression didn’t change, but I saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes.

  “Did you really have to put it like that?” Jen hissed.

  “Sorry,” I muttered.

  I looked at my hands bunched in my skirt and wanted the ground to swallow me up. Why was I embarrassing myself in front of Mr Green Eyes? I mean… Doctor Andrews. And now he knew my worst memory. The reason my twin and I suffered flashbacks. The reason we’d never really been able to move on and have normal relationships with men. Not for lack of trying though.

  I wanted a relationship. A normal one which didn’t have me freaking out the moment they accidentally did something to set me off. And then there was the issue of how co-dependent Jen and I were on each other. It bothered the men we’d dated. They couldn’t accept we were practically joined at the hip and did almost everything together. Probably wasn’t the healthiest way to live, but we were twins. No one else got our connection or understood how one couldn’t be without the other except maybe Dante and James, but they’d grown up with us.

  “Was this something that happened to you separately?”

  “No, we were both there throughout,” Jen replied before I had a chance to speak again.

  He sat back a little in his seat. I noticed he was wearing a grey shirt with a darker grey tie and hell if it didn’t mould to his body perfectly. I hadn’t had a chance to see it last night, but I’d certainly felt his hard muscles against my back. He clearly worked out.

  Stop thinking about him like that!

  This was my therapist and even if he’d been all up inside my pussy last night, it wasn’t going to happen again. I didn’t even know if I could see him after this because the whole thing had thrown me completely off balance. How could I talk to him about all the shit with my dad when I knew what it was like to have him inside me?

  The rest of the hour long session was awkward as hell, to say the least. Jen did most of the talking with me giving very noncommittal answers to any questions posed to me. He kept glancing at me throughout, his eyes darkening as they drifted over my breasts. You’d think being identical twins, guys would be attracted to both of us, but we’d found that wasn’t often the case. He certainly wasn’t looking at Jen with the same hunger in his eyes as he was me. I wasn’t even sure if he knew he was doing it.

  It didn’t matter either way. What we did last night was never happening again. I could ignore how my insides clenched every single time his eyes drifted over me and the need building inside me to feel his hand across my mouth and his cock driving into me.

  Why did he have to be so stupidly perfect? I couldn’t stop looking at him. The way his mouth twitched whenever I spoke and the flexing of his muscles when he shifted in his seat.

  You really need to get a grip, Fiona. You can’t have him again. He’s your therapist. It’s unethical for him to sleep with you.

  Unethical, sure, but I couldn’t help it. No one had ever made me feel the way he did. He’d taken control of the whole situation and I couldn’t deny I felt deeply satisfied letting him take me in the way he wanted. Maybe because he was older. His maturity showed since he was clearly capable of remaining professional whereas I was a mess.

  Jen stood, signalling our hour was up. I hadn’t honestly been paying attention. Mr Green Eyes was already up and holding the door open for us.

  “Before you go, I’m going to recommend I see you for separate sessions. I’ve found working one on one is more effective and beneficial for clients in cases such as yours.”

  I looked up at him as Jen and I both paused by the door whilst he spoke. Something about the way he was looking at me told me I wasn’t going to get off lightly next time I saw him.

  “Okay, great, thank you, Doctor Andrews,” Jen said.

  She nudged me, her eyes wide.

  “Um… yeah, thank you,” I mumbled.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you next time,” he said.

  I didn’t dare look at him again as the two of us left the office. I was in a bit of a daze as Jen spoke to the receptionist to arrange our appointments going forward. Jen kept nudging me and I just about managed to focus on adding the appointments to the calendar on my phone. Every T
hursday at four pm for an hour. As the owners and managing directors of Bensons, we could knock off early and considering Dante insisted we go to therapy in the first place, I was sure he wouldn’t have an issue with it

  Jen didn’t say anything to me on our way home to our shared flat, but I knew she was itching to. I’d been acting weird and she was the first person to notice when something was wrong. As soon as we got in the door she rounded on me. I’d barely had a chance to kick off my heels.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I shrugged off my coat and hung it up. I didn’t meet her eyes as I walked into the living room with her trailing along behind me.

