With Love, Caroline

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With Love, Caroline Page 11

by Jennifer Hebbard

  Caroline’s voice whispered in her ear, only one word. “Live.” And then as quickly as she had come, she was gone. Ever felt the loss, but she also felt something that she had rarely felt from Caroline… peace.

  “You found it baby; you finally found your peace.” Ever wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. She placed her hands on the now cold again ground in an attempt to stand when she felt a scratchy tongue licking at her right hand. She laughed when she saw the kitten. “You just don’t give up do you?” She caressed the tiny cats head.

  “No, she doesn’t, and neither do I.” Ever’s head shot straight up and she saw the most beautiful sight she thought she had ever seen. Mia was standing there, shivering in her coat, smiling down at her.

  “I knew you’d come, you’re always there when I need you, always.” Ever struggled to stand and Mia hurried to her side to help her. As soon as Ever was upright, Mia nearly jumped into her arms hugging her fiercely.

  “I was so scared. I thought I wouldn’t be able to find you, I thought I would lose you.” Mia was near hysterical as Ever held her and stroked her back.

  “Shh baby, it’s ok, I’m ok,” Ever whispered to Mia. She felt so good in her arms again. Ever never wanted to let go. She breathed deeply of Mia’s scent and felt calm. Mia jerked back suddenly.

  “Jesus Ever, you’re soaking wet!” She exclaimed just now noticing the condition Ever’s clothes were in. Ever chuckled.

  “Yeah, that happens when the branch your standing on breaks and dumps you into a near frozen lake.” Mia’s eyes widened.

  “You were in the water? For how long? Christ Ever you could have hyperthermia?” Mia frantically ran her hands all over Ever’s body as if she would be able to seek out any wounds by touch.

  “I’m ok, Mia, but I really wouldn’t mind a change of clothes and a warm fire.” Ever grabbed Mia’s hands and brought both of them up to her mouth laying a kiss on her knuckles.

  “We can do all of that later. Right now, you’re going to the hospital to get checked out. I don’t even know how you are still conscious.” Ever smiled and kissed Mia chastely on the lips.

  “That’s a story for later too,” she said. “I really don’t need to go…” Mia raised her hand and put two fingers to Ever’s lips silencing her.

  “No arguments. You’re going.” Mia softened her tone. “Please, for me.” Ever looked into Mia’s eyes and knew she could deny her nothing. She slowly nodded her ascent. No sooner had Mia took Ever back into her arms than they heard voices above them. Mia looked up and saw the beams of several flashlights shine over their heads. “HERE! We’re down here.” She yelled. She saw Corporal Johnson’s head peek over the side of the hill and she smiled and waved. She looked down then to see the kitten bathing itself at her and Ever’s feet. “You little one, deserve a whole can of tuna all to yourself.” She bent and picked up the cat cradling it in the crook of her arm. Ever smiled and scratched the top of the cat’s head, who answered with a loud purr.

  “I see you’ve met my friend,” Ever said smiling at the tiny creature.

  “I have indeed. In fact, your little friend here is the one that led me to you.”

  Ever threw her head back and laughed.

  “Is that right? Well I’ll be damned.” Ever took the kitten from Mia’s arms and held her up to her face. “How would you like to come home with us?” She asked, and the kitten meowed loudly and licked Ever’s nose. Mia giggled.

  “I think that’s a yes,” she said. Before she could continue, she saw the figures of several deputies, flashlights still ablaze headed toward them. She took Ever’s hand in her own and squeezed. “The cavalry has arrived.”


  Mia rode in the ambulance to the hospital with Ever. Just wasn’t willing quite yet to let her out of her sight. When they got to the Emergency Room, they took Ever into the Trauma Bay but refused to let Mia follow. Mia stopped the gurney before if got beyond her reach. She leaned down and kissed Ever. “I’ll be right here when you’re done ok?” Ever placed her hand on the side of Mia’s face gently and nodded. With that she was gone and a hospital Security Officer was leading Mia to the family waiting area. Mia sat down heavily in the ratty stained chair of the waiting room that looked like it had seen its best days more than a decade ago. She didn’t care, she just wanted to sit for a moment. She was so tired, physically and mentally as well. She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands and took a couple of deep breaths.

