Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance

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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance Page 13

by Ford, Mia

  We ended the call and I watched as David walked into the room. He was rubbing his eyes and yawned as he glanced my way, searching my face. “I just spoke to Cammie. We’re good.” I walked over to him after pouring some coffee and kissed his cheek. “Feel better?”

  “I got some sleep. The guys want to take the day off to chill which sounds great.” He took a sip and set it down before pulling me against him. “You felt great last night.”

  “So did you.” I pressed my lips to his and smiled. “I get you all day today?”

  “No events?” He asked as I shook my head. “Writing?”

  “I could but I’m okay if I don’t.” I looked into his eyes as they darkened with lust. “How about a lazy day watching TV on the couch…or in bed?”

  “Perfect. I choose bed.” He replied as I laughed.

  “How about a little breakfast first and then we bring snacks back to the room?” I offered, and he nodded. I threw together some eggs and toast and we enjoyed some more coffee sitting beside each other at the bar. David kept touching my leg with his and flirting with me, making me laugh as I ate. Once we finished, we dropped the plates in the sink and took coffee, water, and snacks to the bedroom. We propped up pillows and turned on the TV, cuddling together as I lost myself in my fiancé. We talked, dozed, and made love several times. It was refreshing to be able to bask in the time together alone, rekindling our relationship and remembering why I was crazy in love with him. We talked about and what we both wanted, though David swore that he only wanted me to become his wife,

  I fell asleep on his chest, listening to his even breathing and the faint beating of his heart. Who would have guessed that one night that felt like a long time ago we’d be here now? I was just a girl fresh out of a bad relationship, hurting to the core of my soul. I never knew that love-real love-was that close to me after such pain. I fell asleep with that peace in my heart, cherishing every moment spent with David today.

  He woke up and met with the band while I went to the catering office to plan some meals with Cammie. It was back to normal, but I knew to cherish the quiet moments now. I went home and got some writing done through the evening, sipping tea as the sky darkened. I heard the front door and glanced back to see David walking in, carrying a bag in his hands. “What did you do?”

  “I got you one of those cakes you like on the way here. I hope you had some sort of dinner, baby.” He smiled and dropped his keys on the counter.

  “I’ve grazed all day. I used the time to get some work done.” I kissed him as he set the bag down, holding his face with one hand. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” David ran a hand through his messy hair, reminding me of how sexy he was.

  “Want me to throw something together?” I offered, saving my work before I stretched.

  “We could order something. I am too lazy to work too hard.” David admitted as I laughed. I was feeling the same way. He reached for his phone and asked me if I wanted pizza, a question I answered with an eager nod. When it arrived, we ate on the couch sipping wine and watching TV. The cake was on standby and he gazed at me warmly for a moment as I set my plate on the coffee table. “I love having you here, in my life and my house. I can’t wait for our life to start as husband and wife and to build so many memories together. I love you more than I ever could have imagined, Aubrey.”

  “I never knew that I could have my dream but you’re it. You always were.” I leaned up to kiss him and he slipped an arm around me. “How many girls get their crush?”

  We ate the Bundt cake with one fork and I put the rest in the fridge. We went to bed and I told David to relax on his back as I stripped him, needing to taste him. I crawled over him and took him into my mouth as he slopped his hand into my hair. I bobbed over him and sucked hard, knowing what he liked. I vowed to be the woman he never forgot when we got together, paying close attention to his needs and desires. I made him come deep in my throat as he groaned my name, his hands gripping my hair as I took every drop. After that was done, he took a moment to relax before turning me to my stomach and fucking me so deep that I screamed his name.

  The writing took a month since David was being more particular than normal. He spent hours with the guys getting the music right and the lines perfect and I planned the wedding while he stayed busy with that.

  I went shopping for my dress at the four-month mark, joined by Cammie and David’s mom. His sisters were out of town and couldn’t go but we had fun as a threesome. I went to three different stores and we sipped champagne as I tried on several dresses, feeling the emotions wear on me.

