Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 88

by Sarah Bailey

  “Brent, please.”

  I didn’t think I’d hear her beg. Never thought I’d hear my fiery Jen ask for this. Ask for me.

  “You want me inside you?”

  “Yes, fuck yes.”

  I placed a kiss on her clit before shifting higher and tugging my boxers off. Her eyes immediately went to my cock. They darkened and there was no mistaking the need in them. As much as I’d love to feel her bare, I wasn’t taking any chances when it came to Jen. I sat up and reached out, tugging open the drawer of my bedside table.

  A low grunt of surprise fell from my mouth the moment her hand gripped me. Her thumb caught the bead of precum leaking out and circled the crown of my cock with it.

  “Jen,” I hissed.

  She didn’t stop her exploration of my cock. I tried to keep from ripping her hand away and slamming into her because I couldn’t take it. She circled my wrist with her other hand which was still on the drawer and pulled it back to her.

  “No,” she whispered. “I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel everything.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Was this the same Jen who called me a dickhead on a regular basis and told me I was the last man on earth she’d ever want to be near?

  “I can’t, you’re… Jen… No.”

  She blinked, staring at me with confusion.

  “Why not? I’m on the pill.”

  She let go of my cock and reached up, pulling me down towards her as if sensing my hesitation. It forced me to settle between her legs. My cock ached as it brushed against her.

  “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone.” Her blue eyes were intent on mine. “There’s only been one person who’s had me without protection and you know who that is. I’ve not been with anyone like this since I started therapy and dealing with it has been rough, but I’m getting there. There are still things I need to do to help put the past behind me.”

  My heart broke. Jen had never talked to me about what Zach did to her and Fi. Never. Now she was telling me something secret and I found my resolve weakening.

  “I trust you,” she whispered. “You know the truth. Please let me give you this willingly.”

  That was it. Her words broke me. How on earth could I say no to that? To her. When she was asking me to help her in a way I’d never expected. To let her do this with me because she felt safe. Jen trusted me. Me. The person she’d claimed to hate for years.

  Not many people knew the truth of what Zach had done to the twins. It wasn’t something anyone liked to discuss. Dante hadn’t immediately revealed who’d done it when I’d come to work for him, just that the twins had been through a traumatic experience. When he began to trust me, he opened up about the horrific nature of their upbringing. I suppose in many ways it cemented our friendship and my loyalty to the Bensons.

  I didn’t answer her, merely pressed her legs open further and ran my cock along her wet pussy, making her whimper. I could see the anticipation thrumming through her. Not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. Not wanting to deny either of us this sweet, delicious ecstasy, I kissed her, allowing her to intoxicate me as I lined myself up against her entrance and pressed forward. Her hand dug into my shoulder as the other one tangled in my hair. Fuck me, she felt amazing. Nothing could prepare me for how tight and wet she was. And how her hips angled up as if asking me for more.

  Her moan vibrated across my lips followed by her whispered, “Fuck.”

  That made me smile. There was no doubt Jen loved swearing more than anyone else I knew. You could tell when she was in a room by the string of curses erupting from these pretty lips I was currently sampling. I released them and kissed down her jaw across to her ear. I set a slow and steady rhythm, pressing deeper inside her with each stroke.

  “Do you still hate me, Jen?” I whispered in her ear. “Do you hate that I made you wet for me? Made you desperate for my cock?”

  “Fuck you,” she moaned, her leg curling around mine, pinning me to her.

  “Answer me.”

  Her nails dug into my shoulder and scraped down my back.

  “Yes, I fucking hate you for all of those things, but if you dare stop, I will hurt you.”

  I chuckled. I knew I shouldn’t taunt her like this, but it was deeply ingrained. The need to rile her up and watch her explode. If that made me the dickhead she constantly called me then so be it. My firestorm was hot when she was all worked up.

  “So violent.”

  “You’re so fucking annoying.”

  There was the Jen I knew and loved.

  “And yet you still begged for my cock.”

  Her nails dug into me harder. Shit did that feel good.

  “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to find my knickers and gag you with them.”


  In response, she bit down on my shoulder and I groaned.

  “Just shut up and fuck me harder.”

  Her wish was most definitely my command. I gripped one of her legs and shoved it up against her chest so I could fuck her deeper. She moaned when my pace increased, “Oh god, please.”

  I felt her coming undone as I pounded into her delicious heat. I’d been dreaming about this pussy for longer than I can remember. Needing to know if she would fit perfectly around me like this. Wondering how she would feel under my palms.

  Christ, Jen, I love you.

  The words were on the tip of my tongue. Words which would ruin this shaky truce between us. Words which would destroy any chance of her speaking to me again when this insanity ended. She couldn’t know. She could never discover the truth. My truth. My feelings for her. Ones which banded around my heart like a vice, stealing my breath and consigning me to an eternity of self-hatred for ever wanting my best friend’s sister. For needing her to see me. To want me back… to love me.

  Why was I so fucked up about her? Why couldn’t I get over Jen? Why had I suffered this shit for twelve long years?