  “Long night huh?” Johnson said from the entrance door to the waiting room. Mia raised her head and gave him a half smile.

  “Thank you, Corporal Johnson. For all of your help. I’m very grateful and I know that Ever is too.”

  Johnson shrugged off her thanks, he was a real just doing my job ma’am kind of guy and Mia tried to hide her smile behind her hand.

  “I’m glad everything worked out the way it did,” Mia nodded. “One thing I don’t really understand though…” Mia looked at him curiously and motioned for him to take the seat next to her. Johnson sat next to her and seemed to be collecting his thoughts. Mia waited patiently for him to continue.

  “The thing is Ms. Adams; I’ve been doing this job a long time now. Nearly twenty years. I don’t get to see too many happy endings like we had tonight.”

  Mia smiled and thanked whatever God was listening once again for finding Ever and knowing she was ok.

  “Your friend, Ms. Rhodes? She was out in near-freezing temperatures, in wet clothes for over six hours. To be blunt with you, she shouldn’t have been alive never mind walking under her own power. How do you explain that?”

  Mia thought about what Johnson had said, she looked him in the eye and shrugged. “I don’t explain it, Corporal. I have found that there are some things in life that just can’t be explained no matter how much we may want or even need a logical explanation. Maybe Ever is just stronger than most people, maybe she had a little help from above. We don’t know, and we probably never will. I for one am not going to expend too much energy trying to figure it out. I’m just so thankful that she’s here, and she’s ok.”

  Johnson stared at Mia for a few moments before nodding his head and standing.

  “I suppose you’re right. I’m glad things turned out the way they did, and I’m glad we could help. Take care of your friend.”

  “I will. Thank you again.” Mia watched Johnson walk out of the room. She slumped back in her chair and closed her eyes. She knew she wouldn’t truly be able to rest until she was with Ever again but if she could just get a moment.

  “Mia Adams?” Mia shot bolt upright in her chair upon hearing her name.

  “Yes, yes that’s me.” Mia rose and walked to meet the woman calling her name. “Is Ever ok? Can I see her?”

  “Ms. Rhodes is fine, and she’s asking for you. Follow me and I’ll take you to her room.” Mia followed the woman down a long hallway. There were doors on both sides some open, when Mia looked in a few she saw people of all ages. Some in bed, some sitting in chairs by the window. Some were surrounded by loved ones, others alone. Mia looked straight ahead again; she had never felt overly comfortable in hospitals. There always seemed to be a heaviness in the air, a sadness that she couldn’t shake. She just wanted to see and be with Ever again. After so many hours filled with anxiety and worry that she would lose her, she was close to the edge and wouldn’t feel safe again until she saw her. After what seemed like an interminable walk the nurse finally stopped in front of room 873 and knocked lightly on the door which sat ajar. After poking her head in briefly she smiled at Mia holding her finger to her lips. “Looks like she dozed off, poor thing.” She said opening the door allowing Mia to enter and leaving the two of them alone, patting Mia’s shoulder as she left. Mia stood and leaned against to wall staring at Ever whose eyes were closed. She emitted a slight snore and Mia smiled. She looked peaceful laying there, and it occurred to Mia that she hadn’t seen Ever look like this since long before Caroline had died. Something had happened
out there on the shore of that lake; she wasn’t sure exactly what it was, and it didn’t matter to her. As long as Ever was here and well. That was all that mattered to Mia at the moment. Ever’s eyes began to open then, and she focused on Mia immediately.

  “Hi,” she said her voice dry and raspy.

  “Hi yourself. How are you feeling?” Mia walked over to the side table and poured some water into a Styrofoam cup, added a straw and held it out to Ever. Ever leaned forward and sipped from the straw, never taking her eyes off of Mia.

  “I feel… ok. Better now that you’re here.” Ever said grabbing Mia’s hand after she replaced the cup on the table. If Mia was surprised by Ever’s words, she didn’t let it show. Ever brought Mia’s hand to her lips and kissed it softy. “I’m so sorry Mia, I…”

  “You don’t have to apologize Ever. We don’t have to talk about anything if you don’t want to.”

