Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 86

by Sarah Bailey

  “You want my cock? Beg for it.”

  I bit my lip, no longer caring about anything but having him.

  “I want it so bad. I’ll do anything, just please fuck me. I want your cock inside me. I need you, please, please fuck me.”

  He tugged his cock out and stroked it. My mouth watered at the sight of this beautiful man with his cock in his hand, ready to take me in the way only he knew how.

  “Such a dirty little girl.”

  He moved his hips between my legs, rubbing his cock up and down my wet pussy, making me whimper and moan. When he pressed inside me finally, my eyes rolled back in my head as the heady wave of pleasure drove through me. He gripped my neck, holding me in place so he could press deeper, stretching me wide for him.

  “Fuck your little pussy is so hot and wet. All for me.”

  He told me enough times he couldn’t get enough of it. That my pussy was his favourite place to be. Just as well I loved having him there. His thick, hard cock filling me up. The way he sometimes fucked me so savagely, I felt it for hours afterwards.

  His grunt when he buried himself up to the hilt rang in my ears. Staying there for a long moment to allow me to adjust, he stared into my eyes.

  “I can’t believe you're mine,” he whispered. “All mine.”

  “Believe it.”

  He dragged me closer by my neck and kissed me. Then he pulled back and started a brutal pace which had me almost choking on my own breath at the intensity. Letting go of my neck, he buried his face in it, his teeth grazing across my pulse.

  “Little one,” he groaned. “So good, so fucking good. Fuck I love you.”

  I gripped his shoulders to anchor myself to him as he continued to fuck me senseless. My heart swelled at his words. I was close. So close to the edge. The way he’d worked me up and denied me my orgasm had me completely unable to hold back.

  “Fuck, shit, Jensen, oh god.”

  Sparks formed behind my closed eyelids as waves of bliss rushed over me. My blood boiled in my veins, my pussy clenched around him and my heart pounded in my ears. His solid body slammed into mine over and over, scattering my senses, breaking me whilst he put me back together again. He didn’t have to deny me my breath because I was already struggling to gulp down oxygen with the intensity of my climax ripping me to shreds.

  When I slumped against him, my head lolling on his shoulder, my chest heaved and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to function again. He’d rendered me a jellified mess in the best way possible.

  “Fuck, Christ, little one.”

  He slammed into me one last time and shuddered, his grip on me almost bruising as I felt his cock convulse inside me over and over. Hell did this man drive me crazy. Our mutual need for each other had us unable to stay away. That had been a problem in the beginning, but now? Now we could indulge in that simple pleasure whenever the need overtook us.

  “I love you,” I murmured into his jacket.

  His hands stroked down my sides, his breathing uneven as we stayed locked together for several moments. When he pulled back, he smiled and cupped my face with one hand.


  I nodded, turning my face and kissing his palm. We both got ourselves cleaned up and our clothes straightened out. Unlike last time, Jensen didn’t leave without me. He took my hand, unlocked the door and we stepped out together. There were two women waiting outside with joint raised eyebrows. Jensen merely shrugged and gave them a wink before dragging me away. Any embarrassment I might have felt was long gone. Who cared when I’d had my world rocked by the man beside me?

  Jensen drove us home, his hand on my thigh most of the way. I watched the city pass us by, satisfied and content. If Ellie ever found out we’d used her bar to fuck in twice, I might be in trouble with James. Jen wouldn’t out me about the first time. The second? That happened to be a little secret between me, Jensen and perhaps, Sandro.

  When we reached the penthouse, all I wanted to do was curl up in bed. It’d been a long day and that little session had worn me out. I stripped out of my clothes, pulling on one of Jensen’s t-shirts whilst he had to check something for work. After I brushed my teeth, I curled up under the covers and breathed in his woodsy scent which always clung to the sheets.

  The real thing joined me ten minutes later, his warm body wrapping itself around mine. I sighed, feeling safe and content.

  “Mmm, when you’re in our bed, I never want to leave,” he murmured.

  Butterflies erupted in my stomach at him calling it our bed. He’d encouraged me to make this my home. I’d bought some new pieces of furniture and put some of my pictures up on the walls. It’d given the penthouse a more homely feel to it.

  “Lucky for you I intend to stay.”

  His hand found mine, entwining our fingers together.


  “That’s the plan. I can’t very well leave my soul behind now, can I?”

  He chuckled, his nose nuzzling the back of my neck.

  “I want forever with you, little one.”

  I smiled, turning my face up towards his. He stole a kiss, making me melt against him.

  “You’ll have it. I love you, Jensen.”

  “My forever,” he whispered. “I love you too.”


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book.

