Hunter Trials

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Hunter Trials Page 20

by Caroline Peckham

  “What happened?” I asked gently.

  “She betrayed me,” he said stiffly. “I don't blame her. I know how terrifying the Watchers are now that I've met them. She didn't want to be a part of my plans. I understand that. So they came for me. And...” His brows taut. “They killed my crew, everyone who knew about me. They were ruthless. There was so much blood, I just...went with them. Didn't even put up a fight.” He gave me a sad look. “I've been here ever since.”

  I gasped, shaking my head. “But that must be-”

  “Nearly two hundred years,” he finished for me. “The highest crime of all is revealing the Immortals to the world. Which seemed unjust to me, seeing as the Watchers let the Hunters round up humans to play in their games.”

  I gave him a frown. “They turn a blind eye to it to keep the Hunters happy. I guess that's why Hunters only end up here when they've turned against their kind.”

  “True.” Harlen nodded.

  I gazed over at Hawke as the line up to him grew shorter. My stomach turned at the thought of the Harvest. Especially when Colt spoke with Hawke. He'd let him fight, I was sure of it. Colt was strong as hell and we needed the best fighters in the battle. I just hoped they'd all come back alive.

  ✭☠ ✭

  The day of the Harvest arrived. I was anxious, knowing that Colt was signed up and Hawke too. I grew even more anxious when I found out that Tykera had signed up at the last minute.

  At the heart of the cavern, the chosen warriors were already dressed in armour, looking fierce, all thirty of them.

  Hawke led the way out of the cave, guiding the masses along and the rest of the clan moved to follow. I hurried after them, finding Harlan amongst the crowd. He gave me a concerned look and I returned it. If Harlen was worried, I knew I should be too. Nothing usually penetrated his happy demeanour.

  We wound through the cave system and soon arrived in the entrance hall I'd fought in on day one.

  The other clans were assembled, all ringing around the expansive space, big enough for the battle.

  I flexed my fingers as tension knotted them. Bain caught my eye amongst his clan, red paint smeared across his cheeks. Perhaps it wasn't paint at all...

  His gaze lingered on me, sending a tremor down my spine. I turned away, firmly looking elsewhere.

  The warriors from each clan lined up, forming a large square, facing one another. I spotted Colt amongst them, his gleaming iron armour catching my eye. I hurried through the crowd, pushing people aside and grabbing his arm. He turned, raising a single brow as he took in my worried expression.

  "Don't die," I said.

  Colt released a light laugh, proving he wasn't remotely worried about that happening. "I'm not planning on it." His fingers brushed over my wrist and electricity darted up my skin. I wanted to reach out to him, to embrace him, something to show how much I cared.

  Colt had somehow wormed his way into my heart and losing him was a frightening prospect.

  My eyes drifted to Hawke, but his gaze was set on Bain.

  As I returned my eyes to Colt, I threw caution to the wind and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight.

  His arms folded around me and I breathed in the manly smell of him, gripping him tighter. My heart beat strangely and I was suddenly intoxicated by the closeness of him.

  I pulled away, fearing the strange emotions growing inside me. Colt looked ready to say something, but Arabella called out to the crowd, announcing the start of the fight.

  My gut dropped and I held Colt's hand a moment, his fingers squeezing mine before he slipped away. The warriors surged forward around me and I fell back, feeling arms pulling me into the onlooking group.

  My heart beat out of control as I gazed after Colt.

  Harlen held my arm, throwing me a comforting look.

  "Can the leaders fight each other?" I asked, my heart thumping against my ribcage.

  Perhaps I should have risen earlier this morning to say goodbye to Hawke, but knowing him he'd almost certainly come back in one piece anyway.

  Harlen nodded, his expression grim. "Yes, they can fight each other in the Harvest, that's the rules."

  Battle cries sounded out around me and my eyes snapped to the fight as the battle broke out at the centre of the room. The fighters lifted their weapons high and slashed them through the air.