  “We do though, I do. I’m sorry that I left you the way I did Mia. I’m sorry that I worried you the way I did. I was so messed up. I didn’t know what to do or say that night and so I ran. I ran, and I left you there and, I’m just so sorry, Mia.” Mia took her finger and smoothed out the lines on Ever’s forehead.

  “I get it Ever, really I do. You were freaked out; I was halfway there myself to be honest. I wish you had stayed and talked to me but I don’t hold it against you that you didn’t.”

  Ever put her head down and Mia lifted her chin with two fingers. “Ever, I don’t know why or how any of this happened. I really don’t and I am done trying to analyze it. I love you. I didn’t mean for that to happen, but it did and I’m done hiding from it. I could have lost you tonight, I don’t know what I would have done if that had happened.” Ever wiped the tear that had escaped Mia’s eye with her finger and held the side of her face gently. Mia leaned into the touch.

  “I love you too.” Ever said in a low voice. I tried to deny it, I tried to run from it and I tried to hide it but I can’t. Not anymore. I am so tired of the measure of my life being loss. I want to live and love, and I want to do those things with you. I was reminded of that tonight, I had lost sight of it for so long now.” Mia looked at Ever and squinted her eyes but before she could ask her anything, the doctor came into the room. Both women turned their heads to face him.

  “Ms. Rhodes, I’m Dr. Steven’s. How are you feeling?” Ever grabbed Mia’s hand and held it in her own. Dr. Stevens

  “I’m ok. A little tired but really, I feel fine.” Dr. Stevens looked down at the chart in his hands, shook his head slightly from side to side and then back at the two women.

  “Well, you have some minor abrasions and your body temperature is just a little low, but over all you seem to be in remarkable shape. We’d like to keep you overnight here for observation but barring any problems I see no reason why you can’t go home tomorrow. I can’t explain it except to say you are a very lucky young woman.” Mia squeezed Ever’s hand and held it closer to her body.

  “Thank you, doctor. I’ll make sure she takes it easy for at least a little while.” Mia said giving Ever a small smile and a wink. Dr. Stevens nodded and then took his leave from the room. Mia looked at Ever. “What happened out there?” She asked watching Ever’s reaction. Ever yawned and tried to keep her eyes open and on Mia.

  “Would you mind if I tell you that story once we get back to the cabin?” Mia shook her head; she didn’t mind waiting. Suddenly Ever’s eyes sprung open wide, and she sat up straight. “Where’s Hope?” Mia looked at Ever confused and a little concerned.

  “Who? Ever? Are you ok? Mia stood ready to call for help if Ever seemed to need it. Ever smirked and looked sheepishly at Mia.

  “UMM the kitten. I sort of named her Hope.” Mia relaxed and laughed out loud. She sat back down on the side of the bed placing her hands on Ever’s thighs.

  “Hmm you did, did you? I like it. Hope, is at the nurse’s station being cooed over by several CNA’s and Nurses. She’s safe and I take it will be coming home with us?” Ever blushed and played with the hem of the bed sheets.

  “I kind of thought so yeah. Is that ok with you?” she asked looking back up at Mia. Mia leaned forward almost touching Ever’s lips to her own.

  “I think that’s a great idea.” She whispered before leaning forward and touching her lips to Ever’s. The kiss was simple and soft, meant to convey love rather than passion. That would come later. Ever pulled Mia down to lay beside her and wrapped her arms around the other woman. Within five minutes both women were sound asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.


  The morning light shined in through the hospital window, illuminating both women still wrapped up in each other’s bodies. Mia’s eyes fluttered open slowly. She smiled when she realized she was sleeping on Ever’s chest. She breathed deeply of her scent and listened to the faint but sure beating of her heart beneath her.

  “Good morning,” Ever’s husky voice said above her and she smiled.

  “Yes, it is.” Mia replied snuggling closer to Ever. She didn’t want to move, not yet. It seemed to her that she had waited an eternity for this moment where she could lie safe and loved in Ever’s arms. “All I’ve ever wanted was to be near you.” She whispered. Ever held her closer and kissed the top of her head indicating that she had heard.

  “I’m here now, baby, no more running.” Ever replied and for the first time felt sure and strong of her words and her feelings for Mia. “Would you come back to the cabin with me today? Spend a few days there together? I want us to be alone for just a little while.”

