Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance

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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance Page 6

by Ford, Mia

  I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, our bodies hot as they pressed together. We were locked in a deep, clumsy kiss within moments and he pulled me back to the bed. I squealed as he dropped back, pulling me over him as I grazed his hard cock. I dropped over him, finding his lips with mine as he slipped his hands into my hair.

  This felt so natural and like everything I never knew I wanted. I was willing to settle for Kyle and I was so glad that we were over as David reached for the hem of my sweater. I pulled it off, and he breathed in harshly as he looked at my breasts in the light from the lamp beside the bed. “Holy shit. You look good.”

  I wasn’t shy anymore. He’d seen me naked in the daylight and to be honest, I wanted him too damn bad to care about being modest. David traced a hand over the lace, pinching my nipple as I moaned and tossed the shirt aside. He rolled me to my back as I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer as the denim from our jeans gave me the friction I was seeking.

  We kissed in between removing the rest of our clothing. David praised the lingerie as he pulled it off gently, kissing the skin underneath as I arched my back for him. I felt his mouth on mine, tracing down my jaw and neck as I whimpered. I had never wanted anything so badly. His cock pressed against my leg as he moved over me, sucking a nipple into his mouth.

  I filled the room that night with cries of David’s name. I slept better than ever before in his arms once we’d exhausted each other. I loved waking up with our limbs tangled together just the way we’d fallen asleep and I gazed at his mussed hair for a moment. David was stunning, and I pushed a lock from his face as he moaned softly. I slipped out of bed to use the bathroom, realizing how wet I was. I wanted David, and I washed my hands as I sighed. Men liked waking up to blow jobs, right?

  I looked in the mirror, loving the marks on my skin. I remembered the feeling of David’s teeth around my nipple and moaned as I slid down to the floor. I slipped a hand between my legs, needing the release as I stroked my clit. I closed my eyes and fantasized about the man in my bed as I circled the swollen nub. “God,” I whispered as I felt sensations flooding me. I slid back against the wall harder as I moved faster and knew that I’d be close before too long.

  I was stroking faster and slipped two fingers inside of me as I spread my legs. “Aubrey? Are you in there?” David called out as I cried out, slippery and warm. I heard footsteps and watched as the door opened, his eyes bright with need. “Fuck, yes. You’re in there.” He dropped to the wall to my right, parting my thighs further to see what I was doing to him. “Is all of that for me?” David asked hoarsely as I nodded silently. “Damn. You’re making me hard.” I looked at him and watched as he stroked himself, feeling my pussy dampen further.

  We both worked ourselves, eyes locked on the other. I alternated between staring at his hand and eyes, dilated with arousal as he grunted my name. I came first and dropped back as he lunged across the bathroom, pinning my thighs in his hands and dragging his tongue over me. I slipped a hand into his hair and moaned his name as he pressed his tongue further into me.

  This felt like a dream as an orgasm rocketed through me. That was number two and as he pulled away to lift me into his arms, I knew that there would be another. He dropped me back down to my bed and hovered over me, kissing with his sweet and salty lips. I felt him nudge against me and moaned as I parted my legs.

  He wasn’t wearing a condom. I still wanted him and rocked forward as he sucked my neck. “Aubrey. I’m not protected.”

  I waffled between telling him to push in or not, finally gasping. “Get one.”

  David went to his wallet, returning quickly once he was sheathed. He crawled over me, positioning himself before sliding inside. I moaned, arching my back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I rocked with him, needing him deeper. This man was getting to be addictive and Kyle drifted from my thoughts more and more every day now. Was it really just last week that I caught him with the other woman?

  I wondered if this was becoming dangerous as I rocked harder. Was I getting addicted to David? Was it stupid considering who he was?

  We came together this time, and I closed my eyes as my world exploded. David jerked a few more times before moving out and dropping to my left. I closed my eyes and breathed in as my body pulsed with aftershocks.