  Those who weren't fighting pressed back against the walls, giving the warriors room, and avoiding any rogue blows that might fall their way.

  “How do the rations get divided?” I asked Harlen.

  “Death count,” he replied. “The Clan with the least deaths wins. And the others are ranked by their losses after that. The Clan who loses the most fighters gets the least rations.”

  I scowled, hating the ridiculous idea.

  My eyes were drawn to Tykera as she pulled her armour from her body, exposing too much skin for a battle, frightening the life out of me. But in moments, she'd fallen to the floor and her body rippled and changed as she turned into a wolf with sleek black fur with a white star between her eyes. My breathing was frantic as she cut down warriors, leaping atop them and ripping out throats.

  Harlen whistled enthusiastically with two fingers in his mouth, the sound joining the clamour of noise that was rising from the onlookers.

  I couldn't find it in me to cheer, feeling too anxious for my friends. But perhaps I shouldn't have been afraid, Colt and Hawke cut down their fair share of men and women and were soon splattered with blood, their weapons slick with it too. It was a bloodbath and as it continued my pulse rose out of control.

  "Where's the food?" I asked Harlen. "What are we fighting over?"

  "The Watchers will drop it into the net, the way you came in." Harlen rubbed the back of his neck. "The fight takes place before the food arrives, so no one can get their hands on it until the battle is done and the deaths are tallied."

  My eyes were drawn back to Tykera as she threw her head toward the ceiling and howled above her recent kill, blood dripping down her muzzle. There were other wolves amongst the battle, their pelts an array of colours from white to cloud grey and rustic red. The Videns used their birds to sweep down and blind their attackers before ramming blades into their bellies.

  Arabella was amongst them, and the technique was ruthless.

  Hawke was cutting a bloody path towards Bain and Bain was moving in the opposite direction.


  I glanced up at Harlen, my heart thumping out of control.

  "Who takes over the clan if Hawke dies?"

  Harlen's eyes followed mine to where Hawke was cutting down a man in cold blood.

  "He won't die. But if he did, our clan would hold trials for a new leader."

  I drove my machete into a man's chest. He died in an instant, falling at my feet. Blood splattered my body and adrenaline surged through me with each kill. I was a Hunter in true form, cutting down my prey. This was what my father always expected of me and here I was, becoming what he wanted. But I wouldn't take pleasure in it, I refused to. These deaths were pointless.

  Why not divide the food up evenly for everyone here?

  Because this place is run by rules written centuries ago.

  A woman came at me with a screech and it took me a moment to recognise Arabella. Her sword clashed with my machete and I gazed at her, furious.

  “Are you mad? We had a deal,” I growled.

  “You broke that deal when you moved to Nox.” She came at me again, sword swinging and I parried every blow. I was as strong as her and she knew it; the look in her eyes told me so.

  “Enough, Arabella,” I snarled. “I won't kill you.”

  She rammed her blade at me and I smashed it away with the edge of my machete.

  “Then you will die,” she hissed. Her eyes were as wild as the Atlantic ocean, her face spewing murderous thoughts.

  “I can get us out of here,” I snarled, launching out of the way of her next blow. I darted past her weapon, snatching her waist and dragging
her against me. She stilled in my hold, allowing me to speak, but her ravens swooped above us, readying to attack.

  I spoke quickly in her ear. “I have a plan. Moving to Nox was part of it. Trust me, Arabella. I will help you escape.”

  She went slack in my arms and I released her. Waving off the birds, she turned on her heel and marched further into the crowd, ramming her sword between the ribs of a man belonging to Lux. I hoped that meant I'd gotten through to her.

  Solomon ran past her, evidently not interested in taking her on. There was a quiet understanding between them and that was what I hoped I had gained with Arabella too.

  I spotted Hawke fighting with Bain, every blow of weapons nearly tearing each other apart. I moved toward them, surrounded by my clan, not needing to fight as I moved. No one was looking. I could finish Hawke now.

  Bain caught my eye and jerked his head to urge me closer.