  This right here. Having her perfect body against mine. Slamming into her tight, wet pussy over and over as she mewled, begged and pleaded with me not to stop. Knowing she needed this to happen so she could be free of her burdens.

  “Oh fuck, Brent, I’m going to come.”

  This moment would be branded into my retinas for the rest of my life. Watching her face scrunch up in ecstasy whilst her body trembled and clenched around me and she panted out my name.

  Jen permanently etched herself on my soul in those seconds we were locked together. The seconds she came apart all over my cock. The seconds where I could no longer hold back. The seconds which ticked by as the world faded to just me and her. The seconds my cock spurted inside her tight heat, sending me spiralling as technicolour spots flooded my vision and hot flames of bliss licked up my spine.

  The final seconds I experienced nothing but the stillness in the air and the sounds of our bodies moving together in perfect harmony. The last moments I didn’t feel regret or the inevitable guilt which would consume me in the aftermath of the violence of our mutual release.

  It was just Jen and me. Her and I. And nothing else.

  The long wind down from unadulterated bliss between us was like the ending of a hauntingly beautiful song. I rolled away on to my back and stared at the ceiling. Guilt and shame washed over me, drowning out everything else.

  I’d fucked Dante’s sister. Something I swore I’d never do. Not only that, I’d fucked her bare. Nothing between us because she asked it of me and I couldn’t deny her. No matter what I felt for Jen, it was a line I should never have crossed.

  I hadn’t been expecting her to curl up against my side, her head resting on my chest as her fingers landed right above my heart. She lay there with me whilst my breathing evened out and my pulse skittered in my chest at her closeness.

  “Are you going to kick me out?” she whispered.


  “Can I use your bathroom?”

  I held bac
k a smile.

  “It’s across the hall.”

  Her warmth disappeared. Whilst she was gone, I cleaned myself up and shifted under the covers. My eyes closed as the weight of what just happened sunk into my bones. I heard her return. Felt her move around the room before she climbed into bed with me. The room went dark behind my eyelids.



  “Thank you for being here for me tonight.”

  She picked up my arm and curled it around her as she settled next to me.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I listened to her breathing turn even and steady and felt it when she relaxed against me. When I was sure she’d fallen asleep, I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her eyelashes fanned over her cheeks. Her face void of all worries and cares. She looked so peaceful and it made my heart ache and burn.

  “Jen,” I whispered. “I wish things were different. I wish I could tell you how long I’ve wanted this.”

  I brushed her hair out of her face, careful not to disturb her.

  “I wish I could tell you how much I love you. You’re the one, Jen. You always have been.”

  Chapter Three



  Rubbing my face, I tried to concentrate on the issue one of the designers had brought to me about the latest collection, but I happened to be failing miserably. My mind kept drifting back to that night two and a half months ago. The night I’d done something stupid and had been paying for it ever since. No matter how many times I told myself to forget about it, I just couldn’t. The phantom touch of his skin against mine haunted me in my waking hours.

  I hated him for it. Hated him more than I’d ever hated him before. And I really hated Brent fucking Coleman.

  “Ugh, get out of my head,” I muttered, tapping away on the keyboard.

  If only I’d not gone to him the night I found out about Fi and Jensen. If only I’d gone home. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess. Wouldn’t be thinking about his stupid handsome face and his heated gold flecked hazel eyes searing into my skin. I wouldn’t remember how I’d woken up in the middle of the night to find myself draped over him nor how I’d run my hand down his chest and wrapped it around his cock. The way he’d jerked awake. How I’d stroked him until he was hard and straddled his hips so I could sink down on him. The way he’d held onto my hips and stared up at me whilst I rode him. Neither of us had said anything. Like we knew words would lead to questions neither of us had answers to. Instead, he’d sat up, pulling me against him as we found our mutual release in each other with hands, lips and tongues exploring the contours of each other’s bodies.

  Well that’s just fucking great. Now I’m turned on at work.

  Turned on by the one person I couldn’t stand but who I desperately wanted to feel inside me again. And trust me, I’d tried to forget about sex with Brent. I’d gone out on a few dates, but the thought of anyone else’s hands on me didn’t fill me with excitement. One guy had tried to kiss me and I backed away before he could. His hands around my waist made my skin crawl.

  So yeah, I was royally screwed and it was all stupid Brent’s fault. His fault for making me want him. His fault for having such a nice cock and hands which scorched my skin. His god damn fault for driving me fucking crazy with need.

  I’d avoided him since that night. It hadn’t exactly been difficult since I’d been busy, but I couldn’t keep avoiding him. Not when I’d asked Dante and Liora if I could move back in because I was so damn lonely without Fi. Yes, I was happy for her, but at the same time I missed her presence in the flat. It just felt hollow and empty.

  Dante’s face when I’d broached the subject was a mixture of confusion and concern. I guess when you’ve spent your whole life with one person and suddenly they’re not there any longer, it did strange things to you. Liora had been the one to say yes, especially with the baby coming as she’d appreciate the extra set of hands around the house.