  “You know talking about Dad is difficult.”

  “Oh no, you don’t get to pull that card with me. You looked like a deer caught in headlights the moment we stepped into his office and you’ve been acting weird all day.”

  I slumped on the sofa and kicked my feet up on the coffee table. This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have, but I had to give her something. She didn’t have to know the mystery man from last night was none other than our therapist, did she?

  “I may have done something stupid last night and it’s been bothering me all day.”

  She threw herself down next to me and gathered one of the cushions to her stomach, giving me the once over.

  “You had sex, didn’t you?”

  I groaned, throwing my hand over my face.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “I’m your sister. Everything you do is obvious to me. Besides, you have that look about you. Wait… how did that even happen? You were literally just going to see Ellie at the bar.”

  So I explained what happened, missing out a lot of very important details like the way he’d handled me and the things he’d said.

  She clapped her hands together, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “You dirty bitch. Fucking some randomer in the toilets. Please tell me he was hot.”

  Mr Green Eyes was hot all right. So hot I could barely keep my eyes off him in therapy today and yesterday, all I’d wanted to do was look at him in the mirror. The way his eyes turned feral at the thought of being inside me. The way he wore a suit should be classified as illegal because no man should look that good in one. I was surprised he even wanted me considering he could likely have anyone.

  “So hot, Jen… he was drop dead gorgeous.”

  “Man, I wish I’d come out with you now.”

  I shook my head.

  “Oh no, you didn’t tell me how your date with Toby went.”

  I was glad to change the subject because talking any further about Doctor Andrews would surely land me in the shit. I couldn’t afford for Jen to find out who the man from last night really was.

  “So, so, so bad. God, Fi, you’d have cringed so hard. He droned on and on about his job the whole time. Like no one cares that you’re a fucking accountant, Toby. Literally no one.”

  I laughed. Another dud Tinder date then. Jen had been on several recently after I’d encouraged her to get out there more. She’d always been the shyer of the two of us when it came to men. It didn’t mean she wasn’t prepared to speak her own mind. Hell, Jen could be mischievous when she wanted to be. Especially when it came to Dante and James.

  “Poor Toby.”

  “Not poor Toby. I need you to vet these guys for me. I clearly can’t pick the good ones.”

  Yeah, well apparently neither can I considering I slept with our therapist without a second thought.

  To be fair, I had no idea he was our therapist. I just thought he was a hot older guy who saw what he wanted and took it.

  “Okay, okay. Who else do you have on the go then?”

  She tugged her phone out and started showing me her matches. I almost breathed a sigh of relief because at least it seemed she’d forgotten about my behaviour in Doctor Andrew’s office for now.

  In a lot of ways, I was grateful we wouldn’t be having therapy sessions together. I wasn’t sure I could spend another hour with him looking at me the way he had been today and Jen not noticing something.

  But seeing him again? That made me nervous as hell.

  How on earth was I going to handle this?

  And what if he chose not to address what happened between us?

  I wasn’t sure what would happen the next time I saw him and that was the most terrifying part of all.

  Chapter Three


  Fuck. Just fuck. As soon as they left my office, I threw myself down into my desk chair and put my head in my hands. The young dark haired beauty. The girl I’d fucked and wanted to fuck again and again. That fucking girl was none other than Miss Fiona Benson. Sitting across from her and her twin sister had been absolute torture. Especially when it was clear she was thoroughly rattled after finding out who I really was.

  To say I was shocked didn’t quite cut it when they walked in. I instantly recognised Jennifer because they were identical so when Fiona had appeared by her side, I’d almost done a double take. Telling them apart would have been almost impossible except I didn’t have the same reaction to her as I did her sister. No, Jennifer didn’t get my dick hard, but Fiona did. Fuck did she get me going. The memory of her supple body moulded to mine and my cock in her tight pussy almost had me hiding behind my desk so neither of them could see how her presence affected me.