  I stepped forward as Bain slammed his heel into Hawke's calf. Hawke roared in anger, lifting his axe high and wheeling it toward Bain. Bain backed off, starting to smile as I arrived behind Hawke.

  My heart thumped in my ears.

  No one was looking at me. Not amongst the battle anyway. But as I gazed toward the onlookers from Nox Clan, I saw Mercy there, watching us closely. My gut constricted.

  Bain jammed the butt of his sword into Hawke's face and he stumbled back right into me.

  I braced him, my fingers twitching around the machete. One good beheading would end him. But Mercy would see. Others too. I couldn't do it openly. And something inside me held me back anyway.

  I pulled Hawke out of Bain's way, steadying him.

  His eyes swivelled to mine and I didn't give him a moment to speak, turning away into the fight once more. I cut down a few more of Tenebris and my clan closed in around me. We started working together, keeping a close-knit line that Hawke soon joined.

  I raised my machete, ready to slam into a guy's skull, when Arabella cried, “Enough! Put down your weapons!”

  Everyone fell still and I dropped my arm to my side, relief sweeping through me.

  Arabella gestured for four warriors to come forward, one from each of the Clans. “Count the dead,” she demanded and everyone still alive backed up as the bodies were tallied.

  I glanced at Hawke who gave me a look of triumph. It was clear Nox had made a lot of kills, but was it enough? Probably at least to secure second place.

  Arabella was soon given the totals and we waited for her to announce the winner. “Nox Clan have won! Second to Lux, then Vita and finally Tenebris.”

  Pride swelled through me the same moment Bain roared his fury at his Clan's defeat.

  Hawke clapped a hand to my shoulder. “Good fight,” he said. “You'll be rewarded tonight at the celebrations.”

  I nodded stiffly as he marched away and the warriors moved to carry their dead from the bloody ground.

  I marched toward Mercy, my body still trembling with exertion. She wrapped her arms around me as I arrived, the sticky blood on my body coating her skin.

  “You did it,” she gasped. “We actually won.”

  Hawke appeared beside us, prising Mercy away from me with a keen grin. “Help ready the party,” he commanded of her and she turned to him before looping her arms around his shoulders.

  He stiffened in surprise then hugged her tight. “Go now,” he said, pushing her back.

  She smiled broadly, looking between us before hurrying back into the crowd, moving to a female Werewolf who was padding through the crowd, licking everyone in sight. Hawke caught me in his gaze and a moment of tension passed between us as we sized each other up. It was clear Mercy had been just as happy to see both of us. And that irked me more than it should have.

  Hawke turned to the remainder of the crowd who hadn't fought. “Collect the rations and bring them to the cave. Tonight, we celebrate!”

  A cheer went up and Hawke glanced over me as we started walking back to the cavern. “I didn't expect you to have my back out there.”

  “I didn't either,” I admitted, fighting a grin. More than you know, mate.

  “You may use my bathhouse to wash,” he announced. “After me of course.” He strode off ahead of me and a smirk found its way to my face. Hell, I didn't want to like the guy. But I was starting to see why everyone admired him in Nox. He was a good leader. And now we'd won the battle that would keep us fed for a full month. That was definitely something to celebrate. And my adrenaline-fuelled mind conjured up an image of me spending the evening with Mercy. I deserved a night off. Hawke wouldn't die tonight. But as I spied Tenebris Clan shouldering past ours, I spotted Bain amongst them. He glowered at me and I inched closer to him as the rest of my clan headed on.

  “There were too many spectators,” I muttered.

  He nodded stiffly, a grimace on his face. “Fine. But next time, you won't hesitate.”

  The party was in full swing, but I watched from my up in my pod, not ready to join them yet. I had no idea how they were managing to play music, but somehow modern tunes filled Nox cavern. Arabella and Solomon arrived with their clans and the whole of Nox's cavern was soon rammed with people.

  The ring was set up to one side of the room tonight where brawls were breaking out between the different clans. It was the first time we'd been allowed to mix socially with the other clans, and apparently that included sexually too as a man from Vita clan propositioned a girl from Lux.