  So I was moving back into my brother’s house and renting out the flat I owned jointly with Fi. That was okay apart from the fact that bloody Brent would be around. We’d barely spoken two words to each other since then. Perhaps clearing the air would help, although I couldn’t say it wouldn’t end up in us arguing… or fucking again. I slapped my hand over my face and groaned at the thought. Why the hell had sex now entered the equation between us?

  My office door opened. I looked up, eyes narrowing immediately when I saw who it was.

  “Jennifer Benson,” came the suave tones of Maximillian Graves.

  Can my day actually get any worse? What the hell is he doing here?

  I’d known Max since school. He’d been a dick back then and I was pretty sure he’d still be a dick now. Wearing a grey collarless shirt with no tie and slim-fit navy chinos with brogues and no socks, he strolled into my room as if he owned the place. His blonde hair was swept back with gel and his crystal blue eyes twinkled. All the girls had a crush on him at school except me and Fi. Neither of us had been impressed by his good looks nor by his supposed charm.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I knew it wasn’t particularly polite of me to ask that without saying hello, but he didn’t deserve anything less. He didn’t get to walk into my office unannounced. My words clearly didn’t faze him in the slightest because he took a seat in front of my desk, propping up one of his ankles on his knee.

  “Oh well, I had a meeting with your brother, thought I’d pop in and say hello. Reacquaint ourselves with each other and all that business.”

  His smirk irritated me no end. I had no interest in reacquainting myself with him since we’d never really been on speaking terms in the first place. God, why did I have to have such annoying men in my life? First Brent and now this prick. And why the hell was he having a meeting with Dante?

  “A meeting?”

  “Oh yes, we had a damn good chat.”

  I would be storming straight into Dante’s office and demanding answers the moment this dick got the hell out of my office.

  “What do you want with me?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “I see you’ve not lost any of that feistiness, Jennifer.”

  Stop fucking calling me that!

  “And you haven’t stopped being a prick.”

  He laughed, throwing his head back a little. Clearly, he thought I was joking. I wasn’t.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  I ground my teeth. No way I was going out to dinner with him. Ever.

  “I’m terribly sorry.” Not. Not sorry at all. “I’ve got plans.”

  It wasn’t even a lie. Dante said he’d help me move my clothes out of the flat this evening. I’d already had some people in to redecorate the bedroom Fi and I used to share in his house. Unlike James, I wasn’t into DIY.

  “Tomorrow night then. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  I fought against the urge to roll my eyes. I couldn’t really be bothered to argue with him. I already had enough on my plate with constant thoughts of bloody Brent. If agreeing got him to leave, then so be it.

  “Fine. Give the details to my secretary.”

  Absolutely no way was I giving him my number or my address. Perhaps between now and then I could think of an excuse as to why I couldn’t go. Dinner with Max Graves sounded like a complete waste of my time.

  He graced me with another signature smirk before rising from the chair in front of my desk.

  “Until tomorrow then.”

  I didn’t dignify him with a response as he disappeared from my office without shutting the door. Rubbing my hand against my face again, I just wanted this day to be over.

  “Ugh, prick,” I muttered, rising from my desk and walking around it. It was high time I found out why the hell my brother had decided to entertain that cretin.

  I practically stormed out of the room and up the corridor, throwing open Dante’s door. He looked up from his desk, a dee
p frown etched into his features. I shut the door and strode over to him.

  “Give me one good reason why you had a meeting with that stuck up piece of shit.”

  He leant back in his chair

  “Who are you referring to?”

  I pointed at him.

  “Don’t you sit there and act like you have no idea who I’m talking about.”

  Dante had the sheer audacity to roll his eyes at me. Sometimes I wanted to throw my brother out a window. Why the hell had I decided it was a good idea to move back in with him? God knows how I’d deal with his constant prying into my life. It was a miracle he’d started leaving Fi alone now she had Jensen. Whilst my brother didn’t exactly approve of their relationship, he did know Jensen had Fi’s best interests at heart and would keep her safe.

  “If you’d calm down and take a seat.”

  Was he serious? I didn’t want to sit down. I wanted to know what he was playing at.

  “Why was Max here?”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair which had grown out in the past few month. Dante usually kept it cropped close to his head. I assumed it’d slipped his mind with the baby on the way.

  “He has the contacts we need to expand our distribution further afield, break into the new markets we’ve been targeting. His investment would also help us.”

  Even if Max had those types of contacts, it didn’t matter. He was a creep and would likely try to screw us over. I didn’t trust him.

  “You’d seriously entertain going into business with that prick?”

  Dante scowled and gave me a look.

  “Max is well respected in the industry. Drop the attitude, Jen. You don’t have to like him, but you do have to work with him.”

  I stared at him for a long moment. He didn’t seem to be pulling my leg which meant he was serious about working with Max. And what did he mean I have to work with him?


  “Yes, I want you to take care of this. You will be liaising with him and making sure everything runs smoothly.”


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