  I was getting married to one of the hottest Rockstar’s in the country in a few weeks. I didn’t even think months any more but weeks. I felt neutral towards most of the dresses, turning to look from all angles as Cammie offered her thoughts.

  I walked into the spacious dressing room after what felt like forever in the third store and reached blindly for the next frock. I slipped into the dress, daydreaming of a long nap with David in my bed as I wriggled into it. I glanced up in the mirror and froze as I took in the soft, cream toned, flowing dress. It was light, and the material clung to my curves enough to show them off without being too tight. It had a tight bodice, but the bottom flowed around my legs and as I turned to the side to see a train that dragged roughly three feet behind me. The top consisted of two thin straps and a sweetheart neckline with some shimmer to the material. I stared at my image in the mirror for a few minutes before Cammie called my name.

  “Do you need help?” She asked outside of the large room and I blinked as I came back to reality.

  “No, I…” My voice drifted off as I reached out to open the door, nearly stumbling in the process. She walked in and pressed her hands over her mouth as she looked at me.

  “You look like an angel,” she told me as a tear slid down her cheek. “I know Mom can see us, but I wish she was here right now.” Cammie hugged me as we both cried before she pulled away. “Let’s show Connie.” Cammie took my hand and we walked into the sitting area where the beautiful woman was sipping champagne as she waited for us. She turned her head to look at me and I could see in her eyes that she loved the dress as much as I did.

  Connie stood and pulled me into a hug as I lost my breath for a moment. “You look stunning. My son is a lucky man to be marrying you, Aubrey. I can’t wait for him to see you.” Her voice caught at the end of the sentence and we both started to cry. I wasn’t sure if it was the occasion, the champagne, or just my insane emotions that caused this, but I felt like I’d been doing it all day.

  “Thank you, Mom.” I told her, embracing her tightly. We’d become close fast once he took me over there for dinner a couple of weeks into dating. His family was loving and welcoming and Connie reminded me a bit of my own mother. Cammie agreed when she met her over the first Christmas I spent with David’s family and she was part of the family now. We even spent time with his sisters together on longer visits. “I think this is the one.”

  “Damn right it is. That dress screams your name.” Cammie told me as I pulled away from Connie and looked at her. I turned to look in the mirror, picturing my hair in something different than the messy bun I was wearing right now and soft makeup on to bring out my features. I could see it well and turned slowly to see all angles of the dress.

  “Now that I have mine, let’s find something for you.” I told my sister as she sighed. She stroked her stomach that was popping now and looked down. We’d found out that it was a girl last week and everyone in the room cried. Nobody as much as Brent as he held Cammie’s hand and stared in awe at the image on the screen.

  “I am going to be a whale by the time you get married.” Cammie complained as she stared at me. “Are you sure you want me in the ceremony?”

  “Oh my God. You know I do,” I told her as I placed my hands on my hips. “You are gorgeous now and you will be then. You’ve been stubborn about dresses before now but we’re out and David told me to use his credit card. Get shopping!”
I left out that I’d argued about spending his money before the car came to get me and Connie at our place. I knew who he was and that he made a lot of money, but I hated being the girl that used that to my advantage. I had too much stubborn pride. Connie took my hand in the car and assured me that David would always take care of me and that I shouldn’t argue that. It was his way, something I knew from watching him with his family and close friends. He’d even been going out with me to buy a lot for the baby.

  “Ugh. Fine.” She said as she looked around. One of the women working there stepped forward and smiled at her. “Do you have something that could work with my poor, growing body?”

  I laughed along with the woman and Connie, looking down at the dress. “I’m going to get this off. Start looking but I get to help pick!” I told my sister as I walked back to the fitting room, removing the dress carefully before I placed it on the chaise located against the wall in the room. That made me giggle, knowing that David would have a lot of ideas for that. I pulled on my gray leggings and gray Seven Lean hoodie, slipping my feet into my soft Ugg boots before I opened the door. The woman that helped me try on clothes lifted it carefully from the chair and told me that she would take it. We could ring out when we’d completed our shopping and make arrangements for alterations a bit closer to the ceremony.

