Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 115

by Sarah Bailey

  She panted as she came down, her head dropping onto my shoulder. I stroked her hair and held her close. My beautiful pregnant fiancée who set my world on fire the moment she walked in my life all those years ago. I loved this girl to death. And I’d protect her and her family to the very end. Just like I’d vowed to do when I first came into the Benson’s lives.

  I don’t think anything could’ve prepared me for the rollercoaster ride of emotions I’d go on with them. They really were my family. I might have Cam, Dad and the kids, but the Bensons were more than just blood. They were the family who’d welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like I really was home.

  And right here, with Jen by my side, I knew I’d found my place in this world.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I love you until the very end.”

  “I love you too.”



  I clutched Dante’s arm, checking my dress yet again because I was worried it wasn’t perfect. Fi looked back at me, her blue eyes shining.

  “You look beautiful. Don’t worry.”

  She knew I was nervous without me even saying anything.

  Fi looked radiant in her red dress, her hair falling down her shoulders in soft waves with a bouquet of white lilies in her hands to match mine. On her left hand, she had the most perfect ring. A simple white gold band, a round cut diamond in the centre with smaller diamonds running down the band next to it. Jensen had asked her to marry him a few months ago. Honestly, I’d told him to get a move on several times, but when it finally happened, it was the most romantic thing he’d ever done for her.

  He’d got Ellie to close Frankie’s to the public for the night to celebrate their first year anniversary. Then he’d got down one knee and asked her to be his wife. Fi cried her heart out after she said yes. I’d never seen her so happy in my entire life. And it set me off too. I’d still been quite heavily pregnant at that point, so crying was pretty much a given.

  But that wasn’t the wedding we were at today. No, it just happened to be mine and Brent’s, which is why I was nervous as fuck. I shouldn’t be, since marrying the love of my life was exciting, but I couldn’t help it.

  “She’s right, you do look beautiful,” Dante said, giving my hand a squeeze.

  “Don’t make me cry!”

  He grinned and shook his head. The music started up then. Fi gave me one last glance before she walked into the ceremony room behind Brent’s three nieces, Crystal, Jaqueline and April, who were our flower girls.

  “You sure you want to marry Brent? I can whisk you away at any time.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Yes, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

  His eyes twinkled. Dante had been amazing. Him and Liora had been there every step of the way throughout my pregnancy and had helped Brent and I with the twins when they arrived. He gave me one last nod before we both stepped forward into the room and began to make our way up the aisle.

  Liora was sitting with Logan in her lap and my two baby girls, Calliope and Maia, in their pushchair next to her. They looked so much like their daddy with beautiful hazel eyes, but they had my dark hair. I loved those two girls even if they were a handful. Hardly surprising given how many times Fi and I had given our mother a run for her money. I couldn’t think about them right now. Today was about becoming Mrs Coleman.

  Brent stood at the end of the aisle, a huge fucking grin on his face which would normally piss me off, but right now, I was happy to see him. He looked so handsome in his dark grey suit with a white lily in the lapel. Hell, I loved this man so damn much.

  In no time at all, we were standing next to him and Dante handed me over to his best friend, giving him a slap on the back in the process.

  “Look after her.”

  “I will. With my life.”

  He grinned and moved away to stand next to him. He was giving me away, but he was also Brent’s best man, just as Brent had been at his wedding to Liora.

  Brent’s beautiful hazel eyes shone as he stared down at me.

  “You look so beautiful.”

  I’d chosen a very simple lace A-line dress with long lace sleeves with a plunging back. No veil, but my hair was half up with tiny little flowers running through it.

  Thankfully I’d managed to shed my baby weight for this occasion. The girls had been born early, but that was expected with them being twins. They’d had to stay in hospital for a couple of weeks before we were allowed to take them home given they were preterm. We’d been so happy when we could finally be a family with our two girls.

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  “You ready?”

  I reached up and cupped his face.

  “I’ve been ready for this since the day you asked me.”

  His smile was electric.

  Yeah, I was ready to become Mrs Coleman. Most definitely ready.

  We both turned to the registrar who gave us a smile and started the service.

  Time to tie the knot and make this official.