  Not going to lie, I was incredibly nervous to begin writing the twin’s stories. I’d written so little about them compared to their brothers. Lucky for me, they both came across loud and clear, giving me an insight into their differing personalities. Although I didn’t write from Jennifer’s point of view in this book, we do get to learn about her from her sessions with Jensen.

  I guess that leads me onto my experiences of writing Fiona and Jensen. What a pair. The raw sexual attraction and chemistry between the two of them had me fanning myself at times. As authors, we’re probably not supposed to have favourites, but Jensen quickly became mine. This hot older guy came out of nowhere and when I found out his backstory, it just about broke my heart. The path to true love never did run smooth as evidenced by these two. This book very much became two broken people needing each other to heal, at least in my humble opinion. Fiona was definitely broken on the inside as strong as she tried to be for her sister. Her growth throughout the book was challenging to write, especially when she sacrificed her own happiness for everyone else. But ultimately, she came into her own by the end.

  Now, I love a forbidden romance, so getting the opportunity to write one and put my own stamp on it was incredibly rewarding. It might not be your typical forbidden tale, but I hope you’ve all enjoyed learning more about these two characters who have a special place in my heart.

  So there’s only one book left in this series. Jennifer’s book is next and I’m hoping the final book will go out with a bang. It’s just as emotionally hard hitting as all the books have been in this series, but with such a broken family, I’m sure you’re all expecting that much.

  Thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me throughout Corrupt Empire and the Benson Siblings. This has turned into something bigger than I ever expected and I can’t wait to keep writing stories in my dark universe. My readers keep me going. Knowing you’re enjoying my stories and characters makes my day. I wouldn’t be doing this without you guys, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  A huge thank you to my wonderful writer friend, Elle, who had to deal with me having a couple of meltdowns writing this book when certain characters decided to throw me huge curveballs.

  Thank you to my amazing reviewer friend, Matt. He never fails to champion me and has also suffered through my writing meltdowns. Our crazy talks get me through the day and well, on occasion he does send me pictures of hot tattooed guys with abs, so who wouldn’t love that?

  Thank you to all of my family and friends for being there for me. Sab, Sean – you two are my greatest supports ever. Thank you to my mum as always f
or checking all of my misspellings! I swear I’m not that bad with grammar and punctuation.

  And last but not least, thank you to my long suffering husband. You’re my lifeline just like Fiona is Jensen’s. I love you to the stars and back.


  Benson Siblings

  Book Four

  Sarah Bailey

  Protect Copyright © 2019 by Sarah Bailey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Please note the spelling throughout is British English.

  Cover Art by V Designs

  Published by Twisted Tree Publications

  [email protected]

  To all my readers

  Your enthusiasm for my books keeps me writing

  Thank you for everything

  Chapter One



  I never thought I’d ever feel the sting of betrayal from my own sister, but I was wrong. The pain in my chest was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Not even the day my father stole my innocence compared to this.

  How could they?

  It didn’t seem possible. Fi would never do anything to intentionally hurt me. She loved me. She was my soulmate. My twin. And yet she’d kept it a secret. Kept her relationship with him from me. Not only that, but I was the very last person to know.

  My sister and my therapist.

  How did I not see it? How could I not have known? Doctor Andrews had been my support network. He’d been so kind and understanding and yet he was fucking my sister behind my back like it was nothing. I didn’t care how sorry they both were. Sorry was meaningless. They’d lied to me. A lie by omission but a lie all the same.

  When I ran out of Dante’s house, I had no idea where I was going. I couldn’t go to James’. He knew too. They’d kept it a secret from me. Liora had tried to stop me leaving, but I’d told her to leave me alone. My heart hurt and I needed someone familiar. Someone who understood the complicated intricacies of my family. Someone I absolutely hated. Being alone right now wouldn’t do me any good. It would only make matters worse. Of that, I was sure.

  I trudged down the steps to his basement flat, feeling completely idiotic with tears streaming down my face. Reaching up, I rang the doorbell and waited. I’d be lucky if he even answered after all the times I’d fought with him and called him a dickhead.

  The door opened and there stood my archnemesis with a frown etched on his annoyingly handsome face. Brent had always towered over me. His brown hair was mussed and hazel eyes roamed over me with concern, like he couldn’t believe me, of all people, happened to be standing on his doorstep. To be honest, I hardly knew why I was here myself. Just the thought of going back home after what I’d discovered was the last thing I wanted to do right then.

  Brent and I had hated each other from day one. He called me a spoilt brat and I thought he was all ego and no substance. We’d been at each other’s throats since I was fifteen and he’d come to work for Dante. Brent was sort of like another big brother to James and Fi. Brent and I, on the other hand, never learnt how to get along with each other. As I got older, I tried to be civil with him for everyone else’s sakes. Didn’t mean I liked him.