  “I meant to go home last night. You’re so damn hot that I fell asleep.” David chuckled, and I smiled. “I need to meet the guys for lunch, so we can go over some stuff. What time is it?”

  I looked at the clock. “Nine.”

  “Good. I wasn’t ready to get up.” He turned, and I watched as he removed the condom and tied it off before rolling over. He dropped it into the trash can I kept there. Turning back towards me, he relaxed on his stomach and smiled crookedly.

  I rolled to my side and grinned at him. I set an alarm for an hour on my phone and dropped it to my side. I could use some more sleep myself and gave in, promising myself that I’d get some work in once he was gone.

  We got up an hour after the alarm, lounging in bed after more sex. David dressed and rushed out, telling me that he had to stop by home for some stuff. He’d get ready there. I kissed him goodbye and locked the apartment door behind him with a smile.

  This was crazy. I went to make coffee and took a quick shower to perk myself up. I washed off the sticky fluids that dried on my skin over the last several hours and smiled as I played back my favorite parts. I got out and slipped on leggings and a t-shirt, pouring my cup before I sat down on the couch with my computer.

  I worked on a project that was due tonight with the sun shining through the windows. I thought when I found Kyle that I’d be shut up in a dark apartment, hiding from the world. Leave it to Cammie to get me out of the house and into a new relationship. Not that she expected me to end up with David Foster but more power to her.

  I wasn’t surprised when she called later, asking if she could bring over some take out. I knew that she wanted to dig and smiled as I agreed. I might as well share this with someone before it ended. I pulled back my hair into a messy bun and went to pour some wine in anticipation of her visit.

  Cammie knocked, and I let her in, helping her to plate the Indian food before we took our seats on the couch. “So, was it worth kicking me out of the house yesterday?”

  “You wanted to get back to work, anyway. Admit it,” I murmured as I stabbed a piece of lamb with my fork. Her week was up, and I knew she’d be back at the office all the time.

  “I was but I am still going to be here for you. Have you found another source of comfort?” Cammie teased as I blushed. “Did you meet his brother?”

  “He couldn’t come to lunch today. I didn’t.” I replied as I dipped the naan into the sauce on the plate. “I might not.” I took a bite, and she shrugged one shoulder.

  “You might not, or you will. You can become a Rockstar girlfriend that can write from the tour bus while you watch your Rockstar babies running around. He’ll be onstage of course and that will be one of the nights you stay in with the kids over leaving them with the nanny.” Cammie pressed her hand dramatically to her chest as I rolled my eyes.

  “Oh, please.” I doubted that anything like that would happen. “We’re basically just sleeping together right now.”

  “Brent and I are sleeping together. You and David are on a whole different level. The guys told me that he doesn’t sleep with the groupies like he used to.” I winced, and she smiled weakly. “Sorry, but it’s reality.”

  “I know. I just prefer not to think about that. It makes me insecure,” I shivered and stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork.

  “He’s been coming back for more. Don’t you worry about a thing.” She winked at me and reached for her glass.

  Chapter Nine


  I ended up drinking over at Brent’s place after meeting the others for lunch and to brainstorm. He pulled out some beer, and we chatted about his fling with Cammie before he asked me about Aubrey.

it serious?” Brent asked before sipping from his bottle.

  “She just broke up with someone that was long term. For all I know, she might just be sowing her oats and we all know that a Rockstar is the best option for that.” Brent nodded, knowing how many women went after us because of our fame.

  “From what I’ve seen and what her sister says, that isn’t how Aubrey is wired. Do you think it might have been a bad idea to hook up with her?” Brent asked as I shrugged carelessly. I finished the beer and reached for the cold bottle waiting for me.

  “It’s too late now. I guess I’ll see where this goes.” I played it off as being casual and he gave me a long look.

  “You haven’t seen the same woman more than twice since the dreaded ex.” It was a brutal reminder, but he was so right.

  “I don’t want to hop beds anymore. Been there, done that.” I looked at him after I jotted a random line in the notebook I always carried around. “Seems like you are settling for one woman yourself.”