  I couldn’t do that though. I had to remain professional because they were my clients. They were here for a reason. And when I found out what the reason was, I’d almost lost my focus because it sickened me they’d had to go through that. Families sucked. Especially when there was abuse rampant within them. Now I understood why they’d wanted me or at least, their brother had judging by what they’d said. I dealt with a lot of cases of childhood trauma and abuse.

  There was absolutely no way in hell I could go near her again. It would be completely unethical and I could get in a shit ton of trouble. I should’ve told her I couldn’t treat her. That would’ve been the right thing to do. But I’d never done the right thing in my life. At least according to my brother and my parents. What the fuck did they know anyway? I’d built my own success. My parents were proud of me for becoming a doctor, but it didn’t mean they’d forgiven me for the shit I’d put them through. And I really had no idea how to fix things with my younger brother.

  I shook myself, dwelling on it wasn’t helping my mood. Not when I was already struggling with the fact I’d fucked my new client. She wasn’t just anyone either. Her and her siblings owned a huge fashion house and their father’s arrest had been big news a couple of years ago. The aftermath hadn’t been pretty as far as I could tell. The only reason I knew was because it had been splashed all over the headlines for months. I wasn’t one for paying attention to what the super rich were involved in usually.

  My phone buzzed. I raised my head from my hands and pressed down on the intercom.

  “Mr Lucas has cancelled his appointment tomorrow, so I’m going to try fit in another referral,” Tracy said.

  “Okay, make sure to rearrange his appointment when he’s available.” That was the fifth time he’d cancelled. We’d been making good progress so I wasn’t sure what happened. “Hold on, did the Benson twins make appointments?”

  “Yes, Jennifer will see you on Wednesdays and Fiona on Thursdays, both at four pm. I’ve added them to your calendar.”

  My last appointment of the day. I tried not to work long hours because this wasn’t exactly the easiest career choice. I often felt drained at the end of the day working through issues with clients. The majority of cases I took on weren’t straight forward.

  “Right, good. Thanks, Tracy, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  So Fiona hadn’t bolted the moment she left my office. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Did this mean she was willing to try put last night behind us? I could treat her without repercussions, couldn’t I? They both clearly needed it considering what they’d said today. Although her si
ster had done most of the talking which judging by the way Jennifer kept looking at Fiona, that wasn’t their usual dynamic. Twins had always been fascinating to me, but these two even more so given they had a shared traumatic event.

  I could put aside everything to treat Fiona. No matter how much her body called to me. I would resist the temptation.

  My mobile rang on my desk. I picked it up, rolling my eyes and sighing when I saw who it was.

  “Hello Skye, let me guess, he never wants to see me again, right?”

  “Hello Jensen. No… that’s not why I’m calling.”

  My sister in law was constantly forced to break us up. In a way, I felt bad for Skye being in the middle.


  “It’s Sadie’s birthday party on Saturday and she wants her uncle there.”

  My heart tightened. I didn’t often get to see my niece and nephew because of my feud with their father.

  “Does Ben know about this?”

  “Do you think I would be calling you if he didn’t?”

  Probably not since Ben wouldn’t let me step foot in his house without his say so.

  “Are you sure she didn’t mean her other uncle?”

  Skye sighed. Yes, it was a sore point that I wasn’t the only person they called uncle even though I was their blood relative.

  “Aiden will be there too. Can you just put aside your shit for once and do the right thing? Sadie specifically asked if her Uncle JenJen would be there.”

  Sadie was turning three and couldn’t yet say Jensen properly. She and Josh had been born less than a year apart as Skye had pretty much immediately got pregnant straight after Josh was born.

  “Fine. I’ll be there. Just text me what I should get her. You know I’m not up with the latest toys.”

  I did try to spoil the kids when I saw them much to Ben’s annoyance. It wasn’t as if I was trying to buy their affection. They both liked me, it was their father and grandparents who had an issue. Skye refused to take anyone’s side, stating that family was family regardless of what they’d done.


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