  I nodded and watched as she walked away, wanting to run after her and take the dress back. We’d taken pictures of it to remind me what it was like and even hidden them, so David wouldn’t find them before the wedding. I had those, and I walked out to the main room where Cammie was speaking closely with the woman that offered to help her.

  I never cared about what color she chose to begin with and that offered her a lot of freedom. Cammie tried a few on with the promise that the dress would grow with her and she could alter it later if need be. It was standard with dresses like these. Watching my sister try on dresses reminded me again of what was happening, and I sat down on the couch and wiped my tears away. She ended up in a flowing maroon dress that brought out her hair and eyes. The bodice was generous with straps that pulled it up around the neck and the dress started flowing right at the waist where she’d be bigger growing my niece. It was stunning and this time it was me hugging her as I cried, telling her that she needed to buy it.

  There was a shoe store attached to the dress store and we went there once both dresses were safe behind the counter. Neither of us was that big on heels so I picked a pair of chunky cream Mary Jane shoes that wouldn’t show to begin with. I would wear converse during the reception for dancing, so I didn’t break my neck and make David a widow. Cammie’s dress wasn’t quite as long, and she chose some black ballet flats to wear, laughing at how she’d probably be waddling down the aisle. Brent could very well end up raising this girl alone. Connie and I reprimanded her for her words before we brought everything to the register. I had to turn away at the total and Connie took the credit card from my hand with a sift smile. The girl winging up the items glanced at it and raised a brow as she looked us over. “David Foster? Are you the lucky woman marrying him?”

  I blushed, not thinking that I’d be asked this. I’d been closemouthed about my fiancé and I opened my mouth a few times before nodding slowly. She smiled brilliantly and nodded as she slid the card. I knew that he’d cleared it with the stores to use it just in case there were any problems. “I am.”

  “He’s the lucky one,” Connie told her as she signed the slip that had a lot of zeros on it.

  “You’re going to be beautiful. Good luck to both of you.” The girl’s blue eyes were warm enough, but I heard some kind of omen in her words.

  “Thanks,” I squeaked as Connie tucked the card into her purse and took my hand. We made appointments to have alterations done just before the ceremony and I tucked the reminder card into my wallet carefully. Cammie was bold enough to tell her that the baby she was carrying was Brent’s and we received another gasp as I stared at my sister. She was never subtle.

  We left the store and Connie hung her dress in the car before telling the driver the name of a restaurant for lunch. I needed it with the empty stomach I’d left the house on. The champagne was really getting to me even though I limited myself. We walked inside, and Cammie declared that the baby was starving as we went to a table that offered a great view of Seattle.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I looked at my phone for what felt the millionth time as Bryce played another part of Brent’s piece of one of the songs from the album again, talking with our manager Steve about what he thought might improve it. I sighed, wishing that Aubrey would send me a picture of her dress. I knew that she was shopping with Cammie and my mom today and had been thinking about it all day.

  Many of the songs on the album were about her and us. There was the good, the bad, and the ugly. There hadn’t been a lot of negative experiences to write but I had some stress throughout this. Love was tough. Writing had a way of making me dig a little deeper with my emotions and I loved how everything came out. I leaned back and took a sip of my water as the men chatted and Brent sat beside me as he cracked open a soda. “How do you think they’re doing?” He asked as I glanced at him.

  “I hope well. I gave Aubrey a credit card to use but she fought me on it. I hope that Mom handles that.” I replied as he snorted, knowing Aubrey well.

