Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance

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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance Page 23

by Ford, Mia

  This was different. He crushed his lips to mine, pressing me into the wall as I moaned into his mouth. David gripped my ass and nibbled at my jaw as I closed my eyes, struggling to breathe. “It’s always been like this with you,” I murmured as he sucked the soft skin of my neck between his teeth. “Always.”

  “I wanted you from the first moment I looked into your eyes. So different from the other women, Aubrey. A fucking breath of fresh air.” He moved down my body, sliding my shirt up to cup my breasts. I moaned and slammed my head against the wall as I remembered our family was behind it. “I want you more with each and every day.”

  “I love you,” I murmured as he carried me to our room, kissing me senseless before lowering me to the mattress. He stripped off my jeans and underwear easily before pushing my shirt up to unhook my bra. I shivered under his intense gaze, still affected so much by the way he looked at me like I was a meal.

  “That will come off soon,” he nodded at the shirt as I bit my lower lip, staring into his eyes. “I have another area of interest right now.”

  I moaned as he tossed his shirt across the room, revealing the ink that he’d been adding to his body over the years. In addition to the original ones, there were new images and words that represented the kids and I. We got them on date nights when he was here or even out on tour, knowing a lot of artists all over the place. I had a moon and a star on my shoulder for the kids and a small paw on my inner right wrist to memorialize the cat we lost two years ago after raising her from a kitten. For David, I had the words to my favorite song running down my arm; a song that he’d written for me. Even if he hadn’t written it just for me, I loved the words. I loved all his words and the depth they showed me.

  I reached for his hair as he moved down, needing his lips on mine. David slid his tongue against mine hard as I whimpered, trying to kiss him harder. He kept going until he moved down my body and spread my thighs wide, making me gasp. He buried his mouth between my legs and feasted on me as I alternated between groaning and crying out his name. David made me come with his tongue buried inside of me and his finger teasing my clit as I panted out my release. Once I was done, he kicked his jeans off and pressed my legs back before teasing my entrance.

  “Please, David. I need you,” I begged, rocking towards him as I clawed at his bare back. He slid inside of me and we both moaned, feeling complete as we moved together easily. We fucked hard and fast, coming as he kissed me to shut me up.

  I liked to get noisy with him.

  We snuggled together under the covers when we were done, dozing off in the peaceful room. I knew that Rosie could take a two-hour nap easily and Braden was with Aurora. I’d return the favor to Cammie and Brent tonight if they wanted some alone time.

  I stretched against him as I woke up, breathing in his peppermint scent. David pulled me close and told me that he loved me as we stared at each other for a long moment. “One more night here and then home, baby.” He said as we both smiled.

  “Want to drive with us?” I teased him as he chuckled. There was room but driving with that many kids was no easy feat.

  “You could hop on the bus with us. You rented a car, right?” He asked as I nodded. “There’s room. The kids would love it. The twins could take the car back to Seattle unless they want to join us.”

  I blushed as I thought about what bus Emma would want to ride on. “Yeah, we could ask. We have all night to work it out.”

  “Are you okay?” David asked as I pressed my lips to his neck to distract him from my reaction.

  “I don’t want to get out of this bed,” I murmured between slow, wet kisses.

  “Nor do I but we should see how the kids are doing.” I pressed him to his back and straddled him, smiling as David raised a brow at me. “What are you doing?”

  I rose and then impaled myself on his cock. He recovered easily and was ready to go in minutes and we had a nap. He was thick and hard, and I arched my back, taking him deeper. “I can stop,” I offered as he shook his head. I smiled and rode him harder, loving his vocal reaction to me. He loved this, and I felt him grab my hips and start thrusting into me as I gasped his name. I came a beat before he did, feeling his heat fill me as I pressed against his broad chest.