  The ceremony was one of the best moments of my life. I’d stared at him the whole time, barely hearing what the registrar was saying, repeating what she told me at the appropriate moments and desperately wanting to be closer to Brent all the while. Getting to say I do to the man I loved made me cry, but it was the kiss which had my knees buckling and my heart melting. I’d finally got everything I wanted. Brent was my husband. The man I’d wanted deep down since I was fifteen years old. Perhaps fairy tales really did exist. But I’d never tell anyone that. They might think I’d gone soft. Perhaps I had but being with the love of my life had changed me in so many ways. And our two perfect daughters had brought me more joy then I could even begin to express.

  My entire family was congregated together by the top table along with all their partners, including my babies and my husband. We hadn’t invited a huge number of people. Just close family and friends along with some of our employees who were an important part of the day to day running of the business. It had been everything I ever wanted for my wedding.

  I watched my family laughing together and couldn’t help smiling. We’d come such a long way in the past few years after Dad’s arrest. That moment had changed the course of history in so many ways. At least for us it had. We’d all grown so much.

  Dante and Liora had Logan who was growing up so fast. They were still as happy as they had been when they’d first got together. I don’t think anyone could ever say their relationship was orthodox, but it worked for them. Dante might always be overprotective and completely stubborn, but he was also my big brother and in a lot of ways, my parental figure. To see him settled and happy after everything he’d been through made me happier than I could ever express in words.

  James and Ellie were perfect for one another. They had no plans to get married or have babies any time soon, but Ellie had been through so much in her life, it didn’t really surprise me. They were just living. Frankie’s had turned into a hotspot in London which meant it took up a lot of Ellie’s time even with Sandro running the place as the General Manager. It was a beautiful sight to see her thrive with James by her side, supporting her every step of the way. My brother really deserved the happiness he’d found.

  And my sister who was my soulmate and rock. She and Jensen couldn’t be happier with each other. I was so damn excited about them getting married. Fi was already deep into planning mode although she was also like me and didn’t want a big affair. I’d already been dropping hints about a little pitter patter of tiny feet. She’d waved me off saying she and Jensen weren’t quite ready for that conversation yet. But they didn’t seem to mind babysitting my girls, so perhaps it would happen sooner rather than later. Either way, I was happy my sister had found someone so kind and caring and who loved her with everything he had. Even if I still gave him shit for it all the time.
/>   My brother and sister had my babies. James was cooing to Maia and Fi was rocking Calliope back and forth. My family had been insistent on babysitting the girls so Brent and I could spend our wedding night alone without interruptions. It would be hard to be away from my babies, but I was equally grateful to have a night with my new husband too.

  I walked over to them, my heart just about full to bursting. Brent wrapped an arm around me when I reached him, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on my lips.

  “You okay?”

  I looked up at my husband with a lump forming in my throat.

  “I’m more than okay. I’m perfect.”

  He smiled and damn if it didn’t set my world on fire.

  “Oh, you definitely are. My firestorm.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

  “And you’re my knight in shining armour.”

  I might not be a damsel in distress, but Brent had saved me time and time again. And he’d keep doing it until the very end. When I looked up into his hazel eyes with those golden flecks I loved so much, I knew I was home. Home with my husband, my babies and my family. Despite all our hardships, we’d come out the other side. Our little clan was free of the tyranny of our father and we were at peace.

  At the end of the day, that’s all this girl could ask for.

  A happy family.

  And a happy life to look forward to with all our loved ones.

  The End.

  Have you tried The Devil’s Syndicate series?

  Four of them. One of me. Who will give in first?

  It started when they stole me from my life. The daughter of a crime lord who ruled with an iron fist. The heir to a family of blood and ruin.

  They left only a whisper of a name in the air. Il Diavolo. A man whose reputation preceded him. Ruthless. Merciless. Cunning.

  The one they called the Devil. He was as beautiful as he was terrifying. Except I wasn't scared of him or his three friends. They might want to use me in their quest for revenge, but they picked the wrong girl. Or maybe I was the right one and none of us knew it quite yet.

  Our connection is undeniable. Our fates are entwined. But loyalty and lies keep us all locked in a battle of wills and denial.

  There’s only one thing I know for certain in this fight between the five of us. Secrets always catch up with you in the end. And my secrets were the worst ones of all.

  A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book.

  Get ready to meet Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory.

  Out Now

  I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, I would greatly appreciate a short review on Amazon or your favourite book website. Reviews are crucial for any author, and even just a line or two can make a huge difference.

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  Sarah’s Sinners

  Music is one of my biggest inspirations for when I’m writing my books. If you’re curious about what songs inspired me, have a listen to the playlist.

  Protect Playlist

  Titles by Sarah Bailey

  Dark Romance

  Corrupt Empire




  Benson Siblings





  The Devil’s Syndicate






  Paranormal Romance

  After Dark

  Demon’s Destiny

  Vampire’s Kiss

  Witching Night

  Cursed Heart

  Death’s Angel

  Lucifer’s Cage

  Blood Magic

  Erotic Romance

  Dirty series

  Dirty Dom

  Dirty Cop

  Dirty Chef


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book.

  The very last book in the Benson Siblings. What a crazy ride! I really can’t believe it’s come to an end. I’ve loved writing these characters and following their stories so much. Each sibling has been on their very own unique journey and I’m so pleased to be sending them off into the sunset.

  Writing Jen and Brent was in so many ways an absolute treat as well as a nightmare. I say that in the nicest way possible. Brent wasn’t originally going to be Jen’s love interest, but then a very flippant comment by her brother, James, in Prohibit had me completely revamping my idea for her book. In this case, no bad thing because I absolutely love Jen and Brent as a couple. Their story brought me so many surprises, especially Jen’s backstory with him. Then again, my characters always manage to throw me a million curveballs each time I write so there’s that.

  Writing Brent as a character was certainly interesting considering he’s been in the background of all of the siblings’ stories. It was almost the classic story of falling in love with your best friend’s sister, except Jen was never going to make anything easy for him. Jen is all hard edges on the outside, but if you peel back those layers, you’ll find she’s incredibly self-conscious and vulnerable. Getting to show that side of Jen when she was with him was absolutely my favourite part of this story.

  I really hope I’ve given all the characters the happy endings they deserve and that you’ve enjoyed seeing the conclusion to the Benson Siblings. These four will always have a special place in my heart.

  First and foremost, I would like to thank my readers for joining me on this journey. You really do give me the strength and inspiration to keep writing. I wouldn’t be doing this without you!

  I really have to thank my amazing friend, Elle. You pretty much championed me through this entire series. Having someone in my life who understands my writing process and supports me wholeheartedly is amazing. Just remember, we’re going to Olivia Pope the crap out of this writing gig! #oliviapopegoals

  Thank you to my bestie, Sab. You really are my rock. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. Your support means the absolute world. Love you, bruv!

  Thank you to my family, who are always forever supportive and who champion me the whole way.

  Thank you to everyone who’s supported me on this journey. I’ve had an incredibly tough year on a personal level which has caused me to pull back from a lot of social media. Coping with grief and loss whilst trying to write the books I’d promised has been hard work, but I still take time to appreciate getting to do what I love as my career.

  And last, but not least, thank you to the man who made this all possible, my husband. Even though you have to put up with me working all the time, you still love and support me all the way. I love you always.

  About The Author

  Sarah writes dark, contemporary, erotic and paranormal romances. She adores all forms of steamy romance and can always be found with a book or ten on her Kindle. She loves anti-heroes, alpha males and flawed characters with a little bit of darkness lurking within. Her writing buddies nicknamed her 'The Queen of Steam' for her pulse racing sex scenes which will leave you a little hot under the collar.

  Born and raised in Sussex, UK near the Ashdown Forest where she grew up climbing trees and building Lego towns with her younger brother. Sarah fell in love with novels when she was a teenager reading her aunt’s historical regency romances. She has always loved the supernatural and exploring the darker side of romance and fantasy novels.

  Sarah currently resides in the Scottish Highlands with her husband. Music is one of her biggest inspirations and she always has something on in the background whilst writing. She is an avid gamer and is often found hogging her husba
nd’s Xbox.

  You can find more about Sarah Bailey in the following ways:

  Sarah’s Website









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