  “I’m sure Cammie will love that. She might bring home stuff for the baby.” His eyes warmed as he spoke of them and I almost sighed in relief. His first reaction had been hard to see, and he’d had a few holy shit moments since then. It was understandable. At the end of the day, he loved Cammie. He took care of her and they fought about how she was working too much and too hard. The girls were such sisters even though Cammie enjoyed the perks a lot more.

  “Fine by me. I love shopping for her.” I was happy it was a girl, having been at the ultrasound. Brent and I were closer now if nothing else and I was willing to be here. Some of the other guys in the band were a little doubtful that he’d pull it off based on a past version of him, but I had faith. I saw his face when the girl told them they were close to one hundred percent having a girl though. He looked shocked but happy and cried as he squeezed Cammie’s hand, kissing her as they whispered together. His family was just as thrilled and being so close, helped out a ton. Things were good.

  “Yeah, I know. I think I’ll cancel any baby shower, asshole. We won’t need anything between everyone just picking something up.” He grumbled as I laughed. Brent wanted a shower that was more for all friends, such as a BBQ. Cammie and his mom were planning something for women that sounded miserable.

  “Yeah and you would mind that?” I asked as he shrugged.

  “It’s for Cam. Not me. If she’s happy then they can have at it.” I looked at him as he took a drink of his soda, seeing a mature side of my best friend.

  “I’m proud of you, B. You’re handling this great.” I told him softly as he shrugged.

  “Brent. Do you mind trying that again and lowering the chord at the main chorus?” Steve asked as we both looked up.

  “Nope.” Brent replied, sipping it again before setting it on the table beside him. He stood and walked through the door to play again and I leaned back, closing my eyes for a moment. Seeing Brent and Cammie plan for their little family made me want a baby with Aubrey. I knew that we were waiting for the wedding for that. Cammie was already moaning about wearing a dress this pregnant and I didn’t want Aubrey having the same worries. There was plenty of time for that and we were also starting to shop for a house. Jacob was cool staying in the condo with Vanessa for now and letting us be on our own.

  Aubrey and I looked on the laptop a lot. She wanted something cozy for us that was more along the lines of three bedrooms and normal, as I coined it. I didn’t want a mansion by any means but something on the water appealed to me along with more space. I wanted a studio for myself and maybe a gym in the basement if I could find something suitable. I wanted something nice for us. That was ano
ther thing we bumped heads on even as I watched her eyes glow at some of the pictures I’d shown her. I was ready to talk to a realtor and get the process started but Aubrey was caught up with a lot of stuff now. I was taking it slow, adjusting to the idea of doing this with someone else, for someone else. Mom told me to take it slow, reminding me that Aubrey came from a home where just her mom raised her. This was tough on her as well.

  I looked up as Brent walked in to listen to the latest and he nodded as he spoke to Steve and Bryce. I’d gotten so lost in thought that I almost forgot what today was all about.

  “Want to get some vocals in?” Steve asked me as I drained the water bottle and nodded. I stood and headed into the small room with the microphone, covering my ears with the headphones. I loved this part almost more than the actual performing. I got so much out the first few times I sang, and it felt like the song came together. The process was so therapeutic to me and this was that much closer to the end.

  We managed to work out three songs through late into the night and I stretched as everyone prepared to go home. I’d heard from Aubrey and knew that she was home, relaxing and eating Thai food for dinner. She saved some for me and I winced as my stomach growled. We’d ordered sandwiches earlier, but we all got too caught up in the music to think about much else. I walked out with Brent and we made our way to the cars and said our goodbyes until the following day.

  I drove home in the dark, sipping water at every light. I’d pushed my vocal chords today and knew that my part-time coach was not going to be happy with me but fuck it. He never was to begin with and my tendency to push myself seemed to get us further at the end of it all. I knew I needed some hot tea at home and to just rest up a bit. I opened the gate and parked in my usual spot, looking around with a frown as I headed to my front door. This was a safe complex and easily one of the top ones in the area as far as security, but I couldn’t help thinking about parking in a garage where Aubrey would be safe. I wanted my own place.


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