  Dropping beside him, I wrapped an arm around his stomach and snuggled close. We remained here for a precious few minutes before we heard Braden calling for us in the main living room. I smiled and pulled my clothes on quickly, walking out to find him while David got dressed. “Mommy,” He said as I picked him up and hugged him.

  “You okay?” I asked as I gazed into his eyes.

  “Rosie woke up and wanted you,” he told me as I nodded and headed towards the other room. I had the sense to pull my hair up, so I’d look relatively presentable. Rosie was sitting on the couch and started crying when she saw me. I sat beside her and grabbed her in my other arm, hugging both kids to me. David joined me within a few minutes and took his daughter once she was done with me. We discussed what to do that evening and ended up with a plan to take the kids to the hotel pool while Brent and Cammie went out to dinner. Mel offered to stay with us as Emma said she was going out for a little while, meeting my gaze.

  Everyone got ready, and I walked the younger kids with a bag of towels and water toys over my shoulder while David handled the older kids. We settled ourselves into loungers and joined them in the pool, setting them up with age appropriate gear as the screaming started. Mel came down and laughed as she dropped her stuff in a seat and joined us.

  “Where did Em go?” David asked her as she grabbed Rosie’s feet, making her laugh.

  “I think she’s having dinner with a friend.” Mel kept her voice casual as David frowned.

  “Who? We’re not at home.”

  “I don’t know. Someone she met here. Want to call Mom and tell her, too?” Mel rolled her eyes, and he sighed. He moved to Braden, lifting him up and dropping him into the shallow water as I looked at Mel. “She’s so dead.”

  “Yep.” I agreed as I laughed softly. We played with the kids until they needed a break, sitting on a blanket with juice and some toys. I stretched out in my seat, strategically placed so we all had a great view of the action. I reached into the bag for my Kindle, wanting to catch up on a series I was reading. David sprawled out on his own, watching the kids closely as he did when he knew I’d had them on my own for a while. Mel played on her phone and kept an eye out as I got lost in a book, knowing that I had my own book boyfriend in real life.

  David touched me every chance he got, making his sister smile. I’d been close with the twins since meeting them and we were solid now. I covered for them a lot and protected them from the wrath of my husband when it was something harmless. They were good girls and apart from Emma being a little boy crazy, they were mellow.

  The kids claimed to be starving in a few hours and we took them to the casual cafe in the hotel for a quick dinner. I knew that they would fall asleep once we were upstairs and gave the girls baths in one bathroom while David handled the boys in another. We dressed them in pajamas and set up the older cousins on outside edge of the bed with the younger ones to watch a movie and enjoy some popcorn.

  They were asleep within the hour and I packed their clothes away, so we could leave in the morning. Mel and Emma planned to take the car back, to my surprise. I snuggled with David on the couch as Mel worked on her laptop across from us. I was still tired and yawned as the door opened, revealing a giggling Emma and Press walking in. “What the actual fuck?” David asked as she froze, staring at us. Her mouth moved, but she was unable to speak as Press looked at David and then Emma. “You were out with her?”

  “We went to dinner.” Press said as Emma flushed pink and I felt David tense beside me.

  “Baby, it’s okay,” I said, wrapping my arm tighter around him.

  “You’re a young singer for a popular band. I know how you guys work,” David said, standing as he moved over to them. Press was by no means a small guy, but David towered over him.
I sighed and rose, walking over as Mel joined me.

  “Yeah? Have you seen me with any women?” Press challenged as David ran a hand through his hair. I grabbed him and held tight as I felt his heart pounding in his chest. “I’m just a few years younger than you, Dave. I take the music seriously.”

  “We’re getting to know each other, David. You’re in the industry so you had to assume that I’d meet someone, eventually.” Emma groaned as she stared at me. I knew that she liked Press a lot.

  “Fuck that. You’ll just get hurt,” David argued as she shook her head.