  Mia smiled and nodded her head against Ever’s chest. Her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat. This is what she had wanted, dreamed about for so long now. She was so afraid that one wrong move, one wrong word it would all just disappear in a puff of smoke. She didn’t know quite how to rid herself of that fear and promised herself she would talk through it with Ever later. Mia turned onto her side and reached for her phone when Ever stretched. She had turned the ringer off the night before so that she and Ever both could get some much-needed rest. She had called Jill’s parents when she knew that Ever was ok and she had left a message for Jill as well. She noticed she had a text from Mr. and Mrs. Davis telling her to call them if there was anything they needed and to make use of the cabin for as long as she and Ever liked. She had two missed calls from Jill, she was sure just wanting to make sure that they were both ok. She would call her back when they got back to the cabin. A nurse entered the room to take Ever’s vitals and Mia took the opportunity to step into the bathroom and wash up a bit. She splashed some cold water on her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She still looked tired, the bags under her eyes faded but not yet gone. It would take more than one good night’s rest for that she thought. When she returned to the room, Ever was sitting on the side of the bed putting on a fresh pair of scrubs.

  “My clothes are still a little damp. The nurse gave me these, and she said she will be right back with my discharge papers.”

  “That’s great.” Mia walked to where Ever sat on the bed. “Are you sure you’re ok to leave?” She asked running a finger down the bridge of Ever’s nose and across her lips. Ever closed her eyes at the touch.

  “I’m more than ok. I want to get out of here.” Ever looked at Mia and shook her head with a slight smile on her face.

  “What?” Mia asked amused

  “I just… after everything, I can’t believe you came for me.” Ever shook her head and looked down. Mia bent lower and looked Ever in the face. She kissed the corner of her mouth softly.

  “I’ll always come for you Ever.” She whispered as she deepened the kiss. When Ever’s tongue touched her own, she couldn’t help but moan?

  “God, I’ve wanted to do that ever since I saw you last night.” Mia said breathless as Ever caught her mouth in another searing kiss. Mia’s knee’s felt week, and she wasn’t at all sure she would be able to remain on her feet for much longer when they heard someone clear their throat at the ro
om’s door.

  “Well I was going to ask how you were feeling but I see that is not necessary.” Dr. Stevens laughed as he entered the room. Both Mia and Ever felt the heat in their cheeks and blushed as they smiled at each other. “Here are your discharge papers and an after-care sheet. If you start spiking a fever or if something just doesn’t feel right, please don’t hesitate to come back ok?” The doctor handed the packet of papers to Ever who set them down beside her on the bed as she tied her sneakers. “Word has it there is a very small but very vocal kitten waiting for you not so patiently as the triage desk.” Mia and Ever smiled and Dr. Stevens shook both of their hands before leaving the room.

  “Are you ready?” Mia asked putting her coat on and helping Ever with hers.

  “Yep, let’s go get the little screamer out there and get back to the cabin. A warm fire and a little cuddling are in order I think.”

  Ever quickly kissed Mia’s cheek as they both walked out of the room and toward the loud meows of Hope in the distance.

  As they had both ridden in the ambulance from the lakeside to the hospital, and Mia’s car was still at the cabin Mia and Ever decided to take a taxi home. Ever cuddled Hope who had immediately fallen asleep on her chest. Mia thought it was adorable and tried to secretly snap a few pictures with her phone. When they reached the cabin, Mia paid for the taxi and they both got out of the car. The front landscaping of the cabin was completely torn up from the Rescue trucks and ATV’s. Ever shook her head.

  “I’m going to have to send the Davis’ some money to get this fixed. What a mess.” Mia took Ever’s hand and gave Hope a quick scratch on the head.

  “I don’t think they expect that. Ever. They are just happy that you are ok, trust me.”

  “Well, whether they expect it or not, I am still going to do it. This is my fault after all.” They made their way to the front door of the cabin and Ever removed her keys from her pocket and unlocked the door. The inside of the cabin was in much better shape and it obvious to Mia that the Davis’ had cleaned up before they left. She was glad to see that as more guilt was the last thing Ever needed right now. Ever stooped down and set Hope on the floor who immediately went exploring, the kitten was fearless thought Mia as she watched her pounce on a dust bunny that had wafted out from under the couch. Mia and Ever watched her in amusement.


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