  “I like Cammie. She’s fun and spontaneous. She doesn’t demand a future from me and she tried to get to know me from the beginning. She’s hot and a giant flirt but I don’t see her slutting around with a lot of guys.” He smiled. “She’s unique.”

  “They both are,” I agreed with a smile. “They have a tight relationship.”

  “Cammie said something about it just being the two of them.” He tossed out before reaching for his fresh beer. He didn’t seem to know as much about Cammie as I did Aubrey.

  “Their mom died, and they do only have each other. I am under the impression that they’d take a bullet for the other any time it was needed, though Cammie is more the mother figure.” Brent nodded and frowned as I wrote something else down.

  We drank into the evening and I blinked as the baseball game ended on his big screen TV. “Damn, I’m too wasted to get home. Can I crash in the guest room?” I asked as I stretched. I was exhausted and wanted to send a text to Aubrey before I fell asleep.

  “Always,” He responded as I grabbed my bottles and stood up. I tossed them into his recycle bin and told Brent I’d see him in the morning before walking back to the spacious guest room. I stripped my jeans off and lifted the t-shirt over my head before dropping back to the pillows. I had thrown my phone onto the comforter before removing my clothes and reached for it, twirling it in my hand for a moment. I pulled her number up and sent her a text to see if she was awake.

  She responded within a couple of moments and I smiled. This girl was getting under my skin and I shook my head for a moment. I asked her what she was up to and Aubrey told me that she was finishing up a project before going to bed for the night. I heard someone giggle in the house and raised a brow as I glanced at the door.

  D: I think your sister is here.

  A: I thought she rushed out of here earlier. They talk like they’re so casual, but they spend a lot of time together.

  D: Who knows? He isn’t the serious type or at least he wasn’t before now. The band has always been his life and girls were an afterthought.

  A: He wouldn’t go wrong changing his ways with Cammie.

  We chatted for a bit and when she told me that she was sending her project and going to bed, I told her good night. There had been some light flirting through text and I was hard as fuck. I’d been thinking way too hard about Aubrey, playing back our night together. I slipped my hand over the cotton of my boxers, feeling my erection as I let out a sigh. I reached inside and gripped myself, wondering if I should keep it at a slow pace or take care of this in the bathroom. I knew that I’d need to release the demons somehow and sighed slowly. I imagined talking dirty to her over the phone and stood quickly, rushing to the attached bathroom.

  I jerked off in the shower, spraying the walls with my release before taking a hot shower. I let the water slide down my body and closed my eyes as I pictured Aubrey in here with me, bent forward as I fucked her hard and deep. We hadn’t been in the shower together yet and I planned to remedy that situation as soon as possible.

  I fell asleep when I was out and dry, chuckling at the moans that carried lightly through the house. Brent’s room was at the other end of the fucking house and I could still hear them going at it. I was jealous if I thought about it deeply. I pushed that thought aside and turned to my side, forcing sleep to take over.

  I woke up to a bright room and turned to my stomach. I knew it was later than I probably planned to sleep in but fuck it. I probably needed that. I stretched and turned to my back, craving coffee as I reached out for my notebook. I found it in the table by the bed and opened the book to an empty page as I scribbled something down. My dreams were intense last night, and I blinked as I read over the words.

  I dressed in my jeans and stood to head to the kitchen. I knew that Brent had coffee seeing that the asshole was a grump without it. I glanced at the couch to see him sipping his own cup and staring at the TV. “Morning, sunshine.” I greeted him as he blinked and looked over at me.

  “It’s about time you got up,” he grumbled as I looked at the steaming pot of coffee.

  “I was up late-night listening to some people moaning. Fucking irritating.” I grinned as he rolled his eyes at me.

  “I doubt that. I’m all the way across the house.”

  “Cammie?” I asked as I took a seat across from him in a recliner.