  “You are still a good guy after all these years. Look at your life.” She told him as he covered my hands with his. “You’re happy. I graduated, and I want to have some fun.” Emma’s eyes pleaded with her brother as I pulled him against me, feeling him circle my thumb with his finger. I knew that he was calming down and pressed a kiss to his neck as he shivered. “I am not going blind into this. I know the risks, but he makes me laugh.” I knew there was more to it than that but kept my mouth shut. David wasn’t stupid, and he could do the math.

  “I’m warning you right now to take good care of her.” David spoke to Press as the younger man nodded slowly. “I’ve been watching over these two for years and I don’t know how to stop without telling you that. Just… respect her.”

  “I already do,” Press assured him, and they shook hands. Emma walked to the couch and collapsed, her hands thrown dramatically over her face as her sister moved beside her.

  “I love you,” I whispered to David before I joined them. The guys kept talking, and I left them to it. “That wasn’t horrible,” I spoke in a low voice as Emma stared at me.

  “I thought he was going to kill him,” she admitted as I gazed at the guys again. “I guess it isn’t too late for that. The tour ends soon.”

  “He’ll be fine. He needs to let you girls live.” I murmured as they both stared at me with wide eyes. “What?”

  “Poor Rosie,” they said in sync as I dropped my head back to the couch. Poor Rosie, indeed.

  Press left a little while later and since we hadn’t seen Brent and Cammie, it was safe to assume that they were still out or in the other room. Emma and Mel said they’d stay with the kids and for us to go to bed. I hugged them and took David’s hand, leading him into the other suite.

  “I can’t believe it,” he muttered as we closed the door to the bedroom. “My own fucking sister.”

  “Your beautiful, intelligent sister.” I reminded him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “They’re going to be fine. You turned out good.”

  “I wasn’t good at his age. I know it’s just a few years’ difference, but I don’t want Emma to get fucked over. Shit. Have they slept together?” He asked as his eyes grew dark.

  I kissed him to both distract him and silence his mind. David gripped my waist and slid his tongue against mine, moaning against me. We moved back to the bed, dropping onto it as he kissed me harder.

  By the time we were ready to go to sleep for the night, he was calmer and snuggled into my side. I smiled as I kissed my Rockstar, whispering that I loved him again.

  The following day, the twins took the bus with Press and the guys after returning the rental car to a local office. David grumbled but Cammie and I told him to let it go. Even Brent stepped into protective big brother mode and warned Press to watch his shit. After we were on our own vehicles, we settled the kids into the rooms for each member to watch TV. It was exciting for them to do that while watching the cars outside and we’d move them to the bunks once they were asleep. Each room had a set of bunks for the instance in when there were several people aboard or the bands had families.

  I fell asleep with my kids and woke up in the dark some time later with David curled in bed beside me. I assumed that the kids were in their beds and pressed my body to his, looking around the room lit dimly by the lights of the cars shining through the windows. I was happy in this life with my husband and nestled closer to him.

  We woke up in the morning to the kids climbing in bed with us and snuggled them for a while. Watching the cars around us as the scenery whizzed by. I giggled as they made their observations and smiled at David lovingly as he stroked Rosie’s hair. When we were all hungry, we dressed and headed to the main room and discovered that the driver was stopping at a diner along with the other bus for a little break. The timing was perfect as the kids all tended to go from zero to starving in seconds.

  We all got off and met up with the others, heading inside to grab a few tables. I was sick of eating out by now and wanted to cook at home as soon as possible. I made sure to cherish every moment of this trip with my family and enjoy the greasy diner food and whatever else we decided to try. I could start going back to yoga at home and settle into normal life. I could sleep with my husband in our bed and get to know him again the way I always did after a tour.

  I loved the idea.

  When we pulled into Washington, I happily packed the remaining clothing into bags. I checked the bus with Cammie while the guys watched the kids for us and we stepped out with big smiles. Since we didn’t have cars here, we got two large ones and headed home.