  It was strange to celebrate after so many deaths had occurred, but I couldn't help but feel merry, soaking in the atmosphere of victory.

  I got changed in my pod. Amongst Iris's things, was one dress. And seeing as the clan members had made varying amounts of effort for the party, I guessed it would be fitting to put it on. Some of the men had shirts on, others had simply braided their hair and woven them with coloured ribbons. I figured I wouldn't look too out of place in the dress. Some of the girls were wearing them, or had evidently made them from men's shirts. Meredith was amongst them, in a black t-shirt dress tightened around her narrow waist with a leather belt.

  I pulled on Iris's dress. It was snug to my figure, but had a high neck. My legs were mostly on show, but it was nothing in comparison to some of the revealing clothes I'd worn in the past.

  I headed out of the pod, descending the ladder to the cave floor. Moving through the throng of people who were drinking, dancing and chatting, I searched for my friends.

  Tykera had tiny shorts on with a tight vest top and her hair was threaded with shining beads. Harlen was amongst the shirt-wearers and at his side was the man he liked, Rex. He was the same height as Harlen, but slightly skinnier. His arms were painted with tattooed sleeves and his eyes were softest, peppermint blue.

  Harlen's gaze travelled down me. “Woah, are you trying to get laid tonight?”

  “No. This is the only dress Iris had,” I countered.

  “You didn't have to wear it,” he pointed out with a wink. “Who will it be? Hawke or Colt? Or you could get with someone else and really get under their skin.”

  “Harlen,” I warned.

  “Leave her alone,” Tykera sighed. “Everyone's dressed up tonight, doesn't mean they want to get laid, Harlen.” Her eyes trailed around the crowd as if she was searching for someone.

  “Right,” Harlen laughed. “That's why you're looking for Ivan right now like a lost puppy.”

  Tykera jabbed his arm but didn't deny it.

  “Most of Tenebris Clan won't come,” Rex said. “They rarely attend Nox's parties. And why would they wanna celebrate when they got totally destroyed today?”

  “Good point,” Harlen said. “Wanna dance?” He grabbed Tykera's hand and I prepared to be left alone when he grabbed mine too.

  Dragging me toward the source of the music, we moved amongst the shifting and swaying bodies of those who had started dancing already. I laughed as Harlen twirled me around. He let go and I stumbled back into Tykera. Harlen's eyes were fixed on his boyfriend, Rex who'd been drawn into a conversatio
n with another muscular guy.

  Throwing us a wink, Harlen said, “Excuse me,” and strode off to intercept them.

  Tykera laughed, grabbing my hand and tugging me into her arms. She wasn't much of a hugger, so I was mildly surprised. I guessed everyone had been desperate for this win. We wouldn't have to worry about food for a whole month, and I wondered if we wouldn't have to fight for it now either.

  “He's watching you,” Tykera whispered, glancing over my shoulder.

  “Who?” I said, refusing to take a look.

  “Who do you think?” she teased.

  I sighed. “Hawke?” I guessed.

  “Guess again.” She grinned then turned me forcefully around. I spotted Colt on the outskirts of the dance floor, a drink in his hand. He looked like a bronze statue standing there, his eyes fixed on me and he evidently had no problem with me noticing.

  “Go on.” Tykera nudged me in the back and I fought a smile as I headed toward Colt.

  “Having fun?” he asked as I arrived.

  I nodded, glancing up at him through my lashes. “This's not what I thought it would be. I mean sure, it's tough. We could die in the trials, but the people...” I glanced around the room. “Most of them are alright.”

  He grunted in response. “Hope you're not getting too comfortable. You still wanna leave, right?”

  I laughed. “Of course, Colt. It's still prison.”

  He seemed to relax, then guided me toward a table where an array of spirits were laid out. No mixer. Yuck. I took a glass of water, deciding to avoid the alcohol. From the sharp scent sailing from Colt's cup, I guessed he didn't share the same sentiment.


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