  “Yeah. She said she was off work and I asked her to come by,” he replied as I nodded. “You know; we could go out on a date with them. One of those double things.” The only double thing either of us was familiar with didn’t involve dating. I took a careful sip from my cup as I considered my answer.

  “Maybe so.” I agreed as we shared a long look.

  I ended up going home that afternoon and walked in the door to see Jacob sitting at the table with a pizza in front of him. “Hey,” he greeted me as I walked in, setting my keys on the table by the door. “Want some pizza?”

  “Sounds great,” I replied as I took a seat across the table from him.

  “Where were you at?” He asked as he glanced at me and I shrugged as I stood up to get a bottle of water.

  “Working with the band. I ended up staying at Brent’s place because I drank too much beer.” I yawned as Jacob laughed softly.

  “You guys are no different from what you were back when you started music.” He told me as I grinned. In some ways, he was right. We were a lot like the teenagers that wanted nothing more than to play music just with more perks. “You just have better toys than you did then.”

  We chatted over the meal and he told me about his last trip. He’d told me some of what happened before but this time he showed me pictures that he took. My brother was a great photographer. He captured feeling in his work the way I did in my music and I scrolled through the images.

  “This shit is good, Jake. It’s no wonder you’re never home.” I complimented him as he grinned.

  “Speaking of which, Mom called. She wants us to come for a weekend. I was thinking we could do that soon?” I nodded, knowing I owed my family that.

  “Yeah, we could go this coming weekend. Make it a long one.” I agreed as he nodded.

  “Perfect. I need Mom’s cooking.” He let out a sigh of relief and I laughed at him.

  Jacob made arrangements, and I found myself packing for a few nights a couple of days later. I told Aubrey about my plans and she told me to go with a smile. I knew that she’d be the kind of girl to support me in anything I wanted to do. I was used to women that used me for a night or two or maybe my money or women that wanted to cling to me for the dream that thought we’d be together. None of it was real. None of it was me.

  I took her to dinner the night before we were going to leave. We lingered over seafood and wine and talked about her. Aubrey answered every question I asked her as she smiled and blushed occasionally. I knew that I wanted her to come with me for the weekend. I wanted her to meet my family and hang out with us. I wanted her to talk to my mom and cook with her in the kitchen and see he
r with my sisters, giggling over some girlie movie.

  I blinked as it hit me. Here she was telling me to go and have fun and I wanted her to walk into my real life. We finished dinner, and I drove her home, kissing her at the door before pushing my way inside. I lifted her as our lips met, carrying her to the bedroom where I stripped her bare. I worshiped her body, telling her that I felt for her through my actions. I made her come twice before I was hovering over her, so close to being inside of her as our lips crashed together.

  I knew that there was a condom in my wallet, but I kept kissing her and eased my tip over her slick folds. “I want you bare,” I murmured as she pulled away to look at me. “I’m careful every time. I’m clean and test regularly, Aubrey. I don’t know if you’re on any kind of birth control or whatever, but I am not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m protected and clean. I’ve only been with two men and I was checked for stuff after I left him.” I saw the pain in her eyes and frowned at her in the dim light. “I trust you, David. Can I trust you?”

  “You can,” I promised her as I eased closer to her slick pussy. She let out a shuddering breath, and I pushed forward, feeling her heat tight around me. “Aubrey.” I moaned as I moved slowly, feeling her hands running over my back as she arched closer to me.

  When she rocked into me, I let out a low groan. I was buried in her sweet pussy and never wanted to pull out of her. We moved slower, finding our rhythm together as I knew that I was making love for the first time in my life. I made her come around me before releasing into her womb as we cried out each other’s names. “Fuck, Aubrey. You feel so good.”

  Her hands slipped around my neck and she pressed her mouth to mine. I almost slipped and asked her to come with me for the weekend as our tongues moved together. I was still hard inside of her and rocked forward as she whimpered against me. Rather than talk, I started moving inside of her again and she cried out. I moved my face to her neck and sucked gently as we fucked hard.


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