  He knew how to tell Fi and me apart. Apparently to him, the differences between us were blindingly obvious although he never explained how. We were identical in appearance. Only our personalities differed in my opinion.

  “Can I come in?” I choked out, unable to keep the emotion out of my voice.

  He looked me over once more and stepped back. I’d never been down here before, having not wanted to be anywhere near Brent’s personal space. Taking hesitant steps, I walked in and he shut the door behind me.

  No going back now.

  He led me into his living room and indicated the sofa with his hand.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  I shrugged, taking a seat on the edge of the sofa.

  “What’s wrong, Jen? Why are you here?”

  He didn’t sound irritated, just concerned. I never thought I’d hear Brent talk to me without annoyance in his voice.

  “They all lied to me.”

  “Who has?”

  “Fiona, Doctor Andrews… and my brothers knew too. I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here. I didn’t want to be alone…” I stood up again, looking down at the floor. “I should go.”

  I started towards the door but was stopped by a hand on my arm. Raising my eyes, I found Brent staring at me with compassion in his gold flecked hazel eyes. How had I never noticed those flecks in his eyes before? What the hell was I thinking? This was Brent. He annoyed the shit out of me.

  “You don’t have to go. Come sit and tell me what happened.”

  I should’ve walked out the door and dealt with this myself. My feet didn’t move towards the hallway though. They carried me back over to the sofa. Brent took my coat from me and chucked it over an armchair before pressing me down on the sofa with a hand on my shoulder. He took a seat next to me. I eyed him warily, wondering why he was being nice to me.

  Brent wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It must’ve been his night off. Probably why he’d not been in the main house when I’d arrived earlier. He spent a lot of time upstairs with Dante, Liora and the cats. Though now Liora was pregnant, she told me he made himself scarce more often than not what with her pregnancy hormones making her a little crazy sometimes.

  “I feel stupid,” I whispered.


  “Why wouldn’t I? You and I have never shared a conversation which hasn’t ended up in name calling.”

  He smiled and shook his head.

  “Well how about we call a truce and you tell me what your sister did to upset you. Contrary to what you might think, I don’t enjoy seeing you cry.”

  I looked down at my hands, feeling the weight of Fi’s lies beginning to suffocate me. Would I feel better if I unburdened myself even if it was to Brent? There was only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, I dived in. The whole sorry story of what just happened upstairs spilling out as tears streamed down my face unheeded. How my sister and my therapist had been seeing each other behind my back and kept the truth from me all this time.

  Brent, to his credit, didn’t interrupt me. He sat and listened intently. I hadn’t realised how much of a good listener he was until now. Honestly, I never imagined Brent Coleman to have any redeeming qualities about himself other than his unwavering loyalty to Dante and our family. Maybe it had been wrong of me to be so hard on him.

  “They said they’re in love, but it doesn’t excuse them lying to me. It doesn’t make what they did any better. We tell each other everything and she kept that she’d fallen in love from me. That hurts more than anything. I knew something was up. I felt it in my heart.” I put my hand to my chest. “Right here. No one else understands how that feels. To know what your twin is feeling without having to ask, but I didn’t know this. I didn’t know she was in love. My own twin lied and kept something that important from me. It just… hurts so much.”

  I looked down at my hands, hiccupping on a sob. Brent dropped a tissue into my lap. I picked it up and dabbed my eyes.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We sat in silence for a long moment, me sniffing as I tried to stop the waterworks.

  “You’re not going to run out and tell me how much you ha
te me if I tell you I knew about Fi and your therapist?”

  I shook my head and half smiled.

  “No,” I hiccupped. “You don’t owe me anything unlike the rest of my family.”


  I looked up at him. His eyes were cautious and his expression wary. Given the number of times I’d snapped at him, it hardly surprised me.

  “Do you need a hug?”

  I stiffened. The very thought of the person I hated giving me physical comfort sent a wave of dread running through me. I’d never willingly touched Brent like that before. It would be weird, wouldn’t it? I couldn’t deny I craved someone’s touch, just to ground me, to make me feel like I wasn’t breaking inside, but this was Brent. I internally shook myself for overthinking it. We’d called a truce and he was offering out of compassion. He wouldn’t use this against me or anything.

  “I guess I do,” I whispered, a fresh set of tears spilling down my cheeks.

  He shuffled closer and awkwardly put his arm around me. I sat stock still for a long moment, feeling utterly ridiculous. His body was so close to mine and I could feel his warmth. I wanted it. So I turned into him and pressed myself against his chest. He wrapped his other arm around me and mine curled around his back. I let out a long breath before a sob erupted from my lips.

  “How could she do this to me?”

  “You know she didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Brent was right, of course, but it didn’t stop the pain coursing through my veins. The pain of knowing the people I loved and trusted had kept vital information from me.


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