  The twins came off their bus with Press and a guy that looked shockingly like him. I raised a brow and looked at Cammie as she grinned. Were the twins going to start dating twins? I needed to research that fact about Press. David wasn’t happy when he took note of the situation, but I let him grumble as we loaded the kids into the SUV to go home. I signaled for Mel to call me as she waved, making her smile and nod.

  Rosie was sleeping when we pulled up to the gate and David carried her while I held Braden’s hand. The driver was kind enough to help with our bags and I tipped him extra as I thanked him. We could get them in the garage and go from there once we were settled.

  It turned out that Braden was also tired and headed to his bed for a nap. David grinned and took my hand after securing the house, dragging me to our bedroom to celebrate being home. We did that for several minutes before napping until Rosie cried my name when she woke up. I kissed David and went down to get her, settling right back into normal life. I cooked us hamburgers for dinner and fresh sweet potato fries, serving the kids their smaller versions before plating David’s dinner. He was at the table looking groggy and I grinned as I set it down in front of him with a soft kiss.

  Once I was eating, I looked at him for a long moment. “So, are you back to writing?” I asked as he nodded.

  “Once I sleep for about a week,” he replied as I sipped my water.

  “You know you’ll end up spending time with the kids more than you sleep. You’ll also be in the gym.” I smiled as he shrugged, reaching for a fry. He was into fitness and hated that he let it go during tours. He jogged when he could and hit hotel gyms but not like he did here at home. I enjoyed his habit since he got me more into working out, which was necessary after two kids and possibly another on the way.

  Cammie and I were talking about a local yoga class. When the guys were here, they could watch the kids and give us some free time to do it. Beyond that, they did offer childcare if we wanted to deal with four kids.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  After dinner, we watched a movie with the kids in the living room. They ended up falling asleep, and I carried Braden while she took Rosie to their rooms. I secured the house from my phone and we went into our room, getting into bed to watch a movie before we fell asleep.

  I was so fucking tired now that I was home. I missed the days when I could just come home and drop into bed until I felt alive again, but I wouldn’t change a thing about my life. I loved my wife and kids but the balance between that and the band was tough at times. I wanted to make love to Aubrey, but I passed out with exhaustion first, waking up alone as I heard the kids downstairs.

  The guys and I agreed to a few days on our own before we got back to work after a tour. We needed to decompress and let ideas flow naturally and that took time. I always started a few songs i
n my various notebooks I traveled with but really focused on them once I was home. It was a full-time job for me and I struggled at times.

  I got up and headed downstairs for a work out after kissing my family. I needed to get back to life and blasted some hard rock as I started on the treadmill, running at a steady pace. I headed to the weights after and lifted, feeling in the strain in my muscles as I smiled.

  I headed upstairs to shower and found Aubrey working on a project while the kids played. The times she was allowed to do this alone were few and far between and I made a quick lunch before taking over so she could work.

  We were invited to Brent’s for dinner and dressed for that after a few hours, picking up some wine on the way. It was as relaxing as it could be with the kids, but they acted like they hadn’t seen each other for years when we walked through the door.

  Cammie made a couple of roasted chickens and several sides, clearly in her element in the kitchen. Aubrey helped her, and we talked shop while keeping an eye on the kids and sipping beer. He had some ideas for songs and I chimed in since we were the main writers in the group. Everyone added something here and there and that was what made us successful.

  Dinner was served, and we headed out back, so the kids could play for a while and we could chat. It was beautiful, and I felt happy to be back home. Traveling was amazing, and I loved it but there was nothing like home with my family.

  It seemed like no time at all before I was settling in to write a few hours a day. I needed to be disciplined to keep the pace going, so I treated writing as a day job. Aubrey was willing to watch the kids, and I gave her a break at night if she needed it. She went out with Cammie sometimes and even to visit the twins. I supported that wholeheartedly, so I could find out about Press and his brother. The idea of one of my sisters with a Rockstar was enough to drive me crazy but sweet Mel dating his brother might send